
THE WORKHAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4, 1928 PAGE SENEN IMPORTANT NOTICE pledge husThe Workman Printery AND Stationery Store youth.
wers of prospericularis a the foran Colony, had invested method No. 16 Street East Opposite The Wesleyan Church Motor Garage hopes and would suggest est would permit the exlove to the boy JOB PRINTING Typical right of as his taisnied and unfor: winste race, withiits sure Negro Inventions Her Atonement. Important Reforms in Continued from Page (Continued from page 2)
Alien Quota Law cessfully tried to have his Iste the sacred trust wlach resiave invention patented, pose in you? Do you promise, Urged by Commissioner of President Davis had the Con.
faithfully to be true to your Immigration Day.
federation Congress pass a las Oh Max, should rather die a Acerding to permitting a slave to assign an exchange rethousand deaths than to deceivecently from the United States his invention to his master. The the man whose love cherish above bulition of the national origin Law was: life itself. Be false to you! Never, method of determining immigration And be it further enacted, never: That could never be! quotes and modification of the that in case the original inAnd drawing closer tog thermmigration laws to to permit bands their lips met in a long and pasiente of American citizens to ventor or discoverer of Art.
Machinery, or Improvement sionate kiss. Theits indeed was the enter America, regardless of quotas pare, undefiled love to at blossoms and to permit the chudren under which a patent is solicitforth in the primal bloom of 21 years of American citizens also to enter, itev were evidently very happy eations of the laws advocated by ed is a slave, the master of ere among the modifi.
such slave may take an CHAPTER 11 OPIOSITION of Commissioner John Pell and his trocher, Immigration Bee onth that the said slave was HAS REMOVED FROM Berry, both Americans Staverica is hard tar jantin Day yesterday morning the original: and complying an address before the Men Trinidnd, Bible Class of the Park Avenue on the shores with the requisites of the from Texas, in the early biceties. Baptist Church.
law shall receive a patent CENTRAL AVENUE TO hey both had in. mu The first thing that believe for said discovery or inven.
Max father and the should be eliminated from the tion, and have all the rights elder of the two. He had amussed present immigration law, Mr.
to which a patentee is ena vast fortune, part of which he Day said, is the national origin titled by law.
in the States. where of determining racial he owned a baantifiul home. His quotas. This has proved impraeu.
Some time after the Dred a woinan of his own stock and cal, and some other scheme for Scott decision in 1857, the had died, leaving and determining to the size of the quotes Patent Office refused a negro bim in his grief ther should be de visied. Also, believe only that the quota system should child, Max, then a little tot of of Boston a patent on an invention on the ground that acabout three years old. The father extended to the independenta be his mind at the cording to this decision he was publics of the Western Hemisphere irrepar Next door Nash ble to he had suffered, lavished to Mexico and the South and not a Citizen of the United his.
States and therefore a patent Lofty indeed were the Other changes which he said he could not be issued him, De Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous ineal he cherished for hi only cember 16, 1861, Senator Aud his one constant regret (to admission of parents of immigrants signified their intention Charles Summer, on behalf of Patrons and the Public generally.
which was that his heir, not of becoming naturalized, and he. this negro inventor, offered the being born an American citizen as would simplify and humanize of the administrative following solution Constitution of in the called for by the procedure Senate: The United States, was therefore under the immigration law.
not eligible for the Presideney. Resolved that the Commi.
Not one fota less. Henry tee on Patents and the for his nephew; and being. PRIVATE ACADEMY Patent Office be directed el old bachelor without a Liberty Hall 29 St.
to consider if any further death his entire fortune of over Panama City legislation is necessary in itety thousand dollars Lucky little Mas!
order to secure to person13 English Classes, Day and of African descent, in our of the Southerner that Night. Dr. Barton begs to country, the right to take out he was. John Rell was deeply announce that this school bud with racial prejudice He reopens for the patents for useful inventions Of every description bad a worshipful Summer regard for the Vacation.
Wunder the Constitution of corallod superior Nordic race the And with a mi morbidly obsessed BARTON The Committee made no reDONE WITH NEATNESS AND sich an inborn dislike of anything port on the resolution. It was racially coloured, he hated the very Principal albeit the feet case for interpretation rathe: DESPATCH that it than legislation. The matter surat and muscle, which was settled in 1862 by an opinbad belped Small him up ion of the Attorney General, AT THE high pedestal of affluence.
