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7 yo suk verthing insd RE OUR EDUCATION WE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN READ THE LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC Sinister Laws to Curb Liberty Sensational British and Why be Political West Indian immigration to United States.
In Hayti VOL 16 No. 26 PANAMA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1927 PRICE CENTS bé German Nonentities Face Serious Charges Asks Hon. B. Knox, for Espionage in Stirring Address.
Changes in Constitution Aflect Statement Made in Recent Direct West India cable In a stirring address at LiFreedom of Speech despatch from London, date:lberty Hall New York, on Jan Press Issue of a West Indian NewsJanuary 16, states that at the uary 15th, the political status Subject to Gag Measures. London Central Criminal Court of the Negro was subject of paper.
to day, Thomas McCartney, a the principal address deliverIn the New York Herald Tribune appears the follow. Hansen described as a German American leader of the Uni in its issue of December 29 peal to modern manhood, to The West Indian of Grenada most of us by means which alsubject, Hon.
ingAn example of the indifference of the American public student, were charged with versal Negro Improvement As says: remain in these benighted espionage.
sociation, here tonight. Mr. While we do not want to British izlends. With a door of to the every Jay realities of our Caribbean relations, as contrasted with their occasional excitement over such Sir Douglas Hogg, Attorney Knox pointed out that no raise false hopes, we should escape open to us we may be comparatively picturesque episodes as the row with Sand General prosecuting, said that where in the United States did say that there is cause to hope in a position to alk terms ino or the fact that ihe Havana populace greeted Mr. the evidence which would be the Negro enter seriously into that sometime next year it with regard to remaining her.
Coolidge with shouts of Viva el Presidente! is cffered given by four witnesses was of the reckoning as a political would be fairly easy for West In connection with the above, in the pass ng of almost unnoticed and coincident with the so serious a nature, that factor and that the signs of Indians to emigrate to the the Jamaica Glener in a re.
Havana conference one of the amendments to the Haytian would be necessary to hear it the times clearly showed that United States in large num cent issue says that a repreconstitution, against which there was sharp protest both in in camera.
it was futile to hope for polit bers, judging from certain in sentative of that paper brought Haiti and in some quarters here when the amendments were Outling the case the Attor ical status and opportunity co telligences we have received. the above statement to the at.
first proposed last fall.
ney General narrated how an equal with the white race. Should this hope materialise tention of Mr. Jose de Olivares, These documents, so their critics asserted, would, if attempt had been made to. Abraham Lincoln had merely West Indians will flock to the United States Consul fo passed, seriously restrict freedom of speech and trial by use a Mr. Monkland, an under opened the door of opportun United States by the thousands Jamaica. Mr. de Olivares said jury and put the judiciary under the control of the Haytian writer at Lloyds, as a medium ity for the Negro, and it was per month. We have a mere that he had no intimation that President which is to say, things being as the are, under for obtaining important in the duty of the race to work two million people here which the number of the quota was the control of the American occupation.
formation regarding the British wholeheartedly so the they the United States can absorb to be increased and he had no Air Force.
Questions of Expediency could build a government of without knowing that any fig. reason to believe that the ruHow far right these circumstances were, what qnesMcCartney gave Mr. Mor their own, as advocated by the ure at all has been added to mored contemplated increase tions of expediency may have dictated the amendments, is kland, a questionnaire on the Hon. Marcus Garvey and the the population of the country. was authentic.
beside the point with which we are immediately concerned, subject emanating from Rus. Universal Negro Iriprovement Thus may salvation come and The quota for Jamaica and that important changes in a constitution (itself writieu by sia, and showed Mr. Monkland Association, for unly in that thus may these islands be the Cayman Islands is 120 per Arnericans, according to testimony brought out during the letter from the Chief Russiau way would they attain to man. emptied of their best material, year the quota year being Serate investigation of affairs in yti) are first proposed. Espionage Agent in the coun hood status politically, and thus may nothing worth from 1st July to 30th June.
without exciting a ripple of comment in this country, and try, regarding payments for The hall was well filled, as while be left here to attract the The issue is at the rate of 12 later passed by a socalled popnlar vote, and all se quietly information supplied to the usual, with an enthusiastie official blood suckers sent out persons per month for the first that the writer was put to som trouble to find anyone who Russian Government. Mr. throng. Hon. Miller, to these parts to feed upon our 10 months of the year, no iscould contirm the fact that a vote had actually been taken (Continued on page Coutinued on page 8) vitals.
sue being made during the and the amendme its passed.
