
THE WORK JAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 31, 1927 AGE THREE The Philanthropic British American Picture Alliance.
Prince of Wales To Visit Jamaica English Lord New Year Cards! Good Assortment now on Display WORKMAN STATIONERY STORE Get your supply early, and friends abroad.
est and ing: PRICES the most reasonable to meet the dull times and the pockets of all.
Special Greeting Cards and 30 bad more sala: CELEBRATE in the New York, December 13. An AND HOW THE STORY alliance of Briisb and American In His Proposed Travel ENDED.
motion picture companies with Next Year or early 1929.
Teman total assets estimated at more BY CERAN THOMASOS tban 150, 000, 000 dollars, bas been formed for the purpose of London, Dec. The Prioce producing, distributing and ex of Wales will resume bis travels (All rights reserved)
bibi ing tims in the United Kior late in 1928 or early in 1929, visitdom, it was announced yester ing the Kenya coloy and other East (Continued from our last issue. day.
African Possessions of Great at the One day. be contioued, The American interests enter Britain, us well as Jamaica, in there arrived at the hotel: ing tbe combination, are First the British West Indies, tbe a party of three two men and a National Pictures, Inc, and the HERALD TRIBUNE learns to woman. Judging from their rich Stanley Company of America, night. Arrangements have not apparel and general deportment wbile tbe Beneb companies it yet passed beyond the initial they seemed to be English arisclude the Standard Film Com stage and it has not been decidtocrats of a rather bigb catigory.
pany, Limited, and the Film ed whether bis tour will be lovestment Company, Limited. official or private as in the case mail Promising birds worthy of alrelatives your tention. See to it, Harry. advisThe Britisb interests are con of the Prince visits to the United ed the voice within me. It was trolled by Lord Ashfield, Lord States and Canada but the about nine o clock in the mornBeaverbrook and their associ former is regarded as more protales.
able. At dicner time could be The new producing concern to The presen: engagements of seen in attendance on the impor be koown 38 First National the heir to the throne make tant looking tilo. Civil, odícious.
Patbe Producing Company, either visit out of the question attentive these are poor epithet Limited, will mxke tilms in duriog the next six months and indeed by which to describe my England for distribution through it is not expected that the final Service on out the World, it was announced, plans can be fixed much before on that particular occa.
It would be nearer the sico Its original capital will be coe the e end of next year. Erst Africa mark to say that was the permillion dollars with the British and the West Indies are among sonification of tbe companies holding a fifty one per British Empire that the Prince very quintesthe few remaining parts of the sence of the three combined. The ceat interest.
course was a has not yet visited and very long and inbe is ALSO teresting one suculent viande.
understoud to be ea zer for a perchoice vintages, and so forth.
64, 000 Fords Sold Insonal acquaintance with tham. fine supply of But, as you know, all pleasures Importance attaches to in this world musi have an end, Britain In Seven Hours the projected tour to Kenya in my clients first rew of the strainel relations epicurean feast.
between the Imperial Govern The conventional black coffee, Annual Output of English ment and the colonists. The suitable for Lodges and Friendly Societies.
baving been duly served drunk, one of the gentlemen, and Works Sold In The First latter are dissatisfied with the existing form of crown colony who seemed to be Day of Display goveroment and bave demanded genius of the party, inserted his the presiding hand ORDER IN OFFERING.
into bio breast pocket and extracted therefrom slae wallet. Slowly be opened it and SEXSEXSEX SK searched within its mysterious London, Dec. Henry Ford depth for something. The object today issued a 250, 000, 000 dole, of bis! alligent search haveing challenge to the British automobeen found, he gra gravely extended bile wanufacture when bis right band to me and than the Mancbester plant conBon hal garcon, have your tip!
templated annual output was placing something round in the sold within seveo bours. Imbued palm of my outstretched band. with British conservatism, the and English Ford Car Company fore could recover from the whispered that they would proshock the trio had left the table duce between 60, 000 and 60, 000 and wure ball way across the cars of the new type annually.
ball. Awbile spacious bot O click this afternoon stood at ot contemplating the smallest coin th salesmen at the motor dusthe Brlusb Realm lying snugly tries exhibition at Holland Park palm of Hall here sold 64, 000 cars of Mechanically placing the insignimy band wbicb 16, 000 were booked for ficant thing into my pocket, immediate delivery.
left the spot, thinking bow simIt is safe to say that the Ford ple minded that individual must sedan will beco:pº 19 pe pular in Deeds be be to make me the victim the streets of London as the of such stupid joke.
bases of Lord Asbficld another while after, finding myself Detroiter.
io my room, opened an old whether besten grip that had AMERICAN FEATURES LEAD and carelessly dropped the farOutwardly the British Variithing into it. wonder what tion follows tbe conventional at the back of this unusual hoes of tbe American car, but hoax, thought. But. at inwardly it is adapted to the least keep this coin as a memento different conditions prevailing of the meanest, cheapest limebere. The outstanding points julcer, son of gud that ve are a side valve engine of 600 a ever bad the misfortune of revolutions a minute, an all steel meeting. For, may here ex.
coil ignition with a new plain to you, Bertie, that pinety variety of carburetor, tour wheel per cent of the energy expended a three speed gear box on bis job by hotel waiter and disc clutch and a semi autodirected towards one particular matic greasing system.
od ble end the acquisition of some her features are the fabric de (Cortinued on page timing gear and rubber buffer engine mountings conducive to silent running. The usual collec.
tion of gaddets of the AmeriJ. FLOWERS can sodel are included, while the tank holds eight and one half gallons of fuel. The dynamo, fan Abogado. Attorney at Law and water pump all are driven by a common bebs on the front OFFICE: No. 44 ST end of the engine, and the BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY system includes sbock absorbere TELEPHONE No. 1377 and balloon tires. The control rods are fitted with spring loaded oros ball joints.
The bore of tbe Practicing before all the courts of engine is 05 inches and the the Republic since April 1914 strcke 25 PLANT EXPANDED, The new schedule of prices cabled here from Detroit a few SINALCO minutes before the opening at o clock this morning follow: For any child or adult.
Touring car 150: Tw) Seater 143; Coupe 185; Sports Coupe 205; Tutor Sedan, 185; Fordor It a tonic nutriment.
Sedan 215.
When ibe Fords began selling like bot cakes this morning, reportes questioning officials home rule, but as a result of the as to how the orders will be filled settler attitude toward the learned that 60, 000 cars bad natives the British Government been set aside for display wigso far has ruled tbat its control dows. The plant is being exof the territory must be mainpanded already, for tentative ortained to bold the balance even ders for 375 000 cars had been between the white colorists sad received six weeks ago. They the Negro population. The attican be built at a rate of 11, 000 a lude of the settlers toward im day, which means about 2, 500, 000 migrants from iIndia also has year, for Do Ford employee injected a difficulty it to Imperial works Saturday or Sunday, Jamaica is another colony Notice to Correspondents.
which holds grievances against the London government, regardItself as sort of Cinderella of Contributors and correspondents the Empire, wbose commercial are asked to send in their contribu.
development has been idadetions not later than Thursdays to quately fostered.
ingure pablication. This is impera.
THE may body, a brakes, NEW YEAR Sodo BY DRINKING ber SILVER SPRAY relations.


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