
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 10, 1927 PAGE SEVEN Weekly London Letter Petitions Against Lawyers BY ANDREW BLACKMORE. HIGHER WAGES We wa kwanini tanti ti ti ti vendos ir NOTICE Theor making sorte charges that are will sixpences (Continued from pagº 2)
terms of settlement signed by Counsels in the matter, whereupon HisHonour tools the opportunity to comment on the prevalence of petitions of litigants in cases wbere Counsels on both eides agreed to a settlement.
They rusbed to petition the Gov.
of that they ware being robbed of their rights sad gave the Judges great deal of trouble. Too much of It was going on and it should be cbecked. Toere are too many idle people about. be added, bo for tow write these petitions.
Mr. Reilly replied that be was glad His Honour had stated that. It was known to the prolession to be the root of the wbole trouble.
Frivolous aliegation, were generally made against Solicitors and took ap te time of the Jodge.
His Honour: The statements are so drastic that you cao al most imile Mr. R iliy: It is diftieul: for any legislation to be made to remedy it.
His Honour; It is in Cases such as this peple rap to send petitions 10 tbe Governor that the wh le lot if you conspired to defraud bm of their rights; including the Judge.
average Save your empty Lucky Strike Packages for the coming year. We have the largest assortment of Premiums on the Isthmus to offer you.
Our Premium List includes the following: more bo walio weekly working The Ministry of Labour have attempted to estimate the relative levels of wages in the Un! ted Kingdom in 1914 and 1927 The figures finally reached ned are not conclusive, owing to the difficulty of obtaining the average rates that were then and are st present paid in certain industries Nevertheless, even sllow ing for the statistics missing, it is possible to arrivo at certain broad conclusions that cannot be lar from the truth.
The general conclusion reached is that the average increase in weekly full time wages is from 70 to 75 per cent. The increase in the cost of living, is 67 per cent. Therefore, taking industry wi whole und of wage rates between one in tion is drawn to wide ander dustry and apotber and betweea ibe unskilled and the skilled men in certain industries. the present weekly full time wages are found to to be than sufitcient as a whole to maintain the pre war standard of living.
Owing to the the considerable reduc tions in normal hours which were made in nearly all industries in 1919 and 1920, the percentage increase in bourly rates of wages since 1914 is substantially greater. While it is not pr the basis of available information to make any precise calculation, it seems probable that at the end of September 1927. the average of hourly rates was between 90 per cent and 100 per cent above that of August 1914. Another point which is not in the official estinate, is that, in the last three years, both the cost of ving and the increase in bave become more or less stablised. It may therefore te cluded that now, generally. bigber level of pros.
perity throughout Great Britala than there was in the year 1914; and this notwithstanding the unemployment problem, which zust never be overlooked in any estimate of our national Base Balls Base Ball Bats Cigarette Cases Cameras Cutlery Clocks Chinaware Combs Men Ladie Handbags, Ladies Hair Brushes Flash Lights Enamelware Gillette Razors Blades Tobaco Pouches Perfumes Aluminum Ware Jewelry Pocket Knives Shaving Brushes Glassware Toys, Etc.
wwwwwww Sorrcticable on Racing.
level December Meeting GOMEZ CUP OFFERED Wages there Con is Monday January Write for illustrated Catalogue, or visit our Premium Department, No. Pablo Arosemena Street, Javillo Fill, Panama.
well belog enable mannnnnnn ma The official programme of the Trinidad Turf Club for the December meeting is a very 81tractive one. Toe races will be beld on Monday and Tuesday, 26th and 27th December, and 2nd. The thre days bave been declared public holidays and the attendance sbould be very large. For the past few weeks the Turt Club authorities have been busy making repairs to the Paddock and Stald to meet the require medis of the big attendance expected and a new results board bas been put up, giving all particulars to tbe public follow tbe racing with greater facility.
It is gratityiog to note that Colonel Gocz. lo Gomez bas reconsidered his decision and the Comez Cup will be given 48 usual. This means that the TT.
will bave the patronage of race.
horses from Venezuela at its December meeting and it is also very probable that Barbados will be represented by at least three thoroughbreds.
