
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1928 THE WORKMAN QUALITY travelling by rail, but thoughts and imagination on the impatient wings of Love Oh, why was the train so tardy in its course, crecing and lingering along! Would its Journey never end! It was trying, it was disgusting. And he moved restlessly in his seat.
Then lie fell into a deep cogitation Was everything all right at the other ad end? Eighteen months and not a she kept true to her promise, or bad someone else supplanted him in her leart? No! No! Impos sible! That could never be! Had he not left ber under the special care and protection of his trusted friend, Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advarsen on appliea WALROND, at the office No. 16, tion. Correspondance on all maltes Stact: East Pasama of publie laterest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be writton on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 30 Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publies Six Months 20 Non but as a mark of good faith.
Tarse Be.
We do not undertake to retora re.
Oae Math 25 jected correspondence.
word! Had Hogarth?
HAS MADE IT The Fastest Growing Cigarette in the world trust so. These things were ten love Made from the Cream of Tobacco Crest ochoren LUCKY STRIKE mind last bridge: the next Max quiet NATIONAL WHISKY OLD PANAMA The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS Did he not promise on his word of honour to safeguard and proteet her for himDid tot solemnly SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1928 pledge his very life on the sacred Don you worry Max; shall fulfill my duty to you as a THE PEOPLE APPROVAL.
gentleman, though it cost me By life to do so.
were his exact words at the last moment. Oh, yes, What we have in mind and which is trickling down were all right. There was al.
and finding outward expression here, are some little solutely no reason for worrying. My soluta revelations in connection with the people approval of sweet, loving Juanita awaits me with opea arms. Of this am sure. And their leadership leadership of the people with the in his exhuberance of spirits he luumpeople approval. We gathered this thought on Monday med a few bars of some half forgotnight last when we visited the Variedades Theatre and ditty heard Hector Connor, President of the United Negro He peered thro through the open window Improvement Association of Colon, introduce members at the distant hills, dotted here and of the Technical School of his organization to the large there with blossom laden poui trees, the golden flowers shimmering in the audience who had wended its way there to take in noon day sun. Right and left there the drama Ileritage of Youth, a play produced by a stretched before his sight wide member of the Technical School and already presented minable fields of flowering sugar inter: by members of that School to thousands of people.
cane, undulating in the bright sun sha shine like seas of gold.
Hector Connor has proven to be a practical leader How ex hilerating was the crisp atmosphere!
of approximately fifteen hundred of his people, almost Sweet fragrance of tropical blooms, all of whom are members of his organization. His folwaſted by the breeze, floated to his lowers love him to the man. On his leadership is placed w0 nostrils. He could see the colibri the seal of approval of his entire following. And that gorging its epleurean crop with the accounts for the splendid upift Mr. Connor is making nectar of the hibiscus flowers. Could for his organization and incidentally for our community here the poat. peat of the ringed neck acravat, and the semp swee sweet song in general.
All conjured before his a gloIt is quite apparent that Connor is a happy man, as IT TOASTED rious vision of future happiness.
far as his association with the members of his organizaThe train was slowly crossing the tion is concerned. Any leader would feel happy under the next minute it had similar conditions. Having the approval of his followers reached the station and stopped.
he automatically has their full cooperation and confiquickly alighted.
In a short dence, hence their support in whatever he undertakes NO THROAT IRRITATION. NO COUGH while he was comfortably settled on the upholstered soat of a cab on his to do for them. This is more than what many leader s, way to Juanita home. Reaching the even with as good or better intentions than Connor s; Savannah, he could not help recall are able to boast of.
ing that Santa Rosa Day of glorious sunshine when he first met her there Followers, prospective followers, as well as the pubenjoying the horse racing. That was lie in general have a critical way to regard leaders; and fully five years ago. How the regardless of how much good some leaders have done, SAS Scrossos 4556 years had flown! He stopped the viniele.
are doing and are capable of doing, the only contribution paid the driver, and alighted. Jua nita supposed home lay just a block they receive from these people is passing notice which away He walked delurely towards contains neither their assent nor dissent.
the house, reaching which, he found It hardly needs further mentioning that leadership it closed and silent. He knocked; rith the approval of those who are being led and those there was no answer. He knocked who are intended to follow, as well as those who receive again; stil no, answer.
indirect benefit from such leadership. is preferable. Robert! he called to an old man hanging around.
Leaders thus fortunate are assured of team work among The old fellow fingering his pa their followers. Such leaders carry on in an atmosphere triarchal, white beard, slowly ap.
of relative ease, for when they plan their work it is GIVE IT TRIAL AND YOU WILL TAKE proached him.
half done before definite order is given.
But while we rejoice with such leaders we are NO OTHER Good day, Roberto, greeted R611. and how are you? Will you please Senuinely sympathetic with other leaders who are doing inform me whether any one lives real work community leaders and yet have neither To be had in all Fashionable Places here.
The old creature was rather short the approval nor sympathy of those they are serving.
sighted, but he could not mistake Community leaders generally suffer from lack of proper the voice. Had he not known Max recognition and support, which, however, is not too WOMACK AMERICAN WHISKY CO.
as a child up Maturita? Did he not suprising. Such leaders are generally revolutionary in often regale hin with mangoes and General Distribut on 8th Street and North Ave.
their methods of progress, and as such they invariably sugar canes?
fail to attract the support of the masses. The employ Mr. Max, my son, is you? Oh, ment of revolutionary methods in nearly every case af ESO:30:38SSWS 555CCLESI so glad, so glad, so glad to see you!
