
nana Centre.
QUALITY Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertiseen on applica WAGROND, at the ofice No. 18 tioa. Correspondence on silroaties Stace: East Panama of public laterest invited.
All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Pas ritmo os one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Year 40 Cyshe writer, not becessarily for publica Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three ble.
We do not undertake to return reOne Mouth jested correspon tenor, Fruit Companies will be Asked to Make Sav la Mar Port of Call, to be Indemnified If Output Falls.
FROM 6000 STEMS CAN BE SUPPLIED WEEKLY The Liberty of the Press is the palladiun of our rights. JONUIS HAS MADE IT The Fastest Growing Cigarette in the world til en SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1928 JAMAICA AWAKENING with ms weekly.
Made from the Cream of the Tobacco Crop LUCKY STRIKE IT TOASTED representative of tbe MAIL bad a talk with the Chairman and othed members of the Parocbial Board of Westmoreland recently on the subject of the banana output of that parlsb, and to sum up what was an Interesting conversation, the Parocbial Fathers said that if the Valvd and Atlantic Fruit Companies, or any otber fruit concorn were to send. Vessel or vessels to Sav la mar, there would be so didicul y in supplylog them from 5000 to 6000 blems From another source it was Ratbered that steps are being taken to request one of the Fruit Companies to make the venture, with the promise.
aksiost any loss if they were upabla to secure the required ombrot stems.
What gives promise of bring a very large banana producing belt is somewbat bampered at present by reason of the fact that the capital of the parish is 22 miles from the nearest Railw«y Station, and due to the fruit companies not yet making Sar la mar a port of call for their vessels, the majority of the fruit grown, especially in the lowlands are taken alther to Montpeller or Green laland, both noints being in the parish, thereby restrictiog to an appreciable ex tent the NO COUGH CIRCULATION OF MONEY in the prrish. In the lowlands, especially in the Grange and Williamsfield districts, the output of bananas is over 4000 stems weekly: wbich would be considerably increased if the parish had greater facilities, not only la tegard to sh pping, but in respeet to the improvement of tbe existing road aystem.
fruit growers of Doreland are borever cutting up to the Companies guarantee that whatever be the cost o sending a vessel to Savla mar for bananas, would be covered in event output was less than above stated Reports reaching here from various sources either indicate or substantiate a general awakening of the people of Jamaica the common people of that historic British West Indian, island lying but 549 miles North of Colon.
There was a time, more than a century ago, when Jamaica bristled with activity. Around the time when Morgan was carrying on his desperate assaults on Panama and contiguous parts, Jamaica was in its heyday of notoriety. Desperados who looted points in Central America and within the Caribbean area, deposited and distributed their spoils of gold and other valuables at Port Royal, then the principal seaport town of Jamaica. Later, that island Suw, or around it were waged, some of the most spectacular of historic wars when Britain was wringing the island out of the hands of the haughty Spaniards. Those were times when the mighty flourished and they alone held the stage with their activities; when the common inhabitants fought among themselves for a living or looked on the mighty without being even slightly amused. Bu: Jamaica has now grown in population, from a little over seventeen thousand, including ninety five hundred Negroes in 1673, to close on one million at the present time, averaging. pos.
sibly, over 75 percent. Negroes and what is comm nly termed there as coloured. The growth in population does not, however, indica e over population, as Jamaica has an area of four thousand four hundred and fifty square miles which is over two million eight hundred thousand acres: and while a great portion of the island is rocky, nevertheless, it is now scantily populated.
It is not Jamaica growth in populatio, nor the island geography that we have in mind; it is its phenomiual economic, poliical and educational growth, and last but not least the world wide publicity given the island due principally to its famous rum, its matchless Blue Mountain coffee, its world famed bananas and its attractiveness as a tourist resort, the latter being due to its fascinating climate and picturesque scenes.
In politics Jamaica has been making astonishing strides within the last few years, and today while its Constitution has not undergone any radical change, the common people are being educated up to tbe point where they are able to select the right men to represent their interest in the island Legislative Council.
Jamaica has almost always been the seat of education as far as British West Indian possessions are concerned, and while it has not produced these islands greatest son, it is credited with many distinguished ones of whom British West Indians are justly proud. Numerically, it has turned out and is still turning out a great number of that middle class who is commonly known in every country as its most powerful economic, political and educational lever in rollitg away the obstacles and preparing the way for the progress or the common people. very high percentage of the people representatives in the Legislative Council are wide awake, while municipal and parochial leaders are not lagging. The latest and most welcome awakening, however, is the economic awakening. cooperative producing and marketing, of the products of the island, including added attraction for tourists. But let it not be overlooked, Jamaica is now blest by one of the best Governors that Downing Street, London, has yet picked for that place. Sir Reginald Stubbs, according to information from reliable sources, is cooperating splendidly with the practical leaders of that colony and, happily so, the leaders are cooperatiog with him.
In the matter of sport, the great English sport, cricket, Jamaica has of late been turning out some of the most formidable wielders of the willow. The island is on the eve of a great and welcome prosperity and we rejoice with its people in this general awakening, NO THROAT IRRITATION.
leading LA MASCOTA When a man Buys a TRINIDAD LAND OF PROMISE PACKARD SHOE SHOE VOOR HET Writing editorially lo Its Issue of the 4th Inst, the WEEKLY GUARDIAN says: CONBIDERATION which is frequently ovelooked when disCUSRions arise as to the future developement of Trinidad is the fact that a fairly large area of the country, which might be brought under cultivation and made productive, is at present he feels better every time he wears it, Inaccessible. glance at the map which was prepared all over 8lx years ago by Mr. Mac.
for the recollection of quality gillivray. tben Crown Surveyor, and wbleb le spite of changes remains long after the price that bave since occurred may be regarded as approximately correct, shows that in the countrigo is forgotten.
Jof of Victoria, Mayaro, St. Andrew and Bt. David and to a lesser extent also in Nariva and St.
George. there are extensive tracts which are not served by SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS any description of road suitable for wbeeld tradic. Trinidad is by no meant fullp opened up, and what the lature will bring in for all the latest Models greatar agricultural prosperity which is the basis upon which the whole life of the community reste, depends in some measure uzon tbe facilities which are provided for safe, efficient transport in the re moter regions. In the SOLE AGENT old days it was the policy of Governments to wait Antil the demand arose in particular district for good roads before 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY undertaking their construction, but to day the tne world over it is recognised that the first step. to prorreas must be the provi of suitable highways. It is for the roads to attract the population and not for the populatigd to justify the roads. One Therefore may bope that the prosperits of Tiialdad will go ir. WORKMAN It pays (Continued on page 5)
WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons, or special combs required CARLOS MULLER SOLD IN DRUG STORES alon TAKE NOTICE BOWEN The WORKMAN can be had at Mr. Sanchez place TAILOR 24th street, No. building No. M Street San Migue Guach ipali.


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