
TIE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 31. 1927 PAUNO STETSON HATS PO Box 74, Panams RP Tere the who 20 e Year Six Months Taree Dae Month hat easily those of 23 they bo group fbecause For the World Best Dressers been and and Ggures: od LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER complex of our lives.
tions in by thele yards :ick bave Who are the THE WORKMAN Intellectuals. FROM THE WASHINGTON TRIBUND)
Published on Saturdays by 1994 for A172. 719 33. WALKOND, at the otice No. 33 Central ton. Correspondence on all mattes There bas grown up among Avenuo, Panama, de of public interest invited writers and speakers who talk All copy for publication must be of the race question the use of the words, intellectuals and le written on one side of paper only, and telligentsia. to distinguish those Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of lew thousaads among us 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicause American mode of speech tlon but as a mark of good faith.
somewbat and freels; We do not undertake to return reus who can postpone for for jected correspon lence.
brief interval speaking our.
selves and talk about something The Liberty of the Press is the palledium of our rights JJNUIS e bave read, seen or heard.
The application bas been to SATURDAY JANUARY 21, 1928 pleasing that some of those possibly referred to and included within have IN OUR NEW HOME.
awarded a diploma for remembering some lew lectures and some paragraphs trom Due to the removal of our entire Plant we were comgood size text booke. have come to the point of apply pelled to suspen publication of the WORKMAN for the first two weeks of the year; hence, this represent our first There is no article of men wear that has the world Ing tbe terms to themselves when seeking the limelight by issue for 1928. This impression has been made by our attacking existing Institutions.
wide reputation of Stetson hats.
old equipment, but all the work in connection therewith has Such an instance occurred, been done in brand new premises. In others words, we according to reports, at the reIn London and Paris. in Bond Street and the Rue cent have removed from our old home at No. 93 Central Avenue conference at Durham There the intellectuals aimed and are now comfortably located in neat apartments on Sixto be ditterent by attacking teenth Street, East, looking across on the Wesleyan Method de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads the Christian church to wbich ist church, just a few seconds walk from Central of fashionable men who know what what Dr. Mordecal Jobpson had referred as the best means of Avenue. We, therefore, hereby extend a general, cordial advanciog the racial interests, invitation to the public to visit us in our new premises in men headwear.
because it had been tried where we expect to further strengthen the bonds of old had been found to work, friendship, make new friends and, not only continue to We have the same styles here as are now being Of course, our young friends Serve but to use our utmost energy to improve our service must know that intellect is oo both in our journalistic and jb departments for the benefit special gift; every body has it in of the public.
worn in the style centers of the World, varying degrees. It takes mani folddirections in espression, and This being our initial issue for the year, we take immense pleasure in recording therein our sincere appreciation tbingo, such as words for the support which we have been rəceiving from one and of splritual lations as revealed amidst the all our thousands of readers, subscribers and sympathizers our buman. during past years; and we especially thank and remain Intellect is ths capacity to cit grateful to those who have made the WORKMAN the adver.
meet new and unfamiliar situ tising medium it now is for their business and other proIn adequote ways. The gressive activities, and hope for their continuance.
SOLE AGENT Africans as well as the Esquimo lodians sbow sbow it to those who While the WORKMAN boasts a wide circulation, seek the problem solved which consequently makes it a valuable advertising medium, 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY unique tools and customs. But the Management is not satisfied with its size and some of to those wbo make or assume the its characteristic make up, even when, as a concern with to be alone in their very limited financial backing, it is measuring up well with posbession, no one bas it quite to the degree that they themselves many having thousands of dollars behind them On this acby wbicb conclusion they count, we bave been for some time keeping our eyes on show themselves to be of very new equipment with a veiw to bring about a general are located in the premises described above, and we solicit shallow lotellect indeed.
mechanical improvement. To this end we have decided the whole hearted cooperation and patronage of our people, of a SINALCO One would expect the lotellecto continue to direct our best efforts during the present among others, to help promote it up to the standard tuals to bave a more modest more forceful representative medium.
attitude toward other intellecyear.
