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special Csut une READ THE WORKMAN JAMAICA JAMAICA AWAKENING TA THE WORKMAN HED EXER Grenada Paper Says Garvey Carmivatore Queen of Calon Manches leader. Change In United States ImmiLionizad in Jamaica gration Quota LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IR YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY with lands; bim, appropriation of be VOL 16 No. 29 PANAMA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 25. 1923 PRICE CENTS U.
Abandons Visit to Isthmus TANA Not In Big Parade Contemplatos Early Thinks he Will Not be Allowed to committee Lacked Funds Trip to England. Countries of Western Hemisphere To Provido Float Visit West Indies Nor Great President General Marcus GarTo be Put on Quota Basis.
Britain munity was much disappointed provement Association will not NEW YORK, Feb. Aby which they may be deter.
last Tuesday when it became vient Papama in keeping with his The Grenada West Indian We feel somehow that there known that due to lack of suficient promise of a few moaths ago when Washington despatch to the mined either at two per cent of recent date says: is great disappointment in funda Quero Ruth of their choice be touched Colon oa bis way from New York Times to day says of 1890 as at present or on could not be furnished a suitable the United States to Jamaica. The countries of the West the basis of national origins The Jamaica newspapers store for Mr. Garvey. He has lloat to allow her to ride in the Neither does the famous leader ern Hemiephere which have whichever admits the greatest which arrived here a few days announced in Jamaica that he Big parade. Mie Ruth Lee, the tend to carry out bia contempla been on the non quota immi number. As a step toward ago are full of reports, photo. intends remaining there for fortunate young lady of Thirteenth ted tour of the West Indian 180gration basis would be put on eliminating a cause of great Street and Broadway, graphic reproductions and edi six or seven weeks, then su selected as Queen was crowned as it is not know the reasons for a quota basis and the existing confusion and suffering a torials touching on the arrival abroad on tour in the interest Saturday last before large him abandoament of his Tathmian law would be greatly liberaliz. vision is incorporated by enthusiastic West trip as, it is a fact that hundredsed under the terms of a bill in which immigration visas would of his even the conservative Samarca include visits to neighbouring Indians after which she cated her of people bere would like to see troduced by Senator Watson os be allowed to familes as Glearner, an acid critic of West Indian Islands South and Cabinet, Garvey and his movement, de Central America, Great Bri There was syme rumour of mis of s movement, as well as sym Indiana and the Secretary of unit. man would not be al.
funds collected to pathizers, would be e too glad to Labour. The minimum quota lowed to get a visa unless it clared that the reception as tain and Europe. He hopes defray the expenss of a float for welcome him back here. Oae of the would be fixed for 2, 000 for included also his wife and micorded the great Jamaicar on after a change of Government the Queen, but it is said that Mr. aadses or bis abandoning bis West Canada, Mexico, Newfound nor children under eighteen his return was the most tre to return to the United States Pedro Rbodes, President of the lodier tour, hewever, many land and Haiti, the Dominican years of age. One year is the mendous thing of its kind in It is our opinion that he may Junta, denies that thre was say safely placed at the door of sa independent maximum length of time that the whole history of Jamaica, visit South and Central Ameri misconnct on the part of his cfice, existing hostility on the part of Republic and In this connection it was learnt certain strong elements to those countries of Central and South would be allowed for a visa One can understand the re the United States, but.
ca, and may even return to tat the Cummittee in charge of iolved who can not reconcile them. America. Otherwise they lexcept that it would not be al.
the funds will appear before the selves with Garvev hi»n doespectful tone adopted by the Alcalde of Colon for the purpose trine. Nevetheless, there are also would be permitted quota lowed for a longer period than well meaning persons in Ja Will Not Be Allowed of going over their books with thousands of people of all walks of each year fixed at not exceed, the visa granted to the father.
maica Gleaner, and The through fear, through co himn. Continded on page 6) ing ten per cent of the total Students would be treated as Jamaica Mail, towards Mr. wardice, to visit the West Innumber of the nationality of non immigrants instead of nonGarvey on his return, since all dies, nor even Great Britain, each country in the United quota immigrants as at present wellmcaning persons in Ja and no doubt France and BelSPARKLETS States in 1890.
