p. 8


PAGE EIGHT in TVAS SATURDAY FEBRUALS 1928 Tomorrow Races SCENES OF WILD WEST 14 1143 German Firms Want ATTENTION House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly The Workman was mann.
Stationery Store Jakie. El Chichi, DardaContinued from page Continued from page 7)
nela, Cococha and Mayara extent but we have to bear in are booked to open the the porter of the house where mind that some of our memrace card at Juan Franco the typewriter manufacturer bers do business with GerPark tomorrow afternoon, has his office heard eries for many. It is a matter of interwhile Reina Mora, Abel and help and found Fraulein Hohnational trade and don see three other thoroughbreds mann on the stairs in a state of how we can refuse the courtesy will complete in the fea ure collapse. He carried her to her of sending the information event, the sixth, a distance room where she opened her Germany under these circumof furlongs.
eyes and whispered in a voice stances. It makes it difficult The strictest attention is charged with fright, On fire!
Then for us. don say this Chamber now being paid to weights. Telephone wire cut!
need encourage trade with ind with all the other im she fainted.
While his wife administered Germany, but when we receive rovements the dry season an inquiry like this, we ought adding no little lustre to restoratives, the porter went to reply, seeing that we are he general atmosphere at upstairs and was driven back not now in a state of war.
Juan Franco for the past few by smoke from the office Mr. Wilson Goode: The last weeks. large crowd is where Fraulein Hohmann had expected tomorrow.
been working. Firemen were thing should wish to do is to summoned and found the ofembaras the Chamber in any The Program. fice furniture and the floor way, it having kindly made FIRST RACE in flames. When they exme an Honorary Menber, but furlongs Parse 123 tinguished the conflagration in these days when trade Jakie they found the iron safe clear 107 within the Empire is talked Calchi 109 ed of its contents and that the about so much, the Chamber Dardanels 112 telephone wires were as Frauneed not go out of its way to Xococba 126 lein Hohmann had said, cut.
facilitate German traders.
Vasara 11 HEAD WITHOUT SCAR suggest that the reply should SECOND RACE Fraulein Hohmann was taken be that this Chamber does not to a hospital where she was 61 Furlongs Purs: 175 assist foreign manufacturers able to give an account of and enclose a list of firms with Ocurrencia 126 what happened. She was filDad 107 which they could communicate Travedad 111 ing papers, she stated, when if they wished.
Pere que 110 two men rushed into the of The Chairman: That is all fice. They cut the telephone THIRD RACE that is done. We don tell them wires and one of them gave Farlongs Purse 175 we do not encourage foreign her a blow on the head which manufacturers but we send Bolsheviki 116 was so violent that she fell on Societies Cantones them a list of names who are 123 the floor and knew nothing Malinirada 95 traders in that line.
Don Alej?
126 until she recovered conscious.
Mr. Wilson Goode: At the Kitty will 103ness and found the room in a present time when the United (Araucana 100 blaze.
Kingdom is suffering from FOURFA RACE The proprietor of a cafe in CAN BE HAD AT the neighbourhood reported such a heavy burden after the Furlongs Paese :25 that two men had entered his War, any assistanse given to Chiqui 120 establishment and asked exOverseas manufacturers should Pistol 106 citedly whether they could be given to British traders.
Hilda 113 The Chairman: agree with Intimo 100 wash their hands, which was Mayoral must remember 98 extremely It dirty.
you but we Honey Dew wants in that if Germany 104 thought they might be the Mayara 126 brutes who had attacked the formation she need not apply FIFTH RACE defenseless Fraulein Hohto the Chamber. It can be obtainded from the Banks. Furiooge Purse 175 Mr. Wilson Goode: am new and startling chapter LA Chiquila 103 Bandera 126) ed in the afternoon newsquite satisfied you will do the Garzona 113 of this story of crime appearright thing.
Vittoria Fraulein Hohmann Burla 109 had been questioned by the Advertise in the (WORKMAN) it (Boimiy 121 (Colondrina 113 police, whose questioning. Black Jack at Harlem CHURCH SERVICES will bring you good results.
because her pretty head showSIXTH RACE ed no scar or bump was so St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Furlongs Parse 300 Continued from page 11 Sparklets drastic that Fraulein Hoh(Carcajado broke 12 mann down Holy Communiou a The under Then trouble started. The rowdy element became (Bomba 103 it and confessed that her demonstrative, Krim supporters were insistent he talk as Holy Biptio, 7, 39, a.
Rector (Centinued from page 1)
Reina Mora 125 story, which had shocked and long as he pleased. woman weighing more than 200 Escharist sermon, 11. 30 a mate as the boys and girls to whoin drama Heritage of Youth. As Abel 115 alarmed Berlin, was fiction.
Don Alejo 91 pounds and a slim man six feet tall led in creating disorder. The Roctor PLAN AND MAN It occurred to me that the sensible thing would be to The Litany, 10. 45, the Mauager referred are concertSEVENTH RACE She had set the office on dismiss the gaihering did.
Special Church School Service ed, they will be present to the But may not be locate! Furlongs Purse 123 fire herself and cut the tele dozen Garvey followers started for the door. As Choral Evensong and sermon, among them. when one atteads Candlewood 101 phone wires. The reason she they were leaving expressed satisfaction over their de. 30. pm. The Rector.
a suow be should have ample Pan Dulce 90 Fenomeno gave was that she had loaned parture to some of my members, referring to them as elbow room and be free to enje 112 MULCARE Roctor Gratico himself as be pleases. Siuting tua 90 50 of the money in her rowdies.
