
Colon Boys Institute The Variety Concert, including Activities, the farce comedy Christmas Boxes. which was presented at the Clubhouse on Tuesday evening Commander Watson of last by the La Boca Athenaeum to the Colon Boys Institute takes rornd out its business year, was this opportunity of sending complete success, and was enjoyed Christmas greetings to the gen.
by a laree audience considering the eral public. Again reilow Comany counter attractions at this workers and sympathizers of the time of the year. The mueb adverColon Boys Institute. we bereby tised Christmas Boxer lived up call your attention to tbe fact, to all expectations and then some that the time bas now come more! It elicited uproarous apwhen we tender to you the comThe Brand that has stood plause at short intervals from pliments of the season. We the start to finish. The acting through officers and members of the out was almost perfect and much join in wishing you.
the test of years.
credit 18 due Sewell and Lorenzo Johnson and to merry Oristmas, and a most Messrs.
Clifford Prosperous New Year, For seven Mieses Leanor Jump. Undite years, and seven months you Smith and Hortense Dixon who were one with us co operating played the parts of husband, wives canally, and spirit and past courtesy that girls was well received as was Mrs you bave sbowa towards this Olga King vocal solo Felice great work and trust that with and a vocal duet by herself and your continued support we shall Mr. Davis, conductor of the Panawith io the year noteen twentyma Glee and Concert Singers. Mrs.
eigbt put this program over King and Mr. Davis was forced to respond to an encore.
BRAND The Colon and Cristobal Rotary My Last Cigar. the chorus suog by the same girls who presentClabbas been preparing an ed she drill and tableau, also had elaborate dinner for the boys at to be repeated wo demand of the the Colon Boys Institute. Araudieone. This item was peculiarly rangement bas been made that attractive on account of the the dinner will take place at the UNSWEETENED attire of well fitted boys clotnes.
Institute Sunday Dec. 25tb.
Other items on the program 1927 at p. sbarp. Many of were a well executed violin selection the members and officers of sald by Mr. Martin Rodney and an society and also other sympaelocutionary item by Mr, thizers will be present to witness Reynolds. The Panama Symphony be diuper. Many things baie Orchestra furnished music for the been provided for the occasion.
oocasion. Menu consisting of soup, Sandwiches, Cakes. Roast Beet, Dance Party at the Smith Cream, soft drioks.
Today. Commander. Watson, ша witbout exaggeration has Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith found tha institute on the first held a delightful dance party at page of the beart of all benevotheir residence on Thursday jent factors, but one thing left to evening last, which was attended be done, that is to put the proby several prominent ladies and gram of this great work over.
NO BACTERIAS gentlemen, both from here ana Panama City. Music for the occa.
sion was furnished by a special Ladies Pay Visit to orchestra under the direction of Mr. Roguet.
Boys Institute.
School on Holiday, Bring your lables of ST. CHARLES to our On Friday last Mrs. Susie Ntaly wife of the Secy. Of the Premium Department. We shall be The Government school for LA Boca Clubbouse, and Mr.
children of coloured employees Olga King, both members of the closed on the 23rd instant to the LA Boca Women Club, also glad to show you what we can offer Christmas and New Year holidays Mrs. Florence Smi:h, President The re opening date is fixed for of said Club, visited the Insti: to you free.
January 4th, 1928.
tute. They informed Comander Watson that they came to get some information of the work Expected Stenogs and financial support of the institute. After explanations were GET HOLIDAY made they were very much sur prised of the great task that laid on the shoulder of the Comdr. Ellis Commercial Class composed of over fifty pupils they also requested that Comdr.
learoing shorthand, typewriting, Watson should inform them of arithmetic and other eommercial what were most needed for the Institute, as a for body subjects, received the welcome of women joined together they will do all in news from Teacber Ellis that, effective with the end of their ibeir power to co operate with lessons on Tuesday evening the Commander. Tbe Comander be free to informed them that what most needed were clotbes enjoy the Season holidays, for Teacher Ellis arranged a the boys, and they promised to officers for the ensving term No treat for them at the Community News Notes do their best, to raise funds to literary program bas been prepared House on Thursday, when they procure clothing, to assist the for the evening and after nomina wele served ice cream, cakes, and boys.
