p. 8


ATTENTION good ging.
was wbi 94 Dolls white o House Rent Receipt Books Tuoney Mayora!
SPANISH. ENGLISH The Leadership Of Half The Jails of Briſomorrow Races Negroes.
tain For Sale.
The card at Juan Franco tomorrow afternoon Commenting elitorilly muder Owing to Creat Decrease in compr ses races for native and we abore enption the BOSTON CITRONICLE of recent date says :Prison lopulation Since imported horses with Reina Not very long ago sorne of the The War Mora and three others in the Negroe most resposible leaders feature event of six and a were admittedly opposed to aet sal DUE TO MORAL SUASION half furlongs.
leadership of Negroes. There are some of that kind lelt, but only The delightful dry season few. The bomber, happily for More Than Twenty Former is having excellent effects oil hose that were led, is rapidly Pla es of Correction Are the races in consequence of Jiminishing. When men of the Kelly Miler Sehool of thought Geing Abegging.
which the weekly programs have been increasingly attrac.
inquire as they cecasionally do what the socalled New Negro has LONDON, Dec. 23. Fully tive done that is better than what the equipped prisons, complete Five horses are booked to Old Negro did, one fitting answer with gallows and condemned run io the curtain raiser is that the New Negro delivered a cells, are to be had for a song.
and an equal number will death blow to the superstitio: The Home Office has a numthat for real leadership the raca ber for sale, but the goals seem take part in the lest event.
must forever look to the white to be a drug on the property Here is the entire proten.
Costes and LeBris on the Canal Zone together with Canal Zone afficials and Army officers, on the occasion gram:Take the instance of Bowar1 Nearly half the prisons in of the parade in their honor.
FIRST RACE University. There wed to alls furlongs Purse 125 ever 80 often, the necessity of the country have been closed down since the war on account electing a new president, Cococha 130 election occurred often because of the great decrease in the. El Cblebi 119 Howard presidents in those day prison population.
More than Dardanela 99 were Jakie evangelinerally old and decrpi twenty of the disued goals!
ministers discarded ly have been put up for sale, but Itirmo 93 were given to most of these valuable proHoward because anything was con perties have been going begSECOND LACE sidered enough for bers 6) Farlongs Purse 173 long as that thing Brecon Prison, in the mounBorlesco 126 and a preacher. Dropped into the the tain fastnesses of Wales, Dad atmosphere of the Negro College, which has the advantages of 123 (Dhole they found the competition too beautiful scenery and proxin122 (Banders keen, and soon succumbet. But a river noted for its Sbimy 117 just so often as there arose the ity to pur90 necessity of electing a new presi front, still awaits a sident, there arose, also, the chaser.
question whether he abould be It was put up for auction THIRDEACE colored. The goes ion was usual wenty one months ago, but Furlongs Pare 123 ly introduced by a mne youthful the highest bid was only 850, minded Negro whose intellect bed and there was no sale. It has 120 never become clouded by the mist been on the market ever since.
Diecisele 12 of slave psychology. Until 128 Alluring advertising in the Johnson was elected the darkey best house agents style has (Fopomelo 118 Don Simon type of Negroes protested that been of no avail. The large 105 Pan Dulce 90 lime was not ripe for so red cal and substantially built prison, Un Nueva an innovation 90 with adjoining detached villa, There were Negro editors of in, formerly the governor house. FOURTE RACE fluential journals Negro publiciste 692 Furlongs Paree 300 of broad influence, Negro presi: sendors are including two is still for sale, although the Reina Mora banks and insurance dents of 128 Cantones 105 companies, and Negro principals of acres of land and vacant pos(Lenino Indus rial session in their offer.
102 important southern but race could be Only. of (Ocorrencia 96 reclosed with the vero presidente bin which were sold to the local University The objectors authorities, have fetched good FIFTH RACE Howard feared that he would lack influence prices. Neweastle Prison was Furlongs Parse 175 with Congress; that he would be sold for 27, 356 and Carlisle looked down upon by the white Prison fetched 16, 023.
The Bolshevikt 126 (Burlescu 109 trustees of Howard; that he would others have been going for lack the polish the head of euch a knockout prices. Araucana 119 larada institution should have in his con The County Down Goal at 101 tact with influental meo of afire. Dawn patrick was sold not SIXTH RACE Later, there was in Chicago sorgs long ago for no more than 16 Forlongs Purse 125.
tu. Ik of sending a Negro to Congrrte twenty guineas, and the prison from Representative Madden dis. at Stornoway, in the Hebrides, loiro 127 trict, The slaves of the fallacious was sold, lock, stock and barBarba Roja 121 notion just referred to insisted rel for a mere pey 110 to mention a colored man to Devizes Prison, which was Chiqui 105 opposen ble 107 Mr. Madaen Pistol be disposed of in 1922, was the Mr. Madden was first of the goals to be sold by Societies 19 101 Buch a dear fiiend and bad done SEVENTH RACE was conscientious. It good working order and the to be taken for granted Imost obliterated graves of a Furlongs Purse 175 that a Negro could not be as con number of murderers were in(Bomb 120 scientious a friend one who would cluded in the lot. Carcajado 123 not only do as much, but possibly Knutsford Prison, in Ches(Kitty Gill 116 a great deal more. The perorations hire, was used as a theological 105 cf such protests always ended on college for candidates in Holy Zalamera 100 the note; The time is not yet Orders before it was convertride, ed into two roomed flats to AMERICAN GIRL It is true that, after all, mo to relieve the housing shortage.
the credit for the colored president Local authorities have put forContinued from page 1)
of Howard is due to the white ward schemes to convert other trustees of that institution. How disused prisona into carden rice cooked in cow milk ever, if Chandler Owen is elected settlements.
an offering to the sacred fire.
