p. 8


90 126 FULLER BRITISH PHARMACY 125 109 adeo una 126 Fair.
applying 95 been 124 that 119 some mwiting to be Tomorrow Races Cosmopolitan House. Church Announce.
ment for Sunday, 31 CALIDONIA ROAD There is published below the program of races for toR. McALMON. Prop.
Jan. ist. 1928 morrow afternoon at the Peter by the Sea, La Baca popular Juan Franco Park.
we take the pleasure Watch Night Service Saturday There are seven of them of wishing our patrons and The usual Wateh Night Service seven Snappy aggregations well wishers a most enjoy will begin at 10, 30 o clock tonight which promise the great st able Christmas and a very iollowed by a celebration of the thrills for sometime. Excuse Prosperous New Year. Holy Communion.
me, Cococha, El Chichi and IS NOW LOCATED AT Commencing at 10 45 a the Barba Roja are booked to run Litany will be sung, after which 16 2 furlongs for the cur.
the Holy Etcharist will be celetain raiser. while Burlesco brated, The Rector will be the 11. 1154 11th STREET is matched with Vittoria and celebrant and preacher.
three others for the closing There will be Church School at Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK pm The programAt 30 pm there will be Choral Where our customers will receive the usual Evensong and Sermon. The Bishop will be the preacher.
FIRST RACE courtesies furlogs Purse 185 NEED Monday at am, the Sunday Schocl children and teachers to. Excuse Me 132 gether with the Choristers and (Cococha 125 WATCH? Church Committee Men will Corchi 110 journey to Pueblo Nuevo, to Barba Roja LOOK FOR THE SIGN DROP IN AT indu ge in the annual New Year Treat, SECOND RACE T, MULCARE Rector Furlongs Parse 125 St.
Barnabas Empire, Cbiqui 111 St Bartholomew s, Las Intimo 122 CENTRAL AVE.
Pistol Cascadas You lil Find Them St Simon s, Gamboa THIRD RACE Moderately Priced. and Chulet School will be held at Morning Prayer Furlong. Parse 175 115 (Kitty all Weekly London West Indian ac Cura Prominent Members of each of above102 (San Shre by the Lay Reader.
126 Letter umba Gordo coa MULCARE 121 Continued from page 1)
Copi Priest in Charge FOURTE RACE Continued from page one young and dextrous little Miss Furongg Porse 100. Continued from page 4)
Daisy White of La Boca. Mi CHURCH SERVICES Pan Dulce 125 the amount of space that has ing their homes for Maracaibo via White is one of our promisin 120 been let to exbibitors is nearly Curocoa without being in prese vi li stand tomorrow she will Repulse 102 30 per cent in excess of the ession of the necessary papri to make her debut as a member of the AMERICAN EPISCOPAL Picad lly 901 whole area occupied at the last procure their admission into Vene Panama Symphony Orchestra 18e zo la and as a vise from the con company with some of our bs CHURCH Un Nueve There are nearly one sul General of Venezuela st lucrul inicians and singers Starbuck in 15 thousand trading firms is Curacoa as essential before Among the vocalists, there will Gos neial bele, discovered an apthey previous years, volunteered St: Panil Church, Panam)
Dou Allonso for spac, and, to judge by the can purchase a ticket, they are be Miss Leua Moulton, also of Ls parent inability of the Associn tion (A, Nightengale FIFTH RACE rate at which applications Priest ia charge received, and the fact that there causing a considerable amount of Among the works to be heard dies tr at. It is not ourunterstand hare getting into serious difficulties and Boca.
