
lon Itilia return Prosperous New Year city coto chestra pality of Colon allowance of of 50 and he contributes аге ATLANTIC SIDE Who is David Valen CANAL ZONE NOTES tine Watson La Boca Pars Orchestra and Glee The Services Rendered the Singers Community of Colon Women Life Problem WITH THE CORRECTIONAL ΤΟ Club SCHOOL OF MINORS AT AMERICA THEATRE By Don CHARLES BORTONCINI To Elect Leaders Fine Program Keenly En(Judge of the night Court)
The Annual Nomination and Joyed.
David lentine Watson is a Election of officers for the Jam sican, 49 years old, who came Women Life Problem Club will to our country during the year he beld at the Clubhouse next 1906 baving among his valuables, Thursday it was lerned yester Music Lovers of Colon were two silver medels, one of which day. The scanty turn treated to an exceptionally fine out of was won in an exhibition cele members at the last meeting made program by the Atlantic Orches.
io his native land in com it impossible to have carried out tra and Atlantic Glee Singers at mimorati va of Queen Victoria o this part of the club program.
America Theatre on Christmas Rtand, while the other was given Day.
for ho good services during the Due to tbe spirit of homeliness year 1898 to 1899 as a soldier in Athenaeum To Eloot which characterizog these parts the Briti: rican possessions Officers.
on Christmas days, tbe audience From bi arrival in Paosma, was small. There wire less than Watson dedicated bimself to vari 300 persons present. but the ous activities in order to giin an Due to the Christmas Holidays gathering was a representative AND euli ted to fight for the Allies; were not carried out by the La honest living. until 1917 when he ocrination and election of officers one.
laser returning in the year 1920. Boca Athenaeum on Tuesday The Atlantic Orchestra was in excellent from and in every in silver won on the French these columrs last week. In fact way beld up to its reputation.
and the other of b:o:ze wɔn no meeting of this rocity was The Glee Singers gave a good on the held on Tuesday account of themgely? d PaSometime after bis Nomination and election to determine officers flected great credit od Mr.
started the establishing of a cor for the ensuing term will therefore Facy, the conductor.
miners in this be held at the general meeting At about n. Mr. Actor ing with only six next Tuesday evening. All mem.
commencing. said inst tution bers are asked to atteod.
Conror, who ably occupied the situated on Central Avenue, beChair for the occasion, made his tweea 13 and 14th street in op ning remarks, and in the huuse belonging to Mr. Robert La Boca Athenaeum na ne of the artistes welcomed Wilcox, there are housed some 82 the audience and extended to bove of different nationalities and tbm the season greetings. as.
EXTENDS NEW YEAR suring his hearers that they were ringing up to the age of, 20, some of them are orpbans, otncre ar GREETINGS to have an evening of rare and placed there by their piren s, profitable enjoymer while the m«jority are being seat To all Their Supporters And Following Mr. Connor reCARLOS MULLER by the Police authori. ies Friends.
marks tbe Orcbestra rendeed The maintainance of the Instiin Its usual masterly styla ROcurion, from its foundation. May sin overture Semirande and 151h 1920 until Apsil 1922, With the passing of the old year 19 elaborately appluuded Other SOLE AGENT bourne by the personal funds of and its attendant successes and numbers rendered by the orWatson. Afterwards the Nunici: failures, there approaches with all were Yule. Tide Petassisted him with calmness and serenity the glorious were Christmas rourri around the he New Year.
Tree, by Toban and Verdi 87 CENTRAL. AVENUE PANAMA CITY termine della folle Na ional Lottery assisted With this approach, the La Grasd Selection Aida. beside with 100. 00. Time after time the Boca Atheraeum wishes to extend the opening and closing marcher, There were also crchestral ac Colon Import with stuffs and terest and cooperation which the ne companiments to Lambert other Cornet Solo Old folks at home articles, and at various times public bas manifested in its many Wong Chang. Co. Ltd. Sing activities for the development of and in the Choral Paraphrave By Chong Lung co w, Tum literature during the passing year.
