
ENJOYING STAY IN Pablished oa Satardays by Rites for Advertasena on appliea.
WALROND. At the ofiice No. 16, tios. Correspondence on all naties States Stace: East Panama of publie interest invited.
papers reaching the PO Box 74, Panama RP All copy for publication must be Isthmus in course of the week tell of written on one side of paper only, and the pleasant Vacatioo which Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Reverend Thorbourue Super. je Year interdent of the National Baptist the writer, tot necessarily for publica. 40 Cy.
Six Months.
Convention, and Mrs. Thorbourne, 20 tion but as a mark of Rood faith.
are spending in the United States Three e.
We do not undertake to retura re.
Month jected corresnorence.
The Tho, bournes and their four children, Robert Anny, Rene and Maymie, left here in the early part he Liberty of the Press is the pilladium of our rights JINUES of June last. Since their arrival in the States Reverend Thorbourne SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4, 1928 has reported and lectured at several placema.
on his work in while 100 RE OUR EDUCATION.
from Nashville, Tennessee, also tell of the activities of Mrs. Thor bourne. Mrs. Thorbourne gave Not many days ago we had an opportunity to confirm two principal addresses before much of what we had believed to be the trend of opinion un usually large audiences on the subject My Seventeen years in of a great many of our people in regard to education. We Panama, seized it by purposely getting involved into a discussion with a couple of our men who apparently were serious as to he feels better every time he wears it, Rev, and Mrs. Thorbourne baye been enthusiasticall received in the The education of our people, especially that of our men and for the recollection of quality United States and receptions were women to be. We observed that their side of the discussion held for them at several places. It was not only tinged with, but distinctly bent towards purely academic training.
is expected that on their retu.
The Whyte West Indian Foundation remains long after the price here their entire flock, as well as their and theory, the recent move for primary numerous friends, will be is forgotten.
revdy to give them a right hearty secondary education, Professor Barton Private Academy. welcome back. No news, however, the Technical School of the United Negro Improvement has yet been received as to when Association of Colon and the possibility of the establishthey may be expected, ment of a high school in the Canal Zone by the Government of that place have been briefly touched upon. We cleaned Correspondence.
from their many views that they were reflecting the identi cai montal attitude towards education of their children as THE EDITOR, WORKMAN.
that of a very high percentage of our people. We noted tha Please publisb the following they had not touch upon the education of themselves!
which will be of some benefit to We stuck as best as was practicable to the listening end of Cricketing Pablic re the game the conversation and detected that our collaborators did not which should have been played mention any of the trades. fishing, carpentry, tailoring, on July 4:h 1927 but was agreed to be postponed in the interest bricklaying and the rest of them; they did not touch upon of the all Barbadian all Jamaiscientific agriculture, real estate, commerce; as leaders of can game of July 4th and 5th the majority in the discussion, they did not mention any SOLE AGENT agreeable to the Sussex thing of such progressive business undertakings as Connor On October 28th the Sustex Bakery and Grocery, Omphroy Auto Supplye and Motor received a potice from the Cycle Agency, Rothery Notion and Novelty Store. Fuller 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY Secretary of the Atlantic Cricket Council giving the date o: No.
Watch, Clock and Jewelry Establishment, Messrs Gittens, 3rd as the date tixed by bim to and Taylor Tailoring Establishment, Colon. They did noi 84 77777 play tbs game of July 4ih.
appear to have been taking into serious account and gatherThe Sussex finding that ing fond from thought for the activities of the Chinese, most of her memburs bad made Syrians and Indians. their minds seem to have been enarrangements tbeir tirely engrossed in a few white collar positions while they Poem In Memory Of Family over to Panama on the WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR reflected some liking for the little gestures of the philologist.
Special Train for that day notified the Secretary Mr. Rueben And our friends, views adequately represented one of the The Late General Goorgel Blades by letter Oct 31st Cluses for the marked indifference shown by the majority of its inability to meet the of our people here to practical or even theoretical moveWashington Goethals Wanderers but gave the deate of Nov. 6th or 13th as the dates ments for progressive endeavours.
No hot irons or special combs required they would able (By The Rev. Mulcare, game in question, but before be As a community the lack of a more practical, general to play the training for useful vocations seems to be the greatest of our Rector Of St Peter Church, giving the letter to the Secty economic handicaps and not for the lack of unity as some La Boca. met the Capt. Mr. Hamilton SOLD IN DRUG STORES of the Wacderers believe. The academic education involving special trainIt is with gratitude we pay 10 and communicated to bim the posiing in one or two subjects which many of the older menBigb tribute to the Chief, bers of our community derived from primary and secondary Who built the World great Hamilton of the Wanderers tion of the Sussex Mr.
