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sonde Himnom. Tourire False Pride Hampers Unity aod necesdestitute ta a of The average Tmeg mitt ran 10 Brazil, where native labour is adundant and West are not understand more wbieb hetne for emigrants lects 15, 000, 000 Prince of In Tolls On From 3589 Vessels Trip to Find a.
Since July of Last British Consul at Para Sends cable des patch from London, Says Kuox, Personal RepreYear.
dited January 5, states that a Warning to Governments.
purported joke on the Prince of sentative of Hon. Marcus Garvey Fifteen milion ninety thousand Wales is published in smith four hundred and thiry dollars Weekly, an Australian paper The Governments of Jamaica, stagnating for want of population and fifty seveo cents was collected whose thief owner is Sir Joynton Liberty Hall, New York, Sunday Night, Jan. Barbados and Britih Guiana bave and the Government of British in to! ls by the Panama Canal from Sraith received information from the Guiana and British Honduras are July 1, 1927 to clo e of business The Weekly publishes an the Hon. Knox, personal representattve of the Presicrowded auditorium listened with rapt attention tonight to British Consulat Para, Brazil, constantly deliring the impossi on January 15, 1928, according to article beaded Finding a Wife for dent General, Hon. Marcus Garvey, as he delivered a very warning West Indians against bilinizin do progress withopulation of the renou pou need to relieve in the builder in der er et on poliebwi thoughtful and reasoned discourse on the difference between latter pl ce antial increase of This amount was collecte! from sends the Prince from Cape Town in search of employment. The sorry There are also other West Indian three thousand five hundred and to Cape Cod, from Bairwayo to the Negro in the Uuiversal Negro Improvement Association plight or those West Indians who colonies which need men and eightyaine ves els which use the have alrdy emigrated to Brazil wonea to develon their possibili great waterway during that period. Burona, from Wooll. mmooloo to and the Negro on the outside. Mr. Knox spoke with eloBut the various West Feature boroughout the late rida: Wapping, from Greenland loy quent conviction and evidently voiced the sentiments of his would add empla 13 to the Con todian Governments have made the heaviest during the past mountain to India coral strane, hearers as he declared the imminence of the day when the only able sities of life, while many are entire taking West Indians from the December shattered all records for the ukulele, pianola of autoharp, salvation for the race lay only along the path mapped out. play ly Even with the gen overcrowed islands and testling number of transits and amou at of and are promised that a wedding by the Hɔn. Marcus Garvey, would cast out false pride and Prous help of Englisbren resident them in colo toll in the district the Consul finds it nies; 09 the contrary the puli Two ceremony will be performed fall ni line in the ranks of the Universal Negro Improvrment extremely difficult to relieve the ticians in British Guiana have commercial vessels passed through bis 107 of Canter suy and for the No. A, seen through the sham of the politician and by The Negro, he said, had, thanks to the wants and foreigner le monde wondernemen dos Coral during the first fining buzimoon a warbij will ro the preacher. the one battering on the masse peljaten his those. secret of avession the fifteen vided.
a maney is expended in repatriating abuse the Goverement of Tadia average of 18. 80. The tolls colieet HA he cannot or will not of the Negro and still seeking to maintain his weakening The article says: private purse, the other exploiting the old religious fervor those who have been to go to Brazil. But the unwise as for prohibiting the importation of ed for this period agereguted of e nditions Indian coolies.
87, resents the intrusion the solution of the problem 00229. 99Ta daily average of choo e for himself, the London Igrasp with blood curdling picture of holland stirring chants.
that it is difficult to paid by each commercial vesel Bride competit on.
sogobvious a Pr nie Ile issued a warning that if the so called intellegentsia lúdialabourers, are WEB the hesitation of these during this period was 108. 50.
knowo in these colonies. Governments in In addition to the number of A1 imagivary leading article persisted in its way it would find itself deserted by its folMoreover hanealer kan de contacte realistiese permite mageling from by false hopes have been spread pointed out the logical neces ity the Canal in January, ibere were tion. The condition states that with details of this spoof competi learnt to glorify black.
