
L AGE FOUR THE WORK HAS SATUKDAY FEBRUARY 25, 1928 HER ATONEMENT. hands caressing his shoes, his XN MYO13:422500X20 IMPORTANT NOTICE The Workman Printery Stationery Store.
CENTRAL AVENUE TO No. 16 Street East Opposite The Wesleyan Church Motor Garage NATIONAL WHISKY HOLD PANAMA ܐܝܪ to to The British Livery legs, and weeping as if her heart were ready to burst Companies. Love Story of lere) asunder. And there stood the man whose dream of hapBy piness had fled, his withering (Continued from page 4)
CERAN AND CLYTUS gaze riveted on her.
English public schools are still THOMASOS. But really what should governed by the Livery Comlike to know is what hellish pany to which they owe their (All rights reserved) motive you could have had to existence.
soil your honour in this way!
In more recent times the Cootisived from our las is site Was it necessity. AND Companies have contributed what! not married, you He told me that he had especially to technical eduBay heard from you and that you cation. In the latter part She remained silent.
of the 19th century the were engaged to a Californian City and Guilds of London You ve fallen! You Juanita girl.
Institute was established, have fallen! My God, is it pos He, who? quickly asked mainly by seven of the more sible! Oh, blighted hopes: Rell.
important Guilds, and is now Golden id als turned 10 Hogarth.
HAS REMOVED FROM largely supported by them.
ashes. Hogarth!
This institute is now divided And to his mory came s Yes, he it was who told me into four main branches: the father burning words; that you had abandoned me.
City and Guild Engineering When you shall have tasted Re! was perplexed.
College in South Kensington the gali of deceit, then you ll Rise up and take your (to which the Goldsmiths remember me! Hos prophetiseat. he commanded.
Company is a large contribucally true were his words! Was She slowly rose, staggered tor. where three years courit a premonition on his father to the sofa, and sat. ses in engineering are provibait which actuated lim at the You say that Hogarth told ded; the South London Techtime to give expression to you that was engaged and nical Art those words, or did he, per that had abandoned you; but School, which chanec, know a deal more than what about my letters to you.
teaches drawing, modelling, and decoration; the Finsbury he cared to reveal to him? Be Next door Nash the three last in particular?
that as it may, his father was Did nt you receive them?
Technical College for various quite corroet in his estimate of If you did write, ay you say, branches of engineering apthis women mixed blood. Max, can swear to you that Where we will be pleased to welcome our numerous plied art; and, most important Really and truly there was those letters never reached my of them all, the Department of Patrons and the Public generally.
Technology. This last departnothing good in her. He had ment of the Institute arranges been illusioned had paid the hands. It was eighteen months if not longer, that had not classes in all technical subpenalty of felial disobedier. ce.
received a line from you.
lle looked down with scorn at jects, from breadmaking and And might have been patientthe inert figure on the sofa.
dressmaking to gas engineerShe sat rigid, with her head awaiting until now for news, ing and iron and steel manuwere it not that about a year 049;s. se SSSSS SS 9:68: s:35s facture, and as far as possible El bowed down on her bress.
ago Hogarth told me that he Say, woman, what reason, each Company augments the education in its particular what justification you can give had heard from you through field. Thus the Cloth workers for what you ve done? Speak! your father who had just re. command you! half serean turned to the Colony. He as.
Company has established and sured me that your father had ed Rell.
is maintaining a special detold him that you had thrown Alas! she moaned, how partent of Leeds University where theoretical knowledge can ever justify myself in me off for a white American and practical experience of your sight for what have girl. Oh, Max, felt then that could destroy myself but for Textiles and Dyeing are being done, how can I! To me it GIVE IT TRIAL AND YOU WILL TAKE seeng but a horrid dream from the lack of courage to do so.
taught. The smaller CompaLife had no more interest for which hope, and hope NO OTHER nies provide instruction for me. Of what avail was vir again wake, the members of its own and but al in vain. m bowed down sinal purity when life itself allied trades, and employ inTo be had in all Fashionable Places was an intolerable burden?
the Very dust with ospectors to visit the technical No wonder fell an easy victim shame shame of my decepclasses in connection with to the wiles and blandishments their craft and to make recomtion to you and shame at being of an oily tongued monster in WOMACK AMERICAN WHISKY CO.
false to my owa noble ideals.
mendation whereby their effiEut, oh, Max! still love you. human shape.
