
For Sale Cheap Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Album Writing Pods Ilymn Prayer Books Souvenirs Want dit is id id id with a term musical there Managing mapapama et Co, etc Apply at (may be No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City PAMAMA on THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 11, 1927 PAGE FIVE CANAL ZONE NOTES se tornare intestino rodrüne babait sidste tinerite de carte bine ne bi bila ng HER ATONEMENT WEEKLY LONDON LETTER.
La Boca Pars (Continued from page Do you propose. continued the old man, to blight your tu (BY ANDEEW BLACKMORE)
Athenaeum Delegates ture prospects by taking upon BRITISH FILMS Report.
yourself the burden of a you inexperienced wife with is atten The La Boca Athenarum is ros en worries, drawback and re. It is a deplorable fact that, an active member of the Isthmian sponsillities? Think, my bov, of until recently, the British Film Literary and Musical League wijcb of the pisus, the au, iti us plans industry, was unable to satisfy was recently orginized at the Cri. have already traced out for you! the requirements of the Entobal Silver Clubhouse. This infor 130 inn was given out at Tuesday Think of the golden opportuali glish public. The plethora of hthat lie invitingly in your path night neetin Iof that boty at the Clubhouse when the three dele of the great and resplendent future foreign produced films which before you! Will you foolishly es were booked, sometimes, as 2ntes, lesers Jump.
change all these for the doubtful long as a year ahead, ruled Neely and king, who were affrection of a woman far bene. tb appointed to gepresent the Athena both your social and racial devel, rome producer. Furthermore, out a potential market for the eum at a seasian of the League on and misalliance with whom Saturday last reported back to the Society. Among ather things the would promptly bring tipoo your the great salaries offered by head social o tracism? Thiuk, by certain delegates reported that the League foreign producers boy think, ere it 10) lat.
accepted the resignation of Mr.
Dad replied the youth with of talent to leave England, tempted many men and women William A, DeSouza as President and elected Mr. GW. King as decision, however desirious may head of the League for the unexpired be to please you in everything. with the result that English fear that cannot satify vour pre cinematograph companies were There seems to be much work sent wish without being at the same often faced with insuperable for such a League. The linking to.
time fulse to my own ideals. For difficulties in providing a cast.
gether of several literary and importint as the subject matter of societies for periodical this letter might be, it is not hal The position became so acute so important a reason to draw me that the Government decided conventions can surely serve to to that distant land as the consumo interfere for the benefit of fo ter oet only better understaning ing desire feel to see my darling the industry; and legislation but help in one little way in pro.
Juanita who patiently awaits me moting inter club cooperation in has been initiated which, it is many things which would be other.
wise impossible father!
What! So you defy me, your confidently hoped, will give a The The La Boca Athenaeum is an irate old man had stimulus without the necessity risen from his seat and stood faring of an official subsidy. bill old and respected literarv institution, and its decision to link up his son, his clenched first raise on has been passed through Par.
high menacingly. The latter had with the League is much welcomed here, as it is believed that with retreated a step or two, taken liament with a twofold object. the Alliance Literary and Debating a back by his father sudden out to put an end to the system of burst of anger.
booking films long period Association, sponsor of the League, and the other inembers who helped Go, then! Go! thunder the ahead; and to ensure a certain to organize it, there is created a fuming dd main. Then with a market for British made films.
competent body to conduct a prosardonie ebuckle. And may when the mere fact that legislation gram along reasonable lioes for the you reach your journey end you benefit of our people and the THE WORKMAN PRINTERY do not find that some one else has been promised by the Gov satisfaction of all others concerned ose of your own friends) rnment has already had its has purloined the treasure you so ffect on the industry. Over highly pr ze When you shall have eventy purely British film.
According to the schedule of tasted the bitter cup, nay, the very ten Infoute addresses at the La gall of deceit, then you will remem. are now either in course of Boca Athenaeum, Mr.
ter me!
oduction, or have been placWesley slated to speak en Social Ethics Thesday night next.
OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH on the market. What is even HAIL, IERE!
Last Tuesday evening Mr. KL.
Hail, lere! The Land of the more satisfactory is that these Cyrup gave an enlightening talk mont door Nash Motor Cars Huniming Bird, the land of love ilms have proved to be a The Lengue of Nations and romance, where my bear lie: omercial success. In addition Other items on next Tuesday e captive Hail!
ram will be an aldress by Mr anaume and more on parempaa puna naman ni lipe Malxasorell his shin cers are making many films o dramas the English produprogram Tons poetic effusion issued from MeCarthy, Song by Miss Undine Snith, Recitation by Master having just entered the Bocas to which have both an entertainOsley Bynoe and Song by Mr furrow tier course between the ment and an educational value, Gordon Smith group of beautiful islands nestend experts are agreed that.
here. It was leating over the rail of the upper deck, drinking in this branch of cinematoWomen Club Selling Tags with nility the transparent raphy, the British productions beautig of a glorious tropical are second to none. Mr. Bermo o ng nard Shaw is so interested in From early this week members fore him, in the distance, lavis phase of the art that, for of the La Boca Women Life Frolem Club have been distribut Patos ipand, Ike a lone and said he first time, he has consented Seotoel krepi an eternn vil; ing tags for sale, the proceeds of on his left eared the bold cliffs of to attend a private exhibition which are to go towards purch Carrera, reaselessly harassed by ing necessary things for the Colon the restless Caribbean waves in (Continued on page 8)
Boys Institute. The tags are COLON being sold for ten cente each and their impotent rage; on his right it is believed that the club furiber off, Calidonia, like a prehistorie monster of the deep sk.
that should not will, by such means, succeed in worry myself collecting a handsome amount of ing the soft, caressing rays of the about her. would till be uabappy matinal sun; and close at had the over the occurrence.
inoney for the support of well tireless sea gulls, like animated that note? anxiously inquired And there was no address on deserving boys.
