
IMPORTANT NOTICE The Workman Printery TUiterate hilo take it Stationery Store ed to was WINNATIA No. 16 Street East Opposite The Wesleyan Church Next door Nash Motor Garage coinTake Notice ใน Ho Ro Co Famous Products ol AGE TWO THE KOKAY SATURDAY JANCORY 28, 1928 JAMAICA Recent Deal by The 482011091870 50Interesting Clippings United Fruit Co.
FROM WEST INDIAN EXCHANGES Cannot Agree to Arm Detectives Albion Estate Will Cease to The Dominica TRIBUNE reProduce Sugar in Course cent date. under the caption. Wake up Dominica states Inter To Offer Then Protection Of a Few Month.
Alia: In matters of education Agains Violence While on Dominica can hardly be said to Patrol Duty at Night. CROP IS BEING TAKEN OFF be thoroughly awake. She is always nodding The GOVER DECISION Irrigation Seheme Being La percentage has been bigher Dow to Facilitate Cultivation bere than in any other of the of Bananas AND Leeward Islanda We With Regard to Petition Sent that Duminica never fails to coo.
in By Members of That The Jamaica Mail of re.
tribute to the Leeward Islands Branch Of City Police.
cent date says: Scholarship Fund. Yet it never Albion sugar state in westoccurs to her that she is expectRecently The Mail stated crn St. Thomas, which to send up now and again one that a petition had been for recently nequired by the Unitof her scuog bloods to a Diverwarded to the head of the ed Fruit Co. will cease to sliy as Antigua or St Kitts bas Detective branch of the Kings produce sugar cane as soon as HAS REMOVED FROM done. Thera is great danger that, not many years bence, un ton police praying that they the present crop has been be provided with revolvers to taken off.
trained teachers will be in the majority in this Island. And this secure to them greater proteeCENTRAL AVENUE TO The United Fruit Co. has is largely due to the very few tion, while on patrol duty at not purchased the sugar qualification, chiefly amo night.
works. The machinery is the mail pupil teachers, for studentThe petition was the out property of the Westmoreships tenable for two years at come of attacks which have land Building Society. The Rawle been made upon detective property, or at least an apand other patrol generally preciable portion thereof, will Ocllege Barbados. Codrington On account of Patios and the by shopbreakers and others be turned over to the growing sleep Dominica is not doing on the public highways under of bananas. The new owners what she ought to do as far as the cover of darkness. cer are laying dow an elaborate elementary education is contain class of thieves go about irrigation scheme at Albion cerved. We admit that there is armed; and they use their Miles of channels are tremendous need for better being weapons without the slightest constructed, cement being equipment and more schools, but an intel. ctual awakening compunction records of the used for the purpose, in order criminal courts show from to prevent seepage. It is must proceede these.
time to time.
learnt that water for the irri Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous The detectives petition, was gation will pass through holdThe Surgeon General of itish it is understood supported by ings owned by quite a number Patrons and the Public generally.
Gulans, according to tbe New the Detective Inspector, and of persons, which holdings Daily Chronicle, is la communicawas in due course forwarded are located between the Yaltion with the Mother House of to the inspector General. It lahs river and the Estate. The KRIMINUX. XX 2623 one of the Religious Orders was presented to His Excel. company is building channels which has its headquarters in with a view to engaging lency the Governor. The reply in concrete, across those lands es sisters to come to Britto the memorial is that the having, it is reported liberally TRINIDAD ish Gulana to Government is unable to give compensated the undertake the owners for una nursing at the Leper Asylum favourable consideration to the right of way and hoving, Tbe Order, it is uoderstood the prayer of the men. it is reported liberally undertakes that Small Contribution colonies in the West Indian is that office in other pensated the owners for the right of way and having ands. Tbe When The Island Is agreed that in addition to the Regular Assortiment of From Oil Industry ba proceeding favourably. In the payment by the company of a Prosperous the Mother House is Bonich has passed pepper corn rental for the See king concession stated above, the The Por of Spain GAZETTE ex. Information on certain aspects parties will enjoy the right of presses editorial dissatisfaction the lite, cɔnditions of service Automatically, There is a faking water from the channel at the small cont loution which facilities for religious exercises. SUCH AS Drop In The Number of Number the oil industry in Trinidad the climate and other points makes towards TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, affecting Nuns wbo should come ge eral revenue Men and Women in Prison for household use.
Albion comprises 000 inasmuch as a a great portion to the Colony.
TALCUM POWDER ASPERINE TABLETS, acress of land. It is learnt the large expenditure on tbe roads is directly traceable to the The Dominica TRIBUNE of Novi SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
RETURNS ARE GRATIFYING that less than one fourth of increased traitic occasioned by 26. with the Castries Fire in the land can produce banthis industry. The GAZETTe mind, appeals to the Goveru suggests the imposition of ament to lunprove tba water Few Days Ago There were anas.
small export tax. The GAZETTE supply in Riseau by bu lding Just Just Fraction Over BARBADOS inter alia: Il revenue were not a reservoir on the top of the needed, it might be possible to porne, to be connected with the 600 In Penitentiary.
