p. 6


IMPORTANT NOTICE The Workman Printery Saturday afternoon Stationery Store he indulged in other httle over school. appointe No. 16 Street East Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage in He is an able horsema, with 115 session Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products aking it Vitoria such whole of the PAGE THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 21, 1928 Horse Trainer Returns Tomorrow Races JAMAICA To Jamaica Continued from page 2)
Seven races will be run att the Juan Franco Park tomor Scheme to help Local The JAMAICA MAIL of the 10th row afternoon, the feature of which will be the fourth Teachers to Travel insi. referring to the return of Mr.
John Doyle well know race horse event one and one eighth trainer who has just left Panama for Jamaica apparently to resume mile, between Abel, Copi, bis vacotion in that islone, says: Dɔn Alejo and Reini Mora. Committee Completing The many friends (turfites and Burlesco will run in the fifth, Working Out of Plans; othere) of John Doyle, the wellwith Vittoria Malmiranda Matter For The Legislature AND knowe race horse trainer will leased to learn that he arrivd ia and Billy Dennis over six be the island last furlongs. The program BREAKING OF NEW GROUND and intends to re establish a trai promisas a real treat and a ing stable in the Corporate Area large croud is anticipated.
Confidently Expected that John Doyle is no stranger to The Program: First Batch of Elementary Jaunaia. Be came here from IreFIRST RACE Workers Will Go This Year iand many years ago and did exceedinely well as trainer for the HAS REMOVED FROM furlogs Parse 125 late Mr. Ernest Veily. He also The Mail states that plans are 104 Da danela trained with some amount 119 being develped to connection cess for Nr. Altamont Dolphy, ani siteEl Coichi with the pronosal that a vote 90 CENTRAL AVENUE TO more recently when Barba Roja should be provided by the Legisfree lance training he scored many (Cococha 130 lative Counsul each year to 90 netable successes with Nodding assist Jakie elementary school teachers of Master Slander, Libel and SECOND RACE Jamaica to travel to important well known horses of that time: 6Falongs Parse 175 centres of learning each year, to enable those who work in turned to Ireland; and shortly Gravedad 113 room to improve their outlook afterwards on receipt of an appoint Tibla 106 Thursday a meeting of the ment he left for Panama where (Perega 103 committee wbich was appointed has beco doing well ever since. Araucana 126 by the Legislative Council to go Persons who take a keen interest into the matter following the THIRD RICE local hor e racing, View Jobs adobon by the House of return to Jamaica lution which the Hon. Farlongs Parse 125 this Pembeline Wint, Member for St. Ann, preextreme de Tanney 126 light. 18 honest in his intentions and above (Mayoral 125 sented at the Autumn session, in farcur of the propsa washa the. 121 Sur. Fenomeno Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous all, conselntious. And we repeat 92 Lena that returning to Jamaica at this is currently reported that the 107 committee band Sinar connection im Patrons and the Public generally.
janetu e, whea there are obviously Pan Dale portant grond Gratico more horses to be trained than with the preparation of the Dons non 123 there are persons fully qualified to scheme. The final stage bas prac PANOUXXUXNXX 22 train them, te should find roady FOURTE RACE tielly been reached; and the employment, 18 Mil Purse 300 committee report will be reads for presentation to the Legislative Seen by a reprezentative of the Don Alejo 11 Council at the Spring toe considering the possibility of anatca Mall yesterday, Mr.
126 (Abel It is intended that the first entering the field of coconut training horses for their future enDoyle said he was ready to start (Copi 106 batch of teachests should laave research covering the whole Reina Mora 125 Jamaica this year, Summer. It is not unlikelthe range from seed selection to the cagemeuts, He hoped to set up a that control of diseases. As His Ex training establishment within the FIFTH RACE this year visit will be to the United Kingdom Next year few days, meanwhile all com.
cellency stated, such Furlonge Furse 175 Regular Assortment of would be munications addressed to John commenced teur will be eitber to Canada or isery important work, never Doyle, Cross Roads would receive Burlesco 128 the United ates. Just how before done, which would go on his prompt attentien 114 many teachers will be included for many years. It will be satis In the near future joekey Doyle lirada 98 in each year tour remains to be factory to have the College take a son of John Doyle) will coine Pilly Dennis 124 seen.
up this matter, for they are here from Panama where he is at. SUCH AS peculiarly well equipped for present riding with great success.
