
THE WORKZIA. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 11, 1927 PAGE SEVEN Ceorgetown Municipal Scenes of Wild West In Ger. nan Capital Girl Typist Sets Office on First And Cuts Telephone Connection Cold Bloded Facts Lucky Strike is the fastest growing cigarette in the world.
Covering a lot of territory?
Ges but figures don lie.
WAY Canada Tells Yarn About Being Attacked by Robbers; But Police Upset Her Plans.
TheCream of the Tobacco Crop luog RE Nawijork 7474147 ler oup LUCKY STRIKE BERLIN, Jan. Public attention has been concentrated on Fraulein Helene Hohmane, whose obscure occupation. the office of a Beriin mantifacturer of typewriters has hitherto been of no interest to anybody except her employer.
First the morning newspapers present Fraulein Hohmann as heroine of dra na which they described as Secres of the Wild West in Terlin. couple of evenings ago (Coatiaued on page Sy IT TOASTED CIGARETTES Ocean ver)
South No Throat Irritation It toasted No Cough.
Americaz Cil from Pro)
on e table and that ended th: matier.
Mr. Watson: If Your Worship wi bes me to withdraw the word robbery would do so, but would say it was definitely an abuse of The Deputy Mayor. Well, it is your opinion.
Mr. Watson: wish it to be clearly understood REMOVAL OF MR. WATSON REQUESTED Mr. Cannon: do not accept his withdrawl. Anybody else can accept it, but shall in the Combined Court inform His Excellency the Governor that will not take my seat and hope will have the cooperation of my brother Fec.
tives until this amn has been removed.
Mr. Webber moved Be it Resolved. That this Council reprobates the attack made by Councillor Wateon, nomine of the Government.
upon his Worship the Mayor the members of this Council and the Town Council, en respectfully inform His Ex cellency the Governor that they as individuals and as a Council decline to sit with the said Councillor Watson and respect fully requests that His Excel leney withdraw him.
Mr. Webber and other Councillors spoke in a spiritod manner in deprecation of Mr. Watson statement and eventually the motion was put at the instance of Mr. Can.
Mr. Webber seconding said be thought the less they said on the subjeet the better. If the member desired to withdraw anything he had said he had pen and paper. The Colonial Secretary of Mauritius who was not so insulting and who apologising said he had been misur. derstood was dealt with in this way by the Legislature who refused to sit with him. REPORT ONMr. Cannon: And those like him should be treated likewise. Continue tom page 2)
The Deputy Mayor: regret of wine to the younger med have to put it to the vote. In who are ab ut to go out for the arriving at these figures there ist uue.
BANANAS were three Government nominees two of whom consented Details are given in the report Mr. Shankland and Mr. o of the research into bupanas tipalced by the Empire Market!
Dowd. Dr. Sibley was not in ing Board. Supar is nt piesent favour of it.
receiving more detail. attention The motion was put to the than any other crop; the sugar vote carried: Messrs. Phillips, progirwar and start has been iactory Tag carried out a fun Crane. Cannon, Thorne, Web nude on ibe genetics et cape. It ber, and the Deputy Mayor (6) is hoped to cliar up many of the voting in favour of it. Mr. problems at present perplexing care. reeders.
Strickland voted againt it The College continues to main while Messys. Wright; Nooth twin its intimate interest in frorand Watson tid not vote, the bopper blight, and this tas former explaining that he ar tsken up most the time of the rived at the meeting shortly. But investigations bare been made into the fertiliz tion before Mr. Crane and had not of cacuo, the raising of beavy heard the whole of the dis manufacturing to beccos, and the cussion.
causes of withertip di: ease in MR. WATSON LEAVES THE citrus.
MEETING Mr. Watson: Your Worship The Roilway Carriage in taking leave of Council, may Industry express my thanks to you for your criticism this morning and to Councillor Crane for (1x JOSPH MARTIN)
the majority of the remarks he very old complaint against made. regret that could not see fit to do what he asks me that he never paid enough atthe British manufacturer was to do because was expressing tention to the specific, indiviin substance an independent dual needs of the foreign buopinion which still hold.
Mr. Webber: Which you yer. He presented his samples, it was said, and expected all were told to do.