General Distribut on. 8th Street and North Ave.
ciency may be improved.
You re the only man that ve see, see, repeated Although the Companies no ever loved and will ever love. Nell, a sickly, ironical smile xses seisiese en 2o SESS longer wield the almost tyraI fully conscious that m no llickering an instant over his nical power they did several more worthy of your love and sad disappointed features. So, hundred years ago, their enerrespect; lut. appeal to you to my father, it seems, has congies in other directions are unlet me at least be your menial. nived with Hogarth to defeat flagging, and it is in no small your slave. Let me in humilla ny noble purpose. My last letmeasure thanks to their evertion atone for the great wrong ters, evidently, were interceptincreasing educational work which ve done. Do not for ed. diabolical stratagem, inthat Great Britain today more sake me! Oh, Max, do not for deed, to frustrate my plans! than holds her own among the sake me! She had risen from And, damn it, they have succopetitors in the technical where she sat and was clinging ceeded to the letter.
desparately to his shoulder, So far, however, he conthe tears gushing down her tinued, you ve given me only How? please explain.
the first part of the drama, vengeance rightly belongs. Wretch! Prostitute! he m now interested to know the He dead was crushed snarled, wrenching her hands second: who the shameless to death in an automobile acfrom his shoulder and violently author of the dastardly act cident the very day he craftily flinging her away from him which has ruined both your robbed me of my honour. Wretch! Prostitute! he re life and mine. This am cur Rell was thunderstruck.
peated. Begone from me, ious to know.
Photo Albums Scrap Albums Truly the wages of sin is pestilence! can bear your The villain, said she, the death, he muttered gravely.
very sight. curse the day, the tears gushing out afresh from Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books God in his justice has quickly damned, unhappy day when her eyes, he who is responsiavenged me. m satisfied.
first laid eyes on you, vile pro ble for my shame, is he whom Awhile they remained silent.
duet of miscegination! he you considered your most Writing Pads Children Toy ooks And what, may ask, are ceased a moment to catch his trusted friend; he in whom your plans for the future? he breath. Henceforth shall be you reposed your greatest conAccounting Day Books questioned, an apparent note the laughing stock of those of fidence; he whom you left to of sympathy in his voice.
my hypocritical friends who in safeguard and protect me Sew for my livelihood and their hearts wish me evil and your friend Hogarth!
Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles that of my poor, little infant, my father, he in particular, Hogarth! Hogarth! you she replied feebly with rewho repeatedly warned me a say?
Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets gainst your doubtful sincerity. Yes, he himself For some time he stood gazYou ve blighted my career. Hell and damnation!
ing down at her. The babe had have ruined my life. curse thundered Rell. Is mortal Mouth Organs in two sizes long ceased its infantile lamenman capable of such base pertations and once more had Oh, Max! forgive me, for fidy! He in whom reposed Pocket Knives, Scout Knives. Meador Knives fallen into the soothing emgive me! she was pleading my greatest confidence; whom brace of sleep. The house and on her knees trying to cling trusted as would a brother; surroundings were perfectly to his legs an object of pity. he it is who has ruined that and many other items too numerous to mention quiet, save for the occasional Touch me not, harlot, lest which cherished above life crowing of a cock in the neighI strike you! He raised his itself! Say, in which part may bourhood and the twittering clenched fist on high and go to find this hell born of some bird in a near by tree.
made as if he would execute skunk that may strangle the The situation was deeply his threat.
life out of his body?
tense. Oh, Max! punish me! Tor. Too late, Max, too late. And as he stood there his ture me! Kill me! if it be your replied Juanita feebly. Venthoughts went back to the wish to do so, fór feel geance has already been early happy days of courtshi deserve it all. No punishment satisfied; not by the weak No. 6, 16 Steet Central Panama City when the star of hope burne can be too great for me. She hand of man, but by the strong so brightly in the clear firm.
lay prostrated at his feet, her hand of God to whom Doxee (Continued on Tag 6) Look Them Over 39. Koss 59 The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. you.
THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store


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