
THE WORKMAN LA MASCOTA When a man Buys a ME PACKARD SHOE Packard SHOE ཀཝ སད ཝ 3བར SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS Own ling with Flowing and real the vagrant (Love Story of loro)
Br CERAN AND CLYTUS Published on Satariays by Bates for an appilea.
WALROND at the onlice No. 16, tion Correspondanes on all rates of pablic interest invited Stace East Pass PLP All copy for publication must be (All rights reserved PO Box 16. Pagasa RP written og cao side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompauled by the name of THEN YOU LL REMEMBER 16 Year 40 USC the writer, not neonssarily for publies Six Months 30 Bun but as a mark of good faith.
Tare We do not undertake to retard reMax Roll sat in the porch of ge Math jected correspon ceno.
his father palacial mansion in San Franciaen, Around biru roses The Liberty of the Press is the pulladium of our rights. NUIS and jasmites. carnations and their sweet consoling fragrance.
hvacinths, ali mingled in profusion SATURDAY FEBRUARY 11, 1928 The air was calm and peaceful, but not more so than the young sout of Reil On his pleasant feature HERITAGE OF YOUTH rested the light of reawakened hope, for in his hand he held an open letter which he softly caressed with his fingers. It was On Monday night next, the thirteenih instant, members from a leading firm of policitors in of the Technical School of the United Negro ImPort of Spain, Trinidad, informing provement Association of Colon will present the five act he feels better every time he wears it, bim in brief that pursuant to the drama Heritage of Youth at the Variedades Theatre.
conditions of his late uncle will bis legary with interest thereon to As far back as we are able to recollect, Monday night for the recollection of quality date was now dua and at his diswill be the first time a Play wri ten by a West Indian from pal, and that they would be the Atlantic side will be presented in this city. Similar remains long after the prica deeply obliged if the beneficiary efforts by individuals from this city and contiguous parts would, at tha earliest opportunity, come over to Trinidad to settle have been taken to Cristobal and Colon, and is almost every is forgotten.
up matiere, and so forth.
instance have been given most enthusiastic reception and And there sat Rall in derp liberal financial support: in other words, on almost all occaweditation. Three 100g: weary sions efforts emanating from this end with a view to proyears hat 109 their course. He wamote our proficiency on the stage have been grreted by now twenty one years old man Atlantic side residents in the tangible form of packed houses, by law, therefore master of his owo acts and ruler of and more than once, patrons had been denied admission destiny; That for which he had so through lack of seating accomodation. In consideration of this, and aside from a reciprocal recep ion which our Pacific for all the latest Models patiently wai ed he now possessed In his grasp he now held the key side community owes that of the Atlantic side, the entire that with ease e. uld fit eay lock West Indian community is rictly indebted to the and give entree everywhere. even Technical School, a branch of one of our most en erprising to the very Holy of Police of the social world. Money. He leased business concerns in the Republie of Panama, from which CARLOS MULLER back in his chair and gave vent to members of the cast which will present Heritage of Youth, deep sigh of relici, Ilis thin are drawn.
lecated lip curled in a sinile of SOLE AGENT contentment.
The superficial observer may not be able to readily His thoughts travelled back.
appreciate the tremendous expense involved in taking a troupe of entertainers from one end of the Isthmus to the piercing the veil of the paat. And 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY in the grey mist before him rose other. As a matter of fact taking into consideration the the vi ion of a beautiful maid in enormous expense and personal inconvenience in proportion of the aboriginal Caribs. He could whose vein coursed the warm bloo to the income accruing therefrom, we cannot but come to see ber dark, vivacious eyes spark the conclusion that those who el ct to engage themselves with ardour an!
her cheeks in this work are making a great sacrifice in time and money, the effulgence of their only real recompense being the satisfaction of their Etude Club Presents love could see her heaving breast audiences, their pleasure in doing the work and their satisspicy, WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR breath; could faction in being conscious of the fact that they are working Velvety to improve the educational stan iard of their people. In view Unique Social softness of her jet Vlack hair; and hear her voico, soitly musical like of all this, it is certainly incumbent upon us to give the the marmuring waters of the fullest tinancial support and personal comfort to sincere ant serene Mousiou, How often be baci Quite a representative gathering kissed her in the cool shade of well intentioned efforts of our people on the stage. In this of the above mentoined Club met leafy immoriave! And how often in the particular instance, it is incumbent upon pacific siders to No hot irons or special combs required at the residence Mro. Chand. sweet cudence of voice pack into the Variedades Chesteron Monday night next.
ir Avcon Hill on Saturday night told bin that she loved him! How She had and by so doing give the troupe presenting Heritage of latis konur of the inauguration often, sitting side by side on SOLD IN DRUG STORES Youth a right royal reception in hard, cold cash; and, it of beir new musical soeiety The the banks of the pensive Maturita, there happens to be any dissatisfaction on their part, let it be owcasion we indeed a lively one, they traced together their futuro and because they were not privileged to have entertained those Beste o come present was in the dotnestic plans.
who failed to gain entrance to the Theatre through lack of Yes. thought he his eye program was opened with a sparkling with awakened joy seating accomodation.
