
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 21, 28 PAGE FIVE VIGOR TONIC THE PROGRESSIVE Faton and is practically S8 Negroes Made to Do Work of Mules.
Tke following report ob how Negro prisoners on Florida prizon farm are being made to do We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men wok too dificult for rules is The best in the World culled from the Sunday Times.
od women, in which an excellent income can be made even Union. to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in Decmber 4h. The da tardly Jacksonville, Florida, business we bave appointed over 518, 000 agents who suppcutrage, told wih daring flip our household necessity to our customers in every country in For Regaining Strength Lost By Excess Work. The ancy by the prison superintend the world. Many of our agents have been with us oyer 37 ert, must make the blood of years and have achieved Financial Independence. locreasevery true Negro boil in indigneOnly Wine That Should Be Taken With Phos tion and cause bim, 1928 is ing local demands and repeat orders, make it necesary to ustered in, to tow anew that appoint more local representatives in many localities in the ilese relies of the Dark Ages, pherine (Ashton Parson)
United States. No special experience or capital required. it which produce uirth for brutish, is a straightrfoward, digoified business. Why not represent the diseased wiods, sball disa: pear from this and every other land largest and best known house of its kind in the world. Send (FROM THE TIMES UNION, JACKus your address and the Manager of our appointmeat Bureau Guaranteed by Law No. 1572 of the will send you full particulars When we arpoint an agent SONVILLE, FLA. we futaish free samples for Trial Tests in the tomes in the HUSKY PRISONERS CHANT AS THEY Republic of Panama.
locality of the agent.
PULL PLOW AT CITY FARM. In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in which you saw this advertisement, Man Power Supplants That of Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, D, C, This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in Fnimals to Furrow Rich Soil (Attention Clerk No. 12. 1438 (You) Street There.
Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment Man power supplabts animal of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution. strength in front of plows in the soft, boggy mire of the southero Ic promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone centre section of the city prison farm, five miles north of Jacksonville, Horses or mules are un and energy to the whole system.
able to tied in the boggy soil, bles the mire of the everglades.
but the failure of the arimal to gain footing bas not prevented CLEANING PRESSING DOSE. One sn all Wine Glass before each meal or times a day. that ricb loam from being turned into one of the great production centres on the sa great sigbt; at the city prisor HOUSE Vigor Tonic is the only tonic builder protected by to see from eight to tep Negro prisoners pulling a beavy the laws of Panama and no such tonic is legitiplow brough the soft ground, sir ging at the top of their voices and furrowing rows even Between 12th and 13th Bolivar mate unless it bears the signature of Javier Moran, straighter than those made by plow drawn by animals.
printed matter explaning for what diseases it should They Gee and Haw Negro knows how to gee!
and haw better than an an:be used, how it should be used, how it should be ap mal, stated Captain Byrou Par.
ker, superintendelt, sesterday plied and what doses should be taken.
afterroon and 88 result Where real Cleaning and straighter furrows sre obtained the Work SOLD BY speedy as it were done bs mules And ling chain is aliached to the front of the plow and sticks are Pressing is done.
run through the links at certain JAVIER MORAN intervals, leaving a handle on either side of the chain. The Negroes ale evenly placed alor AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City the chains each pushing against their handles. One Negro guides Herrar the plow and gets and tawo whenever necessary, and his Power of Garvey said more money in his projecte.
Mr. Post gaye picture of commands are responded to by the prisoners. The pratlee bas To be Waning Garvey arrival on the Santa been carried on for mary years Marta from Panama as he saw it and bas proved successful. Post Asserts on Re. on the pier.
Nany interesting features have turn From Jamaica That nadie deck, solitary beure. Garvey stocd on the promeresulted from the man power, which were relatid by Captain Negroes Will Not Give Mr Post said, making little Parker yesterday.
