p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THF FOREMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 17, 1927) o Look Them Over practical Bishop.
rerin Der lion.
grand driver pinded Solis whep seat rebe rand driver, and wheel giving the di. ch wreck.
to have total drivende seene of Toe THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store pictures puncture of 36.
Taero bilm ShowD Downhill in London, Fatal Motor Car SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Weekly London CHURCH SERVICES Accident Letter Sı. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Fourth Sunday in Advent One Killed Outright And (Continued from page 7)
Two Injured.
Eucharistie Service, 11, a. and Peacber The are also discussed, with special Celebrant Captain David Solis, head of the reference to sports police section of the Province of work, schcol journey, educa Church School, 00, Veraguns, Was iosta stly killer tional visits, and individual work. Choral Evensong and und Dr. Enrique Ruiz Vernseci, The following just arrived and are being The estimated total gross exper. 30, m. Preacher The Retur member of the editorial staff of diture on all education services MULCARE, Rector LA ESTRELLA de PANAMA, and in London is 12. 761 595, of Captain Jose Maris Zulets, inoffered at prices to suit everybody :which 64, cent goes to the St Simon s, Gambea strutor of the cavalry sec ion of mentary education; about de National Police Force, were 21 per cent is divided between secondary Cambon and nearby villages are Our members and friende at eriously injured as a result of an schools and technical educatio ut mobile accident which occurred Photo Albums Scrap Albums and a little over 14 per cent cordially invited to the annual on Weiwesday afternoop last ontoe between special service, such as Harvest Festival to be held a rond between the towns of Santa Vellum Pocket Books Waria and Parita, Province of the wedical service and the pro St. Simon tomorrow, The serStenographers Note Books vision of meals. and administra Vicos mill be as follows:Herrera.
The total of children At 10. 45, a. Matins, followed by a celeration of the Holy young. by Doctor Veranesi, Due Writing Pads Children Toy Books tending schools of all type is now Eucnaeist with sermon. The Rev.
to a wet road the car skidded, ran 909. 171. Of these 62, 083 am Mulcare will be the Cele. into a ditch, turned turtle and elementary school child. e. 17brant and Preacher.
its vecupants underneath Accounting Day Books At 3, nm, there wiil be a special are students at, eventos slot It is reported that Captain classes, and 30 000 are scholars at Musical Program.
was riding in the front secondary schools and 25, 583 at with T. MULCARE.
the car skidded he central schools. Of the Hymn Prayer Books got frightened and Holy bibles total 672 801 are childreo, 120. 824 St. Barnabas Empire, grabbed the steering are adolescents. and 115, 546 are 340. are it a which helped to send the adults. These figures do not take Matins and address, 11, am Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets into the di and converted it into a or cort with into account of private schols, 10 Mr. E. Johnson, Lay Reader.
which the total cost of education Church School 3, pm Attention of residents of IN paid by parents or guardians Mouth Organs in two sizes Chitre, the first per: T, WULCARE Rector They are for scholl Suardians person to AMERICAN EPISCOPAL a car pass the education is provided free the accident, was attracted tbe CHURCH to booklet should be of very great wreckage by the constant blowing Pocket Knives, Scout Knives. Meador Knives interest to all who wake a study Furthunday in Advent of the whistle of e wreckee of educational problems, not only macnine, th: blowing being caused in Er gland but abroad. It shows St: Paul Church, Panam by the pressing of the electric and many other items too numerous to mention tbe working of a masterly organ.
button against Captain Zuletas isation which should serve as a ctor am Holy Communion The mudel chest, be being pioned in that 10. 15 m Mantios MrFR position from whicb he was unab, e British Film Production to extricate bimself Atwell. Lay Reader Captain Solis apparently died Toe advent of Winter has 10. 30 am Holy Eucharist from a blow received in the head.