of of colonizing British Guia on from seven non seagoing launches 00 mbiber in the Amazon Valley. Mr. Barbaclog and Samuica, it is true which tolls were collected to the debate loer logo secili obe drawernand Local presided. splendid concert program was presented, Hon. Miller, vice president of the New York Ford has indeed obzained a conces. that this cannot be attempted on amount of 865. 71. making the that ine cou peticion is open to sion for carrying out experimente the old indeature system But an total collections for the seriod every uningried girl throughou: after which came the speech making: Mr. Smith, a exu eximple in in the proper method has 1, 158, 663, 58.
veritable stormy petrel, delighted with his matter of fact (Continueil on page 6)
wakes the empleyment of a large been given by the emigration quips and thrusts, while Madame de Mena, Assistproportion of native labour obliga. schemes between Canada Great Bri ant International Organizer, evoked cheers as in her inimittory. There are consequently no tain and Australia. According to a prsspects for West Indian labour. statement made in Farliment on SPARKLETS able way she bade the membership go forward. Of Marcus ers and in their own interests in: Tuesday last, 65 337 Garvey, their leader, she said, th y had all reason to be 1ending ernigrats to Para and its (By KING)
proud, for he had not only awakened the Negro rece, but were sent to the heelito neighbourhood should give Dominions from Great Britain at Cost of over It two weeks since we last) La Boca Athenae im bas included had been an inspiration and guiding star to seekers after This marning and refrain from such million sterling. These emigrants met, gentle reader, and at the my name in a schelule of ten freedom, the oppressed of the earth everywhere. Negro bavardous undertaking.
are put on the land and provided swift rate at which things have minute addresses whicb be intend: World)
Commenting on the abova the with the opportunities for making been moving you will readily lending Jane 30:1.
dily to spread over his six month term The subjec alis; for these Colonies and it is the not been invctive in the whirl. og which am to speak ia China. Canal 1929 Budget Kennelworth In It is certain, therefore, that we duty of the Governments con But two things, however, exclud As far as am concerned must work out our own salvation cerned to collaborate in formu.
ing Colonel Lindberg give that address right now To Be 1, 000, 000 in midst of Hitherto few efforts have been gentle reader Operation as know absolute made to encourage emigration dating it. The Colonial Office achievements, have left any ly nothing abou: China except het ween the West Indian Culonies, feel sure would give its strong appreciable imprussion on my plas that the natives of that place More Than That of Pre With Its Characteristic Yet two of these Colonies are support to any reasonable scheme, tie wind at the end of the foet inven money night activities. The first is with vious Fiscal Year.
women, is primarly reGayety wooooo Londoa despatch, captioned posible for all the trouble in ou Pessimisin Covernor Walker Re Mrs. Kip Rhinelander Famous. and Handicap of the world. There are others who ar According to information reach. The 1928 Season at Kernelshowing how life drafted to talk for ten minutes on ing the Isthmus this week from worth opened last Saturday obstacles can bo by. guestions of turns From which they k308 Washington, the amovat of appro before bundreds of people of al Colored those who or nothing. For instance: psiations ou:linen by and asked for walks of Isthmain life. Excep which my friend and con emporary not admit defeat, litele Suos White Husband the once aspire to be by the Panama Canal Government that it is now being operated a istocrate preparare member Visit to the United For Seperation bly lifted and published on bis on Rolanu Hayes the great Negro as necessary for the operation and programs as last year are beinz Statos.
Page on the sixteenth, and the tenor next Tuesday evening, the maintenance of the great water. the nightly, and twee. news despatched from News and terse. Che Puretting 2016 After a month vist to the York dated January 5th states article The me ts are os felloter stehe design way, including coastruction of new the city and the Park are conVen. essentials of o the League buildings United States Governor M, hat last week Mrs. Alice Jones contemporaneous colaborator, the Radiom by William Sousa LL 000 Nations by Lo Cyprus Pour les che Alhajuela Dem, eto, stantly lined with motor cars of year, 1929, is 669, all description from o еlook in Walker of the Panama Canal re Rhinelander, Negro Leauty, whose las compared 7, 600, 000 the evening until round midnight when the last race is over turned Ballos yesterday, ac marriage to the millionaire Leonard of. a Mrs an item of 500, 00 for permanent many more dogs available for In the amount Washington Goveroor Walker ap and caused some metoda of the eteff of editors of the Who Contributes More to or the fiscal requested there is It is understood that there are peared before the Appropriations the maids and foresight What to Listen for and new racing this Committee outlined furnished the of the class, by Miss Lea or Jamp; Can Government and its emCanal budget for the coming fiscal uit for reparation from here has some inspiration and Young Voice Culture by ga 18. ked for the overhauling of the An equal amount is ployees, sound To Hold band. It is said that Mrs. Rhine fortified my opinion that not all year.
