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mething speed moh cm THE PEOPLE APPROVAL IKE MOREMON THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND. It in he comes out VOL 16 No. 29 PANAMA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1928 PRICE CENTS Negro Was Prominent In Mod notevole sant In Defenismo Pess Senate Committee Reports Vety Pleasant Probability.
eling Statue of Liberty We are have to announce that. BY A, QUARLES) Favourably On Plan due to some uofarourable conditrong attendant upon the recent Truth, from time it mordurial, removal of the WORKMAN Plant has been the bugbear of humanity.
Which Now Adorns Dome of Capi couple person in your sides before humanity beating educated To Admit Wives And Children of with lack outside be long. if tol At Washington. may be compelled to suspeo led to the puint of sciog, knowing, publication for a short while, said, us and coepting truth which Christ Alien Declarants on Non Quota.
During the brief suspension of Humanity has always desired to see, WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. According to Congressman the WORRMANN very long a50, know, and accept everything in cable despatch from Washington states that the Finis. Garrett, of Tennessee, minority leader in the we were almost flooded with reway that would make it feel good. Senate Committee on Immigration ordered a favorable House of Representatives, a Negro Phillip Reed, assembled were corrientos, carne de police In declines to see anything or every report on the Senate joint resolution by Senator Copeland. sumption and held out high hopes dome of the Capitol in this city.
bave it polished, burnished or for genuine support, financial and brilliantly decorated, before it is clarants to enter the United States as non quota immigrants.
The colossal image was cast at the Clarke Mills otherwise.
pr sented.
The bill is reported is amended from the original so as to Foundry, near Bullensburg, Md. about eight miles from It should be quite apparent to Obereving bumanity penchant omit husbands. It applies to declarants between July 1, the Capitol Building. The model was designed and cast all intelligent readers of this paper for accepting anything which 1921, and July 1, 1924, and children under eighteen. Appliby Mr. Thomas Crawford, while in Rome, Italy, from that for some time, it has been makes it feel good leaders of the cation must be made within a year after passage of the plans adopted by United States Senator Jefferson Davis, of koper ottenere less precarious different gro på have learned to act.
existence The Mississippi, chairman of the Committee on Public Builda bowever, has been holding one out or allem ber hele boererater by Senator King to exempt American Indians born in Cana.
Management. present it (humanity) shat and sugarThe committee also ord, red favorable reports on a bili ings, in 1850. The model was put together and constructed hopes for sub improvement cated form by an Italian workman to preven: it being taken apart by would enable them to continuo con individuals among those of the da of tribes formerly settled in the United States from the anyone except himself.
and, more than that, to improve groupe by the Bu: the facts are that notwithstanding this difficulty, its of tbe paper. Oar hopel mere endapo ato da Bog ure, regardless of Reed. Republicen of Pennsylvania, increasing the salaries berub the general make up and do with a peculiar abiliy Ko See operation of the immigration act of 1924; a bill by Senator successful taking apart and handling in parts as a model Duod principally on a result of the bow presented, bue. upon stating of immigrant inspectors, and another bill by Senator Reed was due to the faithful service and genius of an intelligent now but sure all round program their point of view, are bedubbed intended to amended the law of 1924 so as to make more Negto in Wa, hington, named Phillip Reed, a mulatto slave our people here have been Pesertaista.
owned by Clark Mills, and that much credit is due him forcing a few Wohad Teritable strict the admission of teachers from foreign coutries.
that, not Why should humanity be edusoo CODO peculiar to journalise which cated to see things through a God Robbers Disguised in Hoods Keep Scotland kisses the first rays of the aurora of the raising sun as they forgotten past, West Indiante cannot be denied, the Devil obviappear upon the apex of the Capitol dome in Washington, would have rallied to the support whould it be upon the bence beauties has the upper hand. Why of their Yand Busy.