Dr. Vernacci received a blow in the shewn no great falliog off in the sermon. The Rector production of films in this coun12 pm Holy Baptism back just below the waist line and try. The number of pictures in om Church School showed symptoms of internal course of 30 m Chora! Evenson hemorrhage, while Doctor Zuleta 93 Central Avenue :3 Panama City 12 in the production is 11 against suffered from the facture of several hin the middle of prember. sermoa. The Rector, There is, however, a slight in Wednesday, 21st. St. Thomas ribs on the right side with possible crease in the number of the definitely ander consideration for ares Day. Dr Vernacci and Captain Zuleta 6, Holy Communion, formed part of early production, the number of group of proThe Retor.
tessors which accompanied the are, therefore, at tbe 30 pm Evensong Glee Club of the Nat onal! ostitute present time 75 new British bilo Christmas Eve: Holy Eenarist on a tour of the interior. The Lindburg Te Visit Pa.
dew Club had just concluded a concert in prospect against 70 in the commencing at midnight Saturday middle of last month. notable nama in Santiago when, accompanied by St Alban Church, Paraiso called was Captain Solie. Vernacci and Zuleta ndon, and is CANAL ZONE started out for Chitre.
The Republic of Panama will be of universal interest. showii (A, Nighteogale within a short time, honored with life in British Public School, the presence of Colonel Charles Priest ia charge Three other British tilms should Arrival of Mr. Garvey Lindburg, the one eaglewho be mentioned. The Gaost Trump am Matins and address from the 10 ur ded on the well known play, Mr Dehorne, United Sures. Paris, France, is regarded as an excellent pic3 nm Chureh School. AND and is now in Mexico City where Continued from page 1) 30 mn. Choral Evensong ture and likely to be a he reached on Wednesday of this any market. The and address, the Catechist uses in Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 hanpy whilst another is sadly poor, week, flying from Washington whicb tne story is founded on Christmas Day: Holy Com. was born in the beautiful Du, covers 2000 miles in the parish of St. Ann near the fulls of air. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages the stage play of modern live munion and sermon at am: This picture is also a good one. St. Matthias Mission the Roaring River. grew with Complying with a request from The remaining films entitled, nature and drank much of her in President Rodofo Chlari, Col. a LAS SABANAS spiration; soul is of Lindburg promises to visit Pana Summary of Contents: screen version of a famous music (Rev F Nightengale. human love, and on this my re ma; and plans are alreay under bal sketch which depicts the Priest in Charge History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 yearsj urn to Jamaica shall seek to do all or bim to land not on the way comicide of cockney lite. It is pm Church School of the people Canal Zone but in the territory of Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, will acted, and the bumour 730 pm Choral Evensong and who suffer most. Anything that the Republic of Panama and to Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, thub a little cruce for English address Mr. A Richards, Lay will help to solve the great world accord him a reception befitting humou. cannot fail to provide Reader.
problem of the Negro, with which such a distinguished American.
Magnificent Records of the 1925 Tou, Dany Ruut laugbs wherever the Seventh Day Adventist am particularly charged, by Photographs of the Tea ns and 16 Individual film is abowo. STREET CALIDONIA virtue of my position as President General of the Universal Negro Players ROAD near Isthmian Park Pana.
Improvement Association, shall Váluable, Instructive, Historical, not fail ccurate, Complete and to do Tame Jamaicao, by birth. Cosmopolitan House. Interesting The Boston Chronicle Sabbath (Saturdav. 458 Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Genam a Negro, and all things black eral Worship Spanish appeals to me with a loving sym 31 CALIDONIA ROAD Price 50cts.
Class; love the black race (Continued from page 1)
respect every unit of it. 4. 30 in, Society, have gladly suffered to win recogoition island of Jamaica, Already many meeting 30 pm. Junior and MCALMON. Prop.
white Secure yours now there will be a great rush Americaos bave for the people, and am willing at advantage of this and can be class, p. Vespers.
taken Senior Staudard of attainment all times to yield all for them. We will repeat our bargain for them, found there. Two of the most respect all, and only those who sale on collars to continue notable naturalized citizens of tbe Topic for Sunday night Dec. 10, respect my race, and anyone who until December 24th Another Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN island who have been prominent 1927. Educational program.