o ute financiall, to the kid NEW YEAR EVE Furlongs. Purse 175 trouble to the British Vice Con tomorrow from the Orchestra are ing tlat 128 within the remaining Offenbach Tales of Hoffmaq help rede for the purpose of treat Araucana Watch Night Service Coming, that application for financia within the boods Avulsulate there, organizations bas ever encing at 10. 30 (Cor. ango 110 space I have to be allotted by (la Neud system which will number of people declare ng ile La Bora chi Idren at Christ. FEAST OF THE CIRCUMCIZilamera hich their intention of traveiliu, to 115 give every applie nt mas time. Rather, it is our under SION Tibis exhibit. Toere wild chance to Curacao and obtain a visa for standing that financial contribuSIXTH RACE be some risk of disappointing that port ouly, boping to get into ions to Fuch a cause have always JANUARY IST Failongs Purse 125 late comte. Th very satisfac Maracaibo from ther, but all been wholly voluntary. am Holy Communion The Honey Dw 109 tory prospect is pa y due to che persons who intend to travel to etor Jakie 128 success of the last Fair and to Maracaibo are warned that they Local Dance Orchestra 10. 15 a Mantins Fap 112 the it creased activity by the mut provide them elves with all 10. 30 a Holy Eucharist te necesary documents required Barba Rj 119 Department of our eas Trade, by the Vearzuelan Government 113 but mainly because of the steady and have them duly visaed by the Given Hearty Reception sermon. The Roctor ZApo 125 imor)
vnt in de generally local ve. czuelan Consul, 12. a Holy Baptism Dardanila In Kingston Bnti 3 One feature of the pm Church School SEVENTH RACE trade, which is great importCooral Evensong and The JAMAICA GLEANER of sermon, with the ance to trada abroad, is Furlongs Purse 175 Procession. The scheme, initiated recent date reports that the Metro choir and acolytes will bear lighted 109 La kitimidad pole Dance Orchestra of Panama candles in their hands during by the Government in 1921, and SINALCO Vittoria 120 expanded during the last arrived in Kirgston on the the procestion.
105 twelve months. Britly, it is to Metapao on Saturday the 17th Li Ciiquila St Matthias Mission On, rale at all First Class Javieta 108 tended to assist firms in England inst. on a visit during which time 11 Clubs, Cabarets and Soda LAS SABANAS they will take part in many publie Barletco to to gies Fountains, engagements. Rev AF Nightengale)
aproad, who are not able to pay Panama City Distributor.
The Orchestra which nun bered cash fore or immediately goods Priest in Charge Sparklets GILBERT BRID.
seven all told, rave some splendid are delivered Long credit is now selections on deck while the Met3 m. Church School mare favourably regarded by Exclusive Representative.
apan was doeking and were given address. Mr. A Richards, Lay 30 pm Choral Evensong and i ish manufacturers and (Certinued from page 1)
a hearty reception by friends as Reader.
traders than ever before. No CASANAVITARTE, they came ashore. The names of doubt not even given intelligent une tn the sy leun of longer Colon, Miss DAISY WHITE the players are Ivanhce Henry, St Alban Church, Parais, It has been just a continuty of credit will facilitate the booking and Von Suppe Pique Dame. Lawson, Romere Francis. Mana. Rev. F. Nightengale D Ree.
Clifton Pinder, Lester Reid, Joseph CANAL ZONE dabbling by great battlers a lot orders at next year Fair Madames Headley and King ger. Reuben Smith, and Richard 11 am Matius and address, damnable falley. azetarder of specially amongst boyers from countries who reward it as a cus among others will be heard our pogress.
tum of their trade; and who numbers from the works of Mr. A, Osborne, Now, geitle reader am Coleridge It is believed that the Metro Church School position with you a happy new to the one there was a for good: John Bull Pays countries which could prothe most emino, Negro musi pole Orchestra which has earned a year; tray the coming wear bring vide it. Cootinued from page 1)
ians and 30 pm. Choral Evensong composers. Madame splendid reputation in Colon will and address, the Catechist you prosperity, that is, health and King and Mr. Davis will also ap not fail to live up to it in Jamaics wealth. As a rember of the Renaissance of Learning.
On Wednesday night the Rev.
thousind dollars was being made pear a duet from Coleridge as did the Hot Tonales Seven Jaaz Mr, Drake will be formally intere: Negro community!
practical experience of our idinsyn.
Toe growth in the bumber and the following day theo the botte Mc. Elijah Hunter, well known earned praise from some prominent new incumbent.
Band from Panama City which goed ty the congregation as the and our virtues am the general efici ney of itish British Government to the United cracies, side sum the the Atlantic resident, and Jamaicans on its tour there not ahoroughly acquainte! with. Oar Universities during the lat half States 25. 00 is prominent in community wel very long ago.
princ pal weaknes is lack of soli o vry ves pra hope to all amount of Seventh Day Adve tist will preside at of fare work this STREET account of of CALIDONIA indulgence is pretty pleasures, and education of the people of test With this payment the total Cristobal and will attend the Conprinciple the balance being inter function, and others who are coming over u ditegned for tho e thing which counterschiedy sears mited y paymen to the United States from Panama Clee Singers ROAD sear Isthmian Park Pana: Uuiver tend to strengthen our torial, edu sity education was limited by.
hu Impress Large Sabbatb (Saturdar) 45 a.
rational and economic status, Our the the side Wast Indian representative of Saobab Schoo. 11. 15 a. Gnthe the STAR HERALD eroare main handicap in the favoured eral Worship Spanish Audience.
two millions nine hundred and of Class: There were one eighty thousand dollars of which past.
