
THE WORLMAS SATCRDAY FEBRUARY 4, 1927 PAGE FIVE CANAL ZONE NOTES La Boca Pars The British Pharmacy COLON Women Club to Help Boys Institute.
IS NOW LOCATED AT ומר Negro Boy Miss 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies work which is of the ATLANTIC SIDE Negro Night at the Forum Episcopal Young Peoples Association Thursday night last (191h inst. Pyrha Brathwaite and prove one of the most instructive ineetings yet held hy the Forum, Doris Elias Win Prizes, which started a trille over a month agg at the Gatan Silver ClubAn interesting feature at the house. Liule has been heard about rrgular meeting of the Episcopal the Negro in bastory, and thus, to Yonng People Association on enlighten ourselves, we devoted Wednesday night the Ist inst, was our time to listening to some of the decision of the judges on an the great things done by the people essay relative to the outing which of our race.
took place on tbe 2nd of January. Several papers were prepared The noer of the contest was and read by diferent members.
Miss Pyrha Brathwaite daughter The first was oa Negro Historians of Mr Bratt waite of the Pana by Mrs. Moore, followed by Negro Canal Press. Mt. Hope, with singsrs by Miss Cave, Negro Mics Doris Elias, darighter of Mr. Educators by Miss Slow John Elias of the Receiving and Leaders by Mr. Negro Forwarding Agent, second, Women by Brown (Se (Secretary The idea of the contest was proof the Forum. and Negro lumo ed by Mr. Gladstone Clarke, vention by the President.
who kindly offered the prizes.
with Among other things we learn madeia America was made by a pleasure that the first clock Night With the Negroes Negro; that one of the most hon The liacce Literary and De ored Tensts of modern times is a bating society of the Cristobal Negro; and that the Creuso we Silver Clubhouse held a very shav. ng cream, or soune sweet love best not the soft soothing interesting meeting on Tuesday smelling facial. pommade, but the night January 31, Night best Crem in the world. Ice with the Negroes was held. In: Cream was inveuted by a Negro.
1eres ing papers were su covering th activities of 10 fields of Art, Music Work on the new wholesale Iterature and Politics. Although Commissary at allout Hope is the attendance was not up to mark progressing speedily: The root the program was one of the best was commenced during this week.
presented by the Society for a long time. It was as follows.
Journaliem. Mr. De la Mez Actng. Journalist Piano Selection Miss Stewart Paper Negro Statesmen Mr. Beppett.
Miss Quarless.
Negro Musiciaus Miss Hewitt, from blocutionary selection Negro Authors Mr.
Solo Mjes Arthur paon.
Negro Singers! Miss It is hoped that the society promote such instructing and inter esting features from time to time, for they will do much in developin race pride.
LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY It has been announced by oficers of the Women Life Problem Club tbat the Club contemplates putting Tage on sale at an early date, rhe proceeds of which are to be expended in favor of the Colon Institute. It is understood that very much cooperation in this effort has been promised the Club The Life Problem Club bas not oaly now showing interest in the is being conducted by Commander Watson, Director of Institute in tho interest of wayward yodug men.
Not very long ago the Club turned over to the Institute the eatire net proeeds of a Jude Pole. Further interest was menifested by the three of their members visited the House wives Association of Colon; the three ladies, including the Club Preeident, Mrs. Floreace Smith, seized the opportunity while over there to visit the Institute aod get first hand information of the work from Commander Watson It is not known, however, whether the Club inteuus to turn Over in cash the entire net proceeds of the sale of the taga, or wbether it iteods to purcbase thiogs which its members found that the boys of the Institute are in urgent need, when the Athenaeum Dologate To Attend Paper Quarless Wittingham LIT. MUS. LEAGUE INSIST ON ST. CHARLES Leaving to Colon today will be prominent members of the LA Boca Athenaeum to attend meeting of the Jatbmian Literary and Musical League which is aonounced to be held at the Silver Clubhouse at Cristobal tonight.
The League is a newly formed society with aims to further the study of music and literature. It is believed that one of the principal items on the agenda of this evening meeting will be the ratification of the League ConstituLiterary and Musical League Moots Tonight The Brand that has stood the test of years.
Mr. William DeSouza, a member of the Athenaevm is President of the League, and Mr. Whit tingham, of the Alliance Literary and Debating Society of Cristobal, Secretary, As Welt Tonight at the Cristobal Silvar Clubhouse a meeting of the Isthmian Literary and Musical League will be held, Representaon the night of January 21 a meeting should have been held came to conclusion that the League is not succeeding as it should, and a reorgnization of saine would do much to the plans that were laid out at its organizatior. It is expected that oli the Societies concerned will be well represented for it is necessary 10 have a wide field to select new and capable offices. The meeting will begin at 8, in.
REMARK promote Canal Allotment ST. CHARLES BRAND News Notes UNSWEETENED Rev. Cousins, who has been attending the apoual synod in Kingston Jamaica for the past week in expected to arrive io Colon on Wednesday, the 8th inst.
EVAPORATED MIL Of Army Appropriations According to reports from Washington, 8, 660, 000 of the Army Bill of three hundred and Dineteen million dollars for the next fiscal year beginning July 1, 1928, is to be allotted to the Panama Canal Zone.
In the Army Bill is included a quarter of million dollars for starting construction of a storago reservoir at Alhajuela. This reser voir is for the purpose of supplying extra water for use of the Panama Canal io dry seasons, it being discovered that owing to the continual increase of traffic there is the prospect of an iosufficient supply of the water which is now available from present storage facilities. The estimated cost of of this project is 12, 000, 000.
The War Departmeot appropriation also carries 560, 000 for barracks at Albrook Flying Field Dear Balboa, 400, 000 for quarters there and 126, 000 for non commissioned officers quarters.
The Carnival spirit is already abroad on the Atlantic Side. Many seem to be preparing to have a good time.
The weather on this side is fine, with the exception of an occasional squall, the days are bright.
PERFECTLY SAFE NO BACTERIAS Cricket is at present at a stand still, as Sussex is dissatisfied at not having had a hearing in the awarding of the final eup match to Wanderers. It is understood that a council meeting is shortly to be beld to adjust matters.
Memorial to Col. Gaillard Bring your lables of ST. CHARLES to our Premium Department. We shall be glad to show you what we can offer to you free.
Th Episcopal Young Peoples, Abeociation has announced a dance to take place io their ball, corner of Third and Caslı streets on Wednesday night, the 15th inst. Musie will be provided by the Metropole Orchestra.
This Saturday morning at halt past nine o clock Mre. Gaillard, widow of the late Colonel David DuBose Gaillard, the American engineer who was responsible for the conquering of the great Culebre (Continued on page 8)
On Tharsday night, February 9th. The Alliance Literary and Debating Society will stage a Community Night programme when selected vocal and instry.
did addresses will be given.
admission will be charged, and it!
is hoped that the community at large will take advantage of the opportunity of enjoying this foe program. P.
The delicious rich, thick fruity SINALCO Makes meals appetizing.


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