p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18:928 LA MASCOTA When a man Buys a PACKARD SHOE Hilda Intimo he feels better every time he wears it, learned 7, to The last for all the latest Models Тарбеу.
Kitty 31.
cour, thenTomorrow Races CHURCH SERVICES BARBADOS (Sunday Vezt beſore Lent) Conference of West Sev in races are listed on St. Poter by the Sea, La Boca the card for tomorrow at Juan Indian Quarantine Franco Park, Honey Dew, Holy Commucion a The with four other native horses, Rector Authority are slated to run the first Matins and Holy Eucharist with sermon, 10. 45, a. The Rector, race of furlongs. The feature event is set for the Church School. 3, pm.
a Convened To Take Place Choral Evensong anil Fermon, last. It will be over furlongs 30. Preacher. The Bishop in Barbados, January 24.
Abel, Reina Mora and other ASH WEDNESDAY The Lit thoroughbreds being listed any, Penitential Office, Holy for the competition.
Communion, Addres a The As announced exclusively in Rector.
the llerald of 31st December, a Present indications point Conference of the West Indian Evening Prayer and address, to an unusually large attend7 30. ma, Quarantie Authority will take pl ce in the colony ance.
during MULCARE, the corrert month, to be exact.
The. Program: on Tuesday, January 24th, in the FIRST RACE Priest in Charge. Council Chamber. The Hon.
612 FarlongsParse 123 St Bartholomew s, Las Kenneth Poyser, C.
Cascadas Attorney General will preside.
Honey Dew 97 STOC Matius and address, 11, a. Dr. Alleyne, Port Health OnThe Barbados delegate will be Chiqui 105 The Iny Reader cer. Dr. Richards, Chiet Medical Pistol 108 123 Oficer of Grenada, will represent Church School 30, the Windward Islands, and Mr.
117 T, MULCARE Rector Gridith, Harbour SECOND RACE St Sinan s, Gamboa Master of Antigua, will be the Matins and addrea 11, a. Leeward Furlouge Purse 175)
Islands represeotative for the recollection of quality We bave not yet Fair Play who 100 Mr. Clark, Lay Rouder, will be the representatives of Araucana 115 Church School, 2:3. Tinded and British Gulana, Pilly Denis 125 remains long after the price.
Chorst Evensong and address, but, in ali likelihoood, the Surgeon Malatra 117 General of the resuective ColonTHIRD RACE is forgotten. MULCARE tes will be delegated.
sitting of the Priest in Obarge Furlongs Parso 175 Quarantine Authority took place in this colony in 1928, under the Legitimidad 123 able Presidency of Sir William Zalamera 123 Wesleyan Mathodist Church Kellman Chandler. Kt, OMG SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS (Tabla 123 Panama 11 am, and 30, p, in hetbeg President of the Board (Hit o. Miss kev. Cousine of Heal ex Stepheil 123 Colon 11. a. a od 715. ru Rev, Wade.
Introduction of Barrister FOURTH RACE La Boca 11. am. Mr. Hare5 Burlong3 Parse 123 wood. 30, m: Mr. Moulton, 126 Nev Providence 11. a. Mr.
The WeskLY HERALD sayo:Honey 126 Peart.
At yesterday sitting in the Don Simon 108 CARLOS MULLER Court of Chancery, His Honour the Vice Chancellor, presiding.
Fenomeno 109 Rippling Pastor 103 Seventh Day Adventist Mr. y. Archer (Cantob)
Gratis SOLE AGENT Barrister at law was 102 BTREET CALIDUNIA introduced to Bis Honor and to FIFTH RACE ROAD aear Isthmian Park Pas the Bar of this Colony by Hon.
87 CENTRAL AVENUE 6) Parloage Parse 175 ma PANAMA CITY KE Poyser torne Sabbab (Satu da. 45 a. General Mr Archer was the Dixio 113 109 Sabbutb School; 11. 15 a Gen Barbads Scholar of 1924 11111 16 eral Worship Spanish Chomba Gordo 118 Class. Buba 120 HER ATONEMENT (Ocurteocla 113 30 in. Society, JAMAICA SIXTH RACE the provisions of the Spirit Law Will Use Cocoanut oil in Senior Standard of meeting 3) Junior and attainment dealing with stabling or giraga (Continued from page 2)
Class, p. Vespere. farlongs. Purse 175 accommodation is pecessary Manufacture of Soap in drinking deeply of her graceful con 122 Passing of Rev. as no one travels to Kingston Subject for Tomorrow Bandera 100 or St. Andrew do a buggy and Isand Sunday February 19th 30 pm Juanita! he cried, with cuttbe particular section of the Law la Yena 108 Kissock Braham What is meant the figures of stretched bas been more honoured to the Sir Harry 105 pure and also a corrupt woman as Whoeling round, she beheld him.
breach than in the observance La Chela 113 The GLEANER says. abort mentioned in Rev. 12:1 and Rev, but remained as it glued to her seat (Peregge 126 The JAMAICA GLEANER of the thereof.
time ag) wa announced that Mr. 17:1.
