
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 21, 1928 PAGE THREE The Prosperity Tailors sots would utilised CLEANERS DYERS places as or or DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING nowa a similar opened at a98 brain and airway.
si radiaat tion they can inform pilots treated in operation toe 18 colliory tower, is the The In bered only said be SexsW50 so small Weekly London Letter railway will run coacbes and 20, 000 Aliens in lorries will tben have to be tirst approved by the Mini try of 1927 Entered at New (BY ANDEEW BLACK MORE)
Trace port, to avoid congestion.
Road and rail transport would in York.
in New London Airport.
some cases bare to be run in cor junction with one another, and in this way many sbor More than 120, 000 of the total The New airway station at cuts be to the 164, 667 aliens admitted to this Croydon will be opened on New advantage of tbe travelliog pub country in 1927 came througt Years Day, and this, it is claimlic. further consideratioa is Ellis Island, according to figures ed, will give to London the best that the new combinations would made public this week by Beuequipped terminal air station in pring a decrease in railway fares jamin Day, Immigration Coathe world. In the big domed in certain districts.
missioner at the island. The re.
booking ball tickets will be e issued No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue mainder of Sunrays for Miners the admissions were by the various companies for hadled at Boston.
The modern method of sun Francisco and by inspectors at Seaule, San as distant as Copenhagen, Moscow, Constantinople, PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 ray treatment is now being the Canadian and Mexican bor Northern Africa. Various devices utilised in British industrial ders. Ellis Island recoads show.
have been adopted for better establishmerts. For some time ed that 1100, 000 persons were guidance to pilots in order to a clinic has been in operation at examined, 5, 000 vessels boarded.
ensure safer landing. One of the at a Birmingham factory, and 600 stowaways excludd acd 000 most facinating of the many clinic bas been aliens deported.
marv. Is now in use is the modern eden at the Sherwood Collders, intricate machinery in the great OF THE HIGHEST ORDER in at Mansfield The largest number of foreiga Mouinghamshire wbere free treatment will be Germany, wbose aanaalaotment tower wbicb dominates the new be nationals admitted came from buildings, which given to miners and their and their faminerve centre of the 10 Sof under the law of 1924 is 51, 000, lies. The installation consists of the largest of any nation. Great are three officers tbis tower are who merenry vapour lamps and Britais and Northern Ireiand are exercise day and night control Work Done While You Wait four powerful beat allotted 34, 007 and tbe Irisb Free Oyer air expresses flying hunlampe, power belog obtained State 28, 567.
dreds of mile miles away. Through from the collfory electrie plant.
their perfected wireless installaOn the onening day a large cam. Ind detention station for priAliens brought to the Ellis Isder of pit boys were where they are, and guide them TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED groups of eight, Wben the clinic mary inspection oucnbered 41, cilt 1826. but only about 19, 000 were is in full to Croydon when normal vision tbe eight is obscured by clouds, mist, hundred miners employed at the detained for bearings before or snow. At the summit of the wili receive Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices ente Rear Special board of icquiry or to weekly treatment; and in arrival of Triends which raises high or aerial mast, reabove an indicator tbe.
tion a room with special appe. Stivet to vouch for Ladies Garments carefully handled whleb, trom moment to moment, ratus will be set aside for the said that 59, 000 aliens were adImmigration Commisioner prints a visible record in the treatment of miners children said tower of the fluctuatious of the and tor cascalty cases The in mitted as non immigrants be wiod as it sweeps across the REID Manager tallation will also be used for cause they came bere for a tem aerodrome. Illuminated signs, tes purposes. Fifty boys will porary stay, on besiness or other be giren a six weeks treatment, aliens admitted for permanent reasons. There were 115, 000 Aashing froin positions oa tbe tower, will tell express pilots residecce here but who came who are waiting at tbe departure under the noo quota groups.
platforms when to leave, and the Commissioner Day said condimere moving of a few switches tions were satisfactory at Ellis will bring into operation a wonIsland on the whole, and that the derful system of lighting to façitotal detentious yesterday oumJutate night landing.
