
Towa Good Assortment now on Display the probably West your supply early, mail your relatives the dull times and the pockets of all.
Greeting Cards from some eternal problem ped for this are only be reasons for years work bouring ieg islands nas CELEBRATE Weekly London Letter barban and country districts are 01.
Cuban Comes To lhé growing icto picturesque and bealthful towns and villages wib Defence Of Jamaicans BY ANDREW BLACKMORE. all th amenities of life. Much of this development has been bapAirship Tours To Canada bazırd and uncontrolled. Our Much Abused Labourstage has DOW been reached ers, Helping to make determined effort is now be wb some sort of co ordination ing made to develop British Tbe Ministry of air ia necessary, Pecple of Nearby Republic services on more ambitious lori Health has taken up this quesRich.
Sir Sefton Brancker, Director of tion, and alread, there have been Civil Aviation has just announcPlanning Conferences in THEY OWE US MUCH ed that the two British airships the provinces; and the first meetnow being built will be ready by Ing of the Greater London Joint next summer, and that they will Planning Committee bas taken at the Reprint of Letter Written by first be used on an experimental place. The most ixteresting bugPresident of Labour Union of service to Canada. These vessels gestion pat before the London will each have accommodation for Committee was that there should WORKMAN STATIONERY STORE Eastern Cuba one bundred passengers, and be created an agricoltural or It to seperate the Great they will attain a speed of about rural belt sevents knots an hour. In order er Landor of today from Through the courtesy of Mr.
Stanley George Marriott of the to secure the assistance tance of trade building expansion of the future.
Santiago de Cabs odice of the winds, their route will tbe 93 obably The constant growth of Get West Indian Panama Telegraph be via Bathurst, on the Londo1 suburbs will be guided Co. Ltd. the Jamaica GLEANER African Coast, and the Az öres. and directed, and development Another experimental airship will be concentrated by the esand friends abroad.
wo der the above captions publishes the following translation between Eaglind and India. Ine which will pernit more officient route is also being organiza tablishment of satellite 98 of a letter appearing in the DARIO de Cuba of the 7th inst, first stop in this case will be local government and economic The letter was written by the Ismailia, where the mooring mast servic But most important President of the Labour Union has already been er od, and th, of all. the amenities which have PRICES the most reasonable to meet for the eastern end of Cuba and second ai Karach; but in good given a particular cnaracter to weather the The question of preserved in all future expanparticularly expresses the feeling should be the English countryside, will be made of thousands of workers there: without a a stop JAMAICA AND ITS WORKERS an airship service to South Africa blon.
is also being considered, and this Pictures by Wireless In view of the proximity of the will be o considerable value British scientist has invented sugar crop, the owners of different sugar centrals are endeavour.
from the points of view of both what promises to be the most ALSO ing to get the necessary cabe pleasure and of commerce. Ac ingenious device hitherto made cutters and othor workers, and cording to Sir Setton Brancker, for the transmission of pictures there will be an enormous reduc. by wireless telegraphy. The inA fina supply of have asked the President of the Republic for his authority to tion in flying time during the vention is enti ely his own, and is bring cane cutters from the next ten, possibly during the based on principles diferent next tive years.
rs. The flight from from those hitherto employed in Deighbouring islands.
This is sure to bring comment London to Australia will be re the attempts that bave made to suitable for Lodges and Friendly Sosieties.
of the duced from 17 to 7k diye, and the sclve the problem of transmittico daily papers on the of immigrajourney to Capetown, now map images, According to the reports tion and they will undoubtedly out to take 10 days, will be of actual experiments that have harp upon the old topic of immidone in 41 days. The gration being inconvenient and are tbui aircraft are beprejudicial to the Republic, and ing constantly improved and therefore ground organization al bough it is it is less than seven becomes less and less necessary 360 36Sexos sexsccss SS sooooo: se 50 52 and suficient workers could not sirce prosperity abounded and night flying will soon be a be found big factor ard will cossiderably to do the proshrten the time taken on long paganda at that that time in neighd stance fli, b:s.
a as responded to whole heartedly, and nobody Government of Indi. then bothered whether the im.
