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SASHA The Heritage of Youth ZUOTI THE WEEN THE WORKMAN mone READ WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND Black Jacking a Harlem Com The ne fagle As covereno Move For Hon. Tennyson Cricket Team munity Church Pastor.
at Jamaica.
at attea.
ctice a VOL 16 No. 27 PANAMA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 11. 1928 PRICE CENTS Lone At Havana Economy Took 850 Mile Jump Public Works Suspen dod Physicians From Port Au Prince Salarios Reduced.
By Garveyites, Incensed at UnIn First Match Home Team Scores favorable Remarks Against Colonel Charles Lisadbergh, the Temporary suspension of all North American air sce, took public works which were Leing 398 Runs For the Loss Of Their Leader.
the air in the lost lex of his carried out was made effective on American and West Indian tour, Wednesday, according to an ad Wickets.
red Brown, pastor of the Harlem Community Church at No. one thousandstica World polisered a partir depo Herald from Jamaica on Thursday, the first match of the New York, Jan. 29. Who blackjacked the Rev. Ethel Iit. 30 on Wednesday inorning nouncement attributed to ite last and covered opprox mately Secretary of Agriculture and Pub. According to a special cable received by the Star 149 West 136th Street?
from Port An Prive land tero, and El Tiempo Two weeks have passed since a man, alleged to be an ing at flaveno, Cuba, at 30 the he sustension, it is learned, will cricket season between the Hon. Tennyson team and irate follower of Marcus Garvey, during a public debate hit that the Lone Eagle was greetel week, aa amount which, it is said presence of a monster crowed. Jamaica won the toss and same afternoon. It is reported serve to io luce about 4, 000, 00. Jamaica began on that day, at Sabina Park in the the minister on the head in the dark. But to date the iden at Havann by the entire populace was being spent weekly on certain batted first and at the call of time scored 398 runs for the lity of the assailant remains a mystery.
and that the Pan American Con: public works, for other inmedi. te loss of wickets. The bome team occupied the wicket all The police have been given a cluea. new black derby crence which was iron was purposes.
with the initials cut in the sweatband. However, tion of all the delegate ng cenThursday the Star Herald also day, when Morales inade top score of 143 runs, Nethersole its owner is not yet to be found.
tered on the goud. will be reported an expected eut by the came next with 71, and Martin 54 not out, were the three Department of Agricul ure and principal scouri Cameron followed next with 52, Scott 24, The Rev. Mr. Brown is positive he could pick out the sador.
blackjacker if he heared his voice which be distinctly res than 8008 miles in the air in his course of the Sauto Thomas Hos.
Lindbergh has cavered more certain members of the medical ser Public Works of the salaries of Holt Hylton 5, Stephenson not out inembers. He is certain the owner of voice and derby was American and West Indian tour, a thin garrulous individual about six feet tall with a techni. and will remain is Havana, it is pisalo he cut, it is reported, las Outcry That Porto Rico Be que all of his own in the art of clubbing.
srid, until February 13 when he been ordered in a decree, article FOLLOWED EEBATE ON MARCUS GARVEY, experts to return to his bome is one of which oders that from the St. Louis, V, Made a Free State date of issuance, the loads of Since Sunday evehing, Jan. 15, the left side of the clinics of the llo pital who berec fore have been earning falaries of minister forehead has shown bruises. The trouble all GOVERNOR OFFICE more than 300 monthly will be Humiliated Because of Inferior started over a debate in his church about Marcus Garvey. ard ROBBED.
President of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, exactly 300 monthly will in future be pad only 250.
Condition to Which She is The recently ported to Jamaica, following his release from Atlanta where he served a term for using the mails to On Tuesday o ght last thieves salary of the head of the medical crept in Governor Archibal Boyd choic is fixed at 300 monthly Subjected.
situated almost within a Cliuic assistants who have been The Rev. Mr. Brown, does not hold religious services stone through the Central Police carning 300 monthly will sufera San Juan, Porto Rico, Jan. Philadelphia Convention.
every Sunday evening. Occasionally he has discussions tation and carried off 170, 00 in on current topics. On Jan 15 he advertised that the sub cast and te Governor revolver calcaring framtigas. 592. dwill ore 19. If Porto Rico is to remain aside and in which justice and ject would be The Deportation of Marcus Garvey a study for robbery in discovered sebe sa care some boy 3025 will under the control of the United self determination fost cel mai following fu: be paid only in Guilt, Spite and Leadership.
mining when employeesThe sur pension of work, how. States then it asks to be consti bravely proclaimed; and we of the ofice turned to work.