SIXTH RACE task and the. TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREA 1, SALVE, Encouragement of the results Young Doyle rides at between Forlɔngs Purse 125 of their experimentation 9215, and 5lb. It is also very the white 106 TALCUM POWDER. ASPERINE TABLETS, would be of Dlecisels Minor Industries all the Caribbean colonies and value to through Doyle in Honey Dew 116 to SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
to the an English jockey, weigh127 tropical Expire ing arba Roja around 88 who served bis 90 Rope Factory at May Pen is We should like to refer again to apprenticeship at Silver Spray at Newmarket, will Hope 123 Working at High Pressure the reproach of Mr. Freeman arrive in this island as JH 126 Chigai that agriculturists do do not avai Hunt, the English lightweight 120 To Fill Orders.
Intimo themselves as freely as they rider who is well known in Jamai.
Zapo 125 No. EAST 16 STREET ought of the practical assistance ca, baving ridden with marked 119 SINCE PROTECTIVE TARIFF.
Pistol ot his Department. It is neither success in the colours of the late fair nor wise to wait until some some Mr. Ernest Verley, years In That Wider Field of Activity, SEVENTH RACE Panama City plant disease Employees Racolva Increased hoidon al station before ago. From information to 18 Furlongs Purse 175 Hunt Stipends has claims to be termed ok the aid of a techincal a kaight of the pigskin. His Copi 126 Dixie officer; and if planters would co weight does not exceed 96, and 108 representative of the operate more closely witb the 119 JAMAICA Mail learnt recently Chomba Gordo he sbould make a worthy substi (Kitty Gill 105 that since the passing of the Department by seeking their tute for Perkins, who, regrettably, early advice, the results would is laving the island again to fulfii (San Chee 103 new tariff law by the Legislativ Counc tbe Crd factory at be more fruitful for all con an engagement in Panams, May Pan in Clarendon have bad cerned to double their stall, both in the CHURCH SERVICES fields and in th: factory sort at bas been the demand on Public Shower Baths THE IDEAL DRINK the output of the factory.
AMERICAN EPISCOPAL In the fields, it has been found Why throw away your old, but no CHURCH Decessary to employ dwuole at SINALCO For use of Labouring (Third Sunday after Epiphany) to cut the fibre so as to keep the doubt interesting, books when you Classes Always Delicious St: Paul Church, Panama extent, whilst day and night factory going to its fullest (A, Nightengale shifts are employed in the can have them neatly bound at ter At a recent meeting of the factory.
Priest is charge Furthermore, the manag went local Sanitary Authority in Port a a Holy Communion be bave iacrossed the pas of all their THE WORKMAN of Spain. Trinidad, the Medical einplöycees, and it will take the Odicer of Health tabled the folRector Intended Joke on lowing proposal Secretary, 10. 15 Mantius. Mr. factory all the time at its disAtwell, Lay Reader Local Authority, to tu nout suficient rope No. EAST 16 STREET In connection with the Estito satisfy local demands.
10. 30 a Holy Eucharist Continued from page 11 sormon. The Rector the rope has been put to severe wates for ibo year of 1928, beg the Empire. It says se ond and tests and is found to be quite Opposite the Wesleyan Church to submit for the consideration of third place winners have the choice 12. a Holy Baptism the imported article, the Local authority the question of remaining unmarried members p Church School Again the Cord factory bas of providing public shower baths of the royal family, and so on, Choral Evensong and sermon not increased the price of the in the congested portions of the with other details intended to be The Rector.
rope that is being produced by Cits for the use of the labouring bumorous.