Honey Dew box in an air charged with convere 128 charge to a friend, who had They heard me, came back and then began another St Bartholort. ew s, Las tionalities, it is, as yra know 126 died before repaying her, and disturbance. rush was made to get at me but my memCascadas wholly incompatible with perfect that she had devised a plan to bers kept them off. The tall man with the black derby Mattos and address, 11, a. personal freedom Bu, in spite of Dr. OGILVIE it all. expect to be present with conceal the deficiency. was doing all he could to incite the crowd. remember his The Lay Reader The story of the dead friend voice distinctly, Church School. 3, m a friend, deo vulente, at the HeriLage of Youth. You may with PHYSIGIAN SURGEON is hardly convincing, and a KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS WITH BLACKJACK. MULCARE, coufidence emulate this latter fact on which attention has 80 Street, Chorillo. The fat woman spied the collection plate which had virtue of mine.
Priest in Charge.
been rivited is that man in one hand and books in the other. When she referred to visited Fraulein Hohmann in the fact the Garveyites had liberally centributed bedlam St Simon s, Gymboa CORRECTION Malios and address 11. a. mCanal Business in Jan, her office at o clock in the broke loose. little man made a desperate attempt to strike me. In Mr. Clarke, Lay Rea ler. Please read Sparklets cothe midst of the commotion ran into an anti room in the Church School, 3, 11.
tinued on page 8, and Continuation Fells Below Dec.
of Governor Oifice Robbed on CIRCULATING WORKS OF rear of the hall. It was dark. As was about to turn on the MULCARE Records Spark ets, light some one said: You called us rowdies eh! recogPriest in Charge ART.
nized the voice of the tall man with the black drby, The lending or circulating Then felt two blows from a blackjack wbich came Wesleyan Methodist Church pm Church School Daring the month of January, Panama 11, a. m, and 39, 7 30 pm Chora! Evansong 1928, 540 commercial vessels and library has long been common down upon my head with great force. fell unconscious sermoa Preacher The Bishop.
12 email trunches transited the in England, and by means of and was picked up bleeding profusely. At the Harlem Hɔs Rev. E. Wade. Holy Communion)
Canal. Tolls on the commercial it thousands of book lovers are pital where was taken in a taxicab, several stiches were St. Matthias Mission vessels aggregated 2, 212, 752, 50, enabled to roed the best books put in my head and then was taken home.
Colon. 11. am and 7, 30. 70.
LAS SABANAS and on the launches. 13, 31.
or at little expense to their The fanatic who struck me escaped, but left his Rev. Cousin total tolls collection of 2, 212, Holy Communion (Rev AF Nightengale, 855. 81. pockets. An interesting experi derby, which should be a valuable clue. Other Garveyites Priest in Charge The daily averaze number of ment has been initiated in set to work to wreck the meeting hall, breaking chairs, La Buca 11, a. Rev. pm. Church School transits of Sesgoing vessels for the Liverpool where it is proposed chandeliers, smashing windows and destroying hymn Wade 7, Mc. Reid.
New Providence 11, a. Mr. 30 in.
Evensong month was 17. 42, and the day to apply the methods of the Turner and address. A, Richards, Lay average tolls collection, 71 379 20 Reader, The average amount o tolls pii circulating library to works of Paaaiso 11. am, Mr, u. Harrison by each of the comercial transita art. The subscriber pays a sun WEEKLY LONDON LETTER FLOWERS 7, 80p. supplied.
WAS 4, 097, 69 as compared with of five guineas a year and in AMERICAN EPISCOPAL 1, 072. 09 for the month of Decem return for this he is permitted (CO nued from page 5)
Seventh Day Adventist CHURCH ber 1927.
to take on loan a new picture of recently made natural his Abogado. Attorney at Law STREET fell short of the Dicem (Sox içesi na Sun la. CALIDONIA OFFICE: No. 44 ST ber figures by 49 trassits and over or a work of sculpture every tory films. After many years ROAD near Isih Dian Park Pans 185, 000 in tolls. Deember, 1927 month. He first goes to the the small band of enthusiasts BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY ma.
however, was the largest month public gallery and chooses who have been making these TEJ. EPHONE No. 1377 St. Paul Church, Panama Sabbath (Saturdas) 945 a.
in the history of the Canal, and from it the works he would interesting studies, which need Rev. Nightengale D Rec. eral Worship p, Spaalsh Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Gen2 slight decrease in traffic was not like to place on view in his own the greatest care and patience Practicing before all the courts of am Arly Communion unaoticipated January figures, Class: on the other hand compare favor household. If he is not certain to produce, are at last being (Third Sunday after Epiphany)
ably with those for the caleader of his own sense of artistic recognised. The public demand the Republic since April 1914 10. 15. a, m, Matins Mr. 30 Society, year 1927, the largest year in the values, an expert makes the for the nature films is expectAtwell, Lay Reader.
meeting 5, 3) Junior and 10, 80, a. Holy Eucharist and Senior Standard of attainmen: hietory of the Canal, wish mouthbjetaverage of 507 transits and choice; and delivery and re ed to be considerable, not only All roads will lead to Juan sermon. The Rector Class, pin. Vespere. 2, 185, 918, in tolls collected. Continued in our next issue. in England but abroad.
Fronco race track tomorrow, 12 m, Holy Baptism, A. GRIZZLE Pastor, 126) papers.
man Tunney a a


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