The next moment he had run to the (Barla 96 6th inst. states ibat cable has! It is learnt that certala tavern Liuriston Naves the well known GRIZZLE Pastor, girl and had her in his strong arms been received by the Rev. keepers who are likely to be put business man had placed an devouring her lips with kisses SEVENTH RACE Shartuck Wesleyan ministeat out the business in case the order abroad for a machine for My love, my darling, he began, Furlongs. Purse 300 May Pen sta ing that the provision of the particular sec the manufacture of cocoanut oil.
J, was generally thought that Small ve come, ve come! Your Kniglat Arlequin 126 away in Toronto, Canals oa by tha police have decided to Mr. Nunes would be soing to has came to claim you to claim DENTIST Reina Mora 109 Friday last.
approach the Executive with for this particular industry hava wbat his own before God; to clain Abi MASONIC TEMPLE 111 The deceased was well knowa view to there being some relaxa regondato che noreference wnder Office Hours: 8, am to 12 which his unspotted flower of maidenhood. Lupine 113 in Jamaica.
Oh, how ve yearned for this hour!
For a number of tion, coconut oil che new Tariq Liw. Nir. Nanes, Sundays, by Special Appointmen sweet music of your voice, the in (Carcajado years he was pastor of the SUGGESTED CONFERENCE however, informed a 100 How missed your soft caresses, the Wesleyan churches at Port AnH WAN It is u derstood that Counell tative of the GLEANER yesterday Masonic Temple 11th St, toxicating fragrance of your sweet GRENADA O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL in lor Harrison will have a that he did not propos: to market subsequently breath! How ve prayed and prayed cbarge of the mission of the comference among the tavern tbe coconut oll which he would PHONE: Office 1664 for this happy hour of our reunion!
Denominstion in Panatoa and keepers of Kingaton and lower manufacture but use same RESIDENCE 538 And behold now m here by you after being stationed in the re St. Andrew with a view to mak. In connection with bis Mr. Marryshow and side. Oh, Juanita! my faithful and public for nine years he retired ing suggestions ani to form a making industry at Doncaster.
true one m so happy, 50 very hap and settled down in Canada. deputation to wait oa Bis Excel, At present Mr. Nunes purchases The Governor Rent receipt books in Spanish py! And he kissed and kissed her Braham was an ardent leney the Governear with regard quite a lot of cocoanut oil bua he will use the machine which be is and English for sale at to the new Spirit License Law.
the repeatedly. He simply would not aladvocate of an advanced system low her to say a word, Yesterday afternoon repre getting out to manufacture his WORKMAN.
sealing every attempt on her part to do so with a At a meeting of the Grenada of educatoa in Jamaica, and be sentative of the GLEANER came own coconut otl.
passionate kiss on the lips.
Legislative Council on 6th lost, was a frequent contributor to across Councillor Harrison, and With to will 6pish bis Marryshow was speakit when Toronto ha still took a lovely nero there are certala clauses lamehed satisfaction made so posebe Ingoma on her next voyage to hoiding her tightly in ble arms. ve Yes, my darling. he continuest, an exchange, Hon.
the preseman that ing venture, Me. Nunes express expected that he be informed job in time to catch the overcome with emothion, and stra Mis scellences the Governors terest in Jaunsch and the newes Law, which would not be benet: Which had been made so fare me Georgetown. In the meantime come to tulin my solemn promiso.
