
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 24, 1927 To Our West Indian Patrons MERRY XMAS Con labourers As people Islands civiliz d Prosperous New Year YANVAvan0323700VA other in work, and are apt to copen in the VIGOR TONIC Contra Crespo. 26 40 ANTE Cuban Comes To The Defence GOOD POSITION FOR REAL WORKER. Contined from Page 3)
very strongly and we remember ta: during our Wars of Inde We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men pendence she offered hospitality and women, in which an exeellent income can be made even to exiles from lbese shores, to those who work but PART TIME. Duriag onr 35 years in. sale and sure refuge, and they received the greatest kindness business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who supply and ab uninterested protection, our household necessity to our customers in every country in which contributed, and was the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 30 prir cipal fantori towards the years and have achieved Financial Independence IncreasBuiding of our much longed for ing local demands and repeat orders, make is necesary to independence. few days ago an article We wish to extend to you and yours appoint more local representatives in many localities in the appeared in one of our papers, United States. No special experience or capital required. It wbos circulation is quite larges is a straightrfoward, dignified business. Wny not represent the a lorg article, in which it paint a largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send the Jamaica from an inferior civil zition, Very us your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bureau inferior to ours, when in reality will send you full particulars When we appoint an agent tbey bave nothing to envy us we furnish free samples for Trial Tests in the homes in the for like Jamaica in locality of the agent.
which the probl ms of all like In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in AND ballons are for the betterment of the workers, Hywhich you saw this advertisement, glene and Education, etc.
address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, It seems that England, tbe great colonizer, bas chosen Ja. Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street NW.
maican as iis favourite resort.
and being a colony of a Europan power, it is as proud of its Deritage as any nation of the New World. It is very demecratic and hospitable, especially to strangers, and they are a CALL IN AT peace loying people.
The Jamaicans come to Cuba The Workman and work wainly and exclusively on the sugar, estates, etc; not interferirg with politics. Turir ideas are pacific and have never WILCOX SAENGER FILM Co.
in the slightest way pertubed the BOOK STORE public peace, despite their large numbers; and neither do they OPERATING become public charges like some No. 93, Central Avenue enbers of other nationalites.
They are like swallows, that Cecilia Amador, America and Strand Theatres. come and go every year, taking GOOD SELECTION OF back with them their hard earned suvines and leaving instead. fbe NEW BIBLES results of their energies, their health, and often times their lives.
How different to OS Hymn Prayer Books migranto? We sometimes do not nerable appreciate these things and their comment upon them too freely, when in reality they are the ones that are belpicg us tremer dously tbrough present ecenomical situation WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Apd we can belp them a great deal more and if the reader has bot bad the opportunity to jourDey to and stay in Jamaica, be has a great lot to lock forward The best in the World to. They are a poble people. No hot irons or special combs required The Stronger America SOLD IN DRUG STORES Is The Greater is For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The Britain Strength Only Wine That Should Be Taken With PhosLondon. November 22. Speak pherine (Ashton Parson)
ing twice to night at Canterbury The Philanthropic ball of fre. rlowed casting long shaf saffron for the bye election candidate across the harbour and orer the Lloyd George told bis hearersEnglish Lord silent ships riding at their The stronger America is, the anchorage. The alr was cool and greater is our strength. AND HOW THE STORY balmy. The entire scene invited Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the The piling up of armaments ENDED was the target of bis peace and contentment of mind, greatest offered a salve for the many Republic of Panama.
attack, particularly paval armswounds of adversity, men BY CERAN THOMASOS. Yes, as was saying, rehom are we going to fight be Our Davy is (All rights reserved) sumed my friend, awakening 80 powerful now that it could beat Talking of millionaires, said from the deep reverie into wbich 911 the Europeas navies combio. my friend Harry, flicking the lionaires and their vagaries, and bad lapsed, talking of milThis elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in we going to fight off of fragrant these America? Where is the lunatic Havana Cigar and crossing bit coincidentally seeing Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment who has got that idea it to bis legs in the approved gentleman richly accoutred tourists pass brain? They may say things about at leisure style, recalls to my by brings to my memory what consider the most momentous of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
us in America, mind a unique episode in my early Insulting med in things, but if any body attacks ue in the trying days when Wherentes experience of my be with most le promotes digestion, impro res the appetite, and gives tone He added anorber rebuttaliked out a precarious existence as and interesting since it was the running debate he is carry Jamaica. That many, many and energy to the whole system.
about what point ing on with Sir Laming Wor years ago, but to me it seems in my early career. ma. ch, will thingtor Evars, the Secretary of yesterday, so vividly imτου οι State for War, insisting on the pressed in my memory is that 900 accuracy of his statement that singular experience to which handed him my box of more soldiers are ready to fight allude. Oh, the memories of my match. He strack ore, lit his DOSE. One sn. all Wine Glass before each meal or times a day.
in Europe now than before tbe early struggles my doubts and cigar; and returned the box to wa.
misgividus as to the future, my me. Taking a deep and prolonged The whole of Europe is for hopes deferred in comparison draw, be slowly puffed out the menting calamity in a devil vat. with aromatic smoke in graceful spiral That is a fact. Sir Laming is of toda lile of ease and comfort columns, Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by watchiog then curl upright. There three or We were sitting on one of the wards before being dissipated to the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitisour million men in the standing numerous stone Benches in the nothing by the breeze, municipal. Park of Bet for the idiosyncrasy of a armies, but those are not the beautiful certain English wartime armies of Frar ce. Ber Colon. that pleasint and salu could not sit be e now and eojy millionaire brewertime mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, yet the minute the was 70, 000, brious retreat wbich may appro this fragrant weed de luxe. Would army tocsin blew priately be called the bad million the field believe. perhaps, still printed matter explaning for what diseases it should She could put on oming hoa. appropriatel, por benignated more dollar in the city cost me balta How do you like its aroma? What three or tour trysting place of Cupid vast be used, how it should be used, how it should be apmillions more. You take all the army of cheerful and happy vic 18 est piiy, Bertie. you di spise the manly and aristocratic cigar, countries having universal mili tims, particularly at that hour preferring the boyish cigarette.
tary training and you have most congenial to romanca Bat, diderent men, diferent plied and what doses should be taken.
actually fifteen million trained night.
It was evening.
Tbe dialat taste, Meanwhile the cannon, tot Government House had just to feel bored with his look pre No, Harry. said, beginning SOLD BY merely is Cumbers but in des chimed the bour ct five, the tructiveness, are infinitely pre. sonorous tone of the bells vibrat amble and somewhat curle us to er now and there are more ing through the still atmos: bear the strange tale to which be JAVIER MORAN machine guns, new polson zasses phere. On the paved walk be was making vague allusions. if be there aught detest in the disease Rerms.
We fore us three te while world it is to be kept in have four or five times the sir breathlesely racing a sbaggy, plancs we bad in 1914. white pup which, pleased with suspense. For Heaven sake it AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City the frolic, barked lostily after odba vean, arn to spin, oat with it be done, for already m them. From an almond tree The WORKMAN can be had close by the yellow, seared leaves famishing with hunger and feelat the La Boca Restaurant and at dropp. intermittently adeanniiy ing as dry an American seaHouse No. 971, Ja dajca Prado symbolic of deatb. In the west. fresbly arrived in Colon La Bo. a.
era sky the suo, like a raging (Continued on page 7) asked.
even whole Dot Lung of She bad the city. be ips and even he tots


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