maica know they would be gium, and such other coun. In liberalizing the oid im. and the matter of a bond for doing great disservice to Ja. tries as share Africa among BY W, C, KING)
migration law an alternative them would be within the dismaica were they unduly to set themselves. We will not be Adjournment sine dior time, feature writer of but pas basis is provided for fixirg erotion of the Department of about antagonising or irritat. surprised to find that Jamaica My heart was weighing heavily sing notico.
quotas from other countries Labour, ing him.
is meant to be his St. Helena and the state of my soul was al With dua deference to your Mr. Garvey on the night fol on the authority of a powerful the announcement last week thalaivariance witby o mine, have Shall We Change Our Wife of Late Adjutant most indescribably numb, due to opinion in the premise, if they are lowing his arrival in Jamaica international combination the indiepensable weekly. the lalways hold the WORKMAN to be delivered one of his charac whose interest some observers WORKMAN, would probably bow what ifis in fact Nigro property: Allegiance?
Morris teristic fighting speeches at say, it is to keep Garvey down. to the inevitable by ceasing to consequently, and in obedience is the Ward Theatre which was If this proves to be the case, stood later that the headline writer vation, was at all times wiling function. under preser. the need fun, al Targe number then it would be patent that of the announcemaeut could have to contribuentes y botol store the above caption, the Jamaimy. or to sacri Writing editorially, under Pays Visit to Panama.
of persons having to stand all Marcus Garvey was thrust in with propriety, use the more inthrough the proceedings, jail and railroaded by interna dcfialte teren presibly instead of (At this point want to say that, ca Herald says. do Staff Captain Morris wife of the while seething hundreds re tional intrigue out of America, probably. Were there to be a ia disagreemeat with many, suspension, the time would to me not entertain any hostile attitude Every now and again the late Commandant Morris in a stir.
mained outside. The chair was simply in order to be got out somewhat hnay when the indomi towards any other local newspaper question arises as to whether ling address at the Salvation Army taken by Mr. Simp of the way.
table Walrond would be able As far as am concerned, one is.
Hall. on Monday son, Both the Gleaner to muster enough courage plus as good as the other. What have England might not desire to nigbi last, gave a full count to resuscitate it at all death.
Therefore, was on the case batek of ested some ben interiore of ander Tonies for a mess of pottage other items of interest, obe recalled eatreating you, gentle reader, to representativer on those papers We are glad that discussion his work both hero and in St. Kitts and 1928 CARNIVAL Ex Secretary Reported bow low your head and sbed a few towards our community and bito concerning an alleged pro where he died.
SUCCESS, Dead solema tears with me.
they Above my priffle, bardly ever further partiprogress by offering Britain War Debt with Ja Sent from a rich friend, and was e in a position to do much to posal to pay a portion of Great His Coffin, ebe said was a pres.
written anything in this colume to healthful en gestion and construe maica and, we suppose, other from the most expensive muleria!
The 1928 Carnival whicb closed News reaching here during the make your beart skip beats to wiek was a thorough sucross. The ston, one time Secretary of a the elderly, nosite, certed ihese Garokes to be constructive criticism. originally intended dies, has died a natural death. Country: have been found in the were Boca Clubhouse. Mr. Eagle the Jarnation, begining on Saturday ston was one of the most energetic Sid Young and Jingles Beli Perhaps it pas been your con: Now, however, the dissatis Mrs. Morris is on her way to her Inat when Queen Rüti was given Steretaries detalied for duty There, graduated above my slecind and sidered pinioa opinion which fied have turned their long, probably will coutinue with the native home. Jamaica) where she the Key of Freedom to the city. After leaving the Isthmus he was intellectual level to frateruise with you no doubt have several times ing eyes to a withdrawal of good work she has curried on doira. Obio. that the life of Carnival regulations, especially be died.
unember of of the literati, Mro. Smart should by this time be a powerful ther Country in order that ca for in the work of the Salvation that of impronating sailors and Chubb, to publicly persist Negro newspaper, oldiers ia uniform, the festivities that it only question of time have expressed the akurat. ce nada may become our Mis Armyboth men and women are. and happy were carried through without any Washington Birthday. and characteristic and constitu good. in all this you may be proposals of the kind is that can assist bimia the vocation be when the ladies with her whine that you were in the edito tress. The curious thing in the man who finds a partuer who shoes bave tional weeknesses will be able to bas chosen.