Frederick Satos James inter of his deatb will be received with clal to the revenue of the colony Pablle Institutions and a number Captain N. Trace. ve come to rupted brusquely: much regret by his many and also to the tavern kcepers of people in the island were the pilot, will return to England Doot repeat yours dont re. friends and acqualatances bere. He added tbat it would be a using the soap, and from the by the Inande and he will be What was that? Again the sound!
poat yourself: stick to the point.
bardship on many tert in deze reden was doing there. If Police Enforce Law keeperoralf the new li to come of this jouroal had the privilege followed by Mr. Baker with the hero to master create an intant: Whence it! Ouce index finger :with emoperation with Ita clauses, ot seeing yesterday, Mr. Funes crated machine.
preis on every word) NJW Sir.
breaks the stillness of the house. Ha and it would drive a good many has certainly every reason to be Some Taverns Must of the present tavern keepers out satis tied with the output and sale colony the operations Even since its advent to the gives her one sullen look, and rudely let this be the very last time, of the disengaging himself from her, quickPlease don interront me when of business. There are scores of og his soap factory.
Shut Doors sea picane have been regarded ly steps to the door of the adjoining an speaking. You are not the taverns in the city wbich bave with the greatest interest by all chamber and peers within. There in one to tell ta bow should existed for over thirty years in classes the speaks, Wby are you always wbieb other on tea no stabiling. cBRITISH GUIANA many were looking forward to face rib, bobi the last de ofta bed, les a butting in wben am speaking. The GLEANER of the the 21st com usodation and it woulu be an tbe cherubic baby with little wben in addition to the day His Excellenes; have the ulto says: injustice to bring about this present one at least snother and hands boating the air, in th shroes of crying right to vlll you not to repeat Th3 story was told of the Dew change all at once.
yourself You are wasting time. diftulties wbich certain tavern The Councillor also stated that Flight in British plane would be provided by ite owaers for local operations.
Max slowly turned round and fixed Mr. Merrysbow: hope that keepers are likely to experie. ce be was going to hold a public Guiana. Lodeed a step towards achieving his gaze on the girl. His face was is a right to be shared by every in getting tbeir licenses ren wd meeting oa tne step of the Ward tbis object was made du ing the pole through suppressed emotion.
member. You have been repeat under the Spirit Licen e Law, heatre when all tavern issepers latter past of last year when. Whose baby that? he asked in ing yourselt oser and over agiin which was adopted at the list are invited to be present and to LOCAL COMPAMY PRO local company called the itisi a quivering voice.
in that miserable address you Sussion of the Legislatve Coua give their views on the subject JECT FHILS Guiana Air Transport Company She did not respond. Instead sha have jist read but did not tel.
was found with Mr. bent down her head. Her entire frame you to shut up? No! with ali The whole trouble furns on Mackey as Chairman and Cap courtesy and with all gentle the question of the stabling conwas trembling.
TAKE NOTICE Seaplane to be shipped taid Trace as Managing He approached her and laid his manliness was satisfied to divon. The Law requires these The WORKMAN can be Back to England.
Director, This Company, hox hand not too gently on her shoulder.
goan losuðibly under it. Again establishments to have either ever never functioned, as th repeat: Let this Whose baby that? he repeated be the last garaxes or stables for bona fide had at Mr. Sanchez place prºject fell through from lack o in a stern voice.
time! You are alwayne doing it: travellers; and further that the 24th street, No. building The public in general will re support in taking con procerib. every time you. be on It m mine! tremblingly replied gret to learn shares.
you are up against a bull dog. licensed premises themselves.
Ives. Guachapali.
Daily Chronicle that the sea tract previously arranged buanita, collapsing on a near by so fa Mr. Martyshow then continued Word has gona abroad that par ulane Fairey Nichəl, belonging tween the Real Daylight Com It yours yours, you say? repeat Test Indian tlculsripajo the Corp rate Area to the Real Daylight Balata pany and the Goveroment for led Relt scarcely able to believe the Police have decided to rigidly BOWEN Estates Limited, is deing dis the service of the seaplane folher words.
enforce the provisions of the mantled and crated for return through and the Ral Daylight Yes, she reiterated, in a voice Dr. OGILVIE Law; and it is kaown that many TAILOR to England The work of dis Balata Estates Comproy const.
hardly audible.
of the existing taverns, by reason un satliog sod packing the various dered in inadvisabla to contide PHYSIGIAN SURGEON of their present construction, No. M Street San Migue parts of the machine is being operating their nachine in the So you re married!
will not be able to pass the test.
carried out She shok her head dolefully.
by Mr. colony and decided to ship it! Sreet, Chorillo.
It is generally admitted that Panama City Baker, the mechanic and it is back to England. To be continued)
Dad nis. represen touts and Butt Bopointed would soap in all


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