The ladies expressed Christmas program is to be tion and election the members will other delicacies. Many of the themselves that the work is a rendered at the Cristobal Colon engage themselves in exchanging pupils who are musica ns combined wortby cause and deserves sup Baptist Church tomorrow evethe Season greetings.
and furnished music for the port from all. They were taken ing by the young people of the occasion. Group pictures of the through the dormitory, and we church. They bave been trained Mrs. Smart Chubb Visits entire class were taken by photovery much pleased with all they for the occasion by Messrs.
grapher Homer Gibson of Panama.
They were also taken to Tewes Nobles and others and an The Class returos to work on the kitchen and showed the enjoyable time is anticipated.
preparations made for eightyCLEANING PRESSING January 3rd, 1928.
Mrs. Linda Smart Chulb, wife tbree boys. Tbe ladies left quite satisfied with what they of Dr. Anderson Chubb of Colon, saw CANAL ZONE NOTES and heard.
paid a short visit here on Saturday HOUSE Royal Mail Steam last. Mrs. Clubh is employed as Clerk at the British Consulate in La Boca Pars Colin and is also local secretary Fraternal Cricket Packet Company for the Cambridge Judfor Examin.
ing Board Mrs. Chubb was on Offices.
Mechanics vs. Oddfellows. To Spend Christmas Between 12th and 13th Bolivar her way, with friends, to spend a few days on the island of Taboca, In Jarr. aica Panama finest health resort. The Royal Mal Steam Packet. two days cricket match beCompany at the end of June last tween chan es and Oddfellows Street.
closed their office in British Children Treated Yesterday Gaiana and will close down in of Colon, which is announced to Among those who left here on take place on Mt. Hope Oval on Thursday the fifteeuth and sailed Barbados at the end of the year, the 1st and 2nd of January is from Cristobal on the same day to The children of the community been done in British Guiana. The creating an agency there as bas creating more than usual interest spend the Christmas and New Where real Cleaning and received their apnual treat at the peer amone loversofth game. Judg Year holidays in Jamaica was Clubhouse yesterday. This year Company, bowever, do not intend ing from the list of the crick Sam Jenkins of the Quarantine eters who will be engaged in Apoex and employee of the Bureau treat was promoted under the to close the office in Trinidad.
The office at Barbados was be match, both sides will be of Clubs Playgrounds at Balboa.
auspices of the La Boca Coloured Sebool of which Mr. Wal. opened in 1895 when the activiably defended, and a stiff battle Sam left on the United Fruit ties of the Company were trans.
and an enjoyable time for the Company steamship Metapan ters is Principal, and with the co: ferred from St. Thomas. The spectators are anticipated with dozens of other Jamaicans operationen Life Problem Club British Guiana Ofice was of the Following are some of the play who will also spend their holidays the usual number of youngsters, opezed in 1913 after the agency e shorter life having only been ers. Oddfellows Small. can in the Isle of Springs. He will be purbering hundreds re served tein) Atherley, C, Weeks, away about three weeks. returning been conducted for many Mottley, Baker, Radkin, in time with fruits, candies, ice cream, return to work Jordon, Gittens,. about the middle of January, Dr. Arnulfo Arias interest in the Panama Canal West will not affect the operating of etc. On account of the decline of years by Messrs Garnett The closing of the offices however Labe Phillips, Goddard.
Mechanics: 0, Hamiltor. Cap. Athenaum To Elect Officers Indian Association, THE IDEAL DRINK PHYSICIAN SURGEON the Association, as taid) Reid, Hooper, in previous the Company which wily be as Removed his Clinic to Cen years, was unable to contribute new agencies as in the past. The effectively conducted through the Roberts, Lynton, and others, It is expected that there will be SINALCO tral Avenue No. 137 ball fancially to this year treat.
offices were unnecessary and in a full turn out of members at next block away from the up tosubstituting agescleg the ComTuesday meeting of the La Boca Always Delicious date Rent receipt books in Spanishpany bave only tallen in line with named and English for sale at Drug Store beautiful assortment of Xmas Athenaeum, as thåt date bas been the the other stormsblp com par ies Cards at the WORKMAN Printery. set for nomination and election of Pharmaɔy. WORKMAN.
operatiog ia the West Indies.
NESTLE MILK Co. last, the entire class will a splendid THE PROGRESSIVE ax.
Pressing is done.
speed bad to


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