
10 STETSON HATS ees PAGE FOUR TITE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANCARI 38. 18 DOOMED MURDERER I RENZIED SPEECH AT TRIAL THE WORKMAN Contitud nim page 1) took drink to an extent too Published on Saturdays by Rstos for Advertisemen on applieamuch perhaps but we are all WALROND, at the ofloe No. 03 Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all mattes born with weakness and that Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
was one of my fault.
PO Box 74, Panams All copy for publieation must be Is there a man born to day written on one side of paper only, and who has not got a weakness?
Ratos of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Even me, there is no one could e Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica have done more than have.
Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. In 1915, when the country Tarca Bde.
We do not undertake to return recalled for men, left five Dao Loath 25 jected correspon lence.
children behind, was not foreed to go, and was not The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS made to go. did not intend going to protect the country SATURDAY JANUARY 28, 1928 altogether but to protect my family.
THE PASSING OF NOBLE My children have not proved it, they have never CHARACTER.
been mentioned because have carried the burden. have a little girl blind. No one could have done more than did for Major General George Washington Goethals, builder of her. ran here and there, and the Panama Canal, is dead. The news of his passing on to thank God to day that the Great Beyond to join the truly great who went before After the dinner given in honor of Cortes and LeBrix by the French Minister, at the Union Club. through the hard work and was received by West Indians the Negroes of the Antoil did she can see to day.
tilles who furnished the greatest percentage of brawn and If she was standing beside me no little brain in building the Canal with reverence. It is aow she would give me a kiss reported that he was buried on Tuesday last alongside of joy.
other distinguished North Americans. The spirit of those do not say my wife was West Indian employees of the Panama Canal and Panama deceiful woman all her life.
Railroad Company who worked under his direction comShe carried, like me, a weakness. It is a pity we ever met.
posed, we are sure, an unseen unit in the ranks of mourners She was led by women; peoin the cortege which wended its way to West Point to pay ole whom she thought were.
him the tribute he so well earned from them during his her friends were her enemies.
lifetime. GOD HELP THEM Colonel Goethals was, in fact, the builder of the Pana AND ME ma Canal. It is true that he did not lead the pioneer force It is easy as have said, to that took up the work where the Frenchmen hid failed, by ret a bad name. Of the man removing from the canal prism the initial scoop of earth who has made the charge Bu: the Colonel why so well merited the high rank of Major gainst me to day. could say General to which his couutryi:en promoted him was given lot, but we shall keep that charge of the most stupendous effort of the great American back, for it is for God to people shortly after it was initiated and when conditions fudge whether he is right or here demanded not only a skilled engineer, but a skilled wrong.
engineer in whom were also embodied an efficient organizer am found Guilty, and a tactful chief executive, he took over the work in loubt, in the minds of peoole. We all have different 1906, and on the fifteenth of August 1914 he turned over to For the World Best Dressers the world, through the United States of America, a finished pinions, but if these opinions of people are analysed and product equal to, if not surpassing, that of the world best digested there is a lot of un.
brains. 2n acee mplishment which now stands as one of the true things that are true.
greatest blessings given to man and a most fitting monument There is no article of men wear that has the world My children plead for to the progressive spirit of the people of the United States you to day. When Christ was of America.
wide reputation of Stets hats.
being crucified. He looked up Colonel Goethals was an outstanding character repreand said Forgive them, they know not what they do. senting tolerance and fairplay; his little mistakes (mistakes are common to man) have been entirely swept aside and In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue Corgive my children, because hey know not.
completely obliterated before the weight of his genuine de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads God help them, God help qualities. his many virtues as a man. His matchless imme! was the closing sentence partially in dealing with his employees, regardless of colour of fashionable men who know what what of a memorable appeal.
creed and nationality, of his Government foremost outpost, in men headwear.
