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We can their sund perhaps Zone overs of music, especially fiods far a: can even iu that to men, makes are lot of the po poor and valuation on called to not for their better: message is tongues Wors woich help to an.
of vement from Christmas Carol Con Elaborate Plans Under CHRISTMAS MESSAGE.
cert way BY WHYTE, TO RECEIVE LONE The editor of the WORKMAN and EAGLE By Rev. Cousins. By Rev. Wade. By Rev. Mulcare. Bý Panama Glee and one of the editors of the STAR Concert Singers.
HERALD bave asked me for a Christmas message Elaborate preparations are un such request is based on the fact take it There would be no Christmas, if During these days, we are all Rector of St. Peter Church there were no Christ, Panama has wishing one another Happy (By DOTTIN) de. way for the reception and of my being head, for La Boca.
her Nov. 28th. The A, has Christmas. We are doing so doubt entertainment of Colonel Charles The fertile plains of Ju lah are brate the birth of a Saviour, As on Christmas day we cele Lindbergh on his arrival here from being, of the Panama Canal her July 4th. Great Britain has less, with all sincerity and friendli.
we Indian Emplovees cities own national holiday or holidays.
her May 24th. Each nation has its ness. Let us never forget what is enveloped in the thick darkness of take this opportunity to celebrate Mexico where he is at present an the only local onder organization involved in in our Christmas wishes nicht; but in the heaven above the birth of this musical orxaniza suvited guest of the President and for West Indians, and sent thad But Christmas Day is a holiday and of the for all christiao nations, because our course of action which the stars are shining bigtitly tion, and today, we sing the glad people of Mexico.
words of kindly greeting The stillness of the night is oprrox. tidling, Christ is born Col. Lindberg arrival will be three occasions in the same capacity, on that day is celebrated the com pledge us to persevere in We ali sive. The clock in the Tem le 1, 00 At the Panama Wesley Church rigunile by the ringing of church the community as one who thought ing to earth of the Saviour of it our power, more than marle with hands, eternal in the at 30 the members of the bells, tooting of horns and shrick himselt capable of sending such mankind. It is one of the few we perhap: thick, when the good heavens, is keepint accurate time, above named society will make its of sirens. Arrangements are message. Under these circumholidays observed throughout wishes are on our lips, to add to The hour for the fulfilment of tirst appearance before the public also being made to brosdeast stances it does not appear that Christendom. The season should the happines of one another.
We ancient prophecy is at nand. Die and it is expected that they will speeches, delivered during the can consistently do ocher than remind us in a special way of are dependent upon one another greatest event in the anals u reorive a hearty welcome. reception of the air ace. Also, as a accede tot. e request. send the the significance of Jesus of for kindly sympathy We can help the word has been recorde While the organization itself is feature of the elaborate entertain same mess, ge to both.
one another to be happy by kind great Book on bigh. There are quite rew many of its members are ment which is planned some of shephero a disculing Call the whole story of Bethle deeds, kind thoughts, and kind shepheris watchful, expectant, familiar to the public and it is Panama prettiest girls will make no apology for presenting hem a myth if you like; it is a can help one another intelligent guarding hoped that they will los no me dressed in Polera costumes ant to our section of the cominunity good and wonderfally powerful to be unhappy by deeds that are. local color to the proceedings.
fame myth It has done far more for not kind, by thoughts that are not some of the laurels to the point in addig new video for Carnival float to give the slogan ot the Panama Canay Indian Employes Associa.
musical tron, Higher mankind than any event known in enerous, by words that wound, the history of their nation. While newly orgnizovd Valuation. through history.
by tooks that are unfriendly. We they talk, au angelic visitur suus ciety making it debut on Christ.
can beth help others to be co deoly appears near them, and an mas day should create a sensation Ruth The Moabitesse agency of Organization. It is a fact that it is not on the Canal In our celebrations of the senson happy, and make ourselves so. indescribat ble flood of light encircles in musical circles and he interest.
alone that th Negro him elt we should consciously relate all we them. Fear paralysed them; but ing to all lovers of by do to Jesus ef Nazareth. The This day of days, preceding as it the changing of greetings, though does the day on which wood wishes tube herald angel bids thein: Fear when the music is such as tell of Scoros Huge Success an unreasonably low standard of fornal and customary is not with will be uttered for the New Year Som why they should not featmusje but Sacred hit speaks of the Moabitess. one of the most Empire, in the United States, and immediately the birth living, intentionally imposed upon ont there is no devoted by each remember, out its singoificance. Let this may well be of packed house greeted Rath him. It is so wherever be finds behold you good throughout the British and it would make a wonderful intercourse with one another and all people. For unto you is born the year we play and hear the sung cantata ever staged locally: Latin American countries significance become experience. intercourse the olves another ouring of great joy, which shall be to the birth of Christ. all through elaborate and perhaps the best these small struggling diference in our lives. Make the acts and thonghts, and words and this day in the city of David a clas ame are at on. have masters. but when Christmas last. The musieal drama princically was precally peopled by mongrels.
