
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 24, 1927 THE WORKMAN Phone 331 Panama, Box 96, Panama Box Ancon, Publisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applica.
WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Paoams All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return reOne Month 25. jected correspondence. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS SATURDAY DECEMBER 24, 1927 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Charles Dowling 53 CENTRAL AVENUE Fancy Groceries CN66145 37503XXXXXXSE 150 415 MERRY XMAS TO ALL We extend today to one and all a merry Christmas and the good will which this Season of the year demands that we extend to one another.
The Christian world the people of nearly every country in the civilized world celebrate December 25th of each year in commemoration of the time when the saviour of mankind, Jesus Christ, is said to have been born in Bethlehem of Judea to the Virgin Mary, at which time the angels sang that beautiful immortal strain, Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will to all men.
Christmas is a super holiday, a holiday of holidays: it commemorates the birth of one through whom the world receives the sublimest and the soundest fundamental teachings and ethics, covering and applicable to man in every department of his endeavour. Christmas is symbolical of true friendship, brotherly love, peace and good will, a state initiated by Christ, practiced by Him and intended by Him to be practiced and to be the bed rock upon which man should carry on for all time.
As a child, Jesus left the most genuine examples of Jove for parents; even up to the hour of His death, He did not forget to seek protection for His mother As a man the saviour of mankind associated almost exclusively with the poor; He was at no time in close company with the wealthy and affluent, and only when a boy do we remember Him conversing with the High Priests and Elders. He picked His disciples from among the lowly, and a fisherman was one of them. He was the symbol of modesty. He expounded his religion not from the pulpits of the great tabernacles of His day, but from the waysides; and we find Him whipping the money changers from the temple with the quick rebuke: My father house is a house of worship, but ye have made it a den of thieves. Christ fed his hearers when they became bungry after listening to his preachings, and while He pointed out that those who preach the gospel. should live by the gospel it is not recorded that He collected money from His flock; although He plainly counselled his disciples to give to Caesar what is Caesar and to Christ what is Christ In fine, Jesus mission to this world was primarily to help and comfort those who needed to be helped and comforted the meek and the poor; and to bear this out we find him raising the dead of the poor, healing their sick, forgiving their sins, eating and drinking with them, and on behalf of a vilie sinner we find him challenging His flock. If there is one among you JAMAICA yards before you caz strike it BARBADOS Tragedy In Central without sin, let him first cast a stone at her.
Christ religion in our day is widely preached but little Even it as claimed the Scatter Police Station.
practiced, by which we are led to imagine the feeling of the Copper Mining Possi. Hill proposition is a new one it Talented Musician poor half way Mohametan who was compelled to exclaim, will still be open to this objas: bilities at Jamaica. 337 EDWARDS VIC One hour in the execution of justice is worth seventy years too. As regards, transport Mr.
Broworidge claims that tbe Says the Barbados Advocate: TIM OF ACCIDENTAL of prayer.
The GLEANER says. The story within six miles of barbour Miller, having graduated with group. of mines are situated ated Mrs. Isa Braithwaite, né: Paynı. SHOOTING We urge, in celebrating tomorrow, that no veneer of published in our issue of Tues facilities The nearest mine in honours at the Boston Conserany kind no misconception of the significance of the Sea 1ay to the effect that Mr. maica which would correspond The HERALD of the 19:5 ulte, son as one for mere attention to dress and empty pleasures Browaridge, veteran Los to this discription are the group return to Barbados sometime ond vatory of Music, is expected to Says:be placed upon what was originally meant to be fundamento decerea that Ehere were rich Walley. and they are not partie dus belles received here to the trad. Policarica cioccurratice about Angeles Mining Engineer at the during The New Barracks at the Cen.
