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PENETENTIARY (All rights reserved)
The Jamaica Mail in its issue of the 24th ulto reports the THE VOWS release of Albert Sterling, Doo you cry, Juanita, don promotor of the defunct British you cry. For though to loving West Indies Bank Ltd.
hearts when separated time seems who, it will be rememberto move with leaden feet, three ed was convicted on a charge years are but a sbort while and will 5000 pass away; and then, of fraud in May last year and love, shall return ta your waiting sentenced to eighteen months arme, revermore to be separated imprisonement in the general you.
Penitentiary. Oh, Max, wby Fate should be It would appear that soon so cruel, so uokiod to us! Why no envious of our sweet unalloyed after he commenced to serve happiness? Oh, why should we io his term Sterling was afflicted this the budding time of our love with ear affection which it is and happiness be so rudely toro from each other arms?
claimed greatly impaired his Fate? No, darling, not Fate; physical condition and alrather say my father palpable though he underwent an operation which was said to be suclack of human charity, of bie di torted sense of social cessful, the state of his health To tbiok of his inflexible values.
still continued to be precarious, tion to our love simply oppoeibecause following a report by the Prison your poor mother was a Carih!
Surgeon, His Excellency the Could any thing be more abrurl?
Would anyone believe that a man Governor gave instructions for of my father advanced age, with his release on the 21st January hús vast worldly experience, could be so Darrow minded, so utterly last.
devoid of a true understending of In commenting on the matthe human heart? often wonder ter, the Mail says, among wbetber be bimself has eyer loved, others things:He imagines, for instance, that by The circumstances which the simple expedient of packing me away to The States be will led up to the arrest, trial and succeed in la det troying my affection conviction of Sterling are fresh for you and make me forget your in the minds of newspaper Poor, simple his warped jndgement, Juanita: for readers, and it is unnecessary swear to vou before God that as to again traverse the whole you are true and faithful to me, to ground; suficient it is to state shall ever be to you, and no that in the height of a succespower on eartb can ever destroy our love.
sful career as a stock broker, Sterling conceived the idea of This dialogue of tender passion was taking place between two operating a Bank. He became people a boy and a girl. They managing director of the conwere still in their teens and flushed cern which went by the name with the ardent hope of youth.
With clasped hands they set on a of the Bank of the British log in the cool and benign sharle West Indies, Ltd. But it hads of a large, spreading puui tree laden short and should we say with blossoms. The hour was past noon to the bright and Funny merry life, when the inability of the concern to meet the demonth of March; the ground wa thickly carpeted with goldenmands of depositors, became yeliow flowers. the tropicair known, the Government orderpregnant with love and romance, e investigations to be made. stand, is in no way attributable Awhile the two remained silent.
The company was placed in to the after affects of operaBRITISH GUIANA mend you promise faithfully to the tion which, we repeat, was a make wife?
sweetly, drying the tears in her eyes with the end of her small, and long and careful inquiries Demerara Police and dointily embroidered bandkerchief by Government officials into Yes, sweetheart, be replied.
the formation and working of MURDER OF JA.
with a note of tenderness in his the Bank revealed a state of MAICAN.
Retirement Provision voice, caressing gently her raven hair with affairs contrary to the best inthe palm of his hand But that, of course, car cnly be terests of the public. Then folBy a Spaniard at Santa lowed Sterling apprehension.
when shall have reached my After several months of agita majority and am in full control of Marta.
Sterling conducted his own des What could be more refreshing than tion, the members of the Demerara my inheritance under my Police Force are to be placed on uncle will, which, as you know late fence. The jury brought him in guilty and Mr. Justice Clark the same footing with respect to will be three years hence. Oply In a recent issue of the Jaan ice cold bottle of lump sums on retirement sentenced him to 18 mouths maica Mail the announcement of the Governinent Service on the three, sbort years, Juanita. imprisonment Three short vears indeed, Max, with hard was made of the murder of Establishment except the labour.
Mr. Frank Austin, a Jamaican, oroposal is throwo out by the but which to me, alas, will be like Shortly after Sterling be in Santa Marta.
by question tabled by Mr. patiently wait. But oh, if and came an inmate of the General According to further inforafter a hard day work Gongslves. Financial Representa. she paused, If could only be tive for Georgetown, at a recent sure, dear, that you ll keep to the Penitentiary, he complained mation which a representative for an ailment in one of his of this paper has obtained.
sitting of the Combined Court in many which you so solemnly have Do you know that more people agree on this than ears, the ailment being diag. Mr. Austin was 54 years of age, be sure!