159. as Sesses SXSS issos Soxo03000 as against and Motor Cars and Motor Coaches soos average of 500 detentios dally several years ago. He berer Figures recently publisbed by hoped that Congress woulc ap1h: Miniatry ot Transport indiprove the offer of steamship cate an astonishing growth in companies to pay in migration the popularity of motoring in inspectors for evertime, as they Great Britain, and a steady innow pay customs mer.
crease in the number of cars manufactured by English firms.
Since tbe year 1922 the number Platinum: Discovered of motor vebicles on the roads has almost doubled. British In Sierra Leone motor car production is still still small in numbers in comparison with that of US but it is not Extending Over an Area of in value.
Here the aveForty Square Miles.
rage value of a car was 539 in 1922, since tbat year manufactA direct West India cable deg.
turers have concentrated upon patch from Londondated Jun the light car, and at present the uary 3rd strtes. The Colonial average value is about 300; the Ofice announces: Platinum has been discovered in Sierra Leone 1926 being 158, 000 cars witba It was tirst found in May 1926 retail value of over 40 millione.
by the Director of o Ceologic Satisfactory as the position is in Survey, Major Junner and reregard to light and luxury motor cent investigation by bim ioOars, it is in the quality of comdicates ibat the platinum bearing mercial Vehicles. the van. the Were area is about forty quare miles lurry, the motor buges, and the in extent and that motor coach48 that England likely to be of surpasses all competitors, This co considerable importance could be seen at the Commercial purget of weighing and Motor Transport Exhibitioe decimal, lour held not long ago at Olympia, grammes or London. There were on show and three quarter pennyweights, observation motor coaches in Major Junner.
This nugget and some of wbich the rear group of sea seats are grains of platio um front, have been raised above those in presented to the Natural His making a separate cabin or com Museum of South Kensingpartment which overlooks the others, By it o is posThe analysis of the platinum e. ble for every paesenger to ve made by the Imperial Institute, an uninterrupted all round view sbows it compares very favourof the scenery passed on the ably in composition with the journey. Large windows conplatinum from Ural and South trolled by the passenger are proAfrica. Platinum in Sierra vided, and a beating apparatusLeone is associated with basiceig in one or two instadoes an electnecus rocks reser beling thos rio fire is totalled for cold of the bushveld emples weather travel. This is bot one of South Africa, in which im example of the new Juxury portant deposits of platinuta coaches of which there were metals have been found. Ddozens on show, tailed information regarding the striking feature of the Exhilocality of the platinum bition was the number of visitors coveries will be given to any fro.
from abroad; aud the sales to or persons wbo can satisfy tbe them of the type of vehicle desSierra Leone Government recribed above are said to be a garding their boancial standing record. At the present moment and their bonafide intention and almost a very branch of the motor capacity to undertake mining industry in Bogland is wɔrking operations in the cvent of these at top pressure, and certain being likely to prova profitable manufacturers have arrangea The Sierra Leone Government, for considerable extensions to however, reserves the power to their plant in the near future.
limit the pumber of prospecting Rallway and Road Transport rights issued in respect of this locality.
Scheme HOS It is not difficult to unde des stand from this increasing num and at the end of that period ber of cars, both luxury vehicles their condition will be compared and those for purely commercial with that of fifty other boys purposes, that the future of who bave not received treatment railway companies is in a sense The work of this particular ich thereatened. Toe Boglist bigbclinic is being watched with the way, which had more or less greatest interest by a large pum falien into neglect, is DOW 80 of medical men and others greatly used for the transport interested in the welfare of of both passengers and goods workers, and it is bigbly probable that similar clinics will be consider the questionantepe Fenest of ships with road transport com of other collieries and Industrial establishments.
panies. Four great English railway companies are said to be preparing to do so, and if ParliaAdvertise in the (WORKMAN) it grants the necessary ES S06 will bring you good results, pop? re, etery route on which the SILVER total output of Great Britaili the are alluvial are likely to platinum that deposits which One SPRAY This found by smaller tots top.
ials means PILSENER igneous His. IS GOOD DRINK FOR EVERYBODY ber Donnie


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