ADVERTISE Piano Forte Selection by Miso must go back to my Juanita.
By drawing packed houses on its two appearances in Charles with Mrs. Florence Smith must go back to her wio prvienti Cristobal Colon, Heritage of Youth has amply advertised presiding as Chairman, other partiawaits me, cipants were Mi Undine Smith ment a shadow darkened his ers But. and for a mo itself as far as play goers on this end are concerned. It is and sister of La Boca, Master wbile cheerful countenauer, eupthe concensus of opinion on the Atlantic side that this Play Granville Walkes who gave a piano me!
has met with the approval of that community. It is, thereSuppose the selection; Messrs. Davis and pose she has Dottio treated the audience pall of silence has settied between it over year siace fore, almos: a certainty that on Monday night next we on 10 Comic Vocal Selectior; also the us? Oh! No, she vowed to be this side will have the pleasure of enjoying one of the best Miases Negro dramatic productions of local origin.
Swaby. One of the outstanding wait and whatever be the couse of Marklaud, and mine forever she promised to THE PROGRESSIVE Fares by Messrs features of the Evattin Davis kept in violate her vow to me.
was a ber silence know that she baThe American Dollar Mis es Swahy and Wrigbe this w»s enthusinstically rei eivedi Aod raising from where he sat.
Our talented Violinst, Mr, Martin he pondered a few seconds, he: There is an extraordinary power in the American DolRoduey was present, and assisted resolutely directed his footsteps to lar; in other words, there is an apparent strong force behind CLEANING PRESSING greatly in carry throught the pro his father study, where he me gram.
the old mao deeply engros ed in.
the American Doliar. With one and one half century the It is hoped that this Club will The old financier had recently armultitudinous array of figure power in the Dollar has grown to be the most formidable and that its member will be in any nation currency. y force which has enabled it to be HOUSE will to attot be Confined to Soeral only tend for time to his America almost iuternationally non red at its face value.
but will have a musical Literary interests.
If at all. the power of the American Dollar has never Jepartment, when ancient and Awhile the youngmaa stood in been seriously shaken while, during the World War its modern purchasing power diminished almost fifty percent, the Dol Between 12th and 13th Bolivar sed, and things musical will be boldly entered. Going straight to considered; Viso Undite Smith letter. The old man, somewbs bis father, he placed before but the lar multiplied during the same time so rapidly as to ade.
of La Boca hus becn appointed quately compensate for any loss attributed to its depreciarepresentative in that district: irritatel at the siden interruption. And in this connection it should be clearly underStreet.
with this popular appointment, the Lion, brusquely asked what the stood that the technical depreciation of the purchasing success of the Club is assured in letter was about. The son intithat district, power of the Dollar was confined to the country which mated to hit that it was in rela Messrs DeSouzu and the Rev tion to his uncle will. At onee owns and operates that mig ty curreacy the United States Ty er Best were also prethe cute financier was all attention, of America.
Where real Cleaning and and The War caused an automatic falling off of the purchasprogram which was brought to a mioutes he remained silent, in deep sent, and enjoyed the evenings arefully up the letter, read is word by word. For a few close at an early hoor, ing power of the currency of all the countries involvet thought.
therein. During the War and for some time after, the Pressing is done. Weli. said he at length, wheel German mark tapered down to almost daught; the French ſing roued to face his son, yoa franc struggled and almost fell to pieces and the British PRIVATE ACADEMY must go, fear can he avoidet.
pound sterling. the arest in stability to the American So far, then, my paternal vigilene Dollar, was tremendously rocked and much weakened.
Liberty Holl 29 St. over you seems to have come to so Five American Dollars which, before the War, were worth Papana City ead! There was a ring of pathos and regret in his voice. Two in a slightly over a pound sterling were, solne ime during the War, able to swallow the pound with sufficient ease and leaving enough room for almost a second one, One dollar alming at fighting its way into every nook and corner of Night. Dr. Barton begs to the continued, will you promise English classes. Day and Plus. ses site, con det er en Butsuy, Max, my dear the earth. It has tirmly established itself in Europe and announce that this school your old Dad faithfully to avoid which before the War was equal to five or six francs was. Asia and has recently taken a firm foot hold on the conti reopens for the Summer at ell voet met ting that half breed after the great strugg e able to purchase dozens of them; ent of Africa in the little Negro Republic of Liberia And, Vacation.
sweetheart of yours? Do you proand, as for the German mark, its value diminished before call its use by its original owners Dollar Diplomacy or the dollar as Joes butter before the noon day sun. BURTON mise? whatever other name you care to, wherever the American The son made no reply.
The American dollar is now a strong force which is Dollar goes it makes itself generally felt.
Principal Coutinued on page 7)
Contra Crespo spirits.
The In the Workman bas failed the

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