Annusl se sion as to whether the made! If could only Government bad as yet considered Men, unlike women, as you know, a disnosed by the Prison Surgeon unmarried, and was on electing a president, and question of lumipsum pay are 80 quick to change. ro fickle by and other Medical Practitio. penser by profession. He was ments to inembers of the Police nature, You ll not forget your Force, and and of not, now soon would say, Max, you ll not forget her?
ppor, little Juaninta, will you?
ners, as mastolditis. The ser employed at a hospital at Sanit be done.
iousness of the complaint caus ta Marta that is conducted by The Colonial Secretary drew the be appealed.
ed the prison authorities to the United Fruit Company. On continues with its ever increasing popularity. member attention to the fact Forget you, darling forget you: grant Sterling the concession the 27th November last he was that provision had been made for How can that ever be? she exof being transferred to the shot by a Spaniard and died It had to be good to get where it is. 7, 000, 000 a day, giving effect to it in the estimates claimed vehemently. In me, under Pensions and Gratuities and sweetheart, you bebold rne Public Hospital to undergo an from the effects of the bullet this is more than all other drinks combined.
rethat when the item (which read solved to keep true to his sacred His Mother, Mrs.
operation, but while in the lat wound.
Lomp sum payments to members promise, though the very heavens ter institution the prisoner Elizabeth Austin, who resides If your dealer cannot supply you a phone call will of the Police.
12, 000) S would not consent to be operat. at No. West Race Course, bring the goods to your door.
Teached a motion Through my fatber inexorable have to be first ietroduced will we are forced to be ed on, and he was conveyed Kingston, received a letter and approved by the Court before for a time. To morrow leave separated back to the Penitentiary. from him dated November tbey could deal with it.
About this time an effort was 22nd, and according to that for America; but bappily not alone Attached to the item is an ex for your sweet, lovely image, THE nule which reads as foldeeply made by way of a petition to communication he was in goo.
is engraven in proposed that the along with ny His Excellency drawn up by health.
rank and file of the Police Force present before my eyes, and ever me. It shall ever be PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY certain friends and well. The British Consult at Santa be placed on the same footing be a font of inspiration to my wishers of Sterling which peti Marta, on discovering the adPANAMA: 65; PHONES COLON; 84; with respect to lump sums on sool. He paused as though lost tion sought in vain to secure a dress of Mrs. Austin in Kingretirement as officers of the Gov. in deep thought. And you my Our Motto is eroment Service on Fixed darling. free pardon for Sterling. It ston, wrote the Jamaica GovEstablishment, and that the age sumed, will your thoughts be was urged in the petition that ernment and informed them LEAN GOODS for retirement be fixed at 55 years ever of me? Will you keep invíothe prissoner should be releas of the murder of Mr. Austin and after 30 years of ed inasmuch disease Last week the Police Depart. Contioued oo Page 7)
view of the fact, however, that which endangered his life ment communicated with Mr. been residing in various parts Nothing is stated as to what the colony does not permit of the the present financial position could not be successfully oper Austin in Kingston and conveyated on in Jamaica. But the un ed the sad news of the shool of Colombia and Central Amer steps have been taken against retirement of all those who ica, paying periodic visits to the Spaniard who fired the eligable to do so, it e is intended such retirement be justifiableness of this statement ing of her son. SINALCO The deceased was born in Jamaica. He was employed at fatal shot.
gradual, and that the sum of 12, 000 is evidenced in the fact that on be provided for the year 1928. This Sterling second admission in Jamaica. Alt the age of 14 he the Part Mines, on the Madwould permit of the retirement of Put your servel to work to the Public Hospital, he was left Jamaica for Panama, dalena River for several years, Rent receipt book in Spanish and lump sum papments to 10 men went down to and English for sale at of a total of 41 eligible for operated on successfully. And where Mrs. Austin then re and latterly every day.
WORKMAN persion, his present ilness, we under. sided. From that age he hail Santa Marta. logoda Cogoda 162 Coca Cola plantory lowe: heart, gres hot service. In as, the should 66 the out


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