
THE WORKMA. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 1927 PAGE FIVE For Sale Cheap mittee Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pods Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
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ATLANTIC SIDE var de la vindice Cut in British Naval. Expedition To Search Wesleyan Planning High For Big Bolivia Hoard Chi tinget from page 1)
School for lathmus.
dential election coming on it ble extent in the land of. Comuany Flaated lo fiIt is understood that the Wes berty.
Dance The Party To Dig Up leyans on the Tethmus are planning to establish a high school in The Standard says. 12, 000, 000 In Hidden the city of Panama. Perommes Rear Admiral Plunkett Treasure dations in this direction were speech will only stimulate sane made at the recent synod held in Kingston Jamaica, and it is OuderA Good Assortment of people in both countries, who LONDON, Jan. 24. treasstood that further recommeadaafter all are some 97 per cent use of gold, silver and diatjons have been made by the of their population to see to monds valued at 12, 000, 000 syuod to the Missionary Comit that the catastrophe he fore buried in Bolivia is the subin Londoa, when the matter will receive careful consideration tells does not come to pass. ject of the prospectus of a It is sincerely hoped that the Admiral Plunkett denied on new company floated here toscheme will be euecessful, as rich Sunday that he had predicted day with a capital of 25, 000 a school in these patte will be a a war with Great Britain, as which will finance an expedibove to all concerned, and would he was reported to have done tion to retrieve the hoard.
be adequately supportel in The Herald Tribune acAn expedition of eighteen count of the luncheon at which Englishmen, including mining News Notes he spoke Saturday, He was and mechanical engineers, not in the habit of predicting with all necessary equipment, Bu Idirg of the Cristobal shops wars, he said.
is sailing for Bolivia in March, are being demolisbed, with a view, it is ouderstood, to replace them says the prospectus circulated SAYS DOLLAR RULES by promanent steel structures.
in the city. The party will be under direction of Dr. Edgar The Rev, ER Wade will be (Continued from page 3) Sanders, a mining engineer.
the preacher at tbe Colon Wesley no other way, must pay in He thinks the work will be chureb morrow, morning aud gold.
night, completed in Octoer.
The only way for her to The treasure is said to be The Cricket season in connection lose this position, as far as Mr. buried in a hillside on Gaichani with the Sunprise competition is McKenna saw, would be for Ranch on the Sacambaya River exported to commence ia sbort time, but it is understood that America continuosly to lend near inquisvi in the Province Sued will not take abroad beyond her capacity. of La Paz. Saunders has leaspart during the present season. Tbio is In reporting on the condi ed the ranch for three years. source of disappointment to tion of the Midland Bank, Mr. One fourth of the find will go many of the cricket fade, McKenna said it showed a to the owner of the ranch and profit of 2, 554, 650, and he the rest to the company finanRepair work on the Colon Wesannounced a small teresse cing the expedition. The comleysa ebureb is soon to start. he material for stopping ths pores at in the dividend to 18 per cent. pany is called the Sacamaya the gable eode will soon be bere, He foresaw conditions in 1928 Exploration Company and the and preparation is also bring made inducing unbounded opti prospectus stresses the point to extend the eaves on both sides mism.
of ibe building. The most welcome that is a speculation, not inaddition will be a porch on be vestment.
front of the building, iu sevealb Dolightful Party Story of Treasure.
OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH The story of the treasure beCarnival rpi it on the Atlantic On Saturday night at their gins when Bolivia belonged to side is very high, and everything, next door Nesh Motors Garage residence, Mr. and Mrs. Spain and was called Upper seeins to be indicative of a lively Shirley were Host and Hos Peru, Jesuits used to work the time.
tess for a delightful party in gold mines there with Indian ama prop de PARADA NA MAMA NA MAMA honor of the 14th birthday of slaves until about 1778, when The Cristobal Colon Baptist church and the Colon Wesley their daughter, Miss Dita Shir they were ordered deported are by the Spanish Government.
annual Sunday School outinz at financially. Many prominent in: Tennis At Catun Sil put her across. There is one Miss Shirley is a very pop For eleven years previously Gatun on Wednesday, the 22nd, tellectual. bit of La Boca and thing certain, and that is, Miss ular young lady. She is uetive Spain had prevented the Jeingt. Washington Day, Paodina uity are connected with the movement and nocording to ver Clubhouse Cave is sure to be the choice socially and is treasurer of the suits exporting any of theis information from reliable sources of the Tennis Club.