In this case an export tax on months of May and June the Article 16 of the old constitution, granting freedom of human beings might be levied new issue beginning again on speech, was modified to read freedo. of the press is SPARKLETS but it will have to be extremely 1st July.
guaranteed, subject to conditions determined by lawr AS unreasonable to prevent At the present time the num.
there has been no legislature in Hayti since th: American (By KING)
thousands of people from pay ber of persons whose names occupation, the governmect consisting of the ytian Presi.
Until Werneadey evening jast As those move easiest who have ing it cheerfully. One thing are entered upon the waiting dent and Cour cil of State acting in conjunction with the when double ervered a Workmax learned to dance.
the United States cannot be list at the American Consulate American High Commissioner and the other treaty officials, proof reader, had never said If this oblste sphervid ia which listed as a notified place. persons desirous of obtaining this clause, it is asserted, would leave regulation of the special attention to the poems we live is still revolvine around within the meaning of our quota visas for entering the press to sach measures as the President anà High Commis and short stories contributed to its axis and the unioreseen hap.
that paper by Cerano thomabos. perts not. expect t) carry out Emigration Ordinance.
sioner saw tit to pass.
United States for permanent To be frank about, it was not the will of Presileut Clifford The time is coming when residence is approximately Article 19, which read right of trial by jury is estab until after overhenru a lady re Sewell of the verraple La Buca Great Britain will have to con thres thousand. These will have lished in criminal cases and in cases involving political of mioding the Editor not to Athenaeum by crossing the Isth. sider how best to encourage to take their turn as it comes.
LOL: nue read, trial by jury is established in criminal prosecutions English Lord, by Cerano: Thom. ing.
the in those cases specified by law. The crities assert these soos in your next issues that it in of the literati and the musica!
decided to investigate. As you wil. The meeting is scheduled to What the British Press Thinks of Continued on page 8)
perbape kocw, gentle reader, there con cutmeace nt pm There were are not very many members of the th thee of us drafted for tonigh and gentler sex who like BRITISH WORLD WAR Large Local Company the newspapers long enough to cute crick of the muscles of his rend atfair, one of whom developed on Action in Nicaragua LEADER IS DEAD follow a story the: cia to the end, inmediato such starty contains come to the her thereafter, Selling Stocks excepharly atiractive feminine not rendertum The New York Herald Tri tion of the attitude of British bune in a recent issue says: journalism today as it Field Marshall Ear! Douglas on the first of this mouth the or nors de combat for the occasion, Haig, leader of the British fighting merkan de douceumpulz Luz de acea o been steeped in the profunday of roing, of time Unfortunate is the word then. It is: picture of the permits before leaving the Gold War was reported ciend on Tues. sale one million dollars worth forces in France during the World tueña de Fuerza y Luz placed on sublime love. And 80 uecided us including Prophet Eli here to the relations between exorable reducing the Central Spreierred shares at 46 my curiosity by securis friend expect to call on some being most widely applied United States as slowly, inlast from heart failure, his cum day cumulative death having occurred at the per sbare. Shares may purchas: containing Jan respective West Indian house of bis brother io law, led on the installment plan of tropic English Lord and, ho fareson. ato Princess Gate. down an per month, to in fortified with some where he was staying recently believed that this will place the from Mr. Reliable souSesentatives of the West Indian the United States and Nicara American nations to political HERALD gua. Correspondents and edit and economic vassalage is preand the PANAMA AMERICAN orial writers of the British dai sented in many British newsHe was nearly years old having shares with the reach of every decided to to be also on Hector Lonnor who ly and weekly press inform papers today.
the understand is the author of the their publics that the Ameriin Jube 1961. He had one willing to invest in them.
