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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDA) FEBRUARY 1928 ATTENTION House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Contrae: visible vessels Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies The Workman Stationery Store Tomorrow Races What the British Press. CHURCH SERVICES Seventh Day Adventist Nu racing of any kind can (Certinget from page 1) STREET CALIDONIA really substitute for horse more American news. but ROAD near Ishmiaa Park Pans.
racing, and that why one much of it is not complimenma cannot resist going to Juin tary to the United States. PerSabbath (Saturday) 945 a.
Franc) on a Sunday after haps London editors would Sabba School: 11. 15 Gennu in to see the horses in answer this by saying that the eral Worship un. Spanish action, supply is created by the deClass: Tomorrow card will be mand. In a sense this is true. 30 in. P. Society, an attractive one and it is The average reader of the moetine 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment believed that a great meny penny press would almost cerClass, 6D. sners.
fans will be present.
tainly, if questioned, say that Sunday night 7, 30 Ten Meeting The biggest race for the all Nicaraguans are adjectival at la Boea, afternoon will be the 6th in dagos, anyhow. The heart GRIZZLE Pastor, which Lenine, Abel, Can of the British people does not tones, Arlequm anh Carca. pulse in sympathy with GenMEMORIAL TO COL. GAILLARD jida are to ked to run a mil. eral Sandino men.
Four native ponies will The average Briton seems (Continued from page 1)
run furlongs for the cur to sense that extension of Hill so that today the mightiest in a ser while other American commercial influship can pass through the Panama native lors:s are booked to ence throughout the world conCanal without let or biodrance, run funsongs for the last stitutes a peril only less striking will unveil a tablet to the memory of her great husband who died race.
than German expansion of the without having to witness the The Program: early years of this country.
product of his labour on the Canal FIRST RACE Therefore, what the United The tablet is 81 feet wide by ten feet higliard is erected on furl 103 Purs 123 States does in remote corners tor Hill ter hill so as to be to all El Coichi 103 of the world whether it contrensiting Gaillard Cat.
Da dan 119 sists of selling automobiles or The program in connection with (Excuse Me 330 quashing revolutions begins the unveiling will be short but it. Cocoba 126 pressive. Governor Walker of the to assume new interest as bePanama Canal will deliver the SECOND RACE ing an accredited American address for the neeasion and music Furion 21sd. policy.
will be furnished by the 11th Engineer Band.
Cardlewood 12 FED UP ON UNITED Diecisela :15 Din Simon 120 STATES ADVICE Colonies went development (Hilda 116 With memories of British and to the improvement of the (Gratico 106 adventures with the little life of their people. Indeed, in Fenomeno 117 many cases, Britain had to Aluvirante 15 brown brothers, the average Briton scarcely condemns the support, from her own finanTHIRD RACE United States for pursuing ces, the development of these territories.
what he regards as a policy She had endea6 Farlongs Parse 175 voured to introduce freedom Pereque 113 identical with that of British there and the reign of law also 93 imperial expansion. However, CAN BE HAD AT curiei cia 126 he is, to speak bluntly, rather above the arbitrary power of Lixie 12 fed up with what he rethe official. Britain had exactGravedad 109 gards as American granded no preferences. In no sense FOURIA RAE motherly advise to the rest was there exploitation or mon6. 12 Furlongs Purse 175 of the world. This feeling opoly on the part of Great Britain.
Tibia 126 would be natural in any emGarzona 104 pire which is more concerned Eighteen Canadians, Mr.
Mare la 111 with the problem of how to Amery observed, had arisen to La Chiquilla 100 administer what it has already some of the highest positions Vittoria 96 acquired than with the acquiin the Colonial service. But Bande a sition of new spheres of inthe Empire did mean a great FIFTH RACE fluence. In its immediate mapartnership, of brotherhood, Farloags Parse 125 nifestations it represents the which in time of danger could show itself as in the war, a expression of the typical EngHop 103 brotherhood, which in ordiMiy ral lishman intense individual104 nary times, carried with it a 119 ism there is in Britain of the sense of security and absence Canilewood outlook, of a timid, narrow What bad tempered criticTULO 110 Hy Dew leading to thoughts of war.
present Conservative govern111 BRITISH EMPIRE WHITENS THE SKIN 104 ment is directed at its alleged ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT iu Dull Sion 18 craze for bureaucracy and At Dawn of a New Era. mic development within the Mr. Amery spoke of econoSIXTH RACE state control. This in a country Creme Blanc Mirette where the Socialist vote is conEmpire. We, in Great BriOne. Mile 300 OTTAWA, Ont. Jany. 24. tinually increasing, is paraA Marvellous Cream (Unine 99 Right Hon. Amery, be tain, he said, are coming to Carcajado 90 doxical. It is none the less true realize that our fullest devePrevents and removes frackies, moth patches, fore the Canadian Club Arlequin 13that the fact that the United lopment as a nation, can nerday, pictured the Empier as at Canluues sun tan, and other skin blemishes 90 States continues to claim disinab the dawn of a new era. We er be in isolation nor in that in Nicaragua are to day, he exclaimed, condition of uncertainly, which SEVENTH RACE causes much more SOLD IN DRUG STORES irritation witnesses of the opening of is involved in a dependence Fut Pursu 175 here than the landing of the a new era and the closing of on the outside world, regard marines there.