DENTIST It was nothing surprising, there dating to Pasports, that a fore, that ro sonner John Rell MASONIC TEMPLE free man of color born in the Office Hours: am to 12 made the disturbidg and momen United States is a Citizen. 30. to 30 that a youthful discovery It is reported that Ice Cream vet anparently serious, bad forth betrace Sundays, by Special Appointmen Masonic Temple ilth St, was invented by Augustus O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Jackson, a negro Confectioner maid, than te PHONE: OFFICE 1664 delear of Philadelphia.
forbade bimbain of sever RESIDENCE 538 The Patent Office, which punishment, to have any com inn does not record the race of He began more than 15 years cation whatever wih her. the patentees has, by investigaago to invent devises for auto bis threats and injunctions were vain, for Max simply had to meet tion, verified ovex 800 patents matically pkeying the piano. nis Junoita. It was impossible which have been granted, to Mis various invention in piano be otherwise, since they loved ac negroes.
player mechanics are adopted other. The strong wiiled of however, in the construction of some of man, would not be CO24 It is estimated that many the finest piano players on he tought an excellent and elli defeated so he decided on wha more than this number which Regular Assortment of rre unverified, have the market. He has a dozen cious expedient the taking of bi been anted, and that negroes hold patents to his credit already, son to bis home in Carhifornia his and is still devoting his ener: where he might complete edi Talents on over 3000 invensics to that line of invention. cation, the loped by this time! NEED fons. The records of the measure to completely Patent Office show that. SUCH AS John Ernest Matzeliger, youth of what, in his own selfis nem oes have aplied their inTONICS, SO 4P5, VANISHING CREA 1, SALVE, born in 1852 in Dutch Guiana, heart, he considered a senseless, SO.
antive talent to wide range TALUM POWDER ASPERINE TABLETS, died at Lynn, Mass. in 1889. ot mod, infatuation. His his beir at law, to marry a colour He is the inventor of the first ed of subjects: in Agricultural. half bred DROP IN AT besides SHAMPOO, HAR DESSING Etc. Etc.
in wood and implements, machine that performed auto What! The boy musi be crazy. metal working machinery, in matically, all the operations was unthinkable! coubi deve land conveyances, on road and involved in attaching soles to be! Never! And, track, in sea going vessels, in shocs. Other machines had victim of bis dielain was the legi daughter of an impeeunior chemical compounds, in elec 122 CENTRAL AVE.
previously been made for per Spanish Don with the grand child No. EAST 16 STREET icity through all its wide forming a part of these oper of a famous casiqui of the island range of uses, in aeronauties, Panama City tions, but Matzeliger machine long passed away from this life. You lil Find Them Yet to be in new designs of house furnis was the only one then known Moderately Priced.
fure and bric a brac, in meto the mechanical world that companion of his son!
John Rell was undoubtedly a chanical toys and amusement could simultaneously hold the first rate planter. He was certain devices.
last in place to receive the ly a shrewd financier also; be leather, move it forward step iſ by magic, but unfortunately for could make a dollar produce two ar William Purvis of Phil.
ladelphia, has inventions by step so that other co acting him he was a hopelessly poor sta covering a variety of subjects, parts might draw the leather dent of human nature. Were it but directed mainly along.
cver the heel, properly punch not the case he not 80 single line of experiment and the grip and grip the lamentably have failed to grupthe and draw it improvement. He began in uper elementary kaowlodie that down love, eternal live, knows no bar1912. the invention of machiover the last, plait the rier, reorgnises no frontier. How res for making paper baga.
and toe, feed the nails to the prejudiced and selfish nature en his improvements in this driving point, hold them in cac blind the understanding and BOWEN line of machinery are covered Why throw away your old, but no position while being driven, blun, the judgement of ruan!
bra dozen patents. Some half.
and then discharge the comTAILOR doubt interesting, books when you dozen other patents granted pletely soled shoe from the ventor, time will not allow me No. M Street San Migue Tir, Purvis; three patents on can have them neatly bound at machine, everthing being done to go further. If have enlighPanama City automatically, and requiring tened you, am pleased; if electric railways, one a fountain pen, another on a magless than a minute to complete have but stated facts already netic car balancing device and THE WORKMAN the single shoe. This wonderful known hope you concur with still another for a cutter for achievement marked the be me. May state that am in SINALCOM roll holders.
No. EAST 16 STREET ginning of a distinct revolution debted to the Negro Year Joseph Hunter Dickenson in the art of making shoes by Book 1926 27, and the Jour For any child or adult.
of New Jersey, specializes in machinery nal of Negro History for the the line of musical instruments, pposite th: Wesleyan Church Ladies and gentlemen, information contained in this It a tonic nutriment.
particularly playing the piano.
es must close with the last in Paper.
WORKMAN PRINTERY Tous son whomo he rustic, balf breedershiped and this com Bu Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products WATCH?
Riri FULLER The Workman Printery timate would Book Binding!


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