itba local field of journalien wc) and paradise of futute ligeven, had boped that in accordance od not the damnably glaring Lot in British Naval Program Answer to take care led by der neto Povil lebo nel col before enteres which are Eary Of Identifica few daya, not only in London zich their apparent determined facts of a present heil, with a view English Maraudero Resort to weeks, but there have been of capturing and harnessing the Head) gear That Hide Ears, numerous instances in the last wis gresa propelled ONG OD driven up by power generated War Talk in America.
top, and tion.
but by their oro batteries, began wrote relieve this inundele sphere of it scattered parts of bavo fallen in. td us and help sledral cullering London, Jan, 20. Keeping England, in which the law LONDON, Jan. 23. Cabled was that she needed small in the Republic of Parma to a boiling waves of Nigara while and keep the only coloured newspaper, Pessimisin is like the furiou: pace with the times, robbers violators wore the foolscap other law breakers of pointed hoods. The boldest was reports of an addresa deliver cruisers to protect her trade, respectable position in the race levels and exporthote clief of England have gone back to the the hooded man who held up ed in New York on Saturday but was willing to forego large Buch support was, unfortaustely, um, nets is conductor ne style of disguise used in the the woman manager of the uper idealia optimisin, which by Rear Admiral Thomas ones, which were useful main not forthcoming, Eclipse Wine Company retail Plunkett, which quoted him as as instruments of offence. It takes real money and pleats lourdes towards the pourful lake days of the Inquisition.
of accomplishment.
Since Scotland Yard, like shop in Lisle Street, Leicester predicting a war between. he dropping of another of it, two, to successfully run a think it was Emerson who wore the Paris. or at least, to put detectives, United States and Great Brit fetaiser from this year Brit newspaper va a proper working that there is polarity nature. selected ears as prominent has Square, in the heart of London. Your money or your life, xin or other commercial rivals. ich programme, in addition to busin. Our ambitiou io, aud always governmint totters that another marks of identification, hold he demanded, making his way and of Senator Borah attack, the two the deletion of which was, to an upto date. What paper. war talk of nuval officers was declared to be merely put portion to a daily, cei Weekly or cod unless we had what we call sorted to the old fashioned screamed, and he on the Wilbur navy plan and was announced a month ago. adequate financial backing in pro How would we know what to call outwitting the police have re. woman grappled with him and This, of course, needs necessary no what we call grou up men and others active in to the cash register, but the ran oft brought this comment from ting this policy into effect!
легувpaper. To which to gauge it To Admiralty cricles to day. This year cruiser, although we still intend to work, and we guote that great bumanitarina and hood, which not only covers without reaching the till.
In the region of St. Mary tion of whether we have any carried eightinch guns. It had muuity respectable news organ in error, there is soult of good and the Jesse James handker men have been terrorizing the guest of only 400 tons, would have position to produce for our com. Darrow. There is a coul of truth black mask of coaching Jays Cray in Kent, black hooded hope at no distant date to be in a and lover of maoikad, Clarence the face but the ears. The fear of an Anglo American been dispensed with in favour run on lines to harmonize with our in evil. From the trials, nod sor. chief over the nose have been girls and women at night in war is that we have just lop of more lightly armed units arestations. leader of our proven from its bitterness and combi Yard men, as entirely out of believe that the men are same rows and disappointments of life, discarded, say the Scotland the country lanes. The police ped off another eight inch designed primarily for defense gress.
gun cruiser from our neva! purpose, it was declared here. publisb in next week issue of the desires, the since est endeavours date and they have no place poachers, who sdopted the The Management will be glad to and sio, are often bore the holiest programme. Straws show which way WORKMAN Constructive comments and the most righteous deedo. in the thieves paraphernalia. hoods as a disguise. We suffer from a piague the wind blowo, and the viewe, in the premise.
could its present stage wbich most doo Not a single case of the use At the village of Berrow, of Rear Admirals in this coun publicly expressed, of a Rear feel glad to enjoy, there had to be of masks by robbers has been Somerset, sixteen year old try, and apparently the Unit Admiral of the United States sufferers and martyrs, lo order servant girl was seized by two ed States does the same, was Navy may indicate the direc All roads will lead to Juan that we could enjoy some temporthe crisp comment added by tion in which the thoughts of Franco race track tonorrow, ary relief from the ravages had Panama Wesloy Sun hooded men, gagged and left miseries of diseases, science gave on the roadway. The police atspokesman of Liberal opinion. section of the American peoup few souls to suffer from the doy Sohool Plonlo.