The hall used by Harlem Community Church was From toports descricing the ever may not last for more than tuted a free State, according to beseech that you make efiec fortnight, it was learned, and a message sent to President tive in your recommendations crowded Fifty percent. of those preseut were ardent activities of the rabber her robbers may be resuned within the next Coolidge and signed by Anto to Congress the wonderful lan Garveyites. As is his custom, the Rev. Mr. Brown led in a figyelmet tro the mobile or souple of weeks. It is learned, nio Barcelo, President of the guage of that brave speech, so was an inside work as thieves 1suspension the discussion speaking forty minutes.
of He pictured Garvey a good propag ındist but not a great whereabouts of thing and left he does not affect the interior roads Island Senate, and Jose Tous worthy of a great American propram, Soto, Speaker of the House of leader; that even if it were assumed spite had played a evidence of how they gained en Porto Rico, feels humilliat.
Tte reason for the temporary Representatives.
led because of the inferior conpart in the arrest, prosecution and subsequent deporation, trance to or left the premise, The caeu bas been turned over and is pramarily sntended to suspension is given as economy, nevertheless the self appointed Provisional Presideat of At the same time they cable dition to which she is subjectAfrica was beyond doubt guilty of the crime charged.
to the Bureau of Investigation, check up and recognize previous to the Pan American Confer ed, in spite of the hopes which (Continued on Page 8) plans for expenditure, ence in Havana asking that the Paris Treaty awoke in us, Although the sendiog of Garvey to the West Indies the Hispanic republics there in spite of the unfulfilled prowould not meet with THE APPROVAL OF PARTISANS in 9000000 represented endorse the mes mises made to our people, and inis particular instance it was a merciful act on the part of SPARKLETS the Federal Government. merciful to the entire Negro race, sage sent to the President.
in spite of repeated legitimate the kev. Mr. Brown stated.
AMERICA FRIENDSHIP demands favouring regime At the conclusion of his talk Abdul Krim, a representa(By KING)
The message to President exercise her own sovereignty that may enable our Island to tive of the Garvey Group, took the floor. At the opening. reader, of the meeting he had been invited to sit on the platform friend Quarless of the Alliance tation from Colon or thereaboute Coolidge reads: over her own internal affairs, with the pastor.
Literary and Debating Society of to Panama City, after you shall We congratulate your Ex and to solve freely the grave Cristobal is a confirmed pessimist, have debarked from the oxcursion cellency for your speech before economical situation she is How the debate broke up in a sanguinary row is told while bis friend and colleague, boat at Cristobal, and demanding the Sixth Whittingham, also of the A, therefor an equ. valent in cash 18 by the Rev. Mr. Brown as follows: Pan American undergoing. Krim spcke extolling Garvey, more than fifteen is optimism cxemplified. the amount priated on the ticket Conference in Havana, declarminutes, while it is cnstomary to allow but five minutes. Quarless seeing his orciety do got be surprised, just pay the ing the great spirit of fraternity MERE SUBJECT COLONY Ours is the only Spanishinterrupted him and remarked if he was talking on behalf of going to the dogs while Whit. money and await developments and friendship toward all counall the Garvey people he might continue, but if others de. tiogham thinks it is as found as Bayne is one of those hombre tries of America, which are American country whose voice the blocks of rock which Egyptian who possesses bull dog tenacity sired to make statements he would have to stop. Negrces used centuries ngo to and therefore deserves your sup now sharing with your great is not heard in Havana during (Continued on page 8)
build the formidable pyramid. port.