friend or acquaintance an echo of the utmost kindlinese and gentle saviour which is Christ the Lord, comes we sing and play in sucred sented by a full costumed is confronted with this difficulty, the song of the angels Goodness. For it is possible to live on It In makiog the great arounce tunes Christ is horn in Bethle ed choir of the Panama wesen, And it is oot tue Negro alone who a big weten day hem.
but it is the difference. Il will is the enemy of of greeting, pledge us to the soothing words of the herald Church, surroonded by an elaborate intellectually undevelped toiler, at the heart, the home, the comperiorm. It is possible for us to laugel being uttered, the assurance stage setting and accompanied by all times and in all places, be he munity, the world. It has done ourselves and others unhappy being givell that he was a bearer beautiful musie. It was repeated Cliristmas Cards Beautiful more to mar this earth of ours by breathing an air of constant to the shepherds of good tiding designs Reduced tn Hall Price at at the same place en Monday night white, black, yellow, red, or cop The theme of higher Der culored The before a fair gathering.
tban most any other cause.
suspicion, by encouraging in our the joy of heavenly choirs can be the WORKMAN Prio:ery.
The cantata was sung by four pressed or encumbered on on the part of the opthe napleasant quality is the force leading characters, Mrs. Doris by which they can be moved to will. ang lays it down as a con: fancy our dignity offended, by our meat: Glory to God in the high, Frenco race track tomorrow.
Christmas speaks to us of Good touchiness, by being too ready to wo louger restrained, and the firme to ment rings with the glad announce Ali roads will lead to Juan dition under which peace may arresting (Continued on page 8)
a lopt measures be enjoyed, for the the upon our est, and oa earth peace, good wil ment, and organization is the best Peace on earth among men of ideal rumours circulate towards meu.
agerey by which such measures Good will.
can be directed. The improvement of ca by the alfasily intotting ourselves of this supplementary SPARKLETS soy person or group of persons In all our celebrations and en idle tales that have the mischiel of angels, we see the design. It nouncement by the collective body must begin withia, if that joyments of the season, the potent sprint of a good wall prevail, and making the more they are passed was that the might do homage Merry Christmas (By KING)
inprovement is to be permanent race for bread, much less to som that to day in Great Britain, there and progressive. Thus do we find thus do bonour to ibe name of about. It is with others posible to interfere to their liege Lord in the first stage and His wonderful wish you a very merry Christ Pamily cupboard; we would inevit. dowo to a sixpence a day and subpete and win a deceat log for the is not a class of laborers beld And not only during the season, Iown advance to Christian charity. What line of conduct did the mos, gentle Tenderlo ime it has ably fail Tuto the category of the uansportation as the cob but throughout the couning year, nising over others, of by tyran. shepherds exhibit on hearing this not seemed a long time since last sioner whom the minister of reli viet colony of Australia if they resolving announcemeut? said They one you yes all through our lives, let us that our will shall be done. and another: Let us now go even untour occasion. There has been gion lectured for committing too attempt to combine to seek bigher thus on a will make our beart and homes thwarted. It is possible so to wages, as was the case about 100 It quite which the Lord greeted happy, and will make others happy ipdulge in suspicious thoughts that has come to pass, Гуоu, except our hath indispensable made kuowa unto us They Christmas greetings, gentle reader, family newspaper happy Christmas and a prosperous Rive chill of sadness to those messengers of the Birth of the in regular Christmas Number as pro. philosophical, hand it to you by manhood dawned on them, and the In this sense, wish you all a passing witbibs bastra and here is obeyed the vision, and had the account of some uncontrollable for it is mixed with unjust hum. They became dissatisfied with the us, help to be the human circumstauces, will not issue the our and psuedo philosophy; but condition imposed on thera, when am somewhat light New Year.
with whom we come into contact. carnate Son of God, mised, and have not succeeded in a Let us all believe that the gentler way of passing: Now.
waxing rich, independent said labor and trades unions bave been said promptings within Tomorrow shall celebrate afluent as had contemplated the spiritual leader to the sinner, the result, notwithstanding perse.
Women Life Problem Club. Promptings of Christ. Let us have once more the Birthday of the when last greeted you.
way for you to avoid cution. Through their ageacy the committing so many sins is to pick old lines of demarcation between LA BOCA, CANAL ZONE.
faith in our other. Lut us believe mas felicitations with our friends now is not what it used to be when cummit a sin; put the stone into bad existed for hundreds of years, faith in one Be that as it may, Christmas up a little stone every time you and white man, that in the Christlike in our friends and and relatives. To them we Extend Christmas and New Year Tet us be prepared to sfe Jesus will be irrepressible. Everybody reader. Apart from the surprisingly bleur pocket and the first few pob have been wiped out and now for neighbours as well us in ourselves. sent valuable gifts. Our spontaneity you and were young, gentle your Greetings to all of their Friends bles will remind you of the weight gotten things there is social and and other handicaps placed on one economic everywhere. Christmas is in in a position to do so will bave short distance which appears who sios regularly; you ll then dope that springs eternal in ao And the Community.
adjustment, and the the air, which is another way of good time.
now, and the saying that there is a Divine lavished prodigal indulgences them tben, we find ourselves on sin, and the chances are, you will all, tthat he may rise according arte.
in spite of our parently long distance between think twice before you commt a human breast is now the right of Nothing in the whole Presence everywhere. us varied and intellectual ability, of the people is to pleasant to say as Merry whole of life will seen to us to be spirit and meaning of Christmas: ministers, is the better one the the following mooth the spiritual the Negru as a man and general conduct.