Junior Forum. From the treasure to Enrope but the epeeches that were made it is order continued to work the CANAL ZONE NOTES dhe society bez pleneed to do some copstructive work in the bear Tennis is booming in Gathe concensus of opinion that gold and silver mines and a tun. Never before in the hisGatun Silver Clubhouse she is a well behaved and well diamond wash during that The program carried out on La Boca Pars Suoday was a most inspiring one tory of the Club has there mannered young lady.
Mr, Walker was the Chairman been so much interest maniTHE FORUM The evening was spent in They accumulated the 12, and representative of other insular fested in the game, and such JUNIORS NIGHT AT organizations who were invite. a large number of members.
games and dancing. Dainty re 000, 000 worth of which the ATHENAEUM The regular meeting of the freshments were served the expendition will seek and hidi lauded the phenomenal success of the movemon. Tuin understood Daily, new faces are seen on Forum was held last Thursday many guests. Mr. Owen Shir. it in secret chambers dug in BiH that many members were added 10 the ruins Boca Athenaeum will give their meeting.
The Junior members of the Lathe already large list at Sunday o cruits are: Messrs. Gittens, evening at the Clubhouse and ley and Miss Miriam Graham the hill opposite the site of Frank, Woodman, e. as previously decided was de were selected to cut the cake their monasterý whose on Gaichani Ranch monthly propram at the meeting Beckford, Sith, voted to the outlining and dis and did it with the technique are still that societyTuesday Silver mines in the vicinity are ing next. Juniors Night at the Doing The Right Thing Blake, and Misses Hyatt. cussion of Current Events, of surgeons.
Several Among those present were still worked.
Atbeoaeum is always looked forH. Webster and Perry. Local and Foreign.
The Wrong Way Told the Secret.
ward to by not only members of mong the old guard are found speakers enlarged on the ser Mr. and Mrs. Browl. such members as Brown, eral themes that are interest. Mr. and Mrs. Reid, Mr. One of the deported Jesuits, that eocietp but many of the juniora friei de and do small pumber of seniors. The program on BY BLUEBIRD, Laurie, Butler, Per ing the world today. Mr. Beck and Mrs. Scope, Mr. and Father Gregorio San Roman, these nights are always more or ry, Clarke, Small, ford gave a very interesting Mrs. Nightingale, Mr. and had a brother who was Prelese interesting ag The above headline at first sight Brossard, Moore, and resume of the advance in aero Mrs. Moore, the Misses fect of Calao, Peru. On his additional is a seeming paradox, but after a tnemhers of the communi. brief coneideration, one will die. Misses Nore Brown, Louise nautics in general and the Hyatt, Cave, Skeete, Graham, way out of the country Father pouogar Prefect are falling in line with the work cover that it is not. How very often Burey, Berthilda Harper, Er achievements of Colonel Lind Misses Webster, Patton, Gregorio told the every week, when one is almost puzzled about thal Lynch and Mrs. mbergh in particular, with a Bressard, Cox, Scope, where the treasure was buriThe following Tuesday Mr, a. the solution of Political, Gnancial Moore the society for domestic or. he wordpicture of his various Williamson, Butcher, ed. The Prefect left docuarten minuten on Who Coptributes rivoo at what he could call, the Plans are now being made routes in covering the Peace Perry and Mrs. Grahaments telling the secret to his more to Civilization, Moses or solntion of the problems, and bis for an elimination contest Flight throughout the Ameri Messrs. Beckford, son, who later became PresiMohamed. This is an important mind become oneed, because le question and should draw a large bas discovered somethine which which will determine the best cas, Mr. Blake followed him Cave, Smith, Perry, dent of Peru. He in turn left with a talk on the benefits to be Brossard, Skoete, Frank, them to his daughter, Dongathering at this meeting, ho de pipe c, to be an imposebl players. Doubles team is to derived on an inter american Reid, Harper, na Carina, who gaze a copy to Hio with joy because, what he should dies, also a Mixed Doubles speakers were, Mr. Brown on and Laurie and sons.