ally characteristic of good will. Let one and all of us veins of copper in remember the poor at our doors, that class mankind for which would this island cularly rich and have long been effect that te Professor under of id datragic locurrance about whom Jesus came. It is a peculiar weakness of the majori, largest copper mining centre in whom she studied was so im mid day, on Thursday. when The best group of mines in the pressed with ber ability that he 337 Herman Edwards. 22 ty of Christians to treat the rich and independent and for the worla has been read bere get the poor and those in want which is in diametrical with considerable interest, even Retreat to and Charing Crossboneco several countries. She has revolver, accidentally shot him is probably the recommended a tour years of. whilst opposition to the true principales of Christianity the origi it with Lot quite the amount of enthusiasm the statement on Rroup, situated near May Pen however decided to return 10 deceased had been attached to nal teachings of the Lowly Nazarene. Let our ministers of the face of it might warrant. bour. This group formerly be racitals to give Barbadians the and was generally knowa to bis and about 13 miles from the burber native land first, and by the Police Force for about a year the gospel of Christ set the pace and, beginning among the members of their flock, emulate the great Teacher and nothing new to Jamaica. In fact and was sold to an American the miods of some of the great habits and a bright disposition, Copper mines are of course longed to Mr. George Abraham pleasure ot hearing ber interpret to be of steady health try to reduc: to the minimum the chances of the poor there is abardly a parish in the syndicate some years ago who classical authors.
and there were no facts disgoing without the common necessities which make Christ island that has not got balt a worked closed in the evidence given from mas the occasion it was intended to be. similar duty dozor perfectly good ones but ing the ore down to the railway REMEMBER!
whicb could be drawn It must be confessed that none at Lingville by a bucket on a devolves upa our organized bɔdies and individual.
clusion that deceased had preof them have beon worked at a wire cable, the distance from members. SINALCO profit for Rany years, and sone rail being about four miles, but mediated an attempt on bis lite Christianity must be practiced in a way to help the of them are being worked at all even these mines have now disAbout 11 55 a. on Thursday continued worklog.
Enriches the blood noor to live happy or it may not survive for it will then at presents deceased was seen by Lce Cpl Mc. lotoab, who lived on have dwindled away by losing touch with that class of Nzariy all the mines here sbow ground floor of the New Barmankind who mostly clings to it. Tomorrow celebration a good quality of ore assaying as racks, to come downstaias cleanof Christmas will be a glorous opportunity for one and all to high as 70 or 80 per cent in the.
ing revolver, the muzzle of best instances but it is impogdemonstrate good will and brotherly love.
sible to smelt the ore bere, and which poloted towards bis chest.
Mc. Intesh declared he was Since taking the field in local journalism, the WORKMAN, the cost of transport towards LGO him to take it from bim when he heard a with the current issue, is issuing its Sixteenth Christmas of the mines are miles in the greeting to its numerous readers and patrons. On other busb) is prohibitive.
report and deceased fell fatally pages of this issue you will observe that we are still con Mr. Brownridge claims to have wounded. It is believed, from tinuing to give generous publicity to the Christmas Messages Scatter Bill group of mines found a new vein located in the the very coolnese with wbich of prominent leaders of thought and action. We have this may be so, but only few Why throw away your old, but no the deceased was cleaning the revolver. that he was unaware always taken the greatest pleasure in dolog so, for the persons here seem to even know doubt interesting, books when you of the fact that it contained a live reason that those leaders have never failed to produce where Scatter Hill is. It is said cartridge. The deceased utterred material for constructive thinking and acting.
to be a part of the mines at Re.
can have them neatly bound at never a word after the occurreace.
We again wish one and all VERY MERRY treat in Clarendon which were operated by the American CopCHRISTMAS.
per Company (with beadquarters in Boston) up to few years age.
a THE WORKMAN BOWEN ADVERTISE furtner difficulty in mit log copper bere is the bigh cost of TAILOR 93 CENTRAL AVENUE working, owing to the fact that Dever continues in Jamaica; a leaves o No. M Street San Miguel IT PAYS Opposite Cecilia Theatre abruptly and you may bave to mine another 50 to bundr a Panama City make island for quite while. send.
any con tbe (most Book Binding!
about to In the Workman the strata vela


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