
PAGE TWO JAMAICA The Need of a Tuber. IMPORTANT NOTICE culosis Hospital.
The Workman Printery Stationery Store 800 motor sans No. 16 Street East Opposite The Wesleyan Church Motor Garage Seagar ernment of Tinidad, and had the past that sex would The following article from the pen of Theo. Wint appears in the January issue of Tue JAMAICA CRITIC: We have a good many things needing Immediate attentior, many of which have been wait.
ing for a long number of years, New that the Treasory is in a healthy state and the prospec of the future altogether promis ing; we think it an opportare time to deal with all or some of them. few there are which require the expenditure of revenue, others need Only re o.
Kanization so as to bring them up to modern requirements. Taking them one by one, and month by montb, we first mention a Tuban culosis Hospital.
In 1920 on agitation by the Elected Members led by the member for St, Aun, a medical Commission was set up. Tb commission after length, sitting submitted its findings on the streogth of the evidence Iaken. The Goverdraent of that day true to its tradition and in keeping with its reputation, put into effect all recommendations relative to Altogether salaries, etc. ignoring culated to improve the service recommendations and to conler benefits on the tax payers of the country. One o!
these recommendations was that a Tuberculosis Hospital sbull be erected, eller at Newport, or Cross Keys, Souib Mancestor; or at Malvern, St. zbuth.
When we think of the increase of tuberculosis in tbe island and the extent of its ravages among poor people who can nitter feed themselves properly to gel strength to combat the disease tor provide medical attention we can only write dowa this negligence of an admicistration which bad a bigger revenue than any previous) administration to play with, acd which wasted mermanis more money eltber se a lesult of carelessness, dishonesty, or iccompetence, to one of its mans ofiences of crimoal negligenc The.
The present administration is Low ever quite a fortunate in having as large a revenue as thr administration referred to ali disposal and being an bones!
ministration, comptent to function; is more fortunate to so baving a healtby surplus.
It has been argued ard calculated by opponents Taria Law that the Government In order to protect industries will collect some 60, 000 extra revenue, before the effect of the is felt in the direction mentioned We thereföre recommend to Reginald Stubbs that the first 25, 000 of this be used for the erection of a Tuberculosis HBJOB PRINTING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND THE WRKV SA URDAY FEBRUARY 11, 1928 BARBADOS TRINIDAD THE EPIDEMIC fyrrany And Trousers Appreciation of Dr. Seagar WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the 28th Under. Services.
ult, says editorially :HONORARIUM OF 50 VOTED Balls and their in eading patrons The promoters of Carnival together with all others who At a eeting of the gislative dslre to see the celebrations at Council of Barbados held on Mardi Gras lifted to the bighest AND granting the sum of 50 to Dr. will read with dismay the Police Tuesday last week resolution staadard of beauty and artistry, Saagar as an boncrarlu o pron nouncement in the interview for his services to this colony in which we publish today on the connection with the outbreak of subject of Carpical costumes. It says the Barbados Advjeste. strictly to enforce the regulation malarial ſever was concurred in, is the intention of the Police The resolution was pa:sed by which probibits the arpearance HAS REMOVED FROM the House at its weeling thalan a public place of any individual same day, and in the Council, the dressed in garments of the motion for its concurrence was site sex, and it is stated that the CENTRAL AVENUE TO made by the Hon. A, Brsden ter un public place includes the (Presidente the Board of Priace building and other preHeal and seconded by the mises where dances of a a public Colonial Secretary.
ay character may be beld. The reHon. Bryden said that it striction also will affect parties was bardly necessay for him to of both sexes who dress alike and say anything in support of the go about in lorles resolution. Honourable members although their behaviour is unof fact that hat impeachable and that get up Dr.
promptly came to merits the higbest appreciation the assistance of this Colony on It has been well understond in the recomendation of the Gv: the the law forbidding Next door Nash a person to masquerade to the rendered very excellent ser costume of the other viciu connection with the out. be enforced with discretion, the be eal of this malaria epide nic prime object of the provision Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous He would be glad if they would being to prevent tho abuses that inania ously agree in the con would follow complete freedom surrence of the resolution ag Patrons and the Public generally.
to dress as one pleased. It is all Lark of their appreciation of very well to curb the advəntusuch services, rous tendencies of those who VUNNASYN69.
The Colonial Secretary said would stn ngoinst public decency.
that he had very great pleasure but hitherto there has been do in secooding the mo ion. He felt interference by the Polica with sure that tbere was no man who bands in lories or at dances such SA always glad to know that his as those of the Toy Soldiers, services bud been appreciated. boys and girls in Oxford Bags He knew that, in Dr. Seager and others which last year added case, he came to be ip and not to charm and originality to the two 811. The doctor came at a time days observance. The sudden wben, for private reasons, it was change of policy will seriously very Iconvenient for bin to unsettle the community whose are his home, but be answered preparations to a great many the request for help by the Instanc sul cady are far advancOf every description Gorenment of Trinidad in the ed; and the riciculus exception manner la wht hp actition made iu the case of women who generally acted. Toe doctor tor will as an act of grace be permit wasted no time and be expected ted to wear bloomers with nə reward for the work which be bodices adds insult as it were to bid done and the advice which injury, II though the excessive he gave. Before he returned to zeal of a single Police clicer the DESPATCH Trinidad. be expressed to bim developement of the Caraival (tbe Colonial Secretary) bis celebra i»nt long distinctive sense lot of AT THE tbe and desirable lives is to be bindkindness and s itality which ered, it would be well for his bad been shown to him in Bar superior to interfere It on the bado. He felt aute ibat wbud other band the intend procedure Dr. Seagar was oficially to bas the sanction of the inspector formed of the award of this hoo ceral, we would suggest that orarium, it would give bim very the regulation under which it is great pleasure indeed.