nation, before history, the the Pan American Conference, Their respective opinions on the Manager George Abbott of the mighty responsibilities of a because it is not represented ultimate success of their society Panama Symphony Orchestra had wise. German Firms Want to Place Merchandise former le bonhensed to have more ledig fornecer hony. policy, in which ali selfishness cause precedent forbids it, bely held of PANAMA AMERICAN without any solicitation ou by B, and Nelson Roun part, be referred me to Sydney Ful. so dangerous to the peace and cause of different ethnological On Trinidad Market.
sevell, respectively.
ler Jewelry Store to reserve the happiness of the world is cast conditions, because of It is not my intention, however, Inst box for yourselt and gang geographic separation from the to deal with peseiwists and opti before it is too late. What use North American Continent, or In a recent issue of the! Mr. Wilson Goode: British mists. want to pass on to you, hava we for a box, George? de old Panamaplan, who was serving because of incompatibility of Trinidad Guardian appears Empire Shopping Week rather sentinder. that McCauley Bayne of Youth. young fellow. be blurted station but to hoce condue chic interests between both peoples.
of alltho Inforina manded. For the Heritage of. bad the following: conflicts with the idea of assist La Boca, chainpion promoter of out. replied, you might At a meeting of the Trinidad ing German manufacturers to excursions on land and sea, who, have said that at firet and not merited bus belog trusted to some can make of our island only a Chamber of Commerce, two market their goods here. ani ca account of bis recent spectaculoave me to conjecture and ask extent and at times would be used mere subject colony, then we letters were presented frota going to suggest, if may, that lar pe formance in connection with questions as to what it was all as errand boy, was suspected of ask to be allowed to be constihis first attempt to promote an about, Time as well as word, the robbery and held by the tuted as a free State, concert.
detective bureau.
German firms in Hamburg ask it is not part of our functions excursion brough the Panama are valuable factors in my cu ricuThe fact that Montes beld a public in such good fraternal ing thus with your great reing to be placed in touch with to market foreign products. Canal, sprang into editorial pro lum of life work, George, and people who might handle Ger Mr. Fred Grant: While could find having a successful excur being able to reel of, orally ard at ed suspicion on the part of the relations as may be necessary, nainence, is still ambitious to suc although may suffer from not key to the Governor office aro 18man goods.
agree with Mr. Wilson Goode sion through the Panama Canal: will, approp into bits of the King Police, and later investigation for the mutual welfare of the Mr. Wilson Goode enquired in a way that the Chamber is that is lie stil deeises to take Englists, still fail to be able to abowed that he had given bit United States and the dignity whether it was the intention inter Imperial, we must re throuob the great international tolerate the fellow who will dot common law wife 10 on the night of the Chamber to be of any as member it is also international waterway as many people as bis remain in his seat with his mouth of the robbery, alleging that be of our citizens. Justice, nothing but justice, excursion dort will be able to chut tight when be has nothing bad been paid off. The Police sistance to persons wishing to and don think we can do comfortably accommodate. In fact to any, or when he has something regained base in this posegunda te is what we ask as citizens of sell German merchandise in any thing but reply to these in Mr. Bayne has already started work to say and doesn kuow how woman having disposed America, as faithful Christians this territory.
quiries irrespective of the in that direetiop, and, if at any to esyir. concluded, it was Also that Montes had given a The Chairman replied that country from which they may next, the date of the proposed seating mo in a box at the Varie. Casino 94 for sufekoeping. This God.
Who gave to us the same time between now and the 30th of apparent that George was bent on aunt living in the vicinity of the and as children of Almighty when ever such inquiries were originated.
inalienable rights which your made the parties were trip, a pretty young flapper hap dades Theatre with some high amount was recovered intact.
The Chairman: We sym pens to approach and present to faluting fellows ua Monday night. On the face of these revelation great republic knew how to in plied with a classified business pathise with you to a certain you a ticket promising a one way wexsen hen entor Concrete foar would appear neie Moedom stor voke when declaringo or in.
present, with a local cast, local lice to complete freedom directory. Continued on page 8) the date mentioned above, plus whes Au uro Mottee, 25 year come time to me.
dependence at the memorable our sup123003


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