What a tall, big man you ve fect adversely the status of the few who lold the purse grown to. Who would ve thought it, strings of the masses. And the masses are always relueeh? Who would ve it? Tant to part with the old and well tried means of livelihood to take a plunge into the darkness with an et! HER ATONEMENT. but when this low have now been trasplos his friend firmly by the spose you were come thoshtet all this time? How is the old pater shoulder. You know her! Then, you lady, but she lives no more here.
fort to seek a firmer grasp on life. In such case we are But, say, chappte his voice assuming can tell me where to find her! Do you know where she has movrefraining from being the not agreeable with Pope (Love Story of tere) a grave tone, you seem sad and You bet can replied Bukhurst. ed to?
despondent. Is anything the matter? and perhaps am the only one of first by whom the old are tried, while we are firmi Br. You ll find her now on King St Hardly could be so; for if am judg her city friends who can Impart to in the last cottage facing the comewith him in that our people should not be the last to CERAN AND CLYTUS ins rightly, you are back in the Co you this precious fuformation. Your tery. The house is painted green.
throw the old aside. Throwing the old and obselete THOMASOS. lony ostensibly to gather in your little Juliet, my dear Max, it my me There was a ring of pathos in the sang little fortune. Ninety thousand aside and fighting for the new is generally the work of bueks! Dear me, what a lump! How this moment enjoying the salubrious Max, and he was about to say some and mory serves me me rigut, should be at voice of the old man which escaperi community leaders. And inasmuch as organizatioa (All rights reserved)
would feel to possess one tenth of afr of the qulet little town of Atima. thing more, but Rell did not care leaders need the approval, confidence and support of that! Would nt be as happy as a It is not improbable that you will to ihose whom they lead, leaders of community progress DESPAIR AND JOY. pope? Why, Max, you ought to be at find the object of your great worry shrivelled hand of his old friend, be to listen Dropping a coin in the should be no exception to this rule. Commumity leaderthis moment the happiest bloke in at No. Queen Street, a stone hurried off in the direction indicated.
CS Well, well, be hanged If that the island of Trinidad.
slip brings the poorest returns, financial and otherwise, throw.
from the market. Try your The people, the houses, the stroets.
11 community leaders, but it is almost generally not Max. It was the third day followins with marked bitterness tu his voice. 01, Harry! exclaimed Nell. strange to him after his years of Happy, indoear replied Reil, luck, Romeo.
the landscape, everything spemei fraught under the greatest handicaps and with much Rell arrival in the Colony, and That what you and perhaps others weinging his friend hand in his ex. obsence from the district. Reaching personal sacrifices.
he had just alighted from a team imax ne; but can assure you Har. huberance of soy, how can ever King Street he pròceeded north and We are proud of the leadership of such men as car by Marine Square. in the midst 1, it just the other way, for you thank you adequately for this, how was not long in locating the house: Hector Connor and more so of the consolidation of ef of the noon day traffic. He quickly may believe me that as stand bo cau l! Great pity it is that can It was an unpretentious, small cor forts of his follwers behind him. But we are not unmind turned round at the exclamation to fore you now m, perhaps, the un possibly delay a minute longer with you as can barely catch west taxe, enclosed by a neatly trimmed ful of the uphill work of our leaders for community pro find himself facing the outstretched happ est wretch in creation.
You, Max, unhappy!
hibiscus hedge. Pushing the out going train to Arima.
ress. Let seek out the latter and give them, too, our hand of his former college churn, Bukhurst. Yos, unhappy, miserable, despe The Ice House, to morrow moraopen, he stepped in an elegant little full support. so, ve found you at last, at rate!
flower garden. He briefly surveyed ing, then suggested Harry Say his surroundings. blackbird that last, continued the latter, hardly And may inquire the cause of o clock. Right o settled, shộted Reil, was comfortably perched on the tur Dr. Nathan Rowe PRIVATE ACADEMY able to control his enthusiasm. At this acute attack or the blues?
good Max it was by sheer accident ther end of the hedge save a back It my girl, my already half way down the street.
Juanita, my ward glance, one distinct caw, and that learnt this morning of your sweet, noble, little Juanita.
Liberty Hall 29 St. have ho PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON flew away Within the house he Panaxa City recent arrival in the Colony, and it lost all trace of her. For Heaven WHAT SOUND WAS THAT? could hear the soft whirring of a 11th and Bolivar Sts.
hours since have been hunting you sake, can you help me? Can you find English Classes, Day and all over the city. But simply had her for me. wonder what my Carib girl is sewing machino and COLON, thinking of at this moment? Won erooning of a voice. Everything. 30 Night. Dr. Barton begs to to find you, and here we are. dou exactly know what you it be a surprise, a great surprise to far, appeared normal, Stealthily he BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE Chose National Bank announce that this School Rell had grasped the proffered mean, since have not been aware her? Won she think it dream, approached the door.
Placing his Office Hours: a. to 12m reopens for the right hand on the knob he softly, Summer hand of his friend with the pent that you had become a Romeo of seeing her sallant return to her?
up warmth of three long years of late but are you, per chance, allud2 pm to p.
Max Relt sat in a luxurious first turned it, entered. There before him separation ing to one Miss Juanita Gonzalez who class railrond carriage, bound for sat Juanita, oblivious of his presence.
OFFICE TELEPhone 320 BARTON Do tell me, Max, still continued one lived at No. 10 Picadilly St. the sommolent and changeless, little Awhile he stood and gazed at her DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154.
Principal Bukhurst, his friend hand clasped You know her! exclaimed Rell, borough of Arima. He the man was (Continued on page 6)
Bate Harry VII a be the low, sad a


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