So must For Christmas is the season suffused with a diviner light. The il we fall to seek and find the Babé sverige. Pode sponsible and happy with. when we were. leader encountered the sinner when kindness and generosity and spiritual kingdom which Christ of of the Bethlehem as truly and beudiog himself. In other parts of the friendliness kindle anew the hearts came upon earth to establish is a shephereds sought and found Him, and which with due deference to a we were on the receiving end, the under a bag filled with pebbles world he is already on on the job. If of men and women and when we kingdom that will ever reveal to Christmas, after all, not only What on earth in the West Indies (British) we and colored (all or helt bappy in the happiness of wis be galo le te lever wanted to the vapid, but moreler ve heyat niet meer nie, seems to me to me that a contioned to repirica others.
us thoughts will render in our Therefore, in wishing be better.
Sin, revered, Negroes of course) heads of gov acquitting them the the aumerous readers of the But us at Christmas the In the sincere spirit of good more and more assured that selves creditably sioner, will we extend you greetings and Spirit of Christ is ever giving to WORKMAN a Happy Christmas, it time get involved in controversial these here, indicating his pockets erament departments, as members wish you a joyous Christmas, us Dew life.
is with the hope that it will not be matters by drifting from a happy and the bag, represent only the of the learned professions, as trade. And may the spirit that makes to an uohappy issue. At this time many small sins; for the big sens men, farmers, etc. itis because Christmas so precious continue Suspected Burglar Arof the year each and every one of collect big stones and those pack they were not slow in setting a us with us throughout the years to in a cart which is takes a little retrospect of lifa; behind.
coming up higher value upon themselves.
come, enriching us with the blessRetirement Pay And they saw that the first step to and while doiog so, we are compell ed to pause for along while Now, as you will undoubtedly its attainment was education, ings of mutual helpfulness and upon cordial relations with our fellow that time when we used to teach or agree with me, gentle reader, that In presenting this theory of men, lightening our tasks and who is thought to be connected Wyclix Lynch, West Indian, For American Citizens. to be taught in Sunday School was em jocorrigible signer batcao higher valuation to be worked making more fruitful and bappy with the breaking of a safe at the that time when we were more or remember having tried that very out by organization must associall our days.
Copy of the Panama Casal less able to recite from memory the common during the West Caribbean Training School Special Retirement Bille as intro history of Jesus Christ from before and were young, and it brevettation of Higher and Technical EduMrs. Florence Smith, President; at Las Cascadas, and robbery of duced in the House of Representa bis birth e days when you tion with internization the acquisipeople rise ed me from committing many to Miss Ethiyo Thomas, Secretary.
any. ar. tives States on the that time when great rested at Gamboa on Thursray. Ii 12th of this month, was received living in the water aine Busca the Krouble was that our primary standard or education elementary bight Brltish Consulate Notice is reported that a sum of money in and pubiished here yesterday. It heaven. that had porketed a number of that were peoples who time we used the vicinity of that wheih was lost is reported that the Bill carries the to take the pains to either jot down pebbles equal to half a pocket full, are dominating the affairs of the The British Consulate was found bim, on discarded the practice for several world would not be spending so ok. of Governor Walker and or gather pebbles to keep track of General at Panama desires inSecretary of War Davis Em our little sins. Unfortuna ely, reasons band soon forgot it.
Now that nave sume practical to say nothing of high schools much. on colleges and universities, The British Consulate General ployees who have given fifteen or however, those days have withered formation as to the whereabou:s of Mr. Robert Francis, at Pagama, desires information as more years of service on the Istl. away, gentle render; in these days experience of life and living, find trade schools. We must have the the whereabouts of Jamaica, who was last Batson, of Barbados, who was for retiremeat under the provision we would not have enough time charactor of Christ one will have In most organizations the element Ormie mus are those who will be eligible if we begin to mark down our sins that actry to comulate the symbolic education to know how to organise.
heard ofin Panama.
last heard of in Panama, oftheB ill.
left to eveu post our entry in the (Continued oa Page 8)
Continued on page 8)
10 ia getting into to greeted in line with years ago.
that this.
us are the we a good white to in the But in of our seperate them to emancipate bulging as are you lipituisl have black loaded in will men leader. is groaned were.


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