
TO ALL 4t1.
Petitions Against Lawyers.
Trindad. Nov, 26th. Petitions by litigants against lawyers setting out serious cbarges against the last named cele referred to by Sir George Walton in the Supreme Court.
Hon. LA Reilly on be half of Mr. Reilly and other Counsel engaged in the case, Ida Huggins Jerome Ionac Watts and others, an action in respect of a deed, banded to His Honour terms of setllement signed by Couds allo The matter, whereupon Bis Honour took the opportunity to comment on the prevalence of of petitions of litigants in cases where Counsel on toth sides agreed to a settlement. They rushed to petition the Governor making all sorts of charges that they wera being robbed of their ho rights and gave the Jodge great deal of trouble. Too much of it was obecked. There are too many it Idle people about, be added. who for fow sixpences will write these petitions Mr. Reilly replied that he was glad His Honeur had stated that. It was known to the pro fession to be the root of the wbole trouble. Frivolous allegations were Solicitors and took up the time generally made against of the Judges.
His Honour: The statements are so drastice that you can almost imply malice.
Mr. Reilly: It is difficult for any legislation to be made to remedy it.
His Honour: It is to cases such as this that people run to send petitions to the Governor that the wbole lot of you conspire to uefraud them of their rights.
including the Judge.
BRITISH GUIANA OUR PATRONS Skeete who opened the lattick: Farmer RAVE their The The other FUERZA LUZ given First Eleven Cricket WANDERERS VS. PICKWICK SINALCO Delightful weather existed last Put your servel to work Saturday. The day was igb and favoured with a col re every day.
freshing breeze wbich relieved the heat aod made the pleasur of outdoor games most apparent, Little rain baving fallen derina Dr. Fred Sterling the week the wicket presented to the players was well epired and in favour of the batsmer.
THE NEW YORK DENTIST On the 3rd inst. Wanderers 182, BOLIVAR STREET treated the spectators to a fine CLON, call of time bad compiled 262 for Box 771, CRISTOBAL, and by the loss of wickete. Like a true TELEPHONE 247 COLON sportswan Challenor the Wonderer Skipper declared bs innlogs without Dr. Arnulfo Arias batting on Saturday. With va jed opinion as to whether the PHYSICIAN SURGEON Visitors would top the score or not, the large attendance took op Removed his Clinic to Centheir positions to see what al Avenue No. 137 balt would be the results of the con block away from the up to1. 30 play commenced, Pick dateDrug Store named wick opened with their usu! Pharmaɔy.
pair Tarilton and Had At?
Hond wu besutifully taken by Mason. The to al score was BOWLING ANALYSIS 12. But the bomesters did not tiad it an easy task to break the OM RW bext partnership which was set 0, Wood 17 61 up on Kidney joining the old s. Phillips 15 46 veteran. Challenor and Dr. Road 21 63 L. Hatabin son 20 66 place to J, Ed. 08 wards 81 Msso. e latter PICKWICK 19T INNINGS commanded a beautiful length e. Ta ilton 1b Mason ar scoring was not as fast as Hord Maso1 1 46 before. Edwards at Dr. Skeete valuable assistance, J, Kidney A. B, Edwards end gave galning considerable respect. As soon bowever as a few overs bad jod stpd wk Gooding Burton 80 soon beceived from these bow Wb Challenor lers the batsmen began to score R, Hutch Hatcblosu. bw at a fair rate again. Changes in Chico ibe bowling were made to no Farmer Challenor Challenor 19 effect until Mason was his third chance. This time he Health. Challanor Goodman stud Burton 33 got Tailton for 46 It 44 being 3;15 o clock the tea inter B. Giddard not out Paillips subb Burton 01 val was taken.
17 BF. Greaves ab, ent On resumption Wood took Extras 13 up position with Kidney and was only allowed to make 2, being stumped by Gooding who was Total for wkts 264 keeping wicket witb marked Hutchinson was BOWLING ANALYSIS Dublesome before he was final ly given out to Challeder MRWT for 19. His Cballedor Farmer 19. 5 66 tors bowled by the same bowle: R. Edwards Dr. Skeete 11 31 il was for Goodman, who is a strong Mason 10 38 ol bitier came Dext. Kidney was w. Ince 19 57 11 playing sound tonings and Burton 1 20 5 getting runs all round the wick.
40 He gave a chance at 74 and rallied to make six more who be was caught in tbe country by Dr.
Edwardso Burton a bowler.
The tins showed 184 660. Health the following man played determinedly, and it was the partnership between hims. It and Goodman wbich kive bis team hopes of wiping at this late hour 4:15 o cloek. Ai 4:50 the second century was holsted. Could Pick xick make the required 63 runs necessary for Victory in 40 was the question prevalent. Hi llor fearlessly despite every change in the bowling this patr carried the score to 234. when Goodman was stumped in stepping to drive Barton. Things looked a bit for the bit gloomy visitors when the next batsman Phillips gave Eustace the Wanderer groundsma.
wh was fielding for De tbe raance of bringing og Bne cat. in the country. B.
Goddard was tenth man and hit for all be was worth. With four minutes for play the score was at 254, and Cballedor took the ball from the southern end bowling to Heath. All was excitement tble over decided the game one way or the other, H, Greaves the nith hind man. being absent. Heath brought victory to bis side by cutting the tira bill of Challenor ove over for fou this was a stroke in time for be was clean bowled in the next ba. The visitors thus gained three point by a lead of two runs.
Th socores and analysis are as follows:WANDERERS IST INNING3. Challenor Hotchinson 114 H, Ince stpd wkt Tarilton Ho a 33 Cart, M. Phillips e Phillips Hutcbinson Skeete e wkt Hutchinson Dr. Edwards Road 11 Edwards Heatb Phillips 41 Burton. Wood 14 Dr. E, Skeete Farmer 2 Mason oot out 21 Kessel pot out W, G, Gonding to bat Extras The British Cuiana Electives Reply to Commissioners. 4444 Slow Wishing you a minutes? This DOE Court.
Happy and Prosperous Skeete, really Georgetown Dec, 15. At Monday session of the combined Court, the electives laid over a memorandum ln reply to the report of the British Guiana Commission wbich visited the Colony early this year.
The report is a voluminous document, covering nine chapters in sixty two pages, with a compendious appendix.
Pursuant of the notice. Mr.
Wabber moved in the combined Court yesterday, motion requestiog the Court policy be to opact legislation in contravention to the terms of the memorandum or hostile to the financial powers of the combined It moreover asked for legislation to enable the Government to dominate non official members to the senior Chamber, to extend the number of electives proportionately, to compel tho Government to choose its exe.
cutive Council exclusively from legislature Olicials and un officiale) and to convey tothe Gov ernor in Executive Council absolate and reserve power to preserve the credit of the Colony la the sinking land and payment of loans, withoat the necessity of a Vote in the Legislature for any loans internal or external, the raising of which are duly sanctioned by the Legislature.
The motion further requested, in the event of His Excellency or the Secretary of State for the Colonies are unable to authorise the introduction of the required legislation, that the Secretay of State be asked per mission to receive a deputation from tbe Court and to authorise a vote from the public funds for the purſote.
Afrer an all day debate the motion was carried goanimously, the official members declining to vote and the Governor undertaking to set no obstacle in the way of despatch of such a deputation if the Secretary of State consented to receive same kod authorised the appropriation, NEW YEAR And a Continued Preference For LUCKY STRIKE Hond CIGARETTES BOWEN TAILOR No. M Street San Miguel Panama City 18 WWE Total (for wkts)


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