For any child or adult. tuul aspects of the human proWe must frankly admit that we have not been receiving creditably on Mr. A, Jacobs the desired and expected support from some quarters of They have, so it is preBOCAS DEL TORO (Trinidad an. the It a toric nutriment. ou med: covered the field of the carpenter West Indians. However, we are cognizant of the fact that forewan, and of on Mr. Robert progress human thought, and they know by what slow and this has been due to some inexperience on our part, but NOTES Turner, master bricklayer, and moreso to the result of unhealthy deductions and unreasonpainful steps man his moved bis able assistant, Mr. Francis to ward the solution of bis proableness on their part. These disabilities must be remedied Moore, wbo had charge of th: blems and the unvieling of truth. with your cooperation. They must b2, as the WORKMAN JAMAICA Almirante, January 11th plastering.
Let the iatellectuals revert, stands unflinchingly and uncompromisingly for West Indian Weatber conditions bis Both Mr. Turner ard Mr.
if they will, to the conditions of progress; and, to secure the best results for all concerned, sceticn of the province of Bocas Moora reside in Colon where in he 13th 14 and 15th centuries there must be created the needed, pleasant relation ship del Toro are becoming normal. their particular brand he puternice Scouting Fleet For by a strange coincidence business activities bave between us and the people we represent.
the numbers of those centuries usual.
that could have recommended To Visit Jamaica when thera was a revolt due to Many of our people on the Isthmus have been, for the The telephone and railway them for this undertakicg.
Mr. Moore is a native of Bar.
the domination of wealth and past several years, manufacturing and nursing in the very services of the United Froit power the Secrecy of their bosoms the idea that the basic dependente company, which were serlousty bado wanael si Termercats Two Units to Pay Week Church, correspond to the nube for the success of our community in various departments rains of a week or two ago, are flocd from Fairfield. Ja.
End Visit to Kingston bers of the amendments of the maica.
American of endeavour is in newspaper publicity of all our budded now in operation. large ship Mr, Turner lift home over Next Month mak ou leo wbich ideas. While we strongly subscribe to some of the high ment of fruit is expected this seventee years ago, and resides but which they have done so spots in such idea, and must uphold the fact that there were into weekend of some writib belawolk to Colon. coH DURING MANOEUVRES. 1o je to preserve to support and thing like 23 000 stems bana frequently in the to justifs. If Europeon Das, as against 3, 000 the pre struction partment of the is Uime, we want to particularly emphasize the greater fact vioue week when the farms were Co divi ion in that cits. too mplex and voluminous The Antares Flagship Will for them, let them take the that the fundamental lever for the removal of the handicaps all under water and railway Lead First Unit Which is sborter formas found in from the path which leads to our success whether they be service put out of commission.
The new com nissa y buillico Wells Outline of History, page will Scheduled To Come On The 720, where he points out: be opened for business individual success, community or racial success. lies in within a week.
3rd Prox.
their hands and in the brains in their heads by the There was the Reformation Air Ace Passing Visit practising, pure and simple, of the progress they preach in The Mail says. Mr. Jose de would stop the flow of money to according to the princes who newspaper publicity. Enough has been written by intelliAbout 12, 30 on Monday Olivares, the American Consulat Rome and se za to moral gent members of our community in the pages of this last, Colonel Charles Linbergh, Kingston, has been offizlally in authority, the educational power paper and in those of the West Indian sections of other local the noted Amərican flyer, passed SINALCO form from Washington that in and the material possessions papers, in addition to what has been, from time to time, over this town from San Jose, cnnection with the annual within their dominions. There lifted from papers from all over the world, to make Costa Rica, on route to Panama ter wanoeuures of vessels of the was the Reformation according Put your servel to work United States Scoutler Flet in to the people, who sought to our community the most progressive in the Republic of City. His plane was followed by others sontbero waters in the early of 1928, two units of the Fleet, against unrighteousness, and part make every day Cbristianity. Panama. But there is an evident lack of proper initiative. The majority of the exponents of constructive ideas of each consisting of four or five particularly tbe vessels, are expec ed to visit teousness of the rich progress have proven to be giving publicity to their ideas New Commissary Building Kingston from the 3rd to the 6th powerful. Add finally, there was primarily for the consolation that the latter catch the eyes and from the 10. to the 13. the Reformation within the of other people. This fact has been repeatedly borne out petanche se ne mogu dhe integralDr. Fred Sterling February, respectively.
