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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 24, 1927 Cosmopolitan House. Church Notices For Christmas Day, Etc.
LA MASCOTA OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS MERRY XMAS higher Prosperous New Year need them We the a wager, etter Tunney Tomorrow Races Dont ask whether there will 31 CALIDONIA ROAD be a good program at Juan MCALMON Prop.
St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Franco Park tomorrow afterMid Night Service.
noon. With the well known ability of the Panama Jockey THIS IS CHRISTMAS EVE At 10, 45, (to night) Christ.
Club and well earned vacaTO And we take the plessure mas Carols will be sung by the txo Choirs.
tion of the racers, nothing of wishing our patrons and less than an 1 program will well wishers a most enjoy clebrated at 11. 30, The The Holy Eucharist will be be presented.
able Christmas and a very Rector will be the There will be seven races celebrant and Prosperous New Year.
with Reina Mora 105, Bomba Remember that we carry a There will be Choral Matige at 98, Abel 119 and Arlequin 130, stock of the most appropriate 10. 45, a. Christmas Day. fol.
staging the feature competiChristmas Greetings.
lowed by a Choral celebration of tion over a mile.
the Holy Eucharist with sermon. Five native horses are Celebrant and preacher, The booked to open the entertainChristmas Message Rector.
ment with a five furloug race; The Sacrament of Holy Baptism while Coburg, Lorenzetta, By C, Whyte. Se administered at 30, Dad and tour others are bookAt 30, there will be a ed for the seventh event (Continued from page 1)
special service for the young. Both wbich will be over 672 furChoirs will render Carols at this of advocacy and discursive reason service, longs.
ing is indispensable to their The program; success The syre es of the There will be Choral Evensonz FIRST RACE AND W, Association in bringing and sermon at 30, about a change of attitude toward Monday. The Feast of St. furlongs Parse 125 the silver employees, as is seen in Stephen wil be observed at Lena 105 increased school accommodation, o clock, a. the 26th inst, The Gratico 126 Fenomeno 128 of teachers, the abolition of the ted at that hour, Pan Dulce 114 Maxim and the paying of Starbuck 108 rates then 80, is proot Tuesday St. John Evangelist.
positive of this.
Holy Commuoion at a.
SECOND RACE And now, as Christmas marks Wednesday. Holy Innocents Furlongs Porse 125 the beginning of a new age salva Day. Holy Communion at a.
El Chichi 109 tion from the slavery of sia, Parents and guardians are urged Zapo 95 regard it no wrong to appeal to to send out their children to this 132 my fellow West Indian Excuse Me in these service, especially those who are Jakie 90 parts to m:ke this Christmas the (Dardane la 107 dawn of their social and economic communicants of the church.
freedom by The Rector will deliver a special (Chiqui 101 addres, of higher valuwepting this theory and taking THIRD RACE the steps necessary for its realiz! MULCARE. Rector 61 Furlongs Parse 175 tion. Our boys and girls St.
higher and technical educa ion to Barnabas CARLOS MULLER Empire, 102 Coburg fit forlife struggle: it is Lorenzetta Matins and address, 11, a. 105 cur duty to find the means to Mr. E. Johnson, Lay Reader.
Garzona 119 provide it for them Dad 128 need higher consideration SOLE AGENT La Legitimidad St Bartholomew s, Las 97 workers higher Cascadas Marcela 126 working conditions, better living Marids and address, 11, a. Vittoria 100 conditions. and old PANAMA CITY e or аgе 87 CENTRAL AVENUE FOURTH RACE di Mr. Brathwaite, Lay Reader.
ability provisions. If we throw selfishness Snecial Service for Children, to the wind; if Furlongs Purse 125 Honey De we discard the little personal dis 30, 113 774 likes and eccentricities that keep St Simon s, Gamboa Diecisels 126 us apart fighting a battle indiviThe usual o clock service will Infirmo 102 dually, that can only be success. be held by the Lay Reader, 104 fully fought on masse, we shall be Mayoral be Ruth The Moabitess At 11, a. there will 109 able to organize effectively and Mayra 126 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. emancipate ourselves. Our future Matins and address.
Pistol 121 (Contioued from page 1)
Church School, 30, is in our own hands. MULCARE, FIFTH RACE Reece (Ruth. Mrs. Olga King THE OFFICE OF Priest in Charge. Naomi. Miss Mae Sandford Mile Purse 400 SPARKLETS Orpah) and Mr. Brown CAMBRIDGE Reina Mora 105 Boaz. supported by about thirty (Continued from page 1)
CHURCH SERVICES Bomba 98 others in choruses and other minor adopted no better oor Abel Has been removed to No, 6023, Balboa 113 parts. formidable bumper against sir, he AMERICAN EPISCOPAL Arlequin 130 The drama relates the well known Lowly Nazarene Avenue, between 6th and 7th Streets.
who is said to SIXTH RACE CHURCH biblical story which led up to the have been born about this time of Furlongs Purse 200 marriage of Ruth of Moab to Boaz the year, and wbose birth we St. Paul Church, Panama the wealthy Israelitish farmer, now orlebratin, laid down many (A, Nightengale Copi 118 arter she had demonstrated unsurto follow, whict Priest ia charge (Tribuno 100 passed loyalty to ber mother inif steadfastly adheard to, will nu The Holy Euchorist will be Chomba Gordo 126 law Naomi.
a most agreeable colour to the fail to in time convert our world celebrated Ocurrencia 12 THE PLAY 99 entire play commencing at Choirmaster into beaven, in which we will be lo clock midnight. San Cbee 106 Small On account of a famine in Pales Harris and the troupe who spent able to live in perfect peace and Caleb Simper Communion (Kitty Gill 104 tine, Naomi and her husband months to perfect such an elaborate DENTIST (Pereque 98 Elimelech and their two sons play deserve every bit of the barmony and good will to ards Service in will be snog by the showered on them.
