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Siibrili bibitiwik in with the windows Um Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City Pama HER ATONEMENT. Sinasabi na rin ako sa tas tinto vertina se vratio unibertsitrusende tanti and divertirlines BRITISH GUIANA Turn of The Tide lu West Indies (Love. Story of lere)
Lump Sum Payments Вх To Policemen on Next Decade Shoul: See CERAN CLYTU3 THOMASOS.
Retirement These Colonie: Revelling In Prosperity (All rights reserved)
The Cumbined Cour. at is (Continued from page. Good Assortment of meeting on the 12. uto, SAYS LONDON WRITER proved of the priuciple of lump ment of their love. He thought sum payments to policemen on of the conjual plans they had retirement There will be no The followiog forms part of aa traced out together, their retirements this year and a com article contributed by Mr.
dreams of future happiness, In 198ion will be appoir ted to Pailip Haddon, to the British readjust the their golden vision of love.
whole pension Empire Supplement of The scheme of the Colony. The de Outlook, of London, on Was all to be rfustrated, th Clefons were embodied in the fol. Progress of the Tropical Colon blighted, destroyed by this one lowing resolutions which were ies. solitary lapse of virtue? Was The West Indians themselves he to go on his way with head LUMP SUM PAYMENTS FOR have not as yet shared in the erect and leave her to grovel POLICE general prosperity to any great in the mire of perdition? Was Be it resolved. Thnt this extent, largely because they are he for this one mistake of the Court hereby approves of the still under the influence of the flesh to turn this poor young pecessary legislation being intro pepression which orertook them duced into the Court of Policy About the middle of last centory, girl adrift in a merciless world to enablehall non commissioned the. it a replete with trials and temptaOficers and men of be Police unis ake to suppose that signs of Force to receive lump sum pay. the islands are in a position 10 a tt Vival are tions? Then he thought of the wbəily wanted, for ments and reduced pensio son inherent frailty of human retirement on the same basis as suppuiy not only the old comflesh, and found himself repensions are paid to public of which they were tam us in the modities, such as sugar, for peating the immortal words of cers on th d Establishment the poet: To err is human; to of tbe Colony under Ordinance past, but also raw material of forgive, divine. He gazed at No 15 of 1921 provided that only various kinds which the progress her long and itently, with pity sach: umber of wn may retire as civilisation bas rendered in on per 100 in each y ar us wil dispensible. To quote but one in his eyes. Then drawing a limit the strugi appropriation example. Trinidad, 10. adaition chair to her side, he sat an!
or lump sum payments to 12, 000 to rum, coca and sugar, noy took her hands in his. In his dollars uu il retirements from exports to large quantities such the Police Force of neatiti dimodera necessities as asphalt, face there shone the light of to lump payments have petroleum and kerosene, sad forgiveness and love. Once become normal, and further at the sam: is true or toe other more immortal love had conhe Gove nor in Council sball colonies. The grow. of the quered brutish passion.
in his absolute discretion, deter trui trade, too, has brought measure of ile wb. ch men may tach year very considerable Juanita, said he in a qui.
avail themselies of the privilege prospurity back to West vering voice, every mortal has her. Dopos idles all in view of the rapidly Thereas populat of be his or her weak moment in life PENSIONS COMMISSION. United States it must be regard with its infinity of ambushThat this Court taking into ed as Bull in its infancy. In Ta ments and pitfalls for the unconsideratio. the financial state short, altbough the West Indies wary. Everyone is subject to of the Colony and the u salis bave not yet experienced the moral weakness. It quite true factory state of the colory boom woich bas been so marked pension sy tem whico results in in the other British tropical that your fault is grave, indeed OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH a payment of 439, 185 dollars for culonies th: tide bas detimtely very grave, yet not unpardonani val pensios in addtion to turned: and it will be surprising able for you ve sinned rather next door Nash Molous Garnge aver yearly lomp run pay. It me txt decade does not show in body than in mind, in the ments to officers of 100, 000 dol something like a return. o tha lars and also the tendency of the prosp. try of the past.
flesh rather than in the spirit.
Colonial burden in respect of For which reason you deserve pensions to exceed the toancial to be pitied.
capacity of the Colony respect Land of Pro nise To me you are fully repuests His Excellency the the same Officer Administering be Gor.
sweet and noble creature of ernment to appoint a Count: by gone days. Let forget this sion. Continued from page 2)
painful hour, Juanita. Before a) To investigate the possi. Crease that in time to come toge us lies a beautiful vista of love bility of substituting for present virgin acres full of rich promise and happiness. What does it and or future public servanty a which tow await the plough, will matter if we be scorned or onsuperannuation scheme apart be made available to settlers Of every description from the public revenue; and it will become possible to tracised by a hypocritical so(b) In view of the changed journey by motor to almost any ciety? Henceforth shall live financial condition of the Colony point of the whole island. What only for you and you for me, DONE WITH NEATNESS AND since the Report of the Leave put zes await those who, deserting and together we shall be hapand Pensions Committee, 1920, the well todden ways, should to ceneider especially the whole seek fortune in the beyond are py in our own circumscribed DESPATCH question of ibe payment of little world. True love, darlof lump prese uncertato; but they sum pensions to public officers could no less precious that the ing, should transcend all other to report be won mon.
motives of life: it should ever AT THE ty of discontinuing the same or in tiids Outler known asd in in the alternative Imiting the fact should repay the settler in be ready to forgive and forapplication of the scheme to greater degree where the soil get, ever prone to overlook officers at present in the service bas never been titled nor its human faults and frailties.
xH or otherwise and to investigate fertility exulced.