WŁ en Parlament reassembl. a early in November the announce migrants were it convenient or prejudictal but now that Coba, ment was made that an Indian the same as the rest of the Statutory Commission had been world, is passing through the appointed to consider Various most disastrous economic crisis, problems connec ed with the partially through our own fault Government of India. The whole put the working of the system of Go blame on the poor and indefenernment is to be erquired into sible West Indian labourer.
as well as the grow of educa.
It is just as well it immigra: tion and the development of tion is limited if workers are not representative Institutions. reqnired or those that do arrive, is to be made 89 to after their work is finished whether and to wbat extent it should be repatriated, but it is de irable to establisb the absolutely wrong to brand all of principle of responsible Government, or to extend, modify, or them of whong doers and accuse ve things for which they restrict the present system Tbe are not to blame, and it is ut fair is also to be considered to generally condemn them 38 ter oh as to whether the establishment of second chemb some writers bave dorie, and al though the continue committing legislatures is or is cot desirable the eternal error of According to the Indian Reforas nations by judging their immig!
According to this Commission foto was to have been app inted in tion the fact, and it is December 1929, the Govern known that the agricultural to anticipate the of islands are of the lower classes.
two years, as they hope to lay before Parliament as soo What idea could be formed of as possible proposals, based upon Cuba nation, if they had the Commission tidings, which to o judge us by some of our unwill lead to the necessary te educated country folk.
forms and will be reached by lines are in defence of an agreement with all paries island whose psychology have concerned. In effect this means amply studied and to whom that there is every desire to Cuba owes eternal gratitudeconsider ibo legitimate aspeteJamaica aod feel proud to tions of the Indian people todefend her workers, although wards responsible Government not of my race, and without peraspirations which have grown sonal gain or motive. The island through the developmeit of of Jamaica je united with Cuba Indian political thought durlig (Cortioued on page the past genera. ijn, The Future of the Countryside When the first ramshackle motor. car appeared on the roads SINALCO there were many people who realised in teres of aut mobiles Regulates the stomach, what the development of the in gives healthy and natural ternal combustion engine would lera sleep.
lead to. But there were few who could bave foreseen what the effects of this develop ine increasing koent, and the ever popularity of the been made, it will be possible by motor could be on the English this device to broadcast all kinds of pictures; and they can be retrystde. To provide for the improvement of existing roads, and ceived by means of a simple and for the making of new inexpensive apparatus. The chief Road Fund was created out of systems of pictorial wireless is the taxes on care, with the result that the picture remains visible that a series of magoiticent main and minor classes of bighways na screen before the eyes of the roads are appearing from one receiver during the wbole time of transmission; it is not a photoend of the country to the other.
No sooner are these roads comgraphic plate which has to be end pleted than they are o ed or bm live and delicate is it that devoloped afterwards. So effectregular transport, prints and small portraits can be not only for passengers but for trad. smitted and received in ell merchandist. This means that the whole length of th se roads be made accessible tn the public their detail. The invention will is being brouxbt. within reach of within few weeks, ard it is the centres of industry where confdently prophesied that it people work; ard it therefore enables will revolutionise broadcasting.
the in tho e Captain Falton is said to be malalong the centres tu go and ing the necessary arrangeminta at a distance from the for patentiug bis in rentior, and work and in the congenial su: when they are cel ted be will roundings of the country. The place it before the British scienorercio ded cities art slowly emptying themselves, a Boss life worli BUCasses in Report, and is question is bot local rs of YOUR XMAS they do not not take wel!
ment decided to date by tws uba by any These BY DRINKING Sexo coas car, SILVER BUT COUDones, a OD SPRAY services of tra SOWET workers Pads


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