MASONIC TEMPLE ore ano ber.
journeyed to Mosb and there to be their effort was a stupendous one, choir which will also render the SEVENTH RACE Office Hours: 8, am to 12pm antlem, Glory to God in the Furlongs Purse 175 up residence. While in Moab the 130 to 30 that but nevertheless, they Highest, in flat by soms married two natives of that We Sundays, by Special Appointment Dad place, time Stulis.
success Valencia Masonic Temple IIth st, of the 98 after Elimelech died and the two And then for the creation PO Box 787 CRISTOBAL Christmas Day, La Nena 91 song also died, urse, artistic paintings for the stage hearing that that decoration: let it not be forgotten PHONE: OFFICE 1664 10. 30 a Holy Eucharist 130 the famine in Palestine was over, that they were the work of none RESIDENCE Araucana 538 sermon. The Rector Zilamera 108 Naoini decided to retuan to her other than the ROV p Church Scbool The Rector land and people. Having made Wade, Superintendent of the Pa 30 m Chora! Evensong preperation for the journey she nama Wesleyan Circuit and Dr. Nathan Rowe sermo. The Rector.
Death of John Bunt proveened to take leave of her resident Minister of the Panama At the 10 30 a. services the Wesleyan Church daughter in law, Ruth and Orpah, under whose PHYSICIAN ND SUR GEOV ing Sr.
NEED antbem, Behold Briog You only to find that they were not suspices the cantata was held.
11th and Bolivar Sts.
Good Tidings. in Major by to be parted from her but willing It is hoped that the Play will COLON, Sir Jebo Goss. At Evenisong both instend to go with her. Naomi again be staged so as to give those anthem will be repeatedl.
IN KINGSTON, JAMAICA persuaded them to stay and finally who have not had the opportunity BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE Chase National Bank St Alban Church, Paraiso From private information reach: not be persuded to leave Naomi. previous presentations, to aiso eto Office Hours: a. to 12m CANAL ZONE DROP IN AT other joy the beautiful production. pm. to D.
ing the Isthmus this week, we have and it was then that, among Rev. Nightengale BD Ree.
ng, Ruth declared, Entreat been informed of the death of Mr.
OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 a. Holy Communion and John Bunting Sor. an old timer me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee; for DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 sermon Rev. A, Nighteogale.
of the Isthmus.
Disbarment Case will go where!
took place in Kingston, Jamaica, thou diest will die, and there 11 am Mating and Addressgoest P. O, Box 854, Cristobal, Mr. Csborne. Catechist, on Wednesday the fourteenth of Will be buried. Not being able Canal Zone District Court at The star case before the pm Church School 122 CENTRAL AVE, month. The deceased was the disuhde kath from going with Ancon for this month is the At 730 m, Choral Evensong father of Mr. A, Bunting, well her and address, the Catechist known in Panama and present resides in Kingston, Ja welcome. It was while in Palestine, ment on St Matthias ission Case.
ent proceedings against the THE NEW YORK DENTIST msia.
LAS SABANAS The late Mr.
Bunting came to closely in member of the Bar been (Rev AF Nightengale)
the Isthmus in the early 80 and law, that Ruth was seen by Boaz instituted by Judge Guy taras Meer 182, BOLIVAR Street Moderately Priced.
Priest in Charge lived here for several years, Ble and their marriage followed.
CLON, tio, who charges him with baving p Church School cantata then went to Colombia. He again on the whole was a made certain irregular statements 30 pm Choral Evensong and returned and took up residence brilliant success. This was due against the Court and himself as Box 771, Cristobat, address Mr. A Richards, Lay re for another number of years, of the lexding parts and the excep. Special Judge Blackburn the careful selection Judge.
principally to TELEPHONE 247 COLON Reader.
finally leaving about ten years tionally harmonious singing of the is the presiding Judge and Asst.
Seventh Day Adventist ago for Kingston, Jamaica, District Attorney Joseph J, MeQ STREET CALIDONIA permanent residence. The deceased support the of his Ruth, dramatized Guigan is representing the Coveri. FLOWERS as natural as could be ROAD cear Isthmian Park Panadeath.
ber part tenders sincerest desired; Mrs. Olga King, as Naomi went and the District Judge.
The case is expected to consume Sabbath (Saturdas) 945 a.
condolence toma de bereavede tres acted and sung baru part most realis. much of th time of the District Abogado. Attorney at Law.
Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Genlatives, and especially to Mr.
There could hardly be Court. Bunting, eral Worship Spanish for Booz than better substitute an old and tried Mr, Brown, while Miss Mae OFFICE: No. 44 ST Class: friend.
Sandford did credit to her role as BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY Notice to Correspondents.
SINAL CO 30 in. Society, Orpah TELEPHONE No. 1377 meeting 30 Junior and Put your rvel to work Senior Staudard of attainment The Organ and pia o accom. Contributors and correspondents Class, p. Vespers. fine assortment of Xmas and paniment by Mr. Dottin and are asked to send in their contribu. Practicing before all the courts of every day.
Subject for Dec. 25th 30 New Year Cards at the WORK Miss Doris Rodney, respectively, tions not later than Thursdays to Baptism Service MAN Protery.
was superbly barmonious, and lent insure publication. This is itaperu.
the Republic isce April 1914 GRIZZLE Pastor, Do more are examples for us were xie WATCH?
things, The sad elent whither FULLER thou this The real her they both went to Palestine and torney Plix Porter Disbar: Dr. Fred Sterling You lil Find Them choruses Reece, as ma


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