Acd what Drawing her gently to him, the advisability of charging the wonderful bealub rescrts may Ismp sup payments to loan foods become known to the traveller, he was about to kiss her, their or of issuing Clonial Geveromen what lov y valleys and cools billips had almost met, when to Bonds to officers in satisfaction tops wbero towosbipf migbt be his great astonishment she of lump sum payments due to wuils and hotels spring up, can suddenly pulled herself away, had grasped her hands; were his shrill clarion and the bird myself once more worthy o them.
well be imagined. Mr.
quivering with emotion, as if II. And that all payments by Cunninghame Grabam, the dis his ears deceiving him? Surely to twitter. The surrounding you.
she had discovered in him way of lump sum pensions be tinguisued English authcr, said he did not hear aright.
stillness was even now more suspended during the year 1928 recently that there were great something abhorrent. Never! Never! she repeat deeply accentuated. The tow in evident resignation. Well, then, replied Rell possibilities in Caura as an inJuanita! there was a ring ed. Your servant, yes; your er clock in the distance chim not for the present insist any vigorating resort. There is a of pain and regret in his voice. very slave if need be; but ed the hour of three. The two more, since perceive that my ST. LUCIA road here, but it triais of into You ve pulled yourself away your honourable wife never young lovers sat side by side. reasoning is all in vain. But IA Historic Figure her people ser discover of potbingness at its Darthern end, With a complete road tretem, from me! You ve refused to can be. Never. unless could Juanita. resumed the youth, shall return to morrow, conkiss me! Then you don love purge myself of the shameful do you for a single moment fident paradise in the wildernessIf, or blot which like an accusing realize what your love and changed your mind by then.
me any more? You don t?
rather when, for its advent must that you ll Passes Away.
tave Max, love you, love you finger will ever point at me. companionship mean to me?
be deemed invitable, the time arrives for ibe undertaking of a with my whole heart, body, to be the cause of your social Who can replace you in my (To be continued) The voice of the 19th ulto.
camp. busive toad extension and soul.
the Pablic Works D:ostracism! Never!
says: heart? Can the vain cajoleries Yet, darling, you bluntly Juanita, for Heaven sake of a hypocritical society ever BUILDING FAME Died at her residence, No. 56 partment will be able to avoid Coral Street, on Monday 16th the mistake of those who built Tefuse my caress.
take back those words. Take compensate me for your loss?
Instant, Marcette Mederick at the existing glways without Yes, Max. Wells of England, one the advanced age of 86 years.
them back, say, and don be Why could nt our marital life anticipating the demands of silly.
Why, may ask?
Would you sacrifice be one long dream of happ today, humorously lamented later Macette, as she was generally Trinidad road in the majority day traffic. The width of Simply because am un wealth, comfort, love, nay, ness? Why should the ghost of of the best known writers of known to the grown ups, was of instances bas been but little worthy of it.
your future happiness to slav one solitary unfortunate inci the fact that the house where one of the bistorie ogures of this altered ia ih last two decades, Colony, having bad the bonour aue set today they must accommo Juanita, do not speak thus. ishly bow How dare you, knowing that sense of morality of a hypo to intrude its unwelcome pre how to make way for a more foral bouquets to personages et des unknown twenty years ago of modern It. he blood As far don only love, but adore critical world? Nonsense, sence on our domestic peac facetitously deduced, that he back as Marcb 1861, when whose numbers are continually you? d rather you appoint sheer nonsense.
and felicity? Prince Alfred, then Duke of the day, the happy day. No measure of love and must now give up all hope of Eainburg and Saxe Coburg. truch trailers, van, buses and Oh, Max, m deeply senfewer than 2, 867 motor cars, Would that it were to mor. sible of the great joy and hap affection you could possibly acquiring world fame. The Gotha landed in SC Lucie motor cycles were licensed and row.
piness which you are so desi bestow on me, Max, can ever picture he had often conjured Maceute, then in the hes dal with the additions which nearly The day, the happy day, rious to bring into my life efface the shame of a sullied up in his mind of pilgrims of ber life. presented him wish every day witnesses, it is to be she repeated vaguely, as if On.
failing to grasp the true mean pair hangs like a pall. Yes, transgression can come only birth as to a shrine has been since then, she on four succe, present year this figure will show love, m conscious of the sa. through. astonement by suffer ruthlessly blotted out. sive sia ilar a very substantial increast?
occasions, made ing of his words. Why, what day could for me. But, alas! so long as fice on my part can ever ful funny about it. but many a crifice you re resolved to make ing. Only some worthy sacr. It is well (or Wells) to be presentations to Royalty, z: To King George, then mean, love, but the glorious the grim spectre of the past the void in my heart and truth is visible through its Priacr and Commander of the same year and and happy day of our wedTo H, 8, the Prince of Wales lurks in our life, true and un bridge the gulf that lies be. transparent covering. THRusa, in Janua y, 1891 There TR. Alber: Dake of York, on the occasion of his visit to ding. Say, when shall it be?
alloyed happiness can never tween us now. could never are many men now in political then a cadet on CUM Septembe 1920 Mautte died as Never! she replied. be our portion.
consent to be your wife, Max. life, and public life, whose BERLAND. in Ebruary 1913. sbe. lived a quiet and logai what did you say? He The cock had long ceased not until the day that feel To Princess Marie Luise of citizen respected by all. Continued from page 6)
Scbele: wig Aretein in Ma ch of May her soul rest in peace.
JOB. PRINTING WORKMAN PRINTERY to the affected dent in your life be allowed deww borne was being more and Privileged per presenting data Tasy to orng til det of vehi:


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