Waterway, gave schools in the West Indies has proven to contain an insuffi.
the date of the 13th ADVERTISE ciency of practical education which fits one to be a sucTo years so few and brief.
suitable to bim in the presence cessful competitor for the better things of life in a country 15 His great work will be viewed with night of Oct slat a meeting of Mr, Gerald Mitchell. On the of where competition for those things is keen.
By bis progressive nation.
the Cricket Council was held but Comparing the standard of academic training which the And engineers of fame world wide, was not pleased before th: the letter of the Sussex West Indian boy receives up. o and including secondary Will show it veneration. Clubs, What was the Sesty schools in the West Indies, with that which the American No ereater feat will man e er find reason for not po. ting the Sussex boy receives in an American High School, the former is On history bright pages letter to the meeting!
considered to be much sounder. But with respect to the Iban that which doth two oceans Why did the Secty apswer on inevitable race for a fair share of the good things of the bind, the 2nd of Nov. that it was not world, that of the American high School has proven superFor all succeeding ager. tbe business of the Cricket ior. Hence we find that the West Indian boy with a Council?
Our hero was a man most dear, secondary education, is less equipped than the American Alike the Church and State, Why did not the Secty, notify Sussex Performing duties without fear, boy with an American High School education to handle the Wanderers bad made a claim for the match himself in the common activities which tend to the best lo spite of threaten hate.
in question as was done in tou interest of his community. This is properly borne out by the CLEANING PRESSING Whene er his Yellow Pril passed case of the Victoria.
fact that in spite of the high percentage of West Indians gang of sweltering men, Why did the Secty call a meethere who are well equipped with the basic requirements for Tackling the dirt and rocks ing for the night of Wednesday a broad education reading, writing and arithmetic there amaseed, instead of Monday as is the HOUSE They said he smile with them. custom.
is an alarmingly low percentage of efforts among them to grasp and employ those things which create, promote and While in his chair at Balboa with in her absence.
Was the Sussex fairly dealt strengthen their community chances for successful comHeights, petition.
He listen patiently Why dld the Secty at the reHigher academic learning is considered a great weapon Between 12th and 13th Bolivar To all who went to claim their quest of the Sussex and by rights, orders of the President of the with which to fight one way through life. Higher At stake apparently, Cricket Council to give the education is an essential factor in the conduct of world Sussex a hearing refuse.
To each one he would give the affairs. But, as a rule. the mass of mankind are not priviStreet.
Why did the Secty cream of the ledged to reach such standard in an academy. Such high of justice fearlessly; Council take along with him to standards, therefore, should not be taken as a criterion to And scarcely any one would seem instead of th: President?
the British Council Mr. Wallow deter one efforts in gaining a liberal education from To leave him hopelessly.
libraries or from the school of practical experience when he Where real Cleaning and Why has the icy baad of death baving gone to the British Coun Why did be the Secty denied was not fortunate in receiving a high academic standard in Deprived us of his vi it an academy. The few of our local men who have stepped cil wben asked by the President, That would have added to the breadth Why did the Secty represent out from the masses into the limelight in business and are Pressing is done.
Much bis kind acts did merit?
Mr. Atherley to the British making good were not equipped with higher formal acadeCounsil instead of the Sussex mic training; most of them have been educated in the We ll ne er be able tbis to tell, common echool of practical education where they have While here on earth we live, Dear friends those questions learned the many virtues in thrift and the result of sacrifice But God, we know, doth all things will be dealt with on the night of well, to achieve a virtuous end.
the b of Feb. this date baving Who did the summcns give. been given me by the President It is not expected that in view of the handicaps which are generally placed upon the weak, by the wsitrong that we Dr. Fred Sterling With balo round his honor head, His Britannie Vice Council as the Mr. Brooks as the date 6xed by some other Rich wreaths upon hj« breast, nigbt most suitable to him when He sleeps as peer among the deal, both sides will be heard.
community, but we have been far too slow in educating THE NEW YORK DENTST THE WIDEAL DRINK Goethuis of memory Llest, ourselves in the virtues of the educated. The prosperity SINALCO On him may light perperan shive, which we notice in other communities is not built upon 182, BOLIVAR STREET Thanking you Mr. Editor, COLON, To him inuch joy be given, chance; it has a fouudation imdebded in bard work and Always Delicious And the Welcome, fa. thfil serI remain yours truly for the Sacritices which is protected by a genuine rooting of self Box 771, Cristobal, vant ne, Sussex TELEPHONE 247 COLON From his dear Lord in licaven, PERCY WALCOTT dated Contra Crespo 0 as most In the Workman pride THE PROGRESSIVE that O preservation.


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