
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 31, 1927 PAGE FIVE can NO. 2369, subordinate to the so neglected by mupport our tlons lodges to discuss within e gathThe British Pharmacy 19 the cap.
ATLANTIC SIDE Pride of Atlantic InEtude Club Organized stails.
In addition to the many musical Call To Duty.
The Pade of Atlantic Lodge No.
organization on the Pacific Side, 2362, beld its regular semiit bis still been found necessary to annual installation at the Buffalo add another during the past week, Lodge Hall, corner of 5th and the oxture of this newly formed (By WATSON)
streets oa Friday night the 20th one will be somrwhat diiferent from inst, when ofticers for the euguing others which are now being perate then the Tetines.
On Wednesday 18 inst. the term were installed as follows: community was aroused by an, Williams, Sis.
The oame of the Etude musical editorial to the Panama Ameri Lucille Lewis, A: K, Baptiste Club will surely make appeal to under the caption The secretary. re elected) a. Holder, the music loving public. From the Pursuito! Non Essentials. In treasurer: Stephenson assistant poicipated that this organizafion spite of the paper it was publish: secretary Sis. Scantlebury, coed, regardless of the man wbo ductress: The ceremony was perwill receive the upstinted support wrote it, it was an opening cha. formed, by C, Underwood, installof its members. There are many lenge of the Coloured people in nig master.
reasons wbich bave urged the prothe Republic of Pagana. The St.
moters to this get together scheme; seems strange that the Colon but only a few may be recessary Boys Institute is so by Pride of Atlantic celebrated its 3rd to be mentioned the first is the atthose whoes dutics should be to anniversary on the same evening traction of the musical literature ranks The which appear in this magazine, men and women who can tender installing master was H, Seuley month after month the music their aids, financially and other G, who was assisted by itself and the unselfish app apprecia tion of musicians world over.
escasione all to do so when the Wilkinson. of the Heart demand. These very of Oak Lodge.
Mrs, Lilian Raveneau one of our men of colour tbat make up the Yn enjoyable time was spent by an interesting photograph of the arrival of the French Aces Cortes and LeBrix. The moment the, stepped of the leading pianists at this end, has diferent and organiza: all.
cockpid of their plane the Nungeiser Cali alighted at Lindbergh Field.
been appointed to guide the destiny instead of taking the work of this organization, with Miss of the Institute Cups Awarded to WanVera Markland as Secretary, and tbelr. circle when they re Miss Doris Rodney bas promised derers ered togetber, as it is an organiLEBEN bis journal; the names of the her support. In the next losue of zation that will creatly belp to advance the statdard of their Presentation Match Tomorrow, personuel will apper.
race, they treat It do something contegpiyous something to be It is understood at at a meet.
ing of the Cricket Council held on GATUN SILVER CLUBIgnored.
Allow me to ask those who are Wedvesday night the 19th inst the HOUSE cuocerned this matter: Hava disputed cup maten between you any race pride about you? Wanderers and Sussex C.
Do you belleye in the work of the was awarded to the former. Condo COLON packed house greeted Colon Boys Institute!
the first Community Program itute! Do you sequent on such a decision, it has a factor that will been announced that the presenta.
tblok tbåt it of the year at the Gatun Silcontribute twards the oakleget it. Hope Oval tomorrow when of tio match will be played on the ver Clubhouse Tuesday night. NO to these questions to wybined pick that are to If you answer am Wanderers will meet a comThe Young People Progressive Club conducted the prosorry for you. aid will here say the other team of that Naiure has treated you very tbe con petition gram. Mr. Brossard PresiIS NOW LOCATED AT unkindly; dent of the Club, presided. In but it you answer It is at the same time, under his opening remarks he stated YES let me agatın ask, stood that Sussex has filed a that it was always the desire are you showing that you are protest to the Cricket Council, as 11. 1154 11th STREET of the Club to render the 1) scar reply? they have no been given a hearing iu Community any aid possible, We should not pend on in connection with the awaring of Others to do for us what we can and that the Club felt it Corper Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK privilege in having been call very well do for ourselves. wish that the thou a da of West ed upon to conduct the first Indians in Panama cao realiz Where our customers will receive the usual program for 1928.
CANAL ZONE NOTES that the work now have The Program consisted of honour to represent will reflect courtesies Songs, Recitations and Dances Catly on them itib y acco Each number received the it be necessary support which La Boca Pars plaudits of the House. Those make suce. 88 possible. appearing on the Program toolbly contribution of teo Tennis is Being Revived.
were Misses Graham, cents from each meæber if ine LOOK FOR THE SIGN Williams, Lynch, SeColoured Organizatior, not to well, Best and Mr. Phil.
