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Mr. Jethen Am Happy New Year To All THE RIMAN THE WORKMAN READ WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WE ANC VOL 16 No. 21 PANAMA, SATURDAY DECEMBER 31, 1927 PRICE CENTS First Address to Members the In America Greetings Fron Governor President Whyte of the of The Panama Canal. Asks Partnent Quostion.
Bishop Outspoken in Praise of Hon. Marcus Garvey.
Says He is Mightiest Prophet in.
year Cana!
our in to The Panama Canal Record publishes the following:EDIOR OF THE WORKMAN: Sent By Mr. Marcus Garvey Paasma Railroad are just closing a the 28th Instant the following From Island of Jamaica. most satisfactory year during which appears: 50 Years. valuable service has been rendered The children of the community ON THE EVE OF BIGGER THINGS to World Commerce and the Tra received their annul trat at the Public.
Clubhouse yesterday Tois CHICAGO. Marcus Garvey is the mightiest prophet work of the world by these two auspices of the La Boca Coloured Revardy Ransom of the M. Church in addressirga Essential Fellow. Men of the Negro Race, Greeting: contribution to the treat was promore under the who has appeared among us in fifty years, declared Bishop This is to inform you that am perfectly well and happy. agencies has been made possible by Scho and which Mrs Wolber: large audience here Tuesday evening at the Metropolitan never felt better in all may life. am now ready for the the loyal and efficient eforts of the art Prindi palice col with the compare Community Church under the auspices of the Umbrian Glee greatest phase of the program of racial development, under employees, by the cooperation of stion of the Clubhouse and the the aegis of the Universal Negro Improvement Association our patrons, by the sympathetic usalamber of youngstered with Frederick Douglass did that the Republican party is the etic Women Life Problem Club the Club.
After declaring that the Negro did not believe today as have a great joke on my enemies. They thought should interest of those above us in Wash herine hundreds were serve on ship, all else is the sea; that the Negro accepted Booker hhe been dead, but am very much alive, with a greater of ou bem non defiending out account of the decline of interest in Washing on idea of industrial training for the masses but ington, and by the enconragement fruits, es, and bigger program for Africa redemption.
must among friencis Neg oes in America. and that of the Negrees of South and calls and enter who have contri a prevision series. force and power of the scathing denunciations de political am pleased with the loyalty to the cause of the the Republic of Panama, its of the citzen.
Boplorasi Association, the Asso. the Central America and the West Indies is wonderful and buted, directiv, or indirectly to the able to contrib te financially to and social injustice proclaimed by DuBois but refuses to Marvelousme we have a grand time of service before us, and succede afacere potention the Indicom trying to discover can only intiame our oppressors, the bishop pointed out this yeir by fighting each and every one is going to do his or her duty, nama Canal and Panama Ruilwhat information this am tremendously busy getting things together to tour road wish a Merry Christmas and a South and Central America and the West Indies before hoppy and prosperous New Year. useat is intended to convey, as for that Marcus Garvey has made articulate the hearttechromis ana bes peak a continuance of your as our Association is concerned, and aspirations of black folk everywhere.
going to Europe to represent you at the bar. interntional cordial cooperation and friendship whet verlit means that we have no He proclaims for the unity and solidarity of the black justice. In my next message. shall outline for you the duríthg the coming twelve months. This year, ideen last we had never people throughout the world. He pleads that we put into been able to program, until the next International Convention WALKER, bren able to do in the previou commission and organize the intellectual. financial professomething that is so big and wholesome for racial Governor, The Panama Canal years, or that we used to contri sional, and industrial resources of the entire race and use marhood that will make us all feel proud to be black at President, Panama Railroad Co. Continued on Page 8)
this power to participate in the redemption and developthis particular time of world readjustment. Until you ment of the continent of Africa. continued Bishop Ransom.
have everything outlined from me, want each and As a prophet Mr. Garvey has run true to form by meeting every memoer of the Association PROMINENT MEMBERS OF America the age long rewards of a prophet he has been stoned, he Tally to the leadership and support of the Hon. Knox, has been imprisoned and now ſhe has been banished.
ing in America The President General until the next Con. The Panania symphony Orchestra And Concert Party. hor deported.
But truth, aspirations and ideals can neither be imprisoned vention. In my next message shall also make public the In showing that as a race, we are on our way, the names of the section leaders who are to help Mr. Knox in Bishop said, politically, we have often been compelled to America.
stand still and mark time. but while so engaged we have We are looking forward to the greatest perio1 of the consolidated our position in preparation for renewed organizatfon history, and there is great cause for rejoicing.
offensive and advance. In education we have been forced am really feeling fit and fine and by the grace of God we to detour through many circuitous roads to learning, but shall win. Every thing will come out all right between now always pressing, onward to the great national highway and Convention.
where brain and culture set the highest standards in every Obey no orders except they go through Mr. Knox, who department of knowledge. Economically our resources have is directed by me as President General. When meet you been meager, but a race long inured to poverty, we have in Convention want to see and know that you have learned to march on short rations and thus keep on our way.
been loyal to the last man, do trust you will not allow We have never lost heart, we have never turned back for a ny other influence to break in among you. Keep cool and single day and the marvel of it all is that desertions have march forward. Leave my enemies alone will handle been so few.
them when the time comes. For the present, let us concentrate upon building the greater organization that we have SPARKLETS MALCOLM JOLLY, always had in view.
