
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 24, 1927 PAGE SEVEN are. And tonNow, there you question Coca Cola. adjusting troupe or What could be more refreshing than an ice cold bottle of (dogoda after a hard day work Do you know that more people agree on this than on electing a president, and ness chubby women Tha their a CocgCola the market View of Nəw Constitution For ve not beard it? It was only. mode of expression on my part, British Cuiana. without the sligbtest iosinuatior of doubt as to your veracity, which am fully aware is be (Continued from page 2)
gave blm friendly State at the earliest possible and nd I ve already remarkt ked moment.
THE ELECTORATE began my prosperity The franchise has undergone his elegant silk little change since 1849 except ing to assume the most reminithat the income qualification scent air possible, it happened wb! ch were then 600. 125) per many years ago, the exact date annum was reduced in 1891 to of which can now remember. 480. 100) per annum and again Since a child at school dates in 1909 to 300. 62 10s) per have always been my weak annut exactly one balf of wbat point Dever Whe remember can it was almost eighty years ago. for past dates is not ball so bad them. However, my memory woer We are of opition that a woman as that of my friend Hughes for wbo, in ber own rigbt. possesses into the requisite qualifications should future ones. He is the happy have the right to exercise, the heard of the incident) who clean guy (you, no doubt, must have franchise. The extension of franchise to qualified women forgot the day of his wedding, to would have the important advan the great chagrin of the bride to. lage of increasing considerably be, parson, and sundry others the number of electors in each church.
natiently a walting him at the You knew biur, did at onstituency.
you? But, of course, this is 18 In view of the proposed consti another story.
tution of the Legislative Council quickly assured him that no It will be necessary to establish man with so peculiar a memory new electorial districts, and for could ever figure on my list of this purpose we advise the ap friends. And he continued.
pointments of a Commission. The exact date. however, Is immaterial, since can wouch for what The Philanthropic to relate. You know me sufficiently well. Bertie, to un English Lord. derstand when tell you that d sooner take a solemn oath never more to touch drop (Continued from page which in itself would be a superRay old, from Indian; and besides Top sacrifice on my part, than pin shrine is so far away. deliberately decieve fieod like Hello! did nt know you were you. with this he stopped a particular to hear it. Sure ll a few seconds to take a puff or relate you the story, wbich may two from bis cigar, then conor may not interest you. But tinued.
hefore doing so must needs m not in a position to te. ask you candidly to withdraw what the economic situation of fort with that expression of Kingston, Jamaica (which, bo yours yarn to spid. vebement the by, is where happened to ly object to it, as savouring too be born) was prior to my dawn much of the mendacious and of self consciousness; but imaginary, whereas my story is assure you that from true in every respect. If you memorable hour to the time doubt me you cloak of may ask your when laid aside the friends Antoine and Garraway. adolescence, so both of whom knew me persor. free, to assume that of mat hood and care.
ally when worked at the hotel with its grim realities, the and were acquainted with the according to American parlan, facts of the case at the time. was on the bum. There was Can awear not a job could ferret out. far Stop! interupted. Can Iless capture. Consequently, had possibly doubt your story when to beat it (Americanism again)
continues with its ever increasing popularity.
It had to be good to get where it is, 7, 000, 000 a day, this is more than all other drinks combined.
If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will bring the goods to your door.
in quick time to the contrs, and Glled with extravagant ideas, and like the proverbial roling stone used to bave Visions of the time drifted eventually o And when, as proporietor of some big tonin, in the parish of Portland. plantation in the country, Lack, apparenus, had by this would be lording it over an army time decided Ito befriend ce for of sabservient labourers, and so no sorner applied at the Titch: oa. And would remember on field Hotel for a job than Incident that took place gorured one. Not much of a must bave been 12 years old ai ther)
billet can assure you mere the time wber, a of gypsles dish washer job at the munis made its appearance in the cent wages of 00 a week and district where lived. They bad bard and louging. Little did dream then that this low, menial as is usually the case with this apparently come from nowhere, employment, so incompatible rəstless and roving peop e, with my good tastes and high picturesque lot, though far from aspirations, was but the tbin being immediately clear, they perlence to open my end of the great wedge of ex were, these strange members of path to a fast disappearing race.
ultimate success and bappiness with in this life. From the Dame Fortune seemed to mabi tastie lookineskirts and fanatset gaudil, coloured shirt waists, folequally clad my welfar, for was not two the men as bizarre looking All weeks insts. led in my job when soon attracted general attention.
she inspired one of the waiters to was one among those chuck up bis post, and the sub curiosity whose was roused by the manager, impressed no doubt by presence of these strangers in my great mobility about the aur midst, and like bundreds of kitchen, put me in the retiring others bad gone by the man place. may right here where they had grouped themconfess that my mobile actions selves to have a close which so favourably impressed them. By the time had reached my buss yere mere bluft put on there a few of the gypsy women when be happened to be present. were already busily engaged Of course he was not awa:e of reading the fortune of some boys and girls in the crowd. And so the months ran their slow course, while in my im For the moderate eum of maculately white shell jacket three pence these wise people glided like a marionette from were prepared to read one life table to table, serving appetising from the cradle to the grave dishes to epicurean customers. What a fine opportunity had And in the deep silence cf the thought. who in my boyish night, atter the strenuous and dreams had always cherished fatiguing day labour, would the bope to be some day a milsi down in 1he seclusion of my room and dream dreams and seeable. Behold the one who was tell me beyond the shadow visions of a future that ley only of doubt whether there was of the materialization times it vidu imaginations. Some probability would fall golden wish! Bəsides. How long, ob, bow longi whers there not a thousand would question myself, will this other things about myself that drudgery continue! It is possible craved to know! So had gone m destined for no higher boldy forward to one of the mission in life tban to serve fortune tellers and indicated to drink to huugry aristo her that was disirious of having cratic idlers? And sometimes my hand read.
Un an outburst of despair, would exclaim: Lord, deliver me The things sbe hai revealed to me bad astounded me, and in from this bondage!
conclusion she bad told me that And at the recollection of those some day (she had not stated the early days of trial a veil of sad specific time) would experience ness darkened for an instant bis an agreeable shock which would prstwbile cheerful countenance. change the tide of my fortune.
He went on: Then Would this prophecy never be my childhood days fulfilled! would muse, would pass in review before me, thuse days wbeo my bead W18 (T. be Continued)
bat, about THE PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY to PANAMA; 65; PHONES COLON; 84; Our Motto is CLEAN GOODS Jis by In gos that Food and can that WHITENS THE SKIN Creme Blanc Mirette Marvelous Cream Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes city, SOLD IN DRUG STORES Pan American Life Insurance Company Of New Orleans La.
National Fire Insurance Company Of Hartford Conn.
Life Accident Health Fire Automobile 31 Central Avenue. 31 Phone 714 Box 172 Panama HARRY BOONE General Agent HENRIQUE DE LA GUARDIA ASSOCIATE GENERAL AGENT FRANK MOORRICE CASHIER.


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