Up Cash.
doubtful sue whether, as if not quite Crays like Mule the cheering be BUT STILL LIVES IN heard was for him. Even amid the After tard day work in the cheering remarks STYLE front of the piow, said the superpassed about him within my intendent, one of the Negroes Deported Leaders Met By Teen bearirg that bordered on the COLON strolled to a soft section of the contemptuous and to me the field, fell down and started roll7, 000 at Kingston Pier and reception on the pier seemed ing over ar over and then arcse, Escorted by Band somewhat cold.
shcok the dirt and sand from bis clothing and bray like a mule. From the New York Times) Garvey wure li ht brown sait, with a checked waistcoat. What the matter wiib vcu? description of the arrival a very gay ecaif with a huge pie.
IS NOW LOCATED AT one of the Negices asked, said and reception of Marcus Garvey a white Pancma hat and carried Captain Parker, Kingston, Jamaica, after his a silver knobbed cane. When!
deportation from Well if se gonna be a mule, States was given yesterday by clined to interview bim, he de se sbo gonna act like one. was Langdon Post of 290 Paik bis plans. Later he to make any comment on STREET 11. 1154 11th u tbe Negro reply, quoted Avenue, who has just returned as saying that he felt be bad Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Captain Parker declared that tro Jamalca, where he wil: been untairiy treated in the the work in front of the plow nessed the return of Mr. Marcus United States and that be exwas one of the tasks always Garvey.
pected to continue his work to Where our customers will receive the usual sought by the strong, husky Although crowds aclaimed free the regroes from the rule have been raised by the workers of Kingston. Mr Post said the Negro prieoner. Few objections Garvey as the future Mayor of the whites.
courtesies and they usually set about their Governinent ignored the de heard blm speak at a mass task in good humor singing durmonstration. He said Garvey meeting held at the Ward Thea ink, the entire time they are was escorted through the main tre presided by a former Mayor trudging through the aire lo streets to Liberty Hall, head of Kingston, and he really moved the audience with bls remar ka LOOK FOR THE SIGN the Negroce pull the plow Improvement Association.
Ae similar to the soil of the ever band played and banners waved bas made no raeb statements and the British bas glades and during dry spells the in the procession.
BRITISH PHARMACY ground nothing to interfere with ed. The soil is nothing more than Say His Power Is Waning bis word, nor bave they attempdecayed veg, table matter. The opinion generally ex ted to muzzie bim. But plan has been in efect for several pressed in Kingston, said Mr. tion is rife among the educated years by wh ch the ex remely Post, is that Garvey remark Negroes and the white people as bogry sections have been dried able power over the negroes into what is going to happen next.
to some extent with the mixture Jamaica, the land of his birth, Mr Post was in Kingston on of sand.
and throughout the West In bis boney moon, having sailed for dies is fading out. There is not the West Indies immediately the faith in him now that existed after his marraige on Nov 12 to REMEMBER!
NOTICE OF REMOVAL. FLOWERS when he left the island in Miss Jaret Kirby, daughter of SINALCO triumph with plans to achieve Mr and Mrs Rollin Kirby of this the economic independence of city.
Enriches the blood the negroes throughout the Feeling was ruonir rather Abogado. Attorney at Law THE OFFICE OF world.
bigh be said the day Garvey OFFICE: No. 44. ST As for any further money arrived, and my wife and were CAMBRIDGE threatened by the BOX XO. 36 PANAMA CITY BOWEN raising activities, it is said he actually will bave to go elsewhere. neg oes as we tried 10 join the Has been removed to No, 6023, Balboa TELEPHONE No. 1377 certain amount of suspicion bas parade of about 000 people in TAILOR arised in the people minds, and our car. We were ordered cut Avenue, between 6th and 7th Streets. Practicing before all the cour of ro. M Sucet San Migue It is bardly kely that the of line.
negrues tbere. except his almost You whites must get cut of th Republic since April 1914 Panama City fanatical followers, will put any here, we were told.
The British Pharmacy were at.
Fas will readily burn if ignite done


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