Babulan Wava hy the Atlantic Colon Wesley Church Dry Goods Co bave also made Glee Singers. Substancial presentesa ves the Insele resolutions are made which incare As at this time, tute In bis Cornet Solo Mr. Lam Spreads Christmas Spirit.
meant principally to serve as an The inmates receive daily, one inspiration to success. Every nerve bert displayed complete mastery bour spanish lesson from Prof. sidew and mu cle are bent to of the instru vent. His tripleDue to the alous and persist.
tonguing was admirahle and the ent ecorts of Rev. and Mrs.
Jose tally. who is paid y the enable our plans to succeed. In itam was given a well deserved Cousins of the Colon Wesley Municipality, and classes in En our clamour for success however, glish are given by the Asst. Direc. we are very apt to lay too much encore.
Church the Christmas Spirit cor, Mr Charles Reid. They are value on material echievements. By Babylon Wave was found itself into many a beart lightly regard also our among the most attractive of the that otberwise would bave CLEANING PRESSING ments. carpentery and practic. tual development which agriculture in a lot of choruses rendered by the Glee been devoid of it, land leased environment is is prode to condone.
Singers. Their time and inter.
Several weeks before Christfrom the Canal Zone, it is Io extending to to you our ncere pretation re excellent and there mas Mrs Cousins committed projected to teach them shoemak shoemak wish for a was perfect bleed with the herselt HOUSE Prosperous to the gigantic task of for a Happy and ing, and for purpose we are the New Year, we want to associate value of our new Was accorded tble nnmber. her efforts of the church in promo aspirations may be tempered Christmas contributions to the program by ing the annual begin cnly the higher the Glee Sirgers were Cbrist. for the hope for intelluctual deve a the children mas by McFarren, Night wil he aged members and for lopmenta Between 12th and 13th Bolivar a treat. Sbe the employing of an expere shoe the value and power of self help.
from Mizart and Olat Tryeras. Ratbered in more than 100, and on ber subscription list are to be son by Reissiger, a better appreciation of Kerpent entered into between as a of literature advancement, Walch Miss Rample vocal solo leading business men of the city.
seen the names of many of the Street.
a destroy the selfPacheco, some of tbe and other undesirable Sing. Smilee, Slumber was are learning to sew drill which do not only thwart know.
superb. Sh? was perfectly gollcontrolled and sung in good style gifts were received wbich went to the collections, suits; in exchange for these services ledge, but kill ambition; and thus she 19 earning an encore. As a young a long way towards making the exempted from the payment we will be brought to the bappy and aspining vocalist, Miss Ram: treat possible. Mr. Hector Conser Where real Cleaning and of rent for the space occupied by realization as in the words of James ple is becoming popular. She gave 50 loaves of bread and some her and where she also teaches Montgomery. Tis not the wbole of some girls dressmaking: life to live. 994Rses much that can be culcak 2s, and barrel of apples The rental of the house used by tivated.
was given by the Armistic Pressing is done.
the Institute Mr. Facey in bis usual calm Lodge, while Mrs. Cousine costs 125, 00 monthly the electrical lighting and masterly style sang Good abley assisted in her preparawhich is also paid by while Watson, Small bye by Tasti and was well ar Abwa and others.
Llong by Mrs. Raddock, Miss the Municipality plauded.
DENTIST of water consumed. The interior Spreading of Christmas is orderly;clean, and well ventilated MASONIC TEMPLE At the close of the program cheer begin on Christmas mornbut some obairs and benches are Office Hours: 8, am to 12pm Mr. Connor, thanked the audience ing, when the Revd. and Mrs.
needed; supplies have 30 to 30 I)
for its support, and asked for Cousins urneyed to New Proviu been furnished, days ago through Sunday, by Special Appointment of the former place are now the continued support, Masonic Temple lith St, mention of the fact that the aud doce and there die tributed gitts the good office of the Mayor. Don residing at Cim Blerd and will Hector Conte Among the old PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL lence was a cosmopolitan one, bers of the floob heedy bemTHE IDEAL DRINK report for wo at the Silver Inmates PHONE: OFFICE 1664 Among the consisting as it City School on Tuesday the as it did, not only of returning in the evening.