If this hope materialises the public will witness tbe best racing seen locally for many a year.
The Gomez Cup will be over tbe 1 mile, and the winner will receive a Cup and 000, The second horse 250, and 100 to the third The Governor will ba a run on the opening and will be mile and a balt, with 500 added to the wianer, 100 to the second animal and 50 to the third There will be dine races on day, eight on the second, and ninu on the last day.
The prizes have been made more attractive than in recent years, owing to the better tioan.
clal of the Club and the public abould witness some keen struggles eepcially in view of the number of new importations racing for the tirst time, and the invasions expected from Venezuela, Barbados, Grenada and probably Martinique.
Educating London Millions The education of London Milions is a problem of such dimensions and complexity and has been so competently solved, that is not surprising that nearly 5000 visitors Mጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥል come each year from all parts of the world to study the methods and organization now employed. The London Country Council Education Com mittee here mittee bave to explain the present system. It reviews the many changes ages in London schools during the past quarter of a century including ibe organization of central and open air schools.
school medical services and care committees, the part played For any child or adult.
by the public in fostering It a tonic nutriment.
secondary education, and the ex pansion of technical and other forms of continued education, The many changes which have also occurred within the schools (Continued on page 8)
BRITISH GUIANA little volumentos brought out recently SINALCO Christmas Cards!
funds in CAD day: uver Good Assortment now on Display at the WORKMAN STATIONERY STORE the opening position Get your supply early, mail your relatives and friends abroad.
suggested of PRICES the most reasonable to meet the dull times and the pockets of all.
ad tion Report of Con Canada West Indies stitution Commission. Continued from page Georgetown Nov, 25.
weekly service from Halifax to The report of the British St. Kitts, Antigua, Barbados, Guiada Constitution Commission Trinidad and Demerara will be has just been issued. The main operated with the Canadian features of the report are: The Otter, Canadian Ranner, and abolition of the exis Canadian Squatter, the first uing Court of Policy and Com sailing being made on December bined Court and the substitution will call at Guadeloupe southitution 9th. Once month these ships therefore of singlese Chamber bound. There will be no change Legislative Council; the proposed introduction of a nominated in the fortnightly serviec being unofficial element in the Legis operated out of lative Council; the recommenda. Halifax by the Cadadian Skir misher, Canadian Pathfinder, that the Legislative Council should consist of 14 elected mem Canadian Volunter and Cana bors ad 15 official Wer: Alan Carrier to Bermuda, Navis, cluding the Governor Antigua. St. Kitta, Monterrat, nominated members, the Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados, only to bave casting St. Vincent Grenada, Teinland wote; the strong recommendation and Demerar.
that all members of the Executive The monthly intercoastal sørCounell should be members of of vice from Hallfax to Vancouver nominated unofficial and two the Legislative Council, tbree will be kept op with the Cansthree dian Wianer, Canadian Importer elected members of the Legis. Canadian Spinner and Canadian lature to be included in the Execu Miller and calls will be made at tive Council, recommending that Jamaica eastbound.
of a a deadlock which is considered remcte, the Governor be to reserve forded extensioa of the franchise to bis owo desleision any matter women; suggested establishment he the State consideren Seitetary cod of new electoral districts home to good fixed by a Commission; qualifGovernment recommendation cation for membership in new that claim to be registered as a Council to be 400 per voter sbould be supported by a Income or property to the value Tatatutory declaration; recommen of 5, 000.
ALSO fine supply of and Gorernor Dog Racing at Wembley London, Nov. 22. The work of transforming Wembley Stadium into a grayhound racing course has been completed and the tirat meet at the new track will be held on December 10. new motor road to the stadium bas been built and twenty acres of parking space bas been provided. The capacity of the stadium will be 90, 000 persons which is not an unusual dog racing crowd in London.
Arrangements bave been made with the railroads and the subway company to run special trains to the track The racing apparatus is so constructed that it all is removable on short notice and this will not interfere with the bolding of football matches and other athletic games in the stadium.
Tbe works cost in the neighbourhood of 150, 000.
Greeting Cards suitable for Lodges and Friendly Societies.
in case Riven power to ADVERTISE IN THE Soum WORKMAN It Pays


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