Support the University in Virgina and keep the colors (By C, NOTED PIANIST of The Negro Worid Aying. We shall now in a short while hive he old Negro World back in its real place. You Happy New Year Dies in Jamaica.
shall have my speech as usual.
Geo, ABBOT MANAGER GARFIELD MURRAY DIRECTOR We have a tine Liberty Hall out here, and in a few The sad news renehed here yes.
months shall have one as large as the New York Liberty three o clock, when the stage past several months. It is not year, gentle reader, permit me to this month, of Malcolm Jolly, Tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, they have been preparing for the Before wishing you a harpy new terday of the death, on the 20th of Hall ich they sto e when was in prison, and kept me certain goes do in the Excelsior necessary to conjecture as to the hand a little bunch of bougaic notel pianist, at his home at N. and no power on earth sball destroy it. Pray Orchestra and Concert Party will rendered on this occasion; this Editor of sorts of the West Jamaica Jolly aied surrounded by going back to standard to universally for your enemies. Pray for God to handle them, be ready to strike the first note in company of entertainers is too Indian Section of the INDEPEND. bis family.
and Hi shall do so in His owo way. Hold fast to the year and program which they have been put have been nothing les American for the neat rebuke the well known. Its it the Panams The deceased, it will be rememfaith of Christian love and rest in God and your own promised the public and for which than of high standards, both in a!
those bered at the age of fifty years to iai iative for victory.
who were responsible for the chose left the Isthmus in failing health, Believe me, am feeling fine for work for Africa, and which on the first of this appeared over te filling for sixteen years the position month, after Christ is leading me to see the light more and more. Pray photographs of Manager George of one of the most prominent West for me to keep the faith. Your prayers helped me in Abbott Warray of the Panama Symphony on Isthmian soil. Jolly furoiched and Director Garfield Indian musicians ever, placed foc Atlanta, and stali help me always. But be assured that wher Crehestra, in friend Nick Puge ever go shall always be working for the development of of the STAR Herald o the 27th music fer thousands our cause.
inst. am not sure however that during his lifetime: those whom ha hthan entertained include, amone others.
the whole, but there wer some elemanians, Americans, West Indians With very best wishes, have the honor to be, meots of truth in some of his Englishmen and Frenchmen, and SIN Your obedient servant, reasonings am an earnest huadreds will regret his death.
MARCUS GARVEY believer in leaving some things if left alone will of The deceaserl leaves a wife and produce any harm, if ever no good. child in Panama, to whom, with West Indians At John Bull Pays Uncle It is a fact however, that there the rest of the family in Jamaica, has been a consistent abuse of the the WORKMAN tenders its most Curacoa Sam journalistic p:iv leges accorded our sincere condolence.
people here by some of those who have been given, as it T: cedom of proces were the The Workman May They Getting into Serious Ninety Two Million carry to tle newspapers their petty Not Appear Next Week.
Difficultities Dollars More likes and dislikes, they demon.
strate in them their egotiem and what not, to the utter disgust of 4, 480, 000, 000 Owing to the removal of Mrs Olga King Soprano MRS. WALKER Headly SOPRANO well hinking Ories among our Printing Plant the WORKThe new Daily CHRONICLE of Still Due.
Georgetown British Guiana in its music and ringing. These results rendering invaluable serv. ces to and a distinct discredit to our MAN Newspaper may not be issue of November 23rd publisres are due principally, to the ability or community on separate stages. entire community. This condition published next Saturday.
has moreso te followide. The British Consul at Caracas has intimated to dated December 14 states that the best possible talent. The br nxing recent valuable addition to the latives on mere apologies, while cable despatch from Land of the leaders of ihe Orchestra to has merited popular approval.
calc reles. have noticed the But hopes to resume publica.
organize and hold together the This Government that an increasing payment of ninety two mill on Tuen there has been ancther Invishing of ungrammatical super. tion the following week.
number of West Indians are leav fvbundred and seventy five togetherMadames Olza King Orchestra in the person of the worthwhile efforts are sometimes Walker Headley, two All roads will lead to Juan (Cootinued on page 8)
Cc: tin. ued on page 5)
sopranists who have been for years (Cotiaual on page Continued on page 8) Franco race ack tomorrow, e inte tion am alone, which


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