за found some of the meinbers of the RESIDENCE SINALCO 538 West Indians, but also of Os the following day about 40 prox. During the absonce of cans, Panamans and others. He of the aged members of the famous Black fleet, White Spider, Mr Johnston, principal of the and Orangutan gang, that fittingly eulog zed the Orchestra Colon Chure) gathered at the Always Delicious Silver to time and encouraged the members to Mission Hall, where they enjoy. short vacation in Jamaica, Mr. trouble to the tirocal bearboriving Dr. Nathan Rowe co vinue in their dignified worked an attractive dinner, after Reid will act as principal.
The public bave ben able to. Connor intimated the inten which they were given parcels PHYSICIAN ND SURGEON tion dramatic ed preciate the fact that for some time. 11th and Bolivar Sts.
troupe with tbe orchestra at some small amounts ranging from one and gifts stributed from the Cricket lovers are eagerly walt as was done previously, the fre COLON, time to be az nounced to the io five dollars as the various Christmas tree. All present er. ing. to witness the fraternal quent lock break. ngs. spatching BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE parpose of presenting a monster cases warranted. The children inyed themselves and the even: ericset match at Mount Hope on of women purses in brod day Chase National Bank program to the public. This id a had tbeir sbare of enjoyment ating entertainment closed with Sunday and Monday the 1st and Ight, and petty laroepies.
is indeed a popular one and will night when they rendered in the wizpah shortly before mid. d prox, The very iomates are now cele Office Hours: a. to 12m, be well supported.
crotala, Chritmas p. to p.
brating with the authorities to disOFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 In closing bis remarks, Mr. ed them acd assisted in distriduring which Santa Claus Visit By special request the drama cover and capture their old comConnor announced a repetition News Notes The Heritage of Youth which panions; some of those unfortu DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 on the 10th of January of The buting gifts from the Christmas was successfully staged at the nates after being discharged from O, Box 854, Cristobal, Heritage of Youth, the drama true. The children gave Blol Cristobal Silver Clubhouse by the Institute; and now employed which was successfully rendered eccount of themselves, to the by his troure at the Cristobaled them for the occasion.
credit of Mrs. Cousins who talaan Commencing at 9pm tomor pupils of the tech. in the comunity a ad are leading row the program tech: bonest life.
pical school on the 20th inst.
wbich was of Spa ish astructor so that salary Silver Clubhouse on the 20th On the direction Wednesday night the Crigodal under Among the various jobs done by classes could be conducted in the iust.
Christian Andeavour Society had colon Baptist Church on Sao Hector Connor will be repeated made of a road, some three quarter done in the Public Schools, and me which are Following the closing march by ito share of lens when in triple day last will be repeated after on the night of Tuesday the 10tb. mile long, which leads to the Silver the same time ordering the Bands the orchestra the audience dis function, consisting of the post which the usual watch night bathing Beach, at Nine street and master to give the boys a few persed, all feeling that a profit poned anniversary, social ana will take place.
Colon Division No. 784 I, rew Cristobal; this job was done hours instruction weekly. The able and inspiring evening had Christmas tree took place. And is preparing a special program through arrangements with certain public should look very favourable been spent, and that that is really appropriate program was pre Messrs. Reid and Rodriquez to be presented at their hall, authorities of the Canal Zone. and assist a man who has spent his about the best way ore could sented after which the Eadea teachers from Empire who have corner of 11th street and The protecting hand of the Muni earnings, and has devoted his time think of spending Christmas vourers repaired to the Mission been transferred to Cristobal, Broadway tomorrow night. cipality should be further extended to such a beaeficial asset to the evening!
Hall where the Social was given following the abandonment The public is invited.
to the Institute, increasing the community.
THE PROGRESSIVE intellec our he also that been orderid, about with the hope when with as a means of Benito qualities inmates ile addition to the be ides the cos The greatly. school are to be the eve that station, Obat Amari.
have apCbeer night.
of Mr.


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