thinks he can insult my race and in island affairs: Col. Hicks and Panama GRIZZLE Pastor merit my respect is mistaken. chance to own some cheap Hopkins, a civi a civil war veteran fear no one in the world, but God. collars of quality. Get yours and a New England Yankee, could respect all constituted not be from the island with wild 80, 00 Maximun and during my staying early.
shall do everything to co operate Also just arrived a large assortment of The island may yet become the with the Goveroment in helping ENGLISH CHRISTMAS CARDS centre of a West Indion Confeder Continued from page 11 the common peoole. Knowing the NOTICE OF REMOVAL. ation embracing nut only all the service tie special rate lapses coostitutional Laws of England as Beautifully designed nicely worded islands of the British West Indies All rates already approved in do and the Laws of Jamaica moderately priced, Your inspection but also the Islands shall within the THE OFFICE OF of Cuba, compliance with the new order will Law do everything Hayti, Santo Domingo and the become effective on January to help the people in keeping with welcomed. CAMBRIDGE small French and Duteb proses 1928. In addition to those, small of my duties as increase from one cent an bour bead of the Garvey will still be heard from two dollars and fifty cents a month ment Negro uplift.
Has been removed to No, 6023, Balboa He catrict be easily suppressed, to hourly and moatly men, respect. The authorities of of Jamaica may his tekebings bave been carried ively, on me to co operate with sling about leadership. All desire Avenue, between 6th and 7th Streets.
far afield and even in the deep deserving casee, also to be effective and help them to preserve that is to see a bappy people and shall recesses of Africa, it is said, the on January first, if recommended great system of order that has been co operate with all the powers that name Garvey is a tribal word, to the Governor by heads of depeculiar to the island of Jamaica, be to bring that about Jamaica can well afford to wel. partments of the Canal.
an integral part of the British Em have no accusations to make come ler son who has helped many Speculation is is rife among the pire, bate nothing worse than about present or past leadership. The Greyhounds will to find themselves.
Silver force to when and to disorder.
can be accom, am in sympathy with everybody REMEMBER!
whom the balance of more than plished through disorder, and who does everything to advance hope no one will mistake my pre the manhood of the country: SINÁLCO Race after all twenty five increases over 80. 00 month will be accorded; while sence in Jamnica for anything else have had a number of friends in hundreds of them are wishing that bit peacefully and intelli Bogland, in and out Parliament, Enriches the blood whose they will be Kennelworth tocam mended by their beads property be gently helping the people of my and nope to meet them when 1 race. Al such scoundrels as seek go to England in the Spring, and of patriotism as a cloak for their with their co operation shall do Indication are that greyhounds Park stands, has been satisfactorily departments for increases up to, will resume thrir chase ol electrier signed and his controlling shares rate.
sett ed when president Towle and near as possible, the 80, 00 wrongs shall find in me a subborn as much rabbits st the famous Kennel in the Club bought by the Club.
as possible for the Oscar Foot Laid up.
Jamaican a Britisher who will Negroes, who are subjects of worth Park early in the coming not yield a tittle of his constitu Great Britain, eye, as shall year. between. Mr Towle sailed for Havana tional rights to spyone.
The many Mr. Oscar dent Tiwle of re Kerine, where is have no with the help of my white frience Foot, of the House of Lordzo will crub, Tome Princhen kan inte engagement reportedraducea de BOWEN am not here to engage in ar y in America, do for the Negroes of regret to learn that he is sick at rarine here early this year, and the racing dispute with any one as to leader America, home tsving been confined to bed Compania Unida de Duique, which ship have too much of the bus. am glad to be back and to for the past eight days. It ir arose out of the formei non the bands or a Committee, who No. M Street San Miguel Kennelworth affairs are now a TAILOR ness of my organization to look make friends with everybody. Ged sincerely hoped that he will sore compliance with ce tain contracts have not yet decided upon the after tham to waste time in wran ibless Jamaica and all its pronle. be up and around again. entered into with the latter upc exact date racing will be resumed. Panama City STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History hener my fall of can for the 0988 ma pathy.
pulled Worces the performanceernational movesions.
depend as Nothing for

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