
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 31, 1927 THE WORKMAN Phone 331 Panama, Box 96, Panama Box Ancon, Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica WALROND, at the otice No. 93 Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Ose Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. Тагое 60e We do not undertake to return reOne Month 25. jected correspondence. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS SATURDAY DECEMBER 31, 1927 HAPPY NEW YEAR Charles Dowling 53 CENTRAL AVENUE Fancy Groceries БІРРУ KPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL It is an age old formality for civilized peoples to extend to one another at this time of the year the wish for a happy new year. While such a wish transmits nothing more material or beneficial than the time old good morning or its equivalent, one is branded as uncouth and without common manners if he happens to greet a friend or otber acquaintance at this time each year and exclude the formal happy new year. He also almost automatically finds himself somewhat slighted if he does not receive the reciprocal the same to you.
In the midst of the Season millions of formal wishes, nowever, there are few which are coming from sincere hearts; a few which are intended to penetrate below superficial conventionalism. And so, while the WORKMAN, in keeping with the dictates of conventions, is extending the general wish for a happy new year to all, we are amplifying it with a sincere desire that the social, educational and economic condition among the common toilers the world over will improve to such a standard as to enable them to approach much closer to happiness, in fact, during the coming year.
Nineteen twenty. eight will be holding out many worth while opportunities to everybody. Some will grasp these opportunities, scme will not be able to grasp them and some will be handicapped in a way that they will be unable to grasp them. As a matter of fact, opportunities for advancement have always been held out to the coloured people here. But the trouble his always been with the SEIZING of those opportunities. We have never been able to seize them as we ought. We might have been withou: individual financial strength, but we could have easily poole small sums and furnished great levers. Our past failures, therefore, in the field of economics, especially, indicate that we bave not been sufficiently trained for the race. Although, this statement might be modified. Our ople on the Isthmus have not lost in all the races some places have been won. Here and there there have been some glimmers of health. ful awakening. All of them might not have brought forth fruit abundantly; some have not even blossomed; but the fact remains that there have been some awakening, as in the terminal cities we are now better represented in business than we were ten years ago. We now find our people in the automobile accessories business, motor cycles, bakery, grocery, dry goods, medicine. jewelry, watches and clocks, tailoring, barbering, dentistry, printing, Weekly London journalism, real estate and several other in departments of REMEMBER!
human endeavour. There has been a desire of late among Letter SINALCO some of our leading men to establish a building and loan society and a West lodian Foundation. BY ANDREW BLACKMORE)
Enriches the blood few of the leading members of our community have begun to lose hope at the community apparent lack of The London Tubos unity for and indif urence to several worthwhile projects Why throw away your old, but no an early rise in the Bapk Rate, introduced to them. Saying the least, the indifference has been a very marked one, but real fighters should not lose doubt interesting, books when you The London Underground 8vs. and this would preclude any postem of railways. popularly know sibility of a considerable expathope. The WORKMAN should be an inspiration to those as The Tubes, have for a long duction of the American Federal sion of British Trade. The rewho would throw in the sponge. This paper is can have them neatly bound at time been recognised as one of comfortable means of to 81 per cent last August reReserve Board rediscount Rate tenaciously holding on with a grim determination to carry modern travel. One of their cble: lieved the monetary stringency on and win in the face of overwhelming odds after sur THE WORKMAN drawbacks has been due to their mounting what appears unsurmountable. We expect to success: they bave been uncom in England, and transformed the win for we are not fighting to lose. But should we be fortab:y overcrowded durtos the The result is tha. although the whole outlook regarding finance.
beaten and have to go down in battle, it will be with the 93 CENTRAL AVENUE busy hours of the day. Now a international horizon is still far determined effort is to be satisfaction that we have fought a glorious fight and have suffere lan honourable defeat. In other words, we will Opposite Cecilia Theatre to improve them in every poss from clear and the British posis ble way so as to meet the needs ton bristles with disultles, the have died in action.
traveling The outlook for British trade is whole system is to be overbauled Brighter than it has been at alEvery new year inspires in the human breast the makat a cost of two and a bit mll most any period since the con ing of resolutions, most of which are forgotten or deliberateHo propounder and innumerable clusion of the the war. The quarterly scrapped during the first twenty four hours after they Improvements for better trade forecast Issued by the bettero botad Federation of British Industries, have been made. We know that thousands of our people here will be making resolutions to divorce themselves from troduced. New rolling stock bas e ter analysing the many factors concerned, the further prosecution of their present plans to leave their NOTICE OF REMOVAL.
past, but it tic. The new year will witoess economic future to chance. The almost entire dependence possible to run to run the new sa:isfac an inflow of gold into Britisb on chance has been the pit into which many of our memtorily to conjunction with the Bank Reserves, and the conseTHE OFFICE OF nearly bers have been falling for years. Some will not be able all lines old quent fall in the Bank Rate will ant coaches will be followed by an impro to reclaim themselves. To get rich quick by be taken out of in British forelgo trade; chance CAMBRIDGE service and either remodelled has be. an imaginary citadel in which may have been ecrapped. In the early days of adence in the big industrial or there are signs of renewed conliving. It is a dangerous castle to live in! Therefore, if we the electric system trains ran a centres; and it is now expected are to allow almost all our other resolutions to fall through Has been removed to No, 6023, Balboa 20 average speed of fifteen miles that trade will soon greatly imto the ground, let us not lose those which we might make to an hour and there were no pot prove, and this will result in the Avenue, between 6th and 7th Streets.
otop ruos. Today there are guard against leaving our entire destiny to mere chance.
many non stop trains, runolog at the unemployed, greater pure absorp:ion of a large number of speeds up to twenty ovo miles chasing power for the public, It is hoped that the progress which our community bas made in the various departments will be developed an hour and, unfortunately, frequently carrying over ons hup and a more satisfactory State of during 1928 and that all of us will profit by our misdred passengerers in carriages adalrs all around.
takes in the past by using them in the future as stepping designed to carry fifty, but that Record Fair.
stones to success.
prospects not being particularly inviting, we decided to state of affaire will soon be. take evidence of After this issue the WORKMAN will move into a new further bold the matter in abeyance. We are hoping, how two years to complete and be spread belier in trade recoverigen home not far from the present one. In changing our old ever, that this year will not dwindle away before we are the end of that time the Tubes to be found in the increase in home we are not in the least contemplating any change able to take a sound step forward and be able to wish you a will have service second to demands tor space at forthcoming British Industries Fair.
among our old friends. Rather, we want all our old friends happy NINETEEN TWENTY NINE through the medium none in the world.
Over three months have yet to Brighter Trade Outlook to meet us in our new home, where we expect to add many of a better Isthmian West Indian journal.
run before tbe Fair opens to Lonmany new ones. During the present year we made a We wish our readers, advertisers and supporters! Al few months ago It seemed don and Birmingbam, but already determined attempt to incorporate our entire plant, but the Happy and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR inepi:able that there would be (Continued on page B)
Book Binding!
and been bu Introduced in the tic bas not found inert been old, and on the wide


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