IS NOW LOCATED AT flakes of shimmering steel, skim Rell.
med the turbulent waves, rising and deepening in the rhythmic to have been posted Absolutely none. It appeared Sam Jenkins Return in this very flight.
11. 1154 11th STREET Slowly and throbliog the steamer indication mark as having come city, since the envelope bore no Sam Jenkins of the Quaranfurrows her liquid course. she is from anywhere else. What motive tine Annex, who left bere before Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Bow facing the verdure clad she could have had for what she Christmas to spend his Christmas quintet group, koown as the Five dil cannot say, often wonder and New Year holidays with relatives in Jamaica returned on Where our customers will receive the usual Islards, Tenuiniscent of marke whether it had any relation to week end holiday. Alreads, they sme strange news she received the Wedeesday last on the United are left behind, The boat is steam day before.
Fruit Company steamship Sixe.
courtesies the foaming, galloping Sa news you say?
ula. Sam reports aving spent waves rush pass ber sides. She has said, strange ews. And that an enjoyable time in the Isle of now entered he spacious harbour, all can say for though beggel of Springe. He has already re.
Before her, four miles away, lies and entreated her to tell me what turned to bis work with the Port of Bureau of Clubs and Playgroundo British pain, the Liverpool of the it was about, she would not Indies, She is moviog LOOK FOR at Balbon, THE SIGN now at reduced speed; she is slow at the door way of a This colloquy was taking place house in loo ing up gradually, gradually. She Picadilly Street, Port of Spaio.
has stopped. and the huge pon. OʻRell had called at the house Paul Hughes Paroled by BRITISH PHARMACY derous anchor 13 speeding down. next door in the expectation of Gov. Walker, dowa to the siltladen bed of the Gulf of Pariar. She is anchored.
meeting Juanita there, it being the last address from which she had how Paul Hughes, former assistant THE DISAPPEARANCE. written him. The District Court Clerk at Cri tobal, If know her! should think her, had told him that such a one who was sei tenced on September by that name did not live there.
do, Why, we were the very brst of Asked whether they could give 11, 1926 by a Dist ict Court Judge chums imaginable. Juspita was him any clue for her whereabouts, to serve two and one half years in indeed an ideal neighbour, all that they confessed that they could not the Gamboa Penitentiary for the one could desire. We visited ench since they themselves happened to embezzlement of more than two thousand dollars of the bao other daily. In fact, her home was be new comers in the neighbourUnited States funds entrusted in his charge as much mine as mine hers. Ob, hood. yThinking that the next door was paroled and sailed op Monday she s so good. natured, so loving neighbour might be able to furnish last in the steamsb Ancou for WORKMAN so sincere in her friendship that him the information desired be It pays one simply could not help liking had knocked at her door, with th: It will be remembered that Mr.
ber. can assure you that have result already related, missed her terribly.
Hughes, while acting for Mr, But what desire to know, serve na good purpose, and feeling Seeing that further delay would Campbell, Clerk of the Cristobal explained Rell, hardly his mind in a whirl, Reil politely Division of the Canal Zcue Lisi Rent recei: book in Spavisle able to coatrol his impntience, is, begg the lady who had answered trict Court, appropriated to his own use or was short of 2, 540. 81 WHITENS THE SKIN and English for sale at tbe where has she gone to. bis call to exruse him for whatever of funds of the District Court, and WORKMAN This is precisely what myself interrup ion he had have been endeavouring to find out and tipping his bat, left.
was arrested for emblezz. em nt, Creme Blanc tried and found guilty.
Mirette for the past twelve months. Her Like one in a dream he walked disappearance from here was not down the road, not knowing Being a prominent and respecta Dr. Fred Sterling only sudden but also mysterious exactly how to act. What was he ble member of the American colony Marvellous Cream here, friends of Mr. Hughes have No one in the vicinity seemed to to do? Where to go to find his lost THE NEW YORK DENTST Prevents a id re:noves freckes, moth patches, have noticed whec she moved, and one? Where all his nope to be apparently been working to an end to get him paroleil and snut sun tan, and other skia emishes 192. BOLIVAR STREET ono je up to now seems to have frustrited thus? Where bad she the remotest to the United States. Their labor idea of LON, whereabouts. And were it not that bas borne the desireil fiut, when And with a received a note from her the day walked along.
heavy heart he Governor Walker of the SOLD IN DRUG STORES P: Box: 71, CasTOBAL following her strange disappearCanal decided to grant the parole.
TELEPHONE 21 COLON Tauce, stating that she was well and (To be Continued)
The British Pharmacy ing along, ADVERTISE IN THE New York madam, caused her, her gone?


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