Washington Birthday, Febru extricate cutien selves utover vile como his shoes you would on this Satur. our feelings on the matter. Jaright: and may be, bad you been in no regard whatever is paid to old institutiou of subserviency Car Owners Pinched ary, 22d. was celebrated by nearly all the focal organizations, includ to enjoy equal rights with us men. y morning be very busy trying maica is treated as if she was ten in the Mother Country, ing tho sebools. Some organized it for so more than pustime, to settle actual debts with imagi. an article on the Market to be But this is being remedied, But here in partea pure the computer pole to the Sabinas and Old Panama. dalyang seucrously an tho contents during en een die deutlichend der. We have no high flown more as time goes by. Year by campaiga by the municipal picnic here, while others journeyed know full well you have been in nary incomes May be you have disposed of to the highest bid and will be remedied the lived here for. practice of automobile la the evening the regular boliday of this columo.
dollsrs of take uv chance with Fate, and our the our own that would notions about our own impor year was in the evidence growe leaving their cars at street crocre new recreation bonu (old Com for that you may confidently put have developed a thrifty Gror tance, but it is flying in the stronger that the British Parresulted appearance of into guancial magnate!
six y porsoas before, the municipal con esaury building, under the Bureau de interested category with Bro And may be one who gial sorbate face of present day thought to liament, and Englishmen as a court during of of Clubs Playgrounds.
Quarless, pessimist.
Bome There is a practice of Therefore, tuver the present cir opportunities that once knocked at imagine that we should have whole, are becoming more owners of automobiles leavirg cumsta uces, would lik: to crowd your door 18 wishing he had worn no say in determining whe alive to their responsibilities several little things of paramount your el oes! Ob, for the power to ther we should change our al to BEATS LINDBERGH British West Indies. We their cara parked at street corners importance for from a minutes to hours while (48 sume. Jamaica see our faulte through the glas es visiting or out on errands; and this According to cablegraphie in want to put thinge over the peo: bending our best authorlty on to a bor, ders in the past in the manner to some extent even Canadian Goveruors used to say when they that others nse. As for me, if legiance. We are fully aware cannot say that our antipathy credit Brother have causing considerable here during ple representativestoday s, Whyte with that England has made blun towards things American, and inconveniente de trame the police this week, Bunkler, the Eagliohoi Due vold that space is taching en Patrice del monterinenter in which she has treated her diminishes einlike measure authorities declare. It also ace, been engaged had even decided to temporaneous speakerFred Clunis Jamaica the assumed that this indiscretion og in long distance flights, the last on Syduey Young, the authologie, our slar tennis player. Mrs, Olga learnt her lesson through bêt the great American Continent, the part of certain owners have of which took him to Austria, regarding proposed plagarism King as our most competent been more or less responsible for has beaten Colonel Charles Lind 0of one of my pubhshad budded prado, Hector Connor as our rester experience. The error of but if that push means the several cars of late having becn bergh records. In speaking of ideas, but am feeling 100 feetle practical basin se man, Miltonision and statesmanship that introduction here of the social bis achievements a British ex in mind to command enough choice Garvey as our best playw. itut, cost her the loss of the Amers genius of those who will use Chancellor of the Exchequer de words in logical sequencu force Cambridge as our most pinni shares that Hiokler a recent victor. fully flatter bin Lustly, it struck nent and popular real estate man, ican Colonies will not soon be us only for their own ends, we shall remain fies bave outclassed any other me that it was incumbeat upon me Garbeld Murray as our most prec repeated. Our complaint lies are afraid we All roads will lead to Juan achievement in the history of to remark briefly on the WORKMAN tical pianist, eran Thomasos in the fact that up to recently satisfied with our sluggish Franco mace track tomorrow, avistion of which have been, for some (Continued on Page 6)
we seem to have been forgot ways.
and Having are uve criticism ceased might miet op.
owners week.


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