
Expenses Denounced Downright Robbery Of Ratepayers.
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SOLD BY JAVIER MORAN AMERICAN PHARMACY Panama City Councillors Resent Statement. AND and Force Critic to Withdraw. FROM AN EXCHANGE) Wonderful Work of 240 cdd Pages debate of some violence and rich in personalities took Summary of Contents: place last week in the Georgetown Town Council over the His ory of West Indies Cricket for 60 years question of the expenses of the Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, recent municipal delegation to Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, London. special meeting was; Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, weld to consider the following Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua motion by Mr. Watson, the Players Government nominee to the Council: Váluable, lastrictive, stri:19, ccurat: Complete and That the expenses of the Interesting recent, delegation, members of the Council, to England, be laid Price 50cts.
upon the table, and that these expenses be set down in detail showing. a) allowance on Secure yours now there will be a great rush board. b) allowance on land; for them. e) cost of passages. d) allowance paid to members for Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN loss of business; and (e) any Panama other items.
Mr. Watson in moving same said, inter alia. This is a matter which, very directly concerns the ratepayer and have only three things to say.
The first thing is that hope the ratepayers will realisewhat THE OFFICE OF has been done and take very careful note of the expendiH. CAMBRIDGE ture. The second is, it reflect: the greatest discredit on this Has been removed to No, 6023, Balboa Council as a whole and the third is that it is in my humble!
Avenue, between 6th and 7th Streets.
opinion nothing more or less than downright robbery of the ratepayers. It is a transaction which slinks in the nostrils of The Deputy Mayor: say and in doing so you went beevery responsible citizen in this order.
yond Parliamentary debates colony and therefore move Mr. Watson: We are treated by casting an insult on th that these figures be laid on this morning to a demonstra Council.
the table, which consider tion by Mr. Cannon. think we Mr. Watson: Your Worship.
how the gross abuse of public have seen him in his true light. am prepared to substitute for money, a gross abuse of the Mr. Cannon: That is your the word robbery the word trust which is placed in us as bloody opinion. will throw abuse. think, too, that cerrepresentatives of the Munici this bloody ice pitcher at your tain councillors acted in the pality.
head. best interests of the ratepayers.
The statement was laid on The Deputy Mayor: adthe Table, and Mr. Thorne journ this meeting.
DEPUTY MAYOR ON FALSE one of the delegates) after reIMPRESSION Mr. Cannon: You had betplying warmly to Mr. Watson, ter adjourn it That is the best!
The Deputy Mayor said that was followed by Mr. Cannon thing to do to be done with he was one of the councillora as follows: it.
present when the matter was Mr. Cannon: do not purdiscussed and was The Council rose therefore pose to say very much in this and the in a position to say that not matter. am going to leave members formed themselves one of the delegates had into groups discussing this in anything to say about or to do that imported to himself.
The Deputy Mayor: Order.
with the remuneration. direct Mr. Strickland: Order, About ten minutes later the attack, he thought, had been Deputy Mayor asked the made on the whole lot of counorder.
Mr. Cannon: will not have councillors whether they were cillors who consented to what that imported to come here prepared to resume considera had been done. He regretted and accuse me of dishonesty. tion of the business of the the remarks made by Mr. To Mr. Strickland. Nothing Council, and agreeing to do so Watson who was a nominee you say will make me with the members took their seats. of the Government because draw one word.
Mr. Watson: Your Worship, they conveyed a false impresThe Deputy Mayor: Order, my motion is not yet disposed sion to the ratepayers of the order.
city, The Council in arriving Mr. Cannon: will not, sir.
Mr. Cannon: If we are going at their decision in the matter say that that imported to discuss that again we will did so in good faith. They felt ought to have his bloody neck have nothing to do with it.
that it would have been to the broken. will throw him over The Deputy Mayor: So far benefit of the ratepayers and the window if he does not be as am aware of procedure city and there was no doubt careful.
see no motion before me. that they had achieved some Mr. Watson: Your Worship, Mr. Watson: motion was benefit. They had at any rate am not likely to be intimidat circulated some time ago and got the sanction of the Secretary of State that the cost of ed by any of the stupid re just moved.
marks which Councillor Can The Deputy Mayor: It is not the works would be re allocatnon has seen fit to make. They a motion. You have asked fored and it came with very bad reflect no discredit upon me.
certain information which has grace from any representative Mr. Webber: Order, order. been supplied you. On the on the Council to accuse the me Mr. Cannon: Your Worship, agenda before see no Council as a whole of robbing the ratepayers of Georgetown.
if he persists shall throw this motion tabled.
Mr. Watson: Your Honor, He was sorry that he had to ice pitcher across at his bloody moved a motion that these speak like this, but he would head.
ask Mr. Watson to withdrawThe Deputy Mayor. Order, figures be laid on the table.
gentlemen, order. What you At the request of the Deputy Mr. Cannon: We shall have have to do is simply to ask for Mayor the Town Olerk read no withdrawal.
The Deputy Mayor said he a withdrawal of the remarks. the motion.
Mr. Watson: do not ask! The Deputy Mayor: That thought Mr. Watson should withdraw the remark about for a withdrawl. am simply has been done.
Councillor remarking that Mr. Watson: moved it and robbery. He felt sure that had Cannon remarks reflect no can talk on it.
the Councillor known all th9 discredit upon me but upon The Deputy Mayor: You facts he would himself have him. If he likes he may with have moved that these items consented to what had been draw them.
be laid on the table and that done. The figures had been Mr. Cannon; shall not has been done and it ends asked for. They had been laid repeat that bloody dirty there. You have spoken on it (Continued on page 7)
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