
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1928 PAGE THREE West India Committee of New York Is Organized The Prosperity Tailor With Comprehensive Pro.
gramme Organization will Play Big Part In Community Life.
CLEANER DYER No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PA IAMA CITY Telephone 695 Friendly Relations Between American And Negroes DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED REID Propietor SILVER Washington has outlined the Negro as the old newspapers, following programme, under receipts, manumission papers, the heading, Things to be deeds and the like bearing on Done.
the Negro past. Organize your comTo write the life histories of munity through committees the near great but usefu!
for the celebration.
Negroes of whom editors and Appeal to your Board authors take no account.
of Education for the adoption To promote the actual study of Negro history textbooks. of the Negro in a club or class Interest your library and proceeding according to a de school in securing a shelf of finite outline and under the scientific works on the Negro supervision of the Director of and pictures of distinguished the Association.
men of the race.
To secure the co operation Urge every one to write of a number of persons whº the association all he knows will learn to tell intelligently about Negro family history to children in schools and and send any important docu churches interesting stories of ments bearing on the record distinguished Negroes who have achieved things worth of the Negro.
while as pioneers in business. Set. aside one in the week as Book and Picture professional men, teachers in Fund Day, when all will be business, professional men, called upon to assist in raising teachers and ministers.
funds to buy books and pic the celebration, Dr. Woodson Commenting on the aim of tures of Negroes for your saye: schools and libraries.
WOULD STUDY AFRICAN The establishing of a branch KINGDOMS of the Association for the We should not study less Study of Negro Life and Histhe achievements of Mesopotatory in every large city and every State of small urban mia, Greece and Rome; but we should give equally as much communities is urged.
The purposes of the branch attention to the internal African kingdoms, the Songhay are: To save such records of the empire and Ethiopia, which through Egypt decidedly influenced the civilization of the Mediterranean world. We would not study less the rise of Christianity and the boxeso development of the church; but we would at the same time give honourable mention to the persons of African blood who figured in the achievements, and who to day are endeavouring to carry out the principles, of Jesus long since repudiated by most so called Christians. We should not under rate che achievements of the captains of industry who in the commercial expansion of the modern world have produced the wealth necessary to ease and comfort, but we would give credit to the Negro who 50 largely supplied the demand for labour by which these things have been accomplished. In our own particular history we would not dim one bit THE LUSTRE OF ANY STAR in our firmament. We would not learn less of George Washington, First in War, First in Peace and First in the Hearts of His Countrymen; but we would learn something also of the three thousand Negro soldiers of the American Revolution who helped to make this Father of Our Country, possible. We would not neglect to apreciate the unusual contribution of Thomas Jefferson to freedom and democracy; but we would invite attention alos to two of his ontstanding contemporaries, Phyllis Wheatly, the writer of interesting verse, and Benjamin Banneker, the mathemati.
cian, astronomer and advocats of a world peace plan set forth in 1793 with every principle of Woodrow Wision League of Nations. We would in no way detract from the fame of Perry on Lake Erie, or Jackson at New Orleans in the second struggle with England, but we woud remember the gallant black men who assisted in winning these memorable victories on land and sea. We would not cease to pay tribute to Abraham Lincoln as the Saviour of the Country, but we would ascribe praise also to the 178, 000 Negroes who had to be mustered into the service of the Union before it could be preserved and who by their heroism demonstrated that they were entitled to ess12. 00 freedom and citizenship.
West Indian Negroes living in Harlem, prominent in business and the professions, OF THE HIGHEST ORDER have formed the West India Committee of New York. The new organization plans to play an important part in the Work Done While You Wait development of community life. Its programme is more comprehensive than that of the many benevolent societies made up of former residents of the various islands and colonies of the Caribbean.
Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices The aims and objects of the West India Committee of New Ladies Garments carefully handled York include the following: To encourage the naturalization of West Indians to the end that they may be better able to enjoy the advantages to be derived from American citizenship.
To manifest interest in the political, social, educational, religious and economic deveasses conos lopment of the community.
To stimulate the development of the community.
To stimulate the development of West Indian business enterprises and to co operate in any endeavour.
To provide means whereby West Indians may be enabled to procure dignified and lucrative employment.
To promote friendly relations between American and West Indian Negroes.
The idea of forming the West Indian Committee was suggested at a dinner of reresentative West Indian Negroes recently given in Harlem for British Pro Consul James. The opinion Was unanimous that there was need for such an organization.
AN URGENT NEED There are more than twenty West Indian benevolent societies in New York City. Each has been given representation on the committee.
Some of the organizations are the Jamaica Benevolent Association, Trinidad Benevolent Association, Barbados Benevolent Association, British Guiana Benevolent Association; Antigua Benevolent As.
sociation, Bermuda Benevolent Association, Grenada Benevolent Association, St. Kits Benevolent Association and the Leeward Islands Benevolent Association.
Among those actively interested in the movement are Dr. Savory, Vice Preaident of the Victory Life Insurance Company and President of the National Association of Life Insurance Melical Examiners, a Negro organization; Dr. Charles Petioni, Wendell Malliet, Dr.
Elliott Rawlins, Dr.
Edwards, Steele, Charles Tot aigutadans Lynch, Jackman, Hilliman, Robert Potter and Bartholomew.
Negro History Week will be notionally observed by members of the race the second week in next month, begining Feb. 5, directed by the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. The purposes of the celebration are to popularize the study of Negro life and history and to secure more sunnort for its promotion.


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