COM gress from Mr. Madden A few of the old prisons Later she will approach andistrict the vietory will have been handed over to the other wooden board upon almost wbolly to the Negro of War Office for military purIt which rests rows of betel nute be a victory to on rice mixed with red pow shout over to boast about. poses, and the Home Office There this have installed caretakers in are two der, representing the ancient Aryan sages and will take country in the incited for seat others and had them kept in and they are good order in case they should the obligation of following the Randolph and Chandler be needed again. CHURCH SERVICES St Simon s, Gombea Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. by them.
good path in the way ordained Owen. Now that the colored folk Matins and address 11, a. eral Worship Spanish of Cbicago have a chance to elect THOSE ROOSTERS!
Class; Then she will receive an one of them, they will show thenMr. Clarke, Lay Reader.
Hindu name which she will St. Peter by the Sea, La Beca selves elave indeed if they fail to Church Schoul, 1, 2, 3, pm 30 Society, have to write with a diamond do it. The time is ripe. And the within the townsites of the Canal The question of keeping chichens Fourth Sunday After Epihany Evening Prayer and address, meeting 30 pm. Junior and ring in rice and grain spread Senior Staudard of attainment over a golden plate. Finally time is now!
Zone has again come up for con Holy Communion a The 7, pin. The Lay Reader.
Class, p. o. Vespere.
sideration. The principal object Rector MULCARE the priest performing the ritu ions have been ageinst the crowing Holy Baptism, 7, 30, a, m, GRIZZLE Pastoral will put a red Kumkuma FAMOUS FLIERS Priest in Charge of roosters. It is not desired to Mantins, 10. 45 am, Boly mark on her forehead as add further restriction to the Eucharist sermon, 10 30 am sign of admission to Hindu(Continued from page 1)
Preachers for Tomorrow regulatioon, pos, but the Gov. The Rector existing regul ism.
ernment has directed that noisy Church School, 300, The TAKE NOTICE Wesleyan Methodist Church INVOKE GOD AT by the Governments and peoples roosters ond other disturbing Rector of the Republie of Panama and animals must not be kept in MARRIAGE Choral Evensong and sermon, Pangma 11. 10.
The WORKMAN can be Mr. SK The Canal Zone flew to the interior places where they avnov the oc 17. 30. rm. The Rector. Waltere. 30. in. Mr. had at Mr. Sanchez place The marriage ceremony itwhere he had a thorough restcupants of quarters. Here after Kimimau 24th street, No. building self will begin with the invoca while his pane was being over when any complaints are received Feast of the Purification hauled.
tion of Ganess, the elephant Colon 11. am Mr. Harriso Guichapali.
agte against such animals the owners. Thursday next is the Feast 7, 15 Mr. Jones, headed god. This consists of morning is dicate that all three District Quartermasters to remove The Bluseed Virgin MarybThe Reid 30: Mt. Walters Preis despatels yester das will be Botified promptly by the the Feast of the Purification of the bridegroom leading his Le Boea 11. Mr. Frank bride seyen times around the a Vituls Banded safely at their them, will celebratdestinatione aod were given boisy sacred fire, after which they ed at a.
New Providence 11, a. Mr.
but cordis reception, The French will stand facing each other, ATHENAEUM INSTALLS SINALCO Markhaun, 30. pm. MULCARE Rector with men arrived at 10 and Colonel a veil between theni.
while the priests chant Sans Liodberg at 150 in the afterboon supplied.
St Bartholen. ew s, Las On sale at all First Class of the same day on sich they (Continued from page 5)
Cascadas Paaaisn 11, 8, krit verses and throw saffro Mr, Clubs, Cabarets and Soda left.
Mr. Reld. The Chairman ieWalters, pin Mr.
coolured rice on the heads of Fountains Matids and address, 11, a. Payne.
guests the persence of all the The Lay Reader the couple. When the veil Panama City Distributor. raised at the end of the cele pembers at this meeting as a REMEMBER! volume of business, including an Church School. 3, Seventh Day Adventist GILBERT BRID.
mony the husband places important communication from Evensong andaddrees, about his wife neck a man SINALCO STREET de Exclusive Representative.
CALIDONIA the Istbwian Literary sad Musi Lay Header.
galsutra necklace of blaça CRl League of which (be AtheCASA ANAVITARTE, ROAD aear Isthmian Park P:19 MULCARE, beads with a golden leaf in: Euriebes the blood naeum is interested, will be taken ma Colon.
the middle, after which ritua!
up and disposed of, Priest in Chare. Sabba! (Satu day) 945 a they are man and wife.
Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly that to Zapo Tunney CAN BE HAD AT (Pereguo The Workman to Stationery Store Chicago two Negroes in will and o


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