proposed to take action should be a nendd a speedily as sible before Carnival day. Petty tyrannies ot this Deported Back Home discreditable to the Police Force It is learnt that little time will as they are exa«perating to the be lost in cleariog up the totel public upon whom they are grounds and the mpany are ar. The Times of the 14tbulto Inflicted. However, if Inspetor ranging to send down architects Says:Power insł ts, let bim do bis In connection with the new build. Board of Lunacy was yester. duty, at the first opportunity ings which will be erected on the day called upon to decided us to and try arresting ball a drzan Regular Assortment of site.
the mental condition of leabel femalo tourists from the Fort Darlington, of Mayers Land, My St. George lo ten clothes a Lord Hill, Adolphus King (17) the Queen Park Hutel dance toof Thorn bury Bill, and Dudley, the distinction of being mennighs. He might then achi ve Saunders (23) of Upper Colly more Rock, who arrived at the tioned. lo despatches. SUCH AS port of Bridgetown by the H TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAN, SALVE, Vauban earlier in the day, they baving been deported from Report On TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, the as suspected lana SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
Drs. John Hutson, u. Imperial College of Trop etc. and Alleyne, Port cal Agriculture NEED Health Officer, were the medical examiners. Darlington was de clared a lupatic and sent to the states that the report of the cable despatcb tron London No. EAST 16 STREET WATCH? Applausn for detention while King Principal of the Imparial College Saunders were sent for week observation.
dad, bas just been issued with Panama City DROP IN AT prospectus for 1928 29, obtainNew Harbour Master.
able from 14 Trinity Square, One development of the work Commander Wynne, of the College is noteworthy.
a retired officer of the Navy, bae The 122 CENTRAL AVE.
report sayo:been appointed Harbour and The value of this institution as You lil Find Them is succession to Commander courtes to oficers of Agricultural Shipplog Master of this island. means of giving refresber 0, C, Dix, N. Departments in the more remote Moderately Priced. Wher bome gens de rebi post for the of the trogical Dependencias bas Harbour Mastersbip of Jamaicabeen Commander Wynne is expected time. It is an interesting Inno Why throw away your old, but no to leave England on the 14. ingt. vation, and is one that is welfor Barbados.
comed by the academic staft. doubt interesting, books when you this year experience is guide, it is. movement that can have them neatly bound at Dr. Nathan Rowe Biebte with great advantage be There PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON that the men who attended this THE WORKMAN 11th and Bolivar Sts.
year received great benefit from thelr stay at the College and COLON, made the most of their oppor BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE No. EAST 16 STREET BOWEN Chase National Bank lp to touch with the latest scientigetting up to date and Office Hours: a. to 12m, fic develepments. From the Col.
Opposite the Wesleyan Church TAILOR p. to pm.
lege point of view their advent is welcomed, as not only are No. M Street San Migue OFFICE TELEPHONE 320 they keen on their works, but Panama City DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154. they have a steadylog Influence 00 the more junior students, and their knowledge of conditions All roads will lesd to Juan Advertise in the (WORKMAN) it of life and serv. ca in the topics AND GET GOOD RESULTS Fronco race uct: toinorrow, will bring you good results. Continued on page 7)
appreciation WORKMAN PRINTERY Now it of the pos.
Take Notice pital.
Ho Ro Co Famous Products to The need is such a pressing one, long overdue, that we xie satisfied that even those lolk who must pay a little extra for foreign cigareties and cotton seed oil because tbey are essential to their health and good living will not begrudge this extra when they know it will be used for so worthy and deserving csse. Jamaica is by for too advanced and prorressive a country to be loger without such an institution, RSS The Workman Printery New Hotel Proposition: Legislature Likely To Approve FULLER Book Binding!
any There is little doubt that the Legislative Council will aprove of the proposal by which a Capadala ayndicate will erect a 100, 000 botel at Constant Spring Bays recent ssue of th: GLEANER The Byodicate backed by the United Botela Company and the Canadian National Rail.
capital whilst the other 40, 000 ways will provide 60. 000 of the will be talsed on detentures to be guaranteed by the Government of Jamaica. the latter having a first mortgage on the hotel and its equipment until the debentures are paid out.
ELECTED MEMBERS REPLY It is understood that all tbe tlected members bave replied to the Government questionnaire.
Nine of them are in favour of the proposal, four think the matter should be discussed in the Legislative Council whilst one elected member is apparently against the scheme. That it will eventually be carried however admits of little doubt.
tacity of a Advertise in The Workmn


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