DISCONSOLATE CHILD reaped for him the respect of his friends and foes alikeCRY: a respect which as it were stands as a mound of flowers sensation was caused decorating the grave in which his body is now resting in We have the same styles here as are now being mong the large crowd which peace.
had gathered outside the In his capacity as Chairman and Chief Engineer of the worn in the style centers of the World.
court to hear the verdict, Isthmian Canal Commission and the first Governor of the when one of the condemned man little sons ran out Canal which he built, he was a symbol of genuine leaderscreaming: My father has to ship a leadership worthwhile of emulation. He took be hanged. The unfortunate charge of the work from John Stephens, wno preceded little fellow ran down into the him as Chief Engineer, at a time when thousands of people street repeating his pathetic here aod elsewhere entertained the idea that the Americans cry until he was overtaken had bitten off a mouthful of which they were incapable of and consoled by a police serswallowing. But after he was given full charge of the geant.
work be organized a force of workmen and succeeded in SOLE AGENT directing them to build the marvellous lock canal which now affcrds passage to the largest ship yet built or under Now Sanctuary Blessed 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY construction; a canal which has actually furnished passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean and rise versa, from the blessing of the new Sanctuary An unusual gathering attended its opening in 1914 to the end of the fiscal year, June 30, at the Catbedral of the Immacu1927, to forty thousand three hundred and sever y seven late Conception Colon, on Sunday ships owned by over thirty nations, which paid over one PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS FROM those present were many of the last the 22nd inet. and amour hundred and sixty six millions of dollars in tolls and carGAS IN WAR. TIME prominent members of the comried more than one hundred an eighty five millions of tons WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR manity, who were invited to act of cargo to almost all the countries of the world; a canal BRUSSELS, Jan. 10. While the as sponges for the occasion.
which is not yet being operated at its full capacity.
whole world is trying to find Solemn Pontifical ligh Mass The splendid institution, that of granting audiences to means of avoidins war, twenty was sung by His Lordst. ip Bishop the Gold (Americans) and Silver (West Indians and others)
met in Brussels to five experts from fourteen countries Reyd Fathers consider the arsisted by employees alike, in which he attended to the welfare of the No hot irons or special combs required of protecting civilian Buros. Antonio Angles, Francis members of the force under his direction, though now populations from the effects of gas Cyriana, Clement Saeng somewhat modified, represents a beautiful monument to the attacko in caso war breaks out. The Pelix Monasterie, Following the chief engineer skillful lead rship and executive ability, SOLD IN DRUG STOBE3 meeting will be held under the auscelebration of mase the sacra Through the medium of such institution the common plees of the International Red Cross ment al confirmation was adminis labourer was well served, and this service created, in course and delegates will include eminent tered by his Lordship the Bishop of time, and appreciable amount of tolerance on the part doctors, engineers, chemists airmen to a goodly number of chodidates.
and manufacturers.
of those in supervisory capacities within the great organizaADVERTISE The military side of the use of tion. gas does not interest us at all, one In all sincerity we pay our humble tribute to the man delegate sald to day. All that the whose efficiency built the Panama Canal, a job which he Red Cross is interested in is the or THE IDEAL DRINK accomplished mainly because he possessed too noble a ganization of work that it may have character to be perverted by misrepresenting designedly the Too many people are satisfied if they just barely come to do in time of war to protect the SINALCO rights of the humblest employee of the great work which up to ordinary requirements in their line of service. They civilian population from the dreadAlways Delicious he was chosen to direct.
will use their brains as little as possible, they never underful effects of the use of gas.
take to elevate their possition. The man or woman who The delegates have no officiat man.
higher Standard has failed to mix brain power with hand will be submitted to the Internation cenare as the case may demand. The Serves in a possition for years and does not lift it to a dates from thelr countries. They will Snapshots form a private body whose findings power. California Voice, al Red Cross conference to be held United States was invited to send (FROM THE NEGRO PRESS)
at The Hague in October Their tasks is to draw up a sched ask for a full report of the proceeddelegates, but has been content to Insincerity, unfaithfulness, like murder, will out. It To the heart of any toiler, any conscientious toiler, ule of regulations for the Issuance of ings.
cannot be indétinitely repressed or concealed. It will dis believing in truth and right and fear dealings as pertaining sas masks to elvilians and plans for the countries represented. Professor Brazil Japan among cover itself in ways we thougbt not of; in gesture, in move to all men, all things whatsoever, there is a sense of joy the establishment of shelters and the Nolt, President of the Belgian Red ment, in look, in unguarded word, in anxious solicitude, in when he or she is the objective recipient of some humble issuance of proper instructions as to Cross, will preside over the meeting, sly maneuver, in inexplicable action. Star of Zion.
and sincere word of encouragement. National Baptist Voice. whether to take refuge upstairs or in which is expected to last about tive LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER Contra Crespo best means In the Workman days,


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