
To Our West Indian Patrons tion hotel is a KBCY TUSAWASANWALAX223243 So it A HAPPY obin illl you cry Prosperous New Year The Workman BOOK STORE for a glass of water on very acee contioued: with led VIGOR TONIC Contra Crespo awares, XX vra143 VYOTE AKT 23 The Philanthropic English Lord rom (Conticued from page kird of tip from bis customer.
The tip is the very salt of his We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men existence as a walter Iu the and women, in which an exeellent income can be made even loadstar that attracts bim to the to those who work but PART TIME. Duriag oor 35 years in job, and it the magnet that bim keeps business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who supply on it. In his imaginaevery our household necessity to our customers in every country in potential El Dorado and every guest potenthe world. Many of our agents have been with us over 30 tiel benefactor. Without the tip years and have achieved Financial Independence. Increasbe would soon pide away and, ing local demands and repeat orders, make it nece sary to possibly; dle. Tell waiter nou appoint more local representatives in many localities in the to worry about tips what! You We wish to extend to you and yours may as well advise drunken United States. No special experience or capital required. It sallor not to swear, or a Scotcb is a straightfoward, digoified business. Wny tot represent the man to dispense with his quart largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send of whisky, or a or Trinidad planter Our best wishes for us your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bureau of his customary glass of KP will send you full particulars Why, chappie, the blessed think When we appoint an agent is an established institution as we furnish free samples for Trial Tests in the bomes in the touch as cricket. base ball, or locality of the agent.
anything else.
In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in not surprising, ther, which you saw this advertisement, that also had my partiality for the ever welcome tip, which to Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, me then was like a 800 (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street W.
balm, ips! wby, were to relate you my varied experiences AND on the score of them during the months held my job, could talk from now enough. could tell you for Ines instance, of the money rotten young spendthritt of an Ameri CALL IN AT can, with considerably more money than brain, who once gave me a tec dollar tip just for serving him a glass of water. Can you beat that? Ten dollars which WILCOX SAENGER FILM Co.
practically no monetary value can be placed! ot ibis the acme of stupidity?
him, And be OPERATING No. 93, Central Avenue The following morning was standing in Cecilia Amador, America and Strand Theatres.
Gnishing touches to my table presaloon, having just put the SA GOOD SELECTION OF paratory to the servicg of NEW BIBLES breakfast. Together with my fellowwaiters was patiently awaiting Hymn Prayer Books the entrance of the guests. And as stood there my mind reverto the queer incident of the found mysel: deliberating as to whether previous. should give ms limy friends as wide a birth as possible or And WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR there they were, having just entered the room and heading straight towards me. Taken unI could not conveniently make my escape; it was too la e.
The best in the World The presiding genius was lend.
ing, followed his ttecdNo hot irons or special combs required ant satellites. His face wreathed in smiles like that of the matinal con in the joyous SOLD IN DRUG STORES mouth of May. They all three For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The looked then even more aristocratic than they the previous Only Wine That Should Be Taken With PhosGood day, sonny, said he of we e sipping leisurely, while the trotters In our travels it ha the microscopic tip.
sweet arona pervaded the air been our privilege to visit, and pherine (Ashton Parson) may have returned his kind around, wben my eccentric cus sometimes to lodge at, the most salutation, but m not quite sure tomer suddenly wheeled round op to date and fasbionable on that point.
and said to me: hotels in the world, where we ve trust you had a pleasant Now, hurry up, sondy, and rest last night. he added. Then fetch them to me Invariably met with service. But we can assure you Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the еш Beg your pardon. What else that never baye we here boy, eb? See how ofticious be 18. do you wish, sir? queried, service to equal that which it has to. Republic of Panama.
at bis post, awaiting us. thinking that he had belatedly been our good fortune to find in gasped. Again to me: discovered some new daluty on this hotel during our month Now, listen, sonny, m figur. menu card which he desired to stay here, which enjoyment ing that our stay here will be sumple.
has been made possible to an Doriah about a month or so, He turned This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in The farthlogs, of course, be aod unremitting atter to bis mals companion, Am replied, gazing at me fixedly. Solicitonole extent through your right, Harvey hope you ve kept them safe for to our gastronomic necessiDebility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment In afirmation Addressing me me. Why, ted not part with Opettes. You have regaled us with more: that you of these little coins neither for have satisfied our tastes that our so many epecurean dishes which make it a special duty to wait on love nor money: they re far toº acjurn here will ever be the of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
us during the time. You savvy precious to me. Fetch them All the time. My friends and quickly, will you?
sweetest recollection of our Ic promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone qulte pleased with your travels abroad.
service yesterday. So don fail. yes, the farthings. Paiting his hand in his and energy to the whole system.
us. And he added with a wink, think ve them pat away, pocket ha produced from its But mind that you don get blarted out, suddenly feeling a depths card which he courte swell beaded at that.
presentiment that something Jously baaded To cut a long story short, was in store for me. Like an, furtive glance at it and read, to me. cast a waited on them that It Lord Liverstock and endeavoured DO:E. One sniall Wine Glass before each meal or times a day, to surpassa al was only a matter of a few sec. Lordship address.
and below his my previous efforts at table onde for me to pull out the old Good waiting.
grip from beneath my bed, open bye, sonney; may, we The meal over, the English it, and get the coins, Quickly giving me a warm shake of the meet agala seme day, said ha, mac tortb bis purse and making a paper parcel the lot Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by as on the previous occasion, took borried back to the dining hali hand. His two companions did ball likewise, Byfore could recover from it a farting and gently and and handed it it to the gentleman. from my surprise they were the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitigracefully placed it in my out. He took from me the small pargone: tretched hand. Then Drecere by one he counted the coins; While stood by the table, a diminutive note book, he cel and slowly unfolded it. One mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, moniously made some kird of they were fitty in all. Refolding Sngering the card in my hand, entry in it. These funny actions the parcel, he he quletly put it sorely disappointed, angry nasty.
printed matter explaning for what diseases it should part so tickled my sense Into one of his coat pockets, the Felt like killing somebody.
of curiosity that wbile Just a few words of empty be used, how it should be used, how it should be apdecided to carry the comedy of tures lit with the smile of prae praise and a small oblong shaped farce (if either it was) to it Its kish to look at precious reward utmost limit, and resolved that watching his movements. Then indeed for maliciousness, Cor Pragthirty one days of plied and what doses should be taken.
dalls to the gastronomie needs self of the following simple but acute bitterness of spirit. Who rain or sbine would attend addressing me be delivered him. constant and faithful attendance, found myself mumbling In of this sir gular group of people, elegant little speecb: 80 the time passed.
SOLD BY My good youngster, we leave would bave thought that of an Every day at the conclusion of Jamaica by an out going boat English Lord: And sadly pickeach meal tbls Eoglishman would this evening Oa babalt of my ng op my pares, left the roɔn.
hand me a farthing tip and make two friends and myselt thank (To be Continued)
JAVIER MORAN a correspooding entry in bis you very much for the prompt.
Cotebook, not a word, transient smile of geniality Which and faithful service, you ve given us during SINALCO AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City accompanying the rift. It was noon, the thirty first here. We have done a great our comparatively short stay deal Regulates the stomach, day of my clients sojourn at the of travelling for the past six hotel and had just served them months, We re what are usualglves healthy and natural with the dainty wee cups of ly desiguated (for want of a betsleep.
steeming black coffee which they ter term, suppose) globe elas was excellent already.
tion to 1 were ल Tbe brought taway on his card to And not even


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