FEAR. COMMERCIAL almost impenetrable scerecy the Hertiage of Youth the He draina beat the can policy toward Nicaragua EXPANSION which y draws packe An explanation that this from Army. he the original manuscript of of Her was called before Parliament, pub Acc ording to a Washington des was being prepared for reproduc. due respact to the capital city by a revival of world interest in passionate interest of the BritAtonement a love story which Coborito make a tisfactory the news of sending marine should be so must be sought licly thanked and voted a gift of explanation for his failure to pay reinforcements coincided with elsewhere than in an inherent patch published here, the opera. tion in tion of the Panama Canal since it to add today issue. So as not presenting his Play here.
nor detract from the merits Secretary Kellogg plan for ish public in Nicaraguan freewas opened in August 1914 to or demerits of Ceran Thomasos the outlawry of war, and, sec dom. It likewise does not lie Gospel Tent Meetings June 30th, 1927, showed a surplus contributious, am only inviting Clubs Showing Activity ond, because of its probable in the fact that news is espeContinue.
of 5, 949, 599. Since the Canal your atteution to The Philantiorepercussions at the Pan cially dull in domestic spheres.
was opened transit revenue totall pic English Lord which comIn 1928 Carnival ed over 139 million dollars: net inences on page six of the issue of American Congress at Hava In one sense such explanations The first week of the Gospel transit revenue over 95 million the WORKMAN of December 4th, as the Herald Tribune correActive efforts are being putna.
Teot Meetings which begin Sunday doilars aad net revenue 74, 004, the issue of 28th1928; Clubs for the 1929 Carnivals. In that Washington words a curious commentary 1927 and concludes on Night Jan, 29, 1928 ontne Maio 276 des on page seven forth by the different Caruival The inference here is plain spondent can furnish provide Road into La Boca ends, leaving upon real inspiration in its wake; 300 Stars, as sign Boards; The Hand which Atonement believe will eot: dications are that a large sum of subject, The Tospiration of the Thousand years Vacation; The author seeras a bright boy with!
me the the purpose.
Visitors left well satisfied for the of God in History, The Devils in today impression, To part money will be raised this year for and actions do not synchro the liability of admirable nize. The British Foreign Of causes occasionally to produce Bible, which was interestingly and Destiny of the Wicked: The beau. deep and penetrative ideas and offect that ite Colco Carnival most punetiliously correct atReports from Colon are to the fice, as always, maintains a unexpected consequences.
ably delivered by Pastor a. A, ties of the Better World and the knows well how to reproduce Juara has issued invitation to the titude when questioned by re of complaint by students of It has long been a subject Grizzle.
State of the whica the them on paper. He seeing alto to West Indian Co. opy there to new Subjeet every night has public is invitea.
of proven highly satisfactory and The subjects will begin Sunday favorite poet, Alexan«ler Pupe, bad bunt end and that the invitation tence in a cable by this writer British newspapers publish so the kind whom my participate in the Carnival ou porters. Nevertheless, a sen Anglo American relations that promises Dave been made by the night. Feb. 5, 1928, at 30.
congenial to introduce such new seat reserved for every visitor tal lines: in mind when he wrote the immor has bee sccepted and the West which appeared in the Heraid little American news. British Bibles on each occasion is a Indians have organized a commit Tribune material as. The Greatest Event on December 29, papers now are publishing of the future; Sun, Moon, and acces ity. Bring them.
True case in writing comes from art tee to prepare plans for active participation.
1926, is as accurate a descrip(Continued on page 8)
hope with was The penetrate foto been born was kaighted in viz. After retro canal Shows Surplus proofreader to it by peering into model automatic alt te doen met is unfortunate, first, because 500, 000.
and also to appear in Dead, to be one not chance,

    FranceWorld War

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