
PAGE LE MAS SATURDAY JANUARY 23. 1925 NOTICE Cutleryong dan de Write for illustrated Catalogue, or visit our Premium Department, No. Pablo Arosemena Street, Javillo Fill, Panama.
lovely kiddies whom with my The Philantropic wife consider the most precious of all my possessions.
English Lord As you can see, then, have very good teasons indeed to AND HON TBE STORY feel happy and take life easy. rough estimate of my wealth ENDED.
would be three hundred thousands dollars. And all this By CERAN THOMASOS with its attendant comforts have been acquired indirectly (All rights reserved)
through an extraordinary act of philanthropy on the part of (Concluded)
an accentric English lord Js nt life a funny proposition, Bertie? May this benevolent It might have been about lord and his progeny be for. o clock in the evening of the same day, which had been Save your empty Lucky Strike Packages for the ever blessed! and here, so far, my story ends.
sultry, with a heat well nigh unbearable; but now a gentle, coming year. We have the largest assortment of remained speechless.
wandering zephyr, sprung While he spoke the shadows somewhere in the east and Premiums on the Isthmus to offer you.
were gradually lengthening.
redolent of the sweet fragance The playful tots and their resof flowers, caressed the leaves tive pup had long disappearof the surrounding trees and Our Premium List includes the following: ed. In their stead two ebony.
caused them to quiver with its hued ragamuffins, the persoft and mellow touch. The spiration streaming down their flaming rays of the westering Base Balls Enamelware shining, oval faces, were sun was slowly sinking bestrenuously developing their tween banks of vermillion Base Ball Bats Gillette Razors Blades les muscles on a couple of clouds.
rude, home made scooters. stood in the spacious vesCigarette Cases Tobaco Pouches Night was approaching with tibule of the hotel, and sccelerated steps.
Cameras Perfumes through a large windows vier move a drink, suggested ed the scene of grandeur Aluminum Ware Harry. What say you?
painted in the western sky. second the motion, And as gazed in rapture at Clocks Jewelry quickly replied, having at last the glorious sunset, sweet rerecovered my speech.
collections, like a swarm of (hinaware Pocket Knives My friend lighted a fresh iridescent butterflies, came cigar, adjusted his tie once crowding into my mind.
Combs Men Ladie Shaving Brushes more, and carefully brushing My thoughts glided back to childhood days, so happy, so his pompadour hair with the Glassware Handbags, Ladies palm of his right hand, he innocent, so care free. Then thought of my sweet little IsaHair Brushes rose. did likewise.
Toys, Etc.
The shadows had deepened, bel, faithful and constant chum of early days, and now Flash Lights the bright rim of the setting tender my promised wife, a sun having gradually disappeared below the waves of and hopeful affection having the Caribbean Sea. It was blossomed forth between us fast getting dark. We stood in just a year before left home silence awhile, then turned in search of employment. our attention south, on our thought of the repeated times way to Toppin my friend we had sat together in the cool of the evenings, when Harry pleased with the whole world, in deep cogitation.
nature seemed at rest, blissfully discussing our plans for the It was fully month since distant future. How we would the events already related. My talk of our domestic arrangefriend Harry had returned to ments and comforts the proCuba the day following, but his wonderful story had left jected little home with its neat and elegant little flower gara deep impresson on my mind den and adjoining small plantWas it all a practical joke on ation, the horse and trap, and his part, or a figment of his so forth! How in imagination imagination? Was it possible we would watch the cute and that this strange tale of his innocent antics of the toddling could be true and that he was babe to be idolized ruler of 90 innlensely wealthy? It was our joyful young hearts! The quite true that he bore the star of hope burned brightly waithful service.
preciation of his good and der as far as was concerned. hall mark of prosperity on then. But now! Vanished Had not the gypsy woman every inch of him, but this were all the air castles. Du Newspaper clippings from prophecy been fulfilled. was no criterion, since knew bious and uncertain was the English periodicals guess, future. need hardly tell you that more than one individual who How disappointing suggested the boss, to while within a week was back at in appearance was the emwas life to me! Oh, if could way your monotonous hours, home in Kingston, and withal bodiment of oppulence, yet in realize my ideals as could so presumably. Rather thought in the arms of the girl so reality was as poor the easily idealize the real would ful on his part should think.
dearly loved. And as was to proverbial church rat.
be happy, indeed happy. There was a perceptible note be expected under the cirAnd so it came to pass that of ridicule in his voice.
cumstances, in the space of found myself at the post of Harry, the manager wants With trembling fingers two months we were duly fice in search of letters, and you at the office. wheeled ripped open the envelope. And What could be more refreshing than married. By this time the Cu received from the hands of round to face my friend there within its deep recess, ba immigration craze was in the clerk a fair size registerChristie.