Copi chapter, a great and glori ed as a world with the nations of which we have no special (Bon ba 129 FLOWERS ous chapter, but still oniy a (Bulsheviki 115 WHY BE POLITICAL preliminary and introduction economic relation. We are be.
92 chapter to something even ginning to realize that, with:Dxe 101 Abogado. Attorney at Law REMEMBER!
Don Alejo 120 (Continued from page 1)
OFFICE: No. 44 ST greater and more glorious. out impairing in any way, ay fiscal system, we can yet so had just Kitty will SINALCO 105 The chapter which memco operate with other Araucana 102 Vice President of the New BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY closed was that of the evolu bers of that brotherhood so York Local, occupied the TELEPHONE No. 1377 Enriches the blood tion of responsible freedom intimately linked with us in SENSATIONAL BRITISH audience the Hon. Trueschair. He introduced to the Practicing before all the courts of within the Empire and the Republic since April 1914 landmarks in that evolution life as to promcte their weother respects of our National dell, president of the PhilaMr. Amery indicated.
Continued from page 1)
fare. No necessarily by a delphia Division, who deliver1. Lord Durham report in written scheme of treaties, but Monkland immediately report ed a brief address, expressing Sinister Laus To Curb augurating the policy of giv by the living spirit of co opered the matter to the authori his pleasure at noting the ing responsible freedom to the ation, members of the brotherties, and acting under instruc earnestness and loyalty of the Continued from page scattered communities round tood couid werk together am tions from the War Office, New York membership and two clauses taken together would make it possible for jury the world.
gave certin information to Me declaring he would return to trial to be denied to those accused of having offended in the Confederation of Camada belp given to build up would Cartney which was obsolete his sphere of labor invigorat press. the first step in the union of come back is increasing meas.
ure. But the Empire meant and misleading. Monkland coned by his stay among the Changes in Judiciary.
scattered self governing colotinued his communications members of the mother divinies the nations of the fut more than a sense of security The amendment referring to the judiciary restricts the ure.
It and economic expansion.
with McCartney and eventually terms of the Supreme Court judges from life to ten years, meant the growth of the inner The Great War in which life of the Nation have almet Hansen, who proved to be a Russian Super spy. Then the Dr. OGILVIE not subject to revocation by the Excutive, adds, how Lions showed that they were ways felt, bet man das theither while they are Canada and authorities having established perial that McCartney and Hansen PHYSIGIAN SURGEON lation which will determine the causes for removing them constitutional structure, but contrary to the best sinterne were engaged in the dangerous 80 Street, Chorillo.
from office.
conspiracy against the State, This clause, the critics say, virtually puts the judiciory united action of sacrifice in sionate most intimate love of great nations in their power of consistent with the most pasarrested them.
under the control of the President. Moreover, thimed their capacity to give every one own country. SINALCO ments contain the provision that for a period of twelve thing for a great ideal.
He looked forward with TAKE NOTICE months following the adoption of these amendments the On sale at all First Class Executive is au horized to mak) changes in the present Was it not true, Mr. Am confidence to the growth of The WORKMAN can be Clubs, Cabarets and Soda personnel of the courts which he deems necessary.
cry asked, that the Empire Canada as a great nation desFountains.
still wider had at Mr. Sanchez place Panama City Distributor.
Another interestirg feature of the situation is that, was as fully Canada Empire tined to play a 24th street, No. building while the reason given for the failure to permit the ya ss it was the Empire of Great part in the great commonGILBERT BRID. people to hold an election for a legislature is their pulitical Eritain. In her Crown Colo wealth of free nations which Guachapali.
Exclusive Representative incapacity for such an election, the constitution itself was nic, he observeu, Bratin had made the British Empire and CASA ANAVITARTE, passed by a popular vote, under the supervision of Imeri. undertaken a great burden of destined also to play the part Advertise in the (WORKMAN) it Colon, can mariner, and it was a similar popular vote that the responsibility. But she exacted in improring the lot of manwill bring you good results.
present amendmonts were made law.
no tribute. Revenues from the kind.
Ma 129 ism.
biqui luu 114 terestedness 127 Zi mera 28 sion.


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