tribute this to a neighbourhood In Foreign Office circles ple are turning, says. The the speech attributed to Rear unrelenting gropies of painful there was a disposition to treat. Evening News editorially.
death. look adoration, The children of the PADEDA Admiral Plunkett, command and even awe, at the accomhale, At Dundalk three men wear the incident as being too fool. But if there is nothing to and of the Brooklyn Navy meat of Gorgas and Wesleyan Sunday School are all ated and unrepresentative to ring aout war save the fact Yard, predicting war between who made the Panama Capagog over their Picnic wbieb takes ing hoods took a widow, Mary be worthy of notice.
that the United States is complaer op Ash Wednesday at Old McGinty, from her home at possibility, and are blind to the Panama, midnight and clipped off her For once, however, authori. peting for world trade with the United States and its com blatant Yet that mee blind for the Preparations are being made to hair, cautioning her not to tative opinion here finds itself other nations we can all sleep mercial competitors, are pro those simple souls who suffered heartily in agreement, with easy in our beds. The News minently displayed in to day and died in order that the former accommodate about 250. about marry Francis Fealy, a widownewspapers.
night reap the world praice and the same pumber as last year. 11 Senator Borah. His statement continues. For if one thing is expected that the teachers will The Star gave it a first page be able to provide sufficient amuseDetectives say as the shape that was addition to the Amer. has become more certain than Is pessimism a necessary factor ment as will keep the children of the ears is readily remem ican Navy of a limited number another, it is that war is not streamer headline as a sensa in the propagating of buman life? interested throughout the day. bered by people in genera!
of cruisers which would give good business, except in rare tional speech by American AdIs not the Devil necessary As there will be a slight charge they are not surprised that protection to commerce was instances for those who stay miral, while The News says factor for the proof of the existence in the arrangement with regard to hoods are used so extensively it.
editorially: a reasonable proposal, but that out of God? How could we have a tbe musie, mapy seems to express the programme for the largesi In future, the powers of We need not let Rear Ad king if it were not for the pre great disappointment over this now.
of the peasant? It from but the teachers are assure that navy in the world was more the United States to increase miral Plunkett make our flesh the actions of the fool that the matter has been carefully thour bt likely to contribute to war still further her share of the creep. If there is any serious wine man get his wisdom. Pbilo out, and it is all in their interest. Cricket At Jamaica than to preserve peace, was world trade cannot be aas warning to be drawn from his sophical and is only througe death te hoped that be aime soch by we know what it was children will able to thank commended here to day as a mented by more American utterances, it is that wars lived. O! that bumanity could the teachers for having done the Hon. Tennyson Team was pithy restatement of the whole cruisers or diminished by nicre heretofore have been brought learn to sce the good io things they right things, defeated by 218 runs and British policy at the tripartito cruisers flying other flags. about when the voice of the brand evil, of that humanity wickets to spare by the Janaval parley at Geneva last Economics provide the last professional war maker is rais would realize that there is some the first year.
word on that subject. ed too loudly and too persist. good in the worst, and some bed in rise again in trumphaut glory, maica Team in the best. Alas, that pessimism panoplied in the tespien ent boi cricket match.
British Repeat Cruiser Stand Have no Fear.
ently in the land. We have no should be treated with scorn and Dese of an angel, and the divine LONDON, Jan. 23. Dispat fear that with another Presi contempt, Phoenix like it dies in apothesis of a God, as it scales All roads will lead to Juan first to last, it was declared, ches from New York telling of despair and despondency on view the gilded mountain peaks (Cootfoued on page5)
ing the sad state of affairs only to success and accomplisbment. Franco race track tomorrow, put out bi weekly Our answer to row.
sence of Great Britain case from of


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