We loesday, January 25th St. them.
Carribean and not simply a Wharton assorted that the invesclasses, Daily News which Pauls Day.
Trinidad unit has been shared uigation of methods for keeping be bis department and, failing Prinidaa 40. 000 acres of coce in the large batrack yards only the notice of its reader says; Under the cocditions of life brings the spoof oo the Prince to 30 a Holy Communion TRINIDAD the means to carry out an elabcoltivation 30 a, m, Marios elab nut in dormally a snall pro, ortion of the popula We are all out for humour, but tion of these places are able to get 730 Choral Evensong orate schome, no simpler one was productive ate ought not to the chance of havior a dally bath this is going a bit too far, ever adopted. Certainly there left to the individual Coconut Experiment vou and sermon, with procession. and for work on a scale wider than agricullough the Dir. ctor of weico, io a tropicalety is absto St. Matthias Mission the lutely the ELIJAH CONTINUES Resolution in favour of that which purely, local needs hat a great deal more could be human body clean and free from LAS SABANAS for itieh Guiana accomplished if planters would off valveness. Rev F Nighteogale)
Such an Enterprise Car bas an extensive area plantederland liebe, ale take one more videtur pes de bougies on the bout e sent term January December. in take full advantage of (Certinued from page 1) From experince of the Priest in Charge ried at Meetihg coconuts and West Indians Islande other than that their is need for specially fox classes. am satisfied that 1928. pm. Church School Trinidad wbere the is orgaulsed 730 pm Evensong problems of coconut as would be beneficial new Secretary Treasurer is ndo. Choral Richards From Seed Selection to Control anim id portante subsidiary one or tabled peodem ser op de come the provision of the shower babes reflected in Vice kielen tas also industries to health of the City, and Repnie Hall.
of sease; should be a Carib Planters have problems in con coltivation and the mon and would benefit by the derived from it. The mover of prove a great boon to those per The District held a special bean Unit.
Seventh Day Adventist advise that an experimental the resolution was of pinion sons who have to live in pre meeting at the Cristobal Silver conducted on on road lines that a branch of th: Depar. meni mises where barbing accommo Clubhouse on Monday night lied STREET CALIDONIA would be able to vive with a verlof Azriculture should be set up dation is el ber absent or insut. when the officers were installed The GUARDIAN of recently date soltant continuity of efforts along for this ROAD aear Isthmian Park Pana.
by Presideat Whyte of the saay editorially:the best scientific avenues This posibs purpose: but it seems ciet.
possible that anoth and better!
Association. After the installation and coconut experiment station was one of the points e osobinrised way will be found to accomplish formal Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a.
of the presentation officers to a large gathering in atSabbath School, 11. 162. Gen wandeling met het place at the Agricultural Society the same end uitbout causiak the Government any embarras. Pend Preside Whyte in his eral Worship un. Spanish iu like Trinidad, where week ago ment. At the meeting On Tues.
there is about as much ladd The delicious rich, thick Class: usual eloquent and serious vein de planted in coconuts as in sugar Mr. Vermon Wharton, wbose day this week of the ivered a brilliant address on the 30 Society, eing. The deplties hitherto in fruity Deressity of organization, touching meeting 30 pm. Junior and the way of establishing a small motion urging upon the Govern. Agriculturs. Sir Horace Byatt SINALCO adoo inportant phases of les der attainment stalo do not apreek to have ment the desirability of estab made the timely announcement that the Imperial College ship and following. No followies, Class, p. Vespere.
been insuperable, but perbars lishing some such station at an Makes meals appetizing.
Mr, Tropical Agriculturo ia seriously no leadership, he said. The Presi. GRIZZLE Pastor, Mr. sell view that it should be early date was carried, deat address was wellrceiral as well as The Workman Printery or pest Kained Book Binding!
its. It posal And qual to The existing to th ma tendance. of


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