Mr. Watson here left the goods to be ordered according meeting followed shortly after to his settled patterns. In some wards by Mr. Strickland.
quarters it is claimed that this attitude still persists. It may be so in a number of cases; but Small there has been a great improveDENTIST ment in this regard of recent MASONIC TEMPLE years, and in one industry in Office Hours: am to 12 particular everything possible 30 pm to 30 is done to meet the special reSundays. by Special Appointmed quirements of Masonic Templo 11th St, individual 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL clients. That industry is the Phone: OFFICE 1664 Railway Carriage and Wagon RESIDENCE 538 industry The GOOD POSITION FOR REAL WORKER.
Ways, British We are offering Permanent positions to a few reliable men nd women, in which an exeellent income can be made even to those who work but PART TIME. During onr 35 years in business we have appointed over 518, 000 agents who fuppour household necessity to our customers in every country in the world. Many of our agents have been with us over 37 years and have achieved Financial Independence Increasing local demands and repeat orders, make it necessary to appoint more local representatives in many localities in the United States. No special experieree or capital required. it is straiebtrfoward, dignified business. Wny, not represent the largest anbeet koown house of its kind in the world. Send 119 your address and the Manager of our appointment Bureau will send you full particulars. When we arpoint an agent we futoish free samplee for Trial Tests in the homes in the locality of the agent.
In answering be sure to tell us the name of the paper in which you saw this advertisement, Address ALPHEUS BANCROFT, WASHINGTON, Attention Clerk No. 12, 1438 (You) Street NW.
manufacturer recently executed an order for railway car.
viages for use as boat trains Nigeria. The order consiste of four restaurant cars, about ixty feet long; five first class sleeping cars sixty feet long and three second clase sleepin cars. The bodies are dissecteti for shipment, joints being arranged in roof and sides for this purpose. The carriages are of plain design, specially fit.
ied and constructed to meet Che adverse climatic condition: of West Africa. special type of carriage was recently sup.
plied to the Sudan Govern ment Railways by a British builder, with every possible arrangement, both as regards general construction and sple cial fittings, to meet the need of the Sudan.
Not long ago the Central Argentine Railway was supplied with British coaches of new semi steel type.
exterior and shell of the Since the invention of the coaches were built of steel in steam engine, Great Britain suitable sections for dismanhas led the way in the productling and re erection. The roof tion of engines and rolling is of the standard wood design, stock. In the early days of rail and here again all the necesengines and sary equipment is of the most coaches were in use wherever useful and enduring kind.
the iron road existed. This was Another important type of due not merely to the fact that coach in which British makers Great Britain was first in the excel is the well known Pullfield in this particular industry man car. Many of the Pullman but also to the high standard cars on the great continental of quality and workmanship of expresses running between the British railway products. Bri European capitals and between tish railway companies London and the South of demanded the best possible France are British made, ani material, and in meeting this their standard of quality is demand designers and engin unequalled anywhere else in cers prepared themselves to the world.
meet the most exacting re To take one other example quirements from other parts of of British quality and efficienthe world.
cy. The modern extension, ur.
This established position has der certain conditions, of the been a valuable asset to the use of electric power on the British Carriage and Wagon railways has considerably aiexport trade. Its goods can be fected the development of depended upon, and the ex types of rolling stock, anti tent to which this is still re valuable orders are constantly alised is evidenced by the fact being won by British makers that the value of railway car in open competition fo: riages and wagons exported coaches in many parts of the from Great Britain has in world. In the home market the creased by twenty per cent new rolling stock supplied since 1924. The Railway Com since the war to the Londo: panies own workshops con Underground Railways, which struct a good deal of the stock provide a public service supethey require but in addition to rior to anything else of its kind, this large amounts are con has all been built by British structed by private builders in manufacturers. And as with such centers as Birmingham. passenger traffic, with Sheffield, Leeds, Gloucester, goods traffic. Wagons of alt Glasgow, and Lincoln, where descriptions are constructed in the works are equipped with ever growing numbers to mee: the most up to date machinery the requirements of overseas.
for the production of rolling markets. The high quality and stock suitbale for both the durability of British wagons home and foreign markets. are generally admitted, and Without going into detals the South American Republic we may indicate the variety of especially have long looked to the products of British buil Great Britair to supply the ders by a glance at some with wagons suitable for the typical export, orders. One particular needs.
so CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE No. 16 STREET EAST Oppsite The Wesleyan Church. GOOD SELECTION OF NEW BIBLES Hymn Prayer Books


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