Regardless of our being favoured few.
capable and workers, we may say, only the Uni. 80 Selety, hundred and twenty million Balore audience on Junior care poorly perilice or there and more or sites of Oxford and can dollara bir boen for indipendent of the President Whyte of the Sunday last, the Panaca Giet Senior Standard at varme o mond result is that although numerically bridge, with their great traditions repayment of principle been made a Class, p. Vespers.
strong we are financially weak, of the wide bu malitarian culture amount Ontstanding has which they bestowed the reduced to four thousand four (Continued from page 7) their interpretation of the Christ. Baptism Service Very favourable impression in Subject for Dec. 25th 30 p, What we need most during 1928 sons of the Eaglish upper classes hundre ani eighty milion dollars.
mas music. The Rev. E, Wade is introspection 10 look within Since then the whole face of bute in the past, but have this presided as GRIZZLE Pastor ourselves and find out where we bigber education his been year a led to do so on account of In spite of the fact that many are weakest and supply the neces. changed: new universities have decline of interest in the work. perso were forced to remaid of tb evening. The duet by sary strength, and where we are sprus strong, improve upon that strength spirit of nineteenth century pro Bio chemiatry was Ishuld also like to be advised how at bome to carry out sno ber Mesdames King and Hollingssprung up imbued with the Let us therefore take a proper 10 greas, and the democratic ideals Oxford. The Prime Minister tion is unable to contribute siasts turned out and enjoyed the recitations by the Misses Miles opened at it becam. nown that the Associa program, yet the musical entbu worth was well received, also the ventory of ourselves, make the then growi necessary adjustments and read. Loeda. Sheffi id, Liverpool and develoyment of modern tim catio wai mide to us for such Birmingham, stated that English iverzity financia ly, inuun as no appli entertaio ment.
and Forthe.
Durbam have become centres of will be looked upo by the contributi. It is not the intention of the justmen and carry on As the fanction was somewhat intention new scientific learning bistorian as a genu ne repaiaof the writer to eulogiz.
of a dual nature, the Chapel So, good bye, gentle reader, and the Respectfully, panecessarily, but mention mas Stewards, Messrs. F, Grantomorrow, deo volente, if you are whilst they still provide the old manca of learning, and as reprezS. WHYTE ewood by the able to stand the price of a 50 cent cultural leaven that comes from nant in its hopes for the future the renaissance of the President. 3, 1. Associatien Greene, and Miss Doris line of the work of the Church, concert ticket you will meet me at a study of philosphy, literature as vis. Darlig, of the moister, gave a briet ouit three o clock, post meridian, at the and the ancient classics. New fifteenth century.
and Excelsior Theatre, where we will schools are continually being Hamer; These conuibutors made The Lord Chancellor of Oxford Editor Note: The news item a mark, and it is hoped that they proved to be very interesting for enjoy some good music and singing added to them. Nor bave Oxford referred to the vital importance referred:0 by the President of the will those and begin the new year sight. and Cambrioge been slow to In of bio chimist y. these was sent in by lines, and in the same spirit.
cortinuu along the same bibe the teachings of science. two new schools of scienc: are our La Boca correspondent who, lo a general summary nane To Birmirgham Ualversity was merely symbolical of the pro on account of seversl published Doutin were the accompa exp. ctation, which Miss Doris Rydney and Mr of the contributors fell short or recently added a building which gress that is being made in high statements to the effect that the pists for the evening, and the impetius for the next appear Rent receipt books in Spacisk will serve as a fine school of er eduction, which every day is As:0 iation was licking of proper esoperation gave the desired ance of th: organizati. The e glish tur sale at the di 1999; andweek latter a becoming easler to each by the support, and for the further reason eß ct. The mix wale qua. function was cor ciud with the 185AN.
thoroughly egalpped school of masses of people that the Boca Dist. iet bad not, tettes re two spcial feasures banectiva bg the Chairmen.
export 30, 66 exports credit greatly 126 in Griffith.
оре of among entine has edoc tion was been two old Upi Charman 18 greac


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