CLUB WOMEN TO GO do is no more lishman, said to be well known OUTING reality bur, there is still another team and Singles team of both General Topics, Mr. Silvera un in South America.
which sbould.
With the Panama unique freedom 16th and another on the 24th.
Progers believed the docubere the best of Bocontomes important matter how this im has she is sure to take her from the series of disasters at both of which we would ments were genuine and dug On the 25th of this month mem prominence in considering this wealth of material Gatun now Life Problem Club will ta vel out of my problem is to be successfully discovery to the solution place in Isthmian Tennis.
He that has been experienced be their guests. They not only on the site mentioned.
throughout the world lately: turned out en masse at into the country places of the a silver crucifix and Republic for an outing. The mem: spt a the disrovery itself, and earried out should be as importand sketches were read by meeting Thursday last but then a wooden box containing TEA bers of this club bave periodical Mrs. Moore, Miss Perry and they brought along some new a parchment warning any outinge wbieb are always very ea many a man has found himself in Miss Hyatt on various instruc members with them.
orious complications, because he searchers for the buried treagThe Club is now busy in. selling toe hur side of things. Such per the members Tuesday afterhas not sufficiently emphasized delightful Tes was given tive and interesting subjects. The Junior Forum is com ure that they would meet a taga to raise movey for the Colon At the meeting held Thurs prised of the following Offi terrible death if they per Boys lnetitute, song need one sympathy, and anyone who has had similar noon on the Court by Miss Ivy day Feby. 2nd, the Junior cers and Members: Owen sisted.
as. The full membership Forum was organized with 15 Shirley. President; Alice The native workmen Saw this article will testify the the was present, and to say the members.
Officers were elect Ilyatt, Vice President; Hamul this warning and promptly Jamaica Society Celebrates Authenticity of the statements who took Harper, Secretary; Ditta Shir abandoned Progers. As the Anniversary.
berein male in connection with least, Miss Cave Tea was ed and installed.
thie subject enjoyed by all. For the oc their places beside the offi ley, Treasesser; Leila Rankin, rainy season was then begin Secretary Who has not at some time casion, an exhibition match cers of the parent body 90 Perry, Lemuel Shirley, George ning the Englishman decided Nearly thousand of the other bnd this experience during was staged by Mesers. Laurie that they should have an op Goddard, Ovid Laurie, Louise to suspend his search and reJamaica Provident and Benevolont and thao of us who have been coming out on the long end of the fundamentals of their du Rose, Winnifred Harper, Eu tion. The parchment with the thirteen hardied members of the builfe best presume tbey are few and Perry, with Mr. Laurie portunity to observe and grasp Cave, Priscilla Harper, Myrtle turn later with a large expediSociety thered in the old Com benefitted by such an experieoce, missary Building on Sunday should not allow our friend and a 7 score.
ties. To further this end, it nice Harper, Jim Coulson, Vio warning was examined here aftercoon last and celebrated the relatives to fall into te same, Miss Ivy Cave the hostes3, was decided to invite them to let Clue, Videl Clue, America by Sir Edward Dennison Ross, first anniversary of tbe society. Without giving a word fo waro is the Gatun entry for Queen visit us at our next meeting, Claker and Beatrice Jardine, a great authority on such maThe societs we organized a year ing.
of the 1928 Carnival, Gatun is which would take place on mir. Brown, Critic for nuscripts, and he declared it ago by Leonon and it bas been improving with leaps and All roads will lead to Juan proud of this young lady and the 9th, they to hold their the Forum, was appointed Cri belonged to the period to bouddo both numerically and Franco race track tomorrow, is doing everything she car to first regular meeting on the tic for the Junior Forum also. which Progers assigned it.
very future.
ity our found CE оре


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