
Circulating Works of Art.
The Prosperity Tailor Continued bron or los issue moval of pictures each month is undertaken by a capable agent. feature of the system is that each subscriber will be given one original print or drawing every year. The Committee which started this scheme hoped to get at least one hundred subseribers; they had thirty offers within a few hours, and by this time their list is probably complete. The scheme attracted much interest ouside Liverpool, and it is hoped that before long othe: cities will follow its example.
Thus the means of apreciating work of art hitherto a luxury of the richer classes is now a possibility to those who can afford the modest subscription of five guineas, a sum which will doubtless be reduced as the system grows in popularity.
DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING ment. REID Propietor 30 MILLIONS INCREASE IN EXPORTS The returns for the month of October showed a continuance of the steady improvement in British trade. Imports at 106 millions were the highest for any month of this year, with the exception of January and March. In regard to exports and re exports, the 70 millions is the best since May. comparison of ten months figures shows that the effects of the great coal strike have almost been left behind.
The total exports of coal for the period indicate an increase of 26 millions on a total of 681 millions. Exports in the beavy industries, iron and steel, are better by nearly 10 millions then last figures. Altogether there has teen an increase of over 30 millions in export alone during the first ten months of 1827.
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1928 PAGE THREE the Canadian Pulp and Paper France Sending ScienAssociation: Spending thousands of doltists to Cleanse Africa lars annually to assist immigration was a policy opposed Call for 33 Doctors and by Sir Charles. Provide plen Scientists to Head Big Exty of diversified employment pedition to Rid French here and you need not spend CLEANER DYER a single dollar to assist immi olony of Deadly Tsetse gration, he said. It is imposFly sible and nonsensical for us to think that an immigration poPARIS, Jan. 28. The orNo. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue licy for putting people on the ganization of a great expediPANAMA CITY Telephone 695 land is going to be a success tion to fight sleeping sickness ful policy for this country, he in French equatorial Africa said. It cannot be done.
was announced today by the With the United States of government.
Thirty three fering all kinds of employ. French physicians and scienment not only upon the farm titsts, functioning through the but in every kind of indusPasteur Institute, will devote OF THE HIGHEST ORDER try, dirersified employment five years to combatting the would call it, we cannot hope disease and attempting to rid to either hold our own people the colonies of the fatal tsetse Work Done While You Wait or hold those people who fly.
come here as immigrants for Accompanying the decrie any length of time unless we authorizing the expedition was give them something in the a letter from Leon Perrier, TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED way of diversified employ Minister of Colonies to President Doumergue, declaring that the present conditions in Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Africa made necessary special Dr. Fred Sterling efforts to stamp out sleepink Ladies Garments carefully handled THE NEW YORK DENTST sickness above all other diseases.
182, BOLIVAR STREET Conditions Grow Worse CLON, The minister said sanitary Box 171, CrisToBAL, conditions had become worse, TELI PRONE 247 COLEN due to the concentration of native labor in connection with railroad building, He suggested that, owing to the hazardous nature of the task SS SSX seys and the length of service necessary, special awards be offered to those who volunteer.
This was provided in the decree issued by the president. Perrier said he had suggested the expedition after consultation with the Pasteur Institute, and that the director of the institue branch at Brazaville had named a technical advisor for the expedition.
Enlistment in the expedition is open to both army and civilian scientists.
The decree signed by Prosident Doumergue fixes the size of the party at ten physicians, ten hygienists, one veterinarian and twelve hospital attendants, all Europeans, and 105 natives. While the salaries are not unusually high 28, 000 francs a year for the physicians, and 18, 000 and 13, 000 for the other classes they are offered many immunities from taxation and allowances for their families.
Imply Fight to a Finish In addition they will be given a bonus of 10, 000 franes after two years service, 30, 000 after four years, and 60, 000 if they enlist for an addtional two years service. The last clause, incidentally implies that the government intends to keep the expedition in operation longer than the original five years mentioned in the decree.
The volunteers inust pass three months in study at the Pasteur Institute in Paris or al the branch at Brazaville. They must enlist for two years continuous service, followed by a vacation of six months, anet then for another two years without interruption.
year SILVER THE ANNIVERSARY SPRAY Five years ago, when the first properly organized programe of musical items was broadcast to the British publie, there were probably no more than five thousand listeners. On its fifth anniversary.
on the 14th of November, the British Broadcasting Company programme had a British audience of about twelve million, and in the near future, when certain experiments now being made are completed, the estimated number of listeners will be fifty million. The new scheme is expected to be established sometime next year, and the next step will then be to link up with the Dominions and the Colonies, When this is Ccompished it will be possible to communicate with two undred million British subjects. And all this is a likely development of the immediato future. In a few years time Jerhaps in five years practically the whole world will be linked up in one wireless system, and tisteners in London, Stockholm or Tokio may be invited to hear the first performance of some great orchestral work, in, say, Vienna, San Francisco, or Buenos Aires.
PILSENER IS GOOD DRINK Rent receipt book in Spanish and Er glish for sale at the WORKMAN FOR EVERYBODY FLOWERS The Emigration Policy of Canada Abogado. Attorney at Law OFFICE: No. B ST BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY TEL. EPHONE No. 1377 cable despatch from Montreal, dated Jan. 28 states that Canada Immigration policy was criticised in two respects by Sir Charles Gordon Pres.
of the Bank of Montreal in an address yesterday before the annual convention luncheon of power Practicing before all the courts of the Republie since April 1914 Sesios, so All roads will lead to Juan Franco race ack tomorrow,


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