President Ellis of the Li ca motion those who have no CD Tennis Club promises to have lip Williams.
nectio witb organ d bid. ee, can to raise this work that each things hunming during the BRITISH PHARMACY The Secretary in his closing Cloured wag bere will be represent des sea 01, treording to remarks thanked the Club for spected, usmuch as there will present indications. Instead of having kindly consented to an inter clubhous; toutoamn conduct the program and as sacritics for the coning genera February next, a series of be living monument of his was previously announced for sured the members that they tion.
had once more shown their be beld Christmas, may take a long nalton coatests will worth. He also stated that it time to coming again, so among member of the local the first program was an in. Tuesday appealing to the better natures. ballots were drawn for dication of what future prothe wen of Oolopr to take the loter: purp grams would be, 1928 was FLOWERS est of the lastituto work at purpose of matching the whi sure to be a banner year in e mall are to meet in the elimination Beginners crack NOTICE OF REMOVAL.
the history of the Community face each otbers, It was announced that the Our white friends bhul been amateur winnace each Abogado. Attorney at Law the drawing, but as next Community taking the lead all the time they aczording Program a natural con will guill continue to assist, there: ner will be elimioated after THE OFFICE OF conseaegnce the for OFPICE: No. 44 ST which will be held the Alter fore why not do your duty todas? which some very interested part of February will be conP. BOX XO. 36 PANAMA CITY know you will listen to this singles contest is promised the CAMBRIDGE ducted by the local troop of TELEPHONE No. 1377 chutton call and stand to your pablic. It is believed that the Boy Scouts. The Scoutmaster post like men.
is eager to make this program Has been removed to No, 6023, Balboa elimloation games will lead ap to Practicing before all the courts of the best yet, and it is hoped an inter alubhouse slogles or doubles to take Avenue, between 6th and 7th Streets. the Republic since April 1914 Baptist Mission House place before the end of the that the community will turn out en masse to witness it.
Completed present dry seaso.
Athenaeum Installs To Try for Certificates The Baptist Missioa House at Officers Silver City is now campleted and FROM PITMAN INSTITUTE quite probably will be occupied in a short time by the pastor; Rev Tomorrow (Sunday) Teacher For Current Term. Wiliamson and his W, Bernard Ellis will cooduct The New manse was consecrate tests by several of the shorthand on wednesday night, the 26th inst. pupils of bis Commercial Chiss, when there was a large gathering in the clasele arst to third The new officers of the La The pupils WI Of every description Boca Athenaeum were installed of members and friends of the sit for from grade at the society session held at churels. Among those present examination in an were Rev.
and Mrs. Witt, of talo the regular shorthand car DONE WITH NEATNESS the Clabhouse on Tuesday evenAND Ing last. Mr. William DeSousa.
the Corozal Baptist Church, lisicates from litrean ShortLL. was installing master Panama, Rer. and Mrs. Rhand Institute, Bath England.
the Cristobal Bible Each year several youngsters The officers DESPATCH comprise. Cliford Hause, otrs Cousin, wife of uake simther examinatior. stion Sewell, President, re elected Pastor Cousins of the Colon this class, sod inawn has been King, Vice President Victor Smith, Secretary; AT THE Wesley Chureb, and Mr. known 10 bave failed. The class. Reid, Asst. Principal of the Silver of instruction given by Mr Ellis is Wesley, Assistant Secretary and City School, Ao attractive pro thorongh, and it is believed trat Critie. Neely, Treasurer: gram was presested, and a pleas in the not far dietant some very E, McCarthy was installed as ant time wae spent by all. good slenograpbers will graduate proxy for Gordon Smith, Chapfrom there.
In re elected, wbo was unavoidably absent. PROLAND HAYES On Thursday evening the society held a social for its junior memThe delicious rich, thick, bers and their friends, Refresbfruity Those wbo attended the mettment and musle were supplied saciety and others who attended on the juniors also engaged log of the La Boca Atbenaeum at SINALCO the Clubhouse on Tuesday evc.
tre inceting themselves in several indoor ning last wae not treated to WHITENS THE SKIN Nxt Tuesday evenir Mr. games.
Makes meals appetizing. ten minute talk on Roland William Dessezt will address lphie evening at balf past seven Ona: It as was previously the society on Rad un.
an Creme Blanc Mirette Pois o clock was twenty also pro nises to be an Inter mlitee of the Athenaeum will Dr. Fred Sterling and educative talt on the rise of Marvellous Cream Testing subj er, bold its first meeting under the TAKE NOTICE present administration.
THE NEW YORK DENTST the famous Negro tenor from Prevents and removes frackles, moth patches, members of the new Committee poverty to tbe ploacle of the are: King, Chairman; all 182, BOLIVAR STREET concert slage. Mr. Jump 1e The WORKMAN can be officers of the scciety: sun tan, and other skin blemishes counted Hages bandicape and had at Mr. Sanchez place Cyral. Mrs Smith, George CULON, Box 771, CRISTOBAL, which surels acted as an insptrasuccesses, laping a word picture SOLD IN DRUG STORES 24tb street, No. building Riebards, William DeSousa and Guachapali.
TELEPTONE 247 COLON tion to the sea bets of the (Continued on page 8) Am Club evening heonthly quota for its help JOB. PRINTING family effort to to ob WORKMAN PRINTERY 66


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