church of wbicb Francis of by the alarming inconspicuity of their willingness to co spot, where witblo a single year, The first of these visiting units Assist was the precursor, which operate in practical movements. We maintain that ideas it was twica barat to the ground THE NEW YORK DENTST will be beaded by the S. sought to restore is the new cow missa ry building the advocating progress are almost entirely worthless when of the Unit. Fruit Company.
of 182, BOLIVAR STREET Flagship Antares, flying the dag the church, and through unaccompanied by the initiative of their exponents or the of the Amiral Comanding Train goodness, to restore its last fired on latter willingness to cooperate with others for the practical Wednesday night, 13:h July, Isst Box 771, Cristobal C: these visits to give week end developed an equalitarian COLON, Within Squadron The purpose of bounds of such movements there application of the thoughts they express.
after a similar attempt had been TELEPHONE 247 COLON of As a community, West Indians here are showing un made on the grocery establishthe naval vessels.
altruistic impulse, itselt due to Consul is planning to Christianity, which has seen ita mistakable signs of awakening. What is needed, however, hent of Mr. Aslaman at Ball Mile. The friends made use of is for us to wake up! We shall have awaken when we anaesthetics and did succeed in sive an At Home to the Almere Abwertoner the civilized world, and officers of the Train Squad brought the conditions against and ch in its turn baj DIVORCEGRANTED begin to discard the screens of narrowness which appar making trouble for the Com ron on the afternoon of Satarday which our otellectaals rate, enily cover our eyes of progress, when we commence to missarian, Beron, a the 4th February ani a dance to but do not analyze cooperate with one another for individual and community native of Manchester, Jamaica, An in erlocutory dcerce of di the officers of the second wait co cbild can see that something good, tolerate one another, encourage one another in efforts The present buildiog is 58x52 vorce was granted Ethelbert the evening of Friday the 11th, io succeed, eliminate the knocking of one another and is a slight improvement on Sterting from Claudina Ster ing his is wrong, but reason and exFebruary invitations priesce provide ways by serious progressive efforts and substitute boosting therefor. Is predecessors, wooden work by Judgor Martin at the Ancon will be noted during the present to the the comics and subsecowhite In a word, let one and all of us renovate our general conduct bas been little used. With wire District Court, January 9, 1928, mon It is understoc that in plastered a remedy.
with a view to modify, if not entirely eliminate, all factors galver vized sheeting and concrete Sterling left the Canal Zone celling of on the grounds of desertion. Mrs the abse ce o Mie Olivarest.
Consbl will be advised by a nuaWe welcome our Intellectuals which go to help retard our progress, individually and Alooring, it may be considered August 8, 1920 for the United ber of society lacies who will act whaan they come bringing new collectively.
fire proof to a certaia txt nt. States of America.
as hostesses for these entertain. and ad. quate solutions to our problems; otherwise, we amile Toe structure is truly a fine The WORKMAN newspaper and job printing department exbibitios of art Attorneys Van Siclen Boggs wents and reflects represented the petitio:er. Continued on page 8)
that they are so puerile.
Taiak gentlemen! think!
bler in possible Rittle 64 power against vorigbAnd goodness power.
the and to wbich


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