
PAGE TW Coca Cola lege Vote. rebuilding il unless honour the Government has rose to another matter and attempt to which JAMAICA one who holds five ibousand shares. These mines are on the same range of tills comprising Charing Cross and Sandford Rich Copper Ore In Hit where mining (perations were carried on Parish of Clarendon dred years ago a which properties are still in the possession of the family of the late Hancurable Gorge Solomon.
Scatters Hill One of Group THE OLD WORKS Of Mines of the Jomaica Visitors to the mines can Copper Company Limited. still see the old works with the chimney and mach nery still anding which were used The May Pen correspondent of for the operation of the mines in the GLEANER Writing on Decem. the long distant pas. That there ber 13 states that since the ap is rich deposits of copper in th pearance in the GLEANER of tbe ringa of hills cionot contra.
news of the discovery of a rich dcted but up to the present the vein of copper at Seatters Hill in bi has not yet been discovered.
this Island by Mr. Brownridge the L»s Angeles Mining Engineer, speculation has been Jamaica As a Coaling the news item is true or only a boax as no one Station.
seemed to have ever heard of the name of Scatters will before, to come across a gentleman who velop Jamaica as a coaling sta.
Your correspondent bappened great effort is being made o has been long associated with tion and within the past few the mining operations have been carried on in this e Iling at Kingston and or months the number of vessels Island within recent times and Royal to buve their buskars reable to give the following pleni bed bave increased considinformation: erably.
Seatters Hill is at Retreat in From what a representative of th: Parisb of Clarendon owned the GLEANSR bas been able to by the Jamaica Consolida ed ofice of the Company is in Bosº lo stes veseels to call here for er Copper Company Ltd. The head to their an, edort belrg made properties comprise, ma but we learn that the greit Instead of Retreat, Kases and Longville drawback in the way is the Mountain and were bought from charges that are made here for Mr. George Abrahams and putting the coal on board when a Mr. Melbado for somethiog in bas the viclinty of 30, 000. in double pay for work after sis Over the night The carriers demand to be coaled during 100, 000 has been the development of the proper: whether they had worked the ties for tuppelling and driving wbole day or not. There could be no sbalts at different sections.
to extra for overtime OBTAINED Scatters Hill is one 87 the Fange where the carrierse brand A Panama of bills on the property where and oth ng stations they very rich sampl of ore bave can coal at any time for the same been obtain charg and it is therefore difficult Retreat is eleven miles from to par unde than to call here to May Pen Railway Station, Ore fil their bankers unles thy can has been sbipped from time to do so in the day time and thus time and the essays found satis avoid the risk of incurring extra factory but it is understood that the was one of the great egard to the touriste est obstacles to the develop nent ships it is unlikely that they will of the mines.
take coal bere as they usually There are large shareholders carry a sufficient supply but they of the Company of Jamaica and usually take a good supply of the gentleman who gave this water, information represent some Speaking to a well know sb pTHE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 31, 1927 a blessing. Unfortunately, arguBARBADOS ments like these are DEVET without their force in Barbados. much we may pre The Codrington Col tend to be shocked. It is a fact that, point of view, Mr! izbt was not brak lor new grounds, Thə maner in which the House of Assembly dealt with the vote, show, howWriting editorially under the ever, that the vast majority o above caption. tbe WEEKLY the members will support the GUARDIAN says:of What could be more refreshing than Codrington College The House of Assembly has and we are going to surgest an an ice cold bottle of never shown a finger spirit, and easy and effective way out of the a more commendable regard for dificulty. The Governor In Exits own bonour and the honourecative Committee, having obof the island than it did on tained the support of the House, Coog Cola Tuesday when It agreed, sbould put the 5, 000 in the out a division, to vote Estimates for next year sale Code after a hard day work rington College. to assist in re and the Legislative Couacil placing the scelent and members were obstipate Do you know that more people agree on this than able building, now mass of fire enough to refuse the whole swept ruins The Acting Attorney Appropriation Bill, and provoke on electing a president, and Mr. Reece. in a constitutional crisis of great trodured the measure with all magnitude, would be unable to the force of his strorg and abid stand in the path of progress.
CocgCola inn Intellect, and Dr. Masstab, We hope the the senior member for St. Lucy, pot lost heart in the continues with its ever increasing popularity.
to rare belghts of eloquence will make in bis madly and impressive restore the a. cient landmark.
appeal to the House and in his We do think. that It had to be good to get where it is, 7, 000, 000 a day, account of the glorious history the Colonial Secretary, Hon. R.
this is more than all other drinks combined.
of the institution.
Stewart, displayed very poor political tactics when he rushed But when the Bill was carried the measure If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will up to the Legislative Council, the Chamber, the same day it passupon a hostile force of the agruments of the ed the Houss of Assembly. The bring the goods to your door.
Hon. Wright was directed Legislative Council coneists of to show that the College was no nine members only, and it should longer cessary because the be people who formerly used it bad be easy to form some ides of the made enough money to send their inportant question. In this inthe members upou any THE children to England. Inderd, bestance, the numbers were even, PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY rather brutally suggested that the fire which destroyed it was the motion, But Dr John Hutwith the Chairman in favour of PANAMA; 65; PHONES COLON; 84; became three four. It was an son was absent, and the voting Our Motto is. Poversight on the part of the Color lal Secretary who should bare CLEAN GOODS The delicious rich, thick, kept back the measure. Upon such minute details do big issues fruity hang.
We hope the damage will SINALCO be repaired.
Yet, on the whole, the decision WHITENS THE SKIN Makes meals appetizing. of the Council may do some good. It may assist in forcing Creme Blanc Mirette open the eyes of our very easily ping man yesterday however, move their leaders. It way even led people to the principles which Marvelous Cream representative of this journal was have stimulating eđect upon informed that in view of the their lukewarm public spirit.
Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, increased water rates which is based on the tonnage of the ships Notice to Correspondents.
sun tan, and other skin blemishes and the fact that most of the boats are of very heavy tonnage Contributors and correspondents SOLD IN DRUG STORES they will probably take their are asked to send in their contribusupplies, or most of it at some tions not later than Thursdays to otber port of call.
insure publication. This is imperahe was alon The e Vessel Other coaline Harges here.
hiulage With Pan American Life Insurance Company Of New Orleans La.
National Fire Insurance Company Of Hartford Conn.
Life Accident Health Fire Automobile 31. Central Avenue 31 Phone 714 Box 172 Panama HARRY BOONE General Agent HENRIQUE DE LA GUARDIA ASSOCIATE GENERAL AGENT FRANK MORRICE CASHIER.


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