No. EAST 16 STREET THE HEALTH OF THE keep quiet under the injustice; existing water inaia by a valve wden we see food and cloth which could be opened lo all TURN IN ISLANDS TIDE COLONY Panama City ing and all the necesaries of life c18es of fire.
tax d, when we see income tax We have been informed The year of prosperity which that, following upon the artiThe Voice of St. Lucia increased, in order requirements of Government, in. December 3rd learns that Dr.
Jamaica has enjoyed is recles appearing in this journal cluding additional expenses flected in the drop that has says the Herald. of an per Acting Raident Surgeon when at the Victoria Hospital, Castaken place in the number of an oll industry; and On Saturday, there has been snally we are upon in Tric tries, bas resigned as fron persons admitted to the Gensome official activity with 40 cents for gasolene tho 313t instant. Dr. Harper, who eral Penitentiary, says the regard to the malarial morta! as against the 23 cents paid in was formerly the Senior Presi Mail.
ity in St. James. The GovernBarbados and Alartinique, to dent wbich place it has to be shippad General Hospital. recentis lost a the Barbados It is not so very long ago ment, we understand, has obthat the Penitentiary was over tained the figures from the at considerable cost, and a casa brought against against the 27 cents paid in Thomas to recover a fee of 11 crowded, so much so that as Parochial Medical Officer.
many as three male prisoners Whether these figures coin Why throw away your old, but no Great i ian, and the 8d Thomas wife for the United States, then W: had to be accommodated in cide with the figures we have medical attention at the Hospione cell. Time was and that obtained, we do not know.
do say that a case is amply tal at Castries. The Court beld doubt interesting, books when you made out for the imposition of that Dr. Harper had no right to was during periods of eco But the official cruelly list an export tax on oil and oil use the institution to treat his nomie depression. that the ought to be published. There can have them neatly bound at products, and we assert that private cases, daily roster of male and fem is nothing to be gained from despite all thetr threats, the com.
ale prisoners at the Peninten silence and everything to be panies would fid it possible to Mr. Eister. A. BE tiary went over 1, 200. There lost. The number of deaths ia meet tbit jast add equitable Headmaster of St. Mary St. THE WORKMAN has with in the past couple of being magnified, and concharge and yet pay resonable Lucia bas, according to the Voice years been a welcome change. siderable harm caused there dividends to ibeir shareholders. been otered and has accepted The decline has continued, by. The Governor in ExecuNo. EAST 16 STREET the post of Director of Education seeing that at present there tive Committee should see to and Inspector of Sabools at are slightly over 600 men and the publication of the correct Grenada We have, however, women prisoners at the Peni figures.
Opposite th: Wesleyan Church tentiary with 400 odd of the received information that the Mr N, Cannon be given notice former sex at the District Pri number of deaths in James of the following motion which be for December is over seventy.
son, Spanish Town.
will move during the forthcomAmong those incarcerated It is a serious matter.
Complaints are to hand, ing session of the British Guiang as at Spanish Town, ten or about distribution or Combined Court. Whereas the colony Is faced determinate sentence. One is culty attached to it. The St.
with the most serious financial under medical observation, he James Commissioners must NEED outlook ever known in its history being of unsound mind. It is look into the matter. We are by reason of the shortage of more than likely that the re glad to ze able to congratulate determinate men will be given the Commissioners on lion dollars in Customs and ap.
mainder of the batch of in pointing Dispenser in St.
Exclse revenua for 1927: and a free pardon at no distant James. For years now that Whereas the Goveromont is DROP IN AT date, the majority having been want has been felt, but undetermiaed not to permit any given their freedom some fortunately, it development either in railway was made weeks ago, owing to good con political matter and there was a bauxtete timber or any of the duet while in prison, and also nothin short of an epidemie Coleh material Scurce of and from the fact that until a to convince the Parish bosses 122 CENTRAL AVE. Whereas the annual deficit bide special prison has been pre that the grant of a sum of fair to continue unless the icpared for this class of offend money to the for sup.
ers, this form of punishment plying medicine to the poor You lil Find Them position of forther taxation on must be suspended in je was wasteful and unfair. We overburdened people is resorted to maica.
shall continue to give publicModerately Priced. Be it resolved. That thi ity to any information which Court hereby gives notice of its will have the effect of speed intention to vote no further sum ing up activity.
of money for the purpose of permitting, officials to retire. SINALCO Notice to Correspondents.
except on the ground of illtealth The Meeting of Lindbergh, the King of the Air, with the French fliers For any child or adult. Contributors and correspondents at the Municipal Palace in the presence of over 5, 000 people. On the right of Be it further Resolved:are asked to senil in their contribu Lindbergh is Dr. Luis Carlos Aleman. The fact that the meeting of these That officers be informed that It a tonic nutriment. tions not later than Thursdays to fliers took place iu Panama is something that is a source of great satisfaction until the finances of the colony insure publication. This is impera. to Panama. On Lindbergh left is LeBrix. Lindbergh flew away from the improve, no further free Dgstive and must be adhered to. Isthmus on Thursday last. ges can ba afforded tehm.
The Workman Printery bor to meet the ol 103 16 idad to pay 40 Book Binding!
to One he charged charr. he ed is este Sen mieh Whare doing in gulnines there is some chiedi WATCH?


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