by w pce tander alegos, cruelity, inbuman of us are fast asleep and if awake, by Miss th, 8232 0 to begin the work on the Pacific lorks of the Canal and An Apology reatment and abandonwent in frothing.
Junior Elocution Contos: Vashington bv Dan complaints. According to a state Paychic by inent by Judge In on Owing to removal of our Print Rhinelander coreborne, Reliable source that these lines States by Vietor Smith; Hecry amount for the overhauling of the the NI, will taze a Juve.
his client of are prioted off ing establishment and the great will probably askejaremade new, due to the fact that Essentials Girl Training the overhaul of the Pacific Locks, inclu le children from to 14 years deal of inconvenience attendant 31, 000 per month. She is Dell; The in a building which lias beca lately Morgan by Mr The Locks, a local paper says: In ex nila Elocutio a Contest oa the 17th by planation of the item allocated to of Mareh next. The contest will therewith we have had to curtai 300 a month from her hasband.
our publicatio, today to pages in The Rhinelo ponths after their removal of the Workman Plant dent includes himself on the list to 23. gold employees and 125 silver tors shoull be forwarded to the 1921 thorough greatened, are bad been marriage to up tended publication for successful suit to mar Senthirds, and many calls for the deceived hinge bain orice che be keen wed success.
werk, but the insistent riage. jary at that time held continues extended 10 the indor you are interested in any of complete this work. The average Phillips, Bəx 936, Ancon Post itable that Rhinelander had oot these Walrond for contin which is assigned to me, visit the be 833 ard that of the silver subjects, except Chisa salary for the gold employees will Ofice. Workman forced us to appear Speaking of the dogs et cetera at o clock, bear Mr. Jump employees, 520, sooner than we anticipated; and so all the time during his courtship Athenaeum next Tuesday evarinz employees, the same as other silver we are, appearing from our that abe was a Negro, and so decid out at Kennelworth Park, have mike the debut for the crowd and Elijah Continues new home at No. 6, 16 Streat Fast ed.
not yet decided on vi iting them keep up your visits eich Tuesday Price of Milk Reduced As Head of Emp. Assoopposite the Wesleyan Church and Mra, Rhinelander is said to bavi for this season, as the members of evening thereafter uatil you sirike next door to the Nash Motors told reporters that she planned to the semi notorious parzy to which your favourite subject.
Effective on the 17th instapt the ciation Branch tour Europe next summer.
oot yet met in price of pasteurized milks in this deliberation upon that important city was reduced to fifteen ceats TAKE NOTICE per quart at the Milk Central, acElijah Hunter, lately and Scouts Go Camping for camping at Pueblo Nuevo developments on our third and cording to an announcement made affectionately koown as the For the past few days the scouts last visit during the previous by President Antonio Diaz of the Prophet of the Gold Coast, was of the have been unusually active in pre season, anticipate a temptuous. The WORKMAN can be Dairymen Association Marked reelected as Chairman At dix o clock this evening by paration for their life in the open session when we meet next, we had at Mr. Sanchez place in the mairy men, and modern Panama Canal Westbedine Premembers of all troops oli teine and it is expected that they have may never meet the last session 24th Street. No. building methods of the prodaction mako ployees Association for the preimprovement milch cattle, better Cristobal Colon District of the of District will fall in at de Lesseps Park and amply prepared for and will un adjourned sine diel sately thereafter start out doubtedly have a good tim.
President Clifford Sewell of the Giach apali.
possible the welcome reduction. Continued on Page cau his singular high deuimplicity give which in compa oy 2000000000 Overcome WE who Nick street friend and with yea. 1928 AMERICAN.
has mg and better than Mrs. to be ufa Thomas; Woodrow As all here Garage


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