smiling pleasantly at us. lay an ice cold bottle of the air, and thought, like ed envelope bearing a Cuban What did you say? what do you think? Can you the rest, that would try my postage stamp curiously asked.
fortune in that island, partic. turned the letter round in my The manager wishes to assured him that was a ularly as the opportunty hands, wondering what could see you at once. he replied. very poor hand at guessing. had so long yearned for had possibly be inside it. Ner really don know what has vously tore open the quantity of bright and at last arrived.
enhappened. he added. crisp Bank of England notes. Here will not burden you held in my hand three crisp velope, and lo and behold The narrator paused awhile he continued. Shaking in every after a hard day work a with a relation of my vicissi American hundred dollar and then continued.
limb, brought them forth and tudes in The Pearl of the An Wondering what admoni slowly counted them. Five tilles during bills! felt puzzled.
the Do you know that more people agree on this than ensuing Surely tion might be in store for me, hundred poupnds! The Engyears. Let it suffice to know there was a mistake some repaired to the office, not lish millionaire had converted on electing a president, and that from the outset prosper where. small slip of paper without a little trepidation, each farthing tip into a tenity attended my efforts, and having dropped to the floor, must confess.
pound note! Can you beat to day, thank my lucky stars, picked it up and saw that m the proud proprietor of it was a note. It was from Harry, began the boss, that?
without any preamble what! Between my boss and hymcontinues with its ever increasing popularity, one of the best equipped gar my friend Harry, informing ever, the three English tout self really can possibly say hotel in the same city, a pro asking me to please accept ages in Havana, an up to date me that he was well and hoping that was likewise, and rists on whom you have been which of the two was the more privileged to wait the past astounded.
ductive farm in the country, remained as if It had to be good to get where it is. 7, 000, 000 a day, days left awhile ago. They riveted to the spot, gaping like this is more than all otber drink, combioed.
at a place called San Pedro, the enclosed small present of and a fair size bank account. token of the pleasant evening three hundred dollars in have spoken very commend an alligator catching flies on All this possess, besides a ably of you, particularly Lord the bank of the Twira River; If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will darling, faithful wife and two we spent in Colon Park when Liverstock, and seemed to and so might have remained have been quite pleased and until Domesday were it not bring the goods to your door.
so patiently listened to the unique story of his early life.
satisfied with your attend that the manager voice rousPRIVATE ACADEMY Three hundred dollars in ance. They have also spoken ed me from my stupor.
my possession! who had not in the highest praise of the Well, well, be dif Liberty Hall 29 St. handled three hundred cents general accomodation they this is not sheer madness!
THE Panas a City for the received and enjoyed here There indeed no limit to the past three months!
Was it real, or only a dream?
during their stay of one idiosyncrasies of some of PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY English Classes, Day and Let me make sure. pinched month. He picked up the these money rotton devils.
PANAMA; 65; Night. Dr. Barton begs to myself phone to answer a call. Then They re capable of any foolPHONES once, twice, three COLON; 84; announce that this school times. Yes, it was real, since turned again to me, ish extravagance, any super reopens for the Our Motto is if it were a dream would Summer In recognition of the high act of excentricity. Well, well.
recommendation they ve given heard him saying, his voice surely wake. CLEAN GOODS Feeling a new man, left you you may consider that sounding strange to me, like BARTON the spot on my way home. your pay is raised to 00 some faint echo from the 234单有事會會: had crossed the track line and week from to day. He paused mysterious depths of space.
Principal reached the corner to make a memo of it on a And the reason of Front why parti Dr. Arnulfo Arias Small and Eleventh Streets when writing pad that lay before cularly it so appeared to me is Blo DENTIST Advertise in the (Worxman) it the unfortunate thing haphim. By the by, he added, because already was out PHYSICIAN SURGEON will bring you good resulte, pened. And had just resist His Lordship has left this for side his office rushing for my MASONIC TEMPLE ed my sense of curiosity as a handing me bulky, quarters. What the deuce any Kemoved his Clinic to Cen Office Hours: om to 12 man should, particularly oblong envelope.
how did care then about tral Avenue No. 137 balf Sundays, by Special Appointment SINALCO 30 pm to 30 certain occasions, this tale Taking the sealed envelop job, manager, hotel, and all. would have had a different Regulates the stomach, ed from my boss, read on the Had nt holding in my grasp block away from the up to Masonic Temple lith St, ending. Yes, as was saying, back of it: FIVE HUNDRED FOUNDS! date. Drug Store Damed O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL gives healthy and natural had just reached the corner For Harry.
The whole lot of them could PHONE: OFFICE 1664 sleep, when my innate curiosity had Small gift of papers in ap go to Hades and pump thunU. Phaimaby.
TIDENCE 538 (Contiueil po pe